Hetalia Sucks.

Xandermander posted on Nov 08, 2012 at 02:24AM
It's a horrible way of presenting history, it's almost like a joke.
It's almost as worthless as American people on the black market. So yea. Everything is inaccurate and you dumb girls loving on these ""Countries"". Who have no individuality whatsoever.

Hetalia 29 replies

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over a year ago hetalianstella said…
Ok so first off Hetalia IS a JOKE! It's a comedy, made purely for entertainment.
And we realize it isn't very accurate. Do you honestly think we're learning all of our history just through an anime? Do you honestly think we're using Hetalia as a substitute history class? No of course not, if we want to learn history then we take the time to research it.

And if you think Hetalia "sucks" then why are you even in the Hetalia club?
last edited over a year ago
America50 commented…
Thats what I was Thinking!! >:( over a year ago
KissKissHannah commented…
Same! over a year ago
over a year ago MallowMarsh said…
Okay, first off, quit being so shallow. Believe it or not, there's boys out there that like Hetalia too, it's not just "dumb girls loving on these 'Countries'," as you put it.

And secondly, Hetalia is a joke. It's a parody that was made for comedic purposes. It was never meant to be a replacement for a history textbook. We understand that it's not entirely accurate, we don't need someone ranting about it.

Now, everyone has different opinions; I understand. I can never force you to change your opinion about Hetalia, but that doesn't mean that you can express your hate on this fanclub made for Hetalia fans.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pumpkinqueen said…
2. Hetalia is very accurate, if you studied history you would know that
3. It is suppost to be a joke, it's a stereotype show
4. Yes, we do loves them. Because they are funny and have great personalities, with deep history
5. Grow up and get over it.
over a year ago Ruty_Christine said…
history is my worst subject. for my final exam last year, i did not study. i only watched hetalia. i got 98% on the exam. my smartest friend got 97%. that means that watching anime helped my surpass my genius friend in the hardest exam of the year. HETALIA IS LEGIT!!! this is a true story, i swear to god!

just saying, if u dont like hetalia, THEN DONT WATCH IT. nobody said that u have to watch it.
over a year ago Ruty_Christine said…
and actually, i do have indiviuality. i never liked admitting to watching anime before i watched hetalia. nobody else watches hetalia in my school but my sister and i. so yeah, SUCK IT. god, ur like a fricking two-year-old. grow up.
over a year ago HeartfulStitch said…
Hetalia is a joke my friend. It's meant to be a joke. That's why it has so many stereotypes. Also, it is quite accurate at representing history. I've learned many things from Hetalia. However, it is not meant to be a replacement history book. It may be accurate but, it's not entirely. We realize that. And of course we love the countries. They're very unique, special, and have beautiful personalities. I realize I can't change your opinions but, what you are doing is expressing hate, in a place that's meant for Hetalia fans no less. I'd advise you to take your hate some place else or in fact, keep it to yourself entirely. Don't act like a child and start expressing your extreme hate in a place meant for fans.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ruty_Christine said…
and some fans create fan-fictions. this encourages us to research different countries in order to create a personality for these characters. u can hate hetalia all u want. but if u choose to make that public, just know that deep down in our hearts, we really couldnt care less. we love hetalia because it provides us entertainment. and the characters are really helpful in understanding the history.
over a year ago Harpaw8 said…
Hetalia is amazing unlike you.
Hetalia is amazing unlike you.
America50 commented…
LOL over a year ago
over a year ago fullmetal_ninja said…
Opinions are opinions guys...I'm not agreeing with this dude I do like Hetlia
over a year ago onesidedcross said…
if u no like,fine.go find another haters and do whatever you want :P
if u no like,fine.go find another haters and do whatever you want :P
xXxAngelessxXx commented…
Potatoes gonna potate X3 over a year ago
Tinekraut commented…
XD Nice analogy there. over a year ago
over a year ago blazeandarose said…
lol you dumbass, why are you even trolling us Hetalia fans if you hate Hetalia? Get the fuck out you moronic fucktard.
over a year ago blazeandarose said…
Sure, you can hate Hetalia. But expressing your hate in a spot meant for the fans is fucking ridiculous, so you can go screw off. :)
over a year ago fullmetal_ninja said…
This guy is trying to piss us off and I won't do anything about it, why? This dude or girl thinks it's funny to see us get angry about why Hetalia suks. ( Don't yell at me for what I said please!) So sir or madam Hetalia is indeed a good anime and go complain somewhere else....have a nice day.
over a year ago RomanoItaria3 said…
Are you saying that you aren't affected by what this dude says? Well as am I, this dude wants to piss us off then fine.... but I won't say anything about this topic.
over a year ago RomanoItaria3 said…
Now I sorta feel bad for this guy...
over a year ago Germany_APH said…
I'm afraid the point of this forum is VERY invalid, mein Freund. You have an opinion. That's okay. But you don't need to go and despise all that like something that you don't. Just go and dislike it somewhere else, if you will. Danke kindly. I'm sorry I had to be one of the people to tell you this, considering I'm part of it. You may hate me, since I am; that's also okay.

