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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Bewitched meets I Dream of Jeannie - Bewitched @ Harpies Bizarre
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Jeannie\'s bottle sits in kitchen on table, stove and sink in background. Pan on stove. Cork on table next to bottle. Jeannie comes out of bottle in puff of pink smoke. Major Nelson walks in, Jeannie dances over to him. She kisses him, blinks. They turn into smoke, go into bottle.
Darrin walks into the same kitchen followed by a black cat, stands next to stove. Cat jumps onto table. As it jumps into Darrin\'s arms it knocks bottle to floor. Cat changes into Samantha. She kisses Darrin, notices bottle on floor. She twitches her nose, bottle floats back onto table. Cork flies into place. Close up on bottle. Two pairs of frantic eyes blink inside. Samantha and Darrin do not notice as pan on stove bubbles over with smoke and fills scene.
DARRIN STEPHENS, a dark-haired man of thirty, wearing a suit, sits at his desk on the phone.
No, Samantha, I promised you I\'d be home in time to take you to Sorrento\'s for dinner and I meant it, even if Larry barges in with some earth-shattering news.
LARRY TATE, a tall man of fifty, with white hair and moustache, wearing a suit, enters.
(sees Darrin on phone, sits down to wait)
Oh, okay then, darling, coincidence it is. But I will be home on time, so you go right ahead and contact Aunt Clara about babysitting.
Well, honey, if she\'s our only runner-up I\'ll even settle for your mother. If that doesn\'t prove how much I want us to have some time alone, I don\'t what will.
And hurry up, this news is big! Really big!
Larry says hi, Sam, and that he wouldn\'t dream of interrupting our evening with business.
Has anyone ever told you your timing is eerily impeccable?
What can I say? This old gray fox knows how to take a cue. You and Sam going out on the town tonight?
Yes. We have reservations at the same restaurant where we had our first date.
No. It\'s just that we haven\'t spent much time together lately. I figured we could have a romantic evening alone. You and Louise should try it sometime. You\'ll see each other in a whole new light.
With Louise it would have to be a solar eclipse. Guess who I was just on the phone with?
The High Llama. He wants us to spearhead a Zen Yogi advertising campaign.
No. General Peterson. Does that name ring any bells?
It seems they\'re too involved with getting to the moon to spread the word as effectively as they\'d like. So guess what agency they hired to do that little task for them?
I\'m guessing it\'s not Shelby and Associates. I don\'t understand, Larry. Every night I turn on the news and see a story about their progress. And the print news is getting just as much access from the government. I\'m not looking a gift horse in the mouth, but why do they need us?
Because, my boy, they want something a bit more sophisticated than the TV news and papers have the time or space to provide-an in-depth look at one of NASA\'s top astronauts, going through his paces in training for a manned space flight.
Yep. A day in the life of a true American hero. He\'ll be profiled every step of the way, from kissing the wife good-bye in the morning to a blast-off right from the launch pad. And at the same time we manage to get across the message that it\'s every patriotic citizen\'s duty to support NASA\'s efforts.
Larry, this is great. And hands down the most prestigious account we\'ve ever handled. And what an endorsement for the agency!
I know! We\'ll be our own best advertisement. We\'ll also be rolling in more dough than we ever have before.
Larry, let me shake the hand of the man who asks not what he can do for his country, but what his country can do for his wallet.
Darrin, as a capitalist I\'m world champ. So clear your schedule for the week and head to NASA to get your campaign started.
Of course. Who could do a better job than the current advertising man of the year? Madison Avenue has spoken. Who am I to argue?
Will do, chief. Gee, just think of it, me working side by side with the likes of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
Oh, no, Darrin. Neil and his crew are too busy to devote time to our campaign. NASA has selected another man who\'s just as popular and visible, but not involved with Apollo 11. You\'ll be working with a Major Anthony Nelson.
Oh. Well, Maybe this Major Nelson can get me Armstrong\'s autograph.
That\'s the spirit. I\'ll be joining you in a few days for a conference with the general. In the meantime try to squeeze a contract out of them for any of NASA\'s future business.
Sure thing, Lar. Maybe we can handle their first trip to Mars.
Mars, Venus, long as they\'re paying us. Now get on the horn and get in touch with this astronaut Nelson. Personalize things a bit.
Gotcha, Larry. Say, maybe I should ask Samantha along.
Just make sure she doesn\'t show up on your expense account.
MAJOR NELSON, a dark-haired man of thirty in blue military uniform sits at his desk on the phone.
Yes, Mr. Stephens, my senior officer Doctor Bellows has briefed me on this campaign. I look forward to being involved. It sounds very interesting.
Well, Major, with that kind of enthusiasm I\'m sure it will be.
I\'ve cleared my schedule so I can begin whenever you\'re ready.
I was just about to do that myself. I should be there sometime tomorrow afternoon.
Major Nelson swivels in his chair, faces window. JEANNIE appears behind him. She is young, blond, and pretty, with a ponytail and wearing a pink harem costume. She stands in front of the desk and quietly waits for him to notice her.
Thank you. Oh incidentally, Major, I was wondering if you could recommend a hotel down there for my wife and myself.
Jeannie looks optimistic. Major Nelson turns back in chair, sees her, and startled at her quiet entrance drops phone on floor.
Hello, Master, I was just wondering what you wish for dinner tonight. What are you doing?
I\'m getting ready to meet with a Mr. Stephens about some advertising for the base. And I wish you wouldn\'t blink in like that. I almost jumped high enough to reach the moon without NASA.
Yes, I\'m here. Sorry about that. NASA\'s visitors usually stay at the Blue Palms Hotel. It\'s near the base.
Master, ask he and his wife to stay with us. It will be fun to entertain, just like other married couples do.
No, Jeannie. I don\'t think that would work out. We haven\'t been married that long and I don\'t think you\'re...I mean, we\'re ready for houseguests.
Oh, but Master, please. We are ready. I can have a guestroom appear in a blink
I know. That\'s what I\'m afraid of. Now I said no, Jeannie. That\'s the end of it.
(he turns his chair away. Jeannie giggles and blinks, to Darrin)
But instead of staying there, Mr. Stephens, why don\'t you and your wife stay with me and my wife at our house. We have a comfortable new guestroom.
...we insist. My wife is standing right here and she\'d love the company.
Well as long as you\'re both sure, thank you, Samantha and I accept. We\'ll see you tomorrow then.
What time tomorrow? I cannot wait! I know! I shall make it tomorrow now, so that they will be here and I do not have to wait.
You just blink that idea right out of your head. They\'ll be here soon enough. After all, someone who\'s lived for over two thousand years shouldn\'t have a problem waiting twenty-four hours.
I suppose that you are right. Besides, I shall need time to make the house ready for our company.
That\'s my girl! You go do that while I get some work done. Just one more thing, darling.
Let\'s stop this "master" business, ok? I want you to get use to calling me Anthony. We\'re husband and wife now, not master and genie.
Very well, Mast-, I mean, Anthony. I shall go and prepare for their arrival. Oh, just think of it, our first guests as husband and wife. I am so excited I could blow the cork right out of my bottle.
Which reminds me, while the Stephens are staying with us I want you to promise you won\'t perform any magic in front of either of them.
But, Anthony, how can I clean the house and prepare the meals without my blink?
I don\'t mind you using your powers. You know that. But I would mind if the Stephens saw the dishes washing themselves or the vacuum running on its own. Just don\'t get caught, is all I\'m asking.
I do not see why I should be ashamed. After all, the genies in my family go all the way back to Aladdin, and-
I\'m proud of you, too, darling, but not enough to get drummed out of the space program. Now, I want your promise. Please, Jeannie, behave around the Stephens, huh? Especially around Mrs. Stephens. You\'ll be spending most of your time with her anyway.
Very well. I promise, so help me, Great Hagi. Although it is as bad as putting the cork in my bottle.
You don\'t sleep in your bottle anymore. Remember? This whole experience presents a new opportunity for you to see how a typical American housewife behaves.
SAMANTHA STEPHENS, a pretty, young, blond woman, wearing a blouse and Capri pants, stands at the sink washing dishes. Suddenly the dishes disappear from the sink and her hands.
Mother! How many times must I tell you that I like doing it myself.
The dishes reappear in the sink and in her hands. ENDORA, Samantha\'s mother, appears. She has red hair, wears exotic make-up, and lavender and green robes.
I suppose I\'ll never understand the allure soapsuds and dishpan hands hold for you, Samantha.
And thanks for staying with Tabitha tonight. Darrin and I haven\'t had any time alone together lately. He\'s been so busy.
You know, Samantha, if you had married one of those warlocks that was so in love with you, you wouldn\'t be spending your time waiting for Durwood. All he thinks about is work.
Mother, please. You just don\'t understand Darrin. He\'s taking me out tonight, isn\'t he?
Darrin enters from the kitchen door, kisses Samantha.
Hello, sweetheart. Hi, Endora. I see you finally crawled out from under that house that fell on you.
(begins to wave her arms, Darrin recoils, Samantha stops her)
Now, Mother, Darrin, stop it both of you.
Yes, considering that I need to cancel our date tonight.
Because he\'s a mortal, my dear, that\'s why.
Endora, I\'m a hair\'s breadth away from having you declared a national disaster.
That must be the shortest truce in recorded history.
Well I didn\'t break it. Blame the mortal. They never stick to their word.
Oh, is that so? Well for your information Samantha and I are getting some time together, because I\'m going to Florida on business and I\'m taking her with me.
Larry just assigned me an account for NASA. Our campaign subject Major Nelson has invited both of us to stay with him and his wife at their home in Cocoa Beach while we work. The trip will last for at least a week. I realize this is short notice, but I thought we might be able to squeeze in some time alone together, too.
NASA, Mother, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Darrin\'s going to help them reach the moon.
Not exactly, sweetheart. But my efforts should free them up enough to meet their projected deadlines for a moon landing.
All this fuss just to get to the moon? If I\'ve been there once I\'ve been there a thousand times.
Derweed, are you familiar with the mortal expression, out of sight, out of mind.
Darrin, where are you? Mother, where\'s Darrin?
Drat! It\'s not true. Even I remember beady-eyes.
Darrin? Darrin?! Mother, what have you done?
Just giving the dear boy his wish. He wanted to get to the moon.
Darrin appears and looks around. He sees the earth behind him and clenches his fists.
Mother! The moon?! You bring him back this minute. How can he breathe up there?
Oh, Samantha, I\'m not a murderess. I took care of that. He\'s fine.
Mother, you bring him back now or we won\'t let you babysit while we\'re gone.
Oh, Samantha, using my own granddaughter against me? You\'re becoming more mortal every minute.
Thank you, Mother. Now I\'ll count to three. One-
Darrin moves in on Endora, but Samantha stops him.
Endora, I don\'t know what I\'d do without you, but I\'m willing to give it a try.
Dear, since you don\'t need to babysit tonight, I think I\'ll make myself scarce.
(puts a protective distance between Darrin and Endora)
Ok, Mother. You\'ll be back tomorrow to stay with Tabitha?
GLADYS KRAVITZ, a middle-age woman in a housedress, carrying an empty cup, looks in through the glass. She gasps and knocks on the door. Samantha and Darrin sigh as they notice her.
Samantha barely opens the door when Gladys rushes in and points an accusing finger at Darrin.
I know what I saw this time. He was there, then he wasn\'t, then he was. Then she was there and then she wasn\'t.
Hello, Mrs. Kravitz. And what\'ll it be today? Sugar or flour?
Mrs. Kravitz, you know you can\'t always trust your eyes looking through that door\'s\'s um....well-
Frosted. Those panes of glass are cut so thick, why it\'s almost like looking through a fun house mirror. Things don\'t always appear as they are.
Nothing around this place ever appears as it really is, Mrs. Stephens...
...except to me, but Abner never believes me...not once.
Well, when you remember you just come right on back. Have a good day.
Darrin shuts the door and walks toward Samantha, who looks apologetic.
Sweetheart, I don\'t know what I\'m looking forward to more, a week away with you, or a week without your relatives to complicate our lives.
Well, will this help you make up your mind?
I\'m not sure. I think I need a little more persuading.
Jeannie stands at the top of the stairs wearing her pink harem costume.
Major Nelson meets her on the landing and kisses her.
She blinks and the den is transformed into a large, expensively decorated bedroom with a fireplace, living room area and wet bar.
Perhaps not! This looks like a suite at the Plaza Hotel. Try thinking on a more modest scale, darling.
But, Master, I mean, Anthony, I can conjure up anything under the sun, including-
Including an explanation for how I can afford all of this on my salary? Modest, Jeannie, please.
The room is transformed into a modest bedroom with a large closet. A hallway now leads to a new bathroom, as well as a back staircase to the kitchen.
Now that\'s much better. You even added another bathroom and a back staircase?
Yes, Master. The Stephens should have their own bathroom. And I put in the stairs in case they desire something from the kitchen in the night.
Those are exactly the kinds of things a good hostess thinks of for her guests.
Thank you, darling. Now I shall get dressed for the ride to the airport.
(she blinks and is clothed in a mod dress with boots)
Samantha is seated near window, Darrin is on aisle.
Oh, darling, it\'s such a beautiful day for a flight. I hope the weather in Florida is this nice the whole time we\'re there.
I said I hope the weather in Florida is this nice. What\'s wrong, sweetheart?
In the rush to get going I left my notes back at the house.
You know, I could make an unscheduled detour if you need your notes that badly.
Sam, you know how I feel about that. Why is your first instinct always to use your
I know, you can do anything with anything. That\'s reason enough to break your word?
Darrin, you need your notes. And how else can you get them up here? I\'ll only be a minute.
Well, okay. But try to be inconspicuous. I left the notes on my desk in the den.
She kisses him, makes sure no one is looking, scrunches down in seat, snaps fingers, and disappears.
Endora, TABITHA, the Stephens\' three-and-a-half-year-old blond, blue-eyed daughter, and MAURICE, Samantha\'s father, a distinguished man in tails with dark thinning hair, are seated on the couch. Samantha appears.
(extends his hand and a martini glass five times normal size appears)
and a quick visit. Besides, hasn\'t a warlock the right to visit his granddaughter?
Never mind all that. Samantha, what are you doing back? Don\'t tell me, you and Darwin had a quarrel.
I always told you our daughter would come back to the fold. "This world I do renounce, and in your sights shake patiently my great affliction off." King Lear, act four, scene six.
I hate to disappoint you two, but I just popped in for Darrin\'s notes.
(gestures, notes float over to her, she kisses Tabitha)
Now, Tabitha, you be good and don\'t let Grandmama teach you any new tricks.
Well, my dear, do you have any thoughts about how to pass the time this evening? The opera doesn\'t start for a while yet, you know.
Well, now that you mention it, I do have an idea or two.
Endora extends her arm, opens her palm and a book appears in her hand, "Shakespeare for Toddlers." She hands it to Maurice.
Why not read your granddaughter a bedtime story while I pop upstairs and zap her bed ready?
"Oh, that a man\'s reach should exceed his grasp, for what\'s a heaven for."
FEMALE PASSENGER is seated on the aisle across from Darrin. She is nervous and restless, glances at Darrin, gets his attention.
My wife? Yes, she was. She just stepped out for a minute.
Samantha appears in her seat holding Darrin\'s notes.
That\'s because I pride myself on being unobtrusive.
Oh, she must have been tired. She went right to sleep.
Thanks for the notes. How is old Double, Double, Toil and Trouble doing with Tabitha?
If you\'re referring to my mother, she and Tabitha are fine. Father was there, too.
I\'m sorry I missed him. And that\'s it? No polar bears in the living room or dinosaurs in the backyard?
No, silly, when I got there the dinosaurs were in the front yard.
While we\'re on the subject, I want you to promise that for the next week you\'ll try to refrain from using your you-know-what.
Why, Darrin, do you honestly think that I\'d give myself away in front of total strangers?
Just promise me you\'ll keep that nose of yours clean.
All right, sweetheart. You have my word. Witch\'s Honor.
Major Nelson drives, Jeannie looks excitedly around. She notices plane overhead.
It might be, Jeannie. Their flight is due any minute. We\'ll find out soon enough. And remember, it\'s Anthony...Anthony, not Master.
Oh, yes, Anthony, my love. I will remember. I get so excited I sometimes forget.
Don\'t forget, as far as the Stephens are concerned you and I are just typical newlyweds. No problems, no cares, no magic carpets. By the way, where did you hide the magic carpet?
Oh, it is rolled up in the garage. Do not fret, Anthony, they will not guess a thing. This colored light has not changed in some time. Do you suppose it is broken?
No, darling, I think you\'re just impatient to get going.
They move on and the car behind them begins to move as well. Jeannie blinks again, light changes red. The car behind them screeches to a halt and gets hit by the car behind it. Major Nelson pulls over when he hears crash, looks behind him. Jeannie looks straight ahead. He turns to her and taps her on shoulder. She slowly turns her head toward him.
I want to be fair, my eager little bride, so I\'ll ask you this question. Did you cause that accident back there?
Don\'t tell me you caused more than one?
Your fit of impatience has made us late to pick up the Stephens. I hope in the future you\'ll remember this when you\'re in a hurry.
And I also hope that was your last public blink. You still don\'t understand, do you? Your magic always leads to trouble-for me.
Yes, Anthony, but it has also gotten us back out of the trouble it has gotten us into, has it not?
(puts head down on steering wheel, lightly pounds forehead into it)
Yes, Jeannie, I suppose it has. Thank you for clearing that up for me.
Oh, you are welcome, husband, darling. Any time you need me to remind you of such things, you know that I shall be here to do so.
That\'s a great comfort to me, sweetheart. Now we had better make tracks before the Stephens think we\'ve forgotten them.
She crosses arms, he notices but is too late to stop her from blinking. Car starts moving remarkably fast.
The Stephens wait. They glance around for Major Nelson\'s car.
They knew our flight schedule, didn\'t they?
Yes. I told Major Nelson our arrival time. They know. They might have hit traffic.
I hope Major Nelson isn\'t that bad a driver.
You are tired, Sam. It always strains your humor.
Jeannie and Major Nelson, still moving fast, stop a few feet from Stephens.
It\'s nice to meet you. I\'m Samantha Stephens, and this is my husband, Darrin.
Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, this is my husband, Major Anthony Nelson. Darling, this is-
Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, it\'s great to meet you. Sorry to have kept you waiting. We were unavoidably detained.
That would be fine, but please, make it Darrin and Samantha.
All right, Darrin, as long as you both make it Tony and Jeannie.
My flight? The flight to Florida! Oh, it was beautiful. The weather was clear and the sky was such a pretty shade of blue.
Oh, thank you. That has always been my favorite shade of blue. I am glad you liked it.
Well, I had heard that it might rain today, and I would not allow your flight to be postponed. After all, you and Darrin are the first guests that Anthony and I have ever had. The clouds are a little thicker than I had in mind, but I made sure that at least they are not rainclouds.
(she is about to say more but notices the Stephens\' looks of confusion)
There\'s nothing like my wife\'s sense of humor. That\'s one of the things that first attracted me to her, her ability to make me laugh
Samantha gives Jeannie quizzical look. Darrin gives Major Nelson same look. Four look straight ahead as Major Nelson drives.
As front door opens, Major Nelson and Darrin have luggage in hand.
Why don\'t we put these things upstairs out of the way. Come on, folks, I\'ll show you your room. Jeannie, are you coming?
You go ahead, Anthony. I shall start the refreshments. Samantha and Darrin must be hungry after their journey.
Oh, that is very sweet of you, but I already have two of them.
You\'re right, Tony, her sense of humor is special. Jeannie, you\'re a treasure.
Jeannie shrugs, walks into kitchen as others proceed upstairs.
Major Nelson and Darrin enter, followed by Samantha. They set bags down.
Oh, Tony, this is lovely. I doubt any hotel could be as charming.
Thank you. It could have a sitting area and a wet bar.
But I can\'t take any of the credit. Jeannie converted this room for guests. Before that it was my den, in my bachelor days.
If you don\'t mind me asking, how long have you and Jeannie been together?
Jeannie came to live here two years ago this past September.
But I thought Jeannie told me in the car that you\'ve only been married a few months?
Oh, yes, well, Jeannie came here two years ago as a domestic, of sorts.
And you two fell in love and wed? That\'s so romantic. Isn\'t it, Darrin?
It\'s a short story, really. Samantha and I met a little over four years ago. We both walked through the same revolving door one day and just kept getting in each other\'s way until we decided to sit down and talk it over before we had an accident. A few weeks later I made the best decision of my life and asked Sam to marry me.
And I made the best decision of my life and said yes.
I had little choice, though, Tony. Samantha cast a spell on me I\'m powerless to break.
Well, I\'d say that the four of us owe a lot to fate. I\'ll let you two get settled.
Just think, Darrin, a whole week in this east coast paradise.
Well, sweetheart, you just make the most of it. I\'m only sorry I won\'t have more time to spend with you. Here, let me get that.
But you\'ll have Jeannie for company. She\'s a lovely girl, isn\'t she?
But there is something about her that strikes me as odd. Doesn\'t it hit you that way?
No, not really. Oh, sure, maybe her sense of humor is a bit off center, but is that so unusual?
While we\'re on the subject, I would like it if you\'d make an extra effort to get to know Jeannie.
For one thing, I\'m working on the biggest account McMann and Tate has ever landed and I want us both to make good impressions. And, for another, you are the most important thing in the world to me and I want you to have a good time.
And I will. You\'ll see. I\'m sure that Jeannie and I will get along fine.
Sam, you\'re a witch in a million. Are you ready to head downstairs?
Honey, we\'re not going to wear all of these clothes in one day. They\'ll keep.
He gets her to her feet, pulls her toward door. She hesitates a moment, twitches her nose. Clothes move quickly from suitcases to closet and drawers. As Darrin turns he glances in mirror near door, sees her spell at work.
Sam, you gave me your word! Your Witch\'s Honor! I thought that was unbreakable?
It is, Darrin. I didn\'t break it. I promised not to give myself away, and I haven\'t. The Nelsons will never guess a thing.
Sure, sure. Meanwhile we\'re staying under their roof and-
I just thought of something. Tony works for NASA, right?
Of course he does. Isn\'t that why we\'re here?
No, Sam, I mean if he wanted to, he could get his hands on some heavy-duty surveillance equipment, couldn\'t he?
Surveillance equipment? Darrin, you\'re living a "Mission: Impossible" episode. Besides, we\'ve given him no reason to suspect us of anything.
I guess you\'re right. Let\'s keep it that way, okay?
Refreshments, refreshments. Think, Jeannie, what is refreshing? A summer shower? No, they cannot drink that. Besides, it is only spring. Lemonade? Oh, yes! That is cold enough and it is refreshing.
(blinks, tray appears on counter with glass pitcher of lemonade, four tall glasses and a single red rose in a vase in center)
Oh, how lovely! But what if they do not like lemonade? Perhaps iced tea instead?
(blinks again, lemonade turns into iced tea)
This should please Samantha and Darrin. Now, for something to eat. Well, I am blinking a feast for this evening, so I should keep it light. What is light?
(blinks, another tray appears with bowl of assorted fruits, dates, nuts, small plate of finger sandwiches)
(picks up beverage tray, is about to turn around)
On second thought, citrus fruit makes more sense here in the-what does Anthony call it?-the Sunshine state. That is it! Maybe they would like orange juice instead.
(sets tray down, blinks, iced tea turns into orange juice)
 But perhaps they do not like orange juice? Oh, why must I have all of these choices?
(blinks with effort, pitcher on counter has lemonade, iced tea and orange juice magically separated in pitcher, picks up tray)
Oh, Anthony, darling, do you not like the refreshments? I wanted to make sure that the Stephens receive exactly what they wish. I have a one in three chance, do I not?
Oh, sure. You also have a one in three chance of getting me tossed right out of the space program.
Because refreshments usually stick to the laws of physics. Jeannie, I know that you\'re trying to please our guests. But if they see three separate liquids in one pitcher, without anything of this earth to separate them, don\'t you think they\'ll be suspicious?
But which shall I serve? I still have not decided.
Any of them Jeannie, or all of them. It doesn\'t matter. Just hurry.
(she blinks, liquid in pitcher changes to one murky color, picks up tray)
That is better. Anthony, would you please get that other tray for me?
He picks up tray, she blinks door open. He looks annoyed.
I am sorry, Anthony, but they cannot see us from here.
Just be careful, darling. What if Samantha or Darrin walked into the kitchen just then?
I would have blinked them back into the living room. That way . . .
. . . they would be wondering how they got back into the living room instead of how the door opened on its own, right?
I think marriage has given you a better understanding of me, Anthony. What a lucky wife I am!
Jeannie and Major Nelson enter. The Stephens are on the couch.
If you ever open a catering service, Jeannie, I\'ll be happy to handle your advertising.
They sip drinks. Darrin, Major Nelson, and Samantha lower their glasses. They have curious looks on their faces. Jeannie lowers her glass, licks her lips. She scans trays, notices something amiss.
Say, Jeannie, can I ask what this is, a punch or something?
Oh, no, Anthony. You remember that I could not decide whether to serve the lemonade, the iced tea, or the orange juice? Well, I decided to mix them all together so everyone would have something that pleases them.
Oh, you are just being kind. But do save your appetites. Dinner shall be ready in a few hours. Now I shall go and get the napkins.
Jeannie, sit down. I don\'t mind helping out. Where are they?
Oh, that is most kind of you. The napkins are on the kitchen counter.
Four folded cloth napkins appