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Teenager Matt moves to a new town. Feeling lonely and uncomfortable, he welcomes the kindness his new teacher Ms Hayden shows him...not to mention the teacher being easy on the eye. His teenage dreams soon comes true when Ms Hayden draws closer to the boy and starts to respond to his fumbling advances but in a truly nasty twist on 'beware what you wish for' mythos, Ms Hayden soon turns into a monstrosity of a woman who has murderous intent, cunning and evil running deep through her veins.
Matt world is turned upside down in hellish fashion and the few friends he has managed to gain also becomes...
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Take a gay club add a bunch of zombies and what do you get? This refreshing take on the zombie apocalypse myth. Gone are the stereotypical collection of survivors that we normally get in these stories. There's no ex-military muscle bound hero that saves the day with the big guns. The characters here are just regular people, scared and clueless as to what's happening, relying on each other despite their desperate situation. It always makes the story better when you care about what happens to the survivors and that is sometimes forgotten in books of this type. Of course there's still the requisite...
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Imagine opening a book and having a steaming pile of intestines fall into your lap. Like that? Well,if you answered in the affirmative than you'll love this grisly slice of fiction.
Every page, paragraph,sentence, word of this book is drown in gore.
A normal man finds the small usually quiet town around him go bat-crap-nuts. Within a few hours society on whole crumbles. Kids turn savage running around carving people up and roasting them on spits. Neighbours go to war against each other wearing pelts of their pets and human ears as necklaces. Police care not a damn and go out of their way to add...
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added by disturbian
Source: wrath james white
posted by disturbian
There is a movement in the literary industry that I thought I'd bring your attention to. Collectively it is known as Bizarro. The literary equivalent of the cult section in the video store, these books are brimming with inventiveness that usually circles around the grotesque, creepy, erotic and just plain weird and nasty. Like looking through the eyes of David Lynch when he's having a cheese nightmare, some of the writers that deal in the Bizarro deserve more attention. Authors like Carlton Mellick, Wrath James White, Edward Lee and many more, show that novels are not dead and that horror doesn't have to be a diluted toothless monster that is predictable as it is boring. These 'extreme horror' books also posses an intelligence within the ideas that can be social, political or psycho. If you like your horror truly disturbing and mind-bending, check out some of these authors and their works.Thank you.
The contortionist's handbook cover.
The contortionist's handbook cover.
Whilst not in the strictest sense a 'horror' novel, this book is no less disturbing or 'get-under-your-skin' creepy. There is no real gore in this book but for what it lacks on the physically damaging it more than makes up for in the psychologically demented.
A man spends his life cheated, lying and switching personality as he sees fit. As we meet him,he has taken an overdose and he has to convince a psychiatrist that it wasn't a suicide attempt merely a miscalculation of prescribed drug taking for a headache. The protagonist shouldn't be like-able, but it is to the credit of Clevenger that...
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Carnal Surgery is a collection of short stories that are in turns bleak, brilliant, terrifying, nasty and weirdly moralistic.
These tales are not for the weak of heart or stomach as they deal with some horrid little topics that are highly enjoyable. Edward Lee's writing sucks the reader into each twisted little scenario and makes your skin crawl, makes you think, makes you want to keep on reading, never knowing what will happen next and dreading the next page.
This is real horror. Don't expect happy endings and sugar coated stories of 'likeable' people doing 'nice' things. This is down dirty and nasty.
Highly recommended for horror fans with a brain... and a strong constitution.
This is a short short collection by author Norman Partridge. It contains both fiction and non-fiction content all based around the Halloween season.

The writer does a very clever and unique thing with this collection as he recalls his childhood, growing up with the classic monsters of the time e.g Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman etc also including the old creepy comic books popular back then and how he and his friends used to enjoy the Halloween season. From these golden memories he flips it to the the Halloween year when the real bogeyman came out to play; The Zodiac Killer. It's a very interesting...
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This book deals with the temptation of evil in it's many forms, specifically in this blistering little story's case; greed and lust. Taking place at a strip club at the ass end of the world Skipp paints a vivid if seedy scene as we meet dead-eyed strippers shaking their bits for money,a bouncer with his eyes set on his future, the owner of the club who deals in favours for drugs, a young man plagued by madness and the lusty cat-calling patrons who pathetically slip dollar bills on stage for just the smallest bit of attention from the girls. These people are already floating in the shallow end...
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This is a human horror story in as much as nothing supernatural happens but this is indeed a horrific, disturbing tale.
In my opinion, Arthur, the bad guy of this piece stands right up there with some of the more well known horror story baddies. We first meet him as a child and already he's twisted little soul which, as we follow him through his life, only gets worse.
Arthur is like a human black-hole where nearly everyone who comes into contact with him ends up damaged by him. But, he is handsome and successful and more than able to deflect any notion that he is indeed evil with charm.
The meat...
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Remember when you were a kid and in the dead of night you'd hear a sound? A sound you were convinced came from within your room? Maybe it came from underneath the floorboards, in a big old wardrobe or, even worse,from under your bed? Well if you do remember then this collection of short stories will make those bad memories burst upon your mind with a cringe and send a shiver down your spine.
There are twelve stories here.
'Forgotten' by Jack Wallen: Dylan hears an eerie voice of young girl beckoning him to play a game with her. While he is initially petrified, curiosity and bravery soon overcomes...
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This a short story collection that spans two things that I enjoy reading the most; horror and bizarre.
Although the title of this book alludes to it being all about apocalypses, it is not. While there are some tales here that are about the end of the world, many more are very personal takes on the horrific and/or weird.
There are over twenty short stories included. Some of which are, the evolution and destruction of self aware trash puppets. A man who has babies mysteriously appear in his apartment. A down- trodden young woman who finds out something disturbing about her father. A man endlessly...
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Technically this is a novella rather than a full length doorstop of a book but it's concise-ness works well in a getting to the point kind of way. A small group of people have survived an Apocalypse and waste their days floundering for purpose in this new abandoned world. Then one day a stranger shows up, tells the group about a bar on the end of the world, a Utopian vision of sorts where the well of ale is never dry then, as mysteriously as he arrives, the stranger disappears and the survivors set out on a road-trip to find this mythical place. This book is beautifully written, as alcohol is used to conjure up memories of the past, of loved-ones lost forever and magic moments gone. There is also horror, suspense and a little violence here making it,overall, a brilliant short book. Thank you.
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This is a collection of short stories, all of them of the horrific kind that deal with the topic of faith in it's many forms from voodoo healing ( a lot of maggots) to a priest out for revenge. Wrath James White is a brutal writer, there is no shirking from the horrid and terrible, he sets out to make your skin crawl as any good horror writer should do. That's not to say that he patronizes or bangs you over the head until you believe what he believes, in fact these stories ( all of them amazing) make you question what is right, what is wrong, what is God and how you might figure in the scheme of things. If you've never read of any Wrath White before I would consider starting here but be prepared...this is not an easy read, but it is hugely engrossing, bleak and very entertaining.
posted by disturbian
If you like horror short stories by new, interesting authors I recommend the Bizarro Starter Kit books. There are three in all; Blue,Orange and Purple and they are available at Amazon.com among other places. In the U.K you may find it hard to find these books at the bookshop(I did) so the web is your best bet and if you enjoy reading things that are strange, horrific and utterly unpredictable, the I would give these books a try. Also, you will be introduced to some truly excellent, although rather unknown authors, which is always a good thing. Thank you.
posted by disturbian
In reading this second volume of Earth ending short stories you will realize just how many ways life as we know it could end. It could make you feel very small and totally useless or, depending on your point of view of society, it could fill you with hope knowing that the end is always near and that maybe if the ever impending apocalypse does happen we can rise from the ruin and try not to make such a mess of the World the second time around. Either way read and enjoy yet another fine collection of 'what-if' tales.

'Jaundice' by Zachary O'Shea: In a world overrun with mold and mildew...
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Even amongst the mounting technology and digital enhancement that dominates the world today myths prevail, whether it be something as abstract as superstition or something as deep-rooted as curses and rituals, people still pass on twisted tales of fairies, goblins, the Underworld and the wrath of scorned Gods long forgotten but still ablaze with power. This collection of twelve short stories contain a cross section of legends and folklore.

'It Lives With Us' by Thomas James Brown: The small isolated town of Lynnwood offers a idyllic way of life, but each year when The Winter Soltice rolls around...
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In this collection of short horror fiction you'll find a little of everything. This book is not really hardcore horror but there is a bit of blood flying around along with deadly paranoia on board a space shuttle, a dark cellar that may contain a yellow eyed monster with teeth and a uncertain afterlife for a cancer patient. The stories are all very well written and edited and I read this entire collection in one day. It was thoroughly entertaining and some of the stories give me a little shiver with some genuinely inventive and unique takes on horror.
There's bound to be something in here for any kind of horror fan, no matter your tastes. It was also nice to read some authors that I had never read before and it spurred me on to discover more about them and their other works.
This is an ebook and relatively cheap for the quality of the story telling on show. I would recommend picking this up and if you do I doubt you'll be disappointed.
Being a fan of extreme horror I had high hopes for this collection. I haven't read anything by John Putignano before so I was also excited to find a new horror author that I can follow in the future. Happily I have.

This book is a collection of short stories all based or somehow revolving around the concepts of Hell, demons, Satan or dark taboo's. From necrophilia to cannibalism, madness, possession, Satanic rituals and murder all feature along with added oddities like harmonious frogs, strange medical conditions and even a quick mention of Horror Hero H.P.Lovecraft. Despite the relative narrowness...
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The subject of werewolves is a classic in horror. It has been covered from many angles, some good, some bad, depending on your tastes in horror. Ray Garton takes the fur-ball myth in a new direction in these two books making the thing that turns a human into a werewolf a kind of STD. Being bit by a furry wont change you. Being shagged by one will. Also gone is the old 'full moon change' business. The wolves in these stories change wherever and whenever they feel like it, and Garten goes into glorious detail at how the sound of cartilage pops and bones snap,fur sprouts and long fangs run with...
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