Don't worry about zhis person good people, You shouldn't change your mind about something you really like just because somebody else dislikes it or tells you to do so. Just do what you will. Ignore the haters.

Danke for listening, either vhay.
last edited over a year ago
I'm afraid the point of this forum is VERY invalid, mein Freund. You have an opinion. That's okay. Bu
XxMoriSempaixX commented…
*bows* Doitsu has spoken... over a year ago
over a year ago hetaku_chan15 said…
Two years ago I would have been willing to say I will never try Hetalia but my friend got me to and now I lllooovvvee it. I don't watch Hetalia for the history or even for the countries. (my AP classes do that enough for me) They're just added bonuses. I like Hetalia because it's hilarious and it made me laugh when I haven't laugh for a while. Hetalia got me back into watching anime again.
whats wrong with the countries, they may seem like they have no individuality but that's only cause they're stereotypical. But they all do have certain aspects that set them apart
over a year ago soulbleach98 said…
Hey, just one question...why are you in the Hetalia fan club if you hate Hetalia?
over a year ago trainofdoom82 said…
Oh my god all of you shoosh it's his opinion let him deal with it's not our problem jesus fucking crust this is what they want.
over a year ago fullmetal_ninja said…
@trainofdoom82 Yay! You agree with me too!
over a year ago Cerudays said…
I know that you're entitled to your own opinion... but posting this in the Hetalia fan club was probably not the best idea. -u-;;
over a year ago snakelollies said…
I would just like to say missy! I LOVE GERMANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With love The Hetalia fan girl!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago codyfan77 said…
Get a life. If you have nothing better to do than post hate forums on fan sites, than Hetalia is technically cooler than you.
over a year ago xXxAngelessxXx said…
-sigh- Who is this person? Nobody forces you to watch Hetalia, so if you don't like it, DON'T watch it. As so many peple have said, Hetalia IS meant for comedy. Get that through your thick skull person. I've recently started Hetalia, and I'm very fond of it. Why? Because it makes me laugh. It's cute. And no. You're wrong again. Guys watch it too. You're just some attention-seeking troll trying to ruin everybody's fun. Guess what? You succeeded. Congrats. Now you can take this somewhere Hetalia Haters can read and agree with you. WE ddon't want any of it. -sigh-
last edited over a year ago
-sigh- Who is this person? Nobody forces you to watch Hetalia, so if you don't like it, DON'T watch i
Tinekraut commented…
Well said. Only that she did not actually succeed in ruining the fun. On the contrary, the person's cluelessness provides more entertainment. over a year ago
over a year ago America50 said…
Wach it! Germany has a gun and know how to throw a grenade! and now hes angry I'd run while you still can!
Wach it! Germany has a gun and know how to throw a grenade! and now hes angry I'd run while you still
over a year ago America50 said…
And now u made Chibli america sad! Your A monster!! awwww he is so cute! now I'm crying! You made Chibli Canada cry too! Why are you so mean!!! Because of your actions Germany will have to kill you!
And now u made Chibli america sad! Your A monster!! awwww he is so cute! now I'm crying! You made Chi
over a year ago Tinekraut said…
This person must have been looking History textbooks in the manga section of the bookstore. *checks her profile* Moscow, Croatia? Oh look, the person certainly is lost. Serious case.
As worthless as American people on black market, what? LOOK at the racism. She offended 1.) The American nation. 2.) The fans 3.) The author Hidekaz Himaruya and all behind the creation of Hetalia - Whoa... quite an offense in a large scale!.... To think she's supposed to be as matured as 23 y/o. And she did believe she is in the position to point out what's wrong. She haven't even read the manga/watched the show. We'll we can just at least assume the person haven't really read or watched considering that she didn't know the characters actually have individuality. If the person would refute that then, I don't know. I'll have to question her comprehension. Dumb girls? Oh! The guilty ones are the fast to pass the blame.
over a year ago totolove said…
>:( If you have nothing good to say DON'T SAY ANYTHING ! So what if you think hetalia sucks ? WHO GIVES A DAMN ?! Anyways if it sucks then why did you post to this fan forum hmm ?
over a year ago SolarSkyla said…
First of all, if you hate Hetalia OH SO MUCH, why are you even in the CLUB? *facedeskslam*

I know a lot of the fandom is stupid (90% of it), but there are SOME intelligent people in the fandom that know for a FACT that Hetalia is definitely NOT a history substitute. Also, it's not supposed to "present" history, it's just a JOKE... I know, I can't stand some of these fangirls either, but it's not THAT bad.... well maybe it is but like I said there are SOME intelligent people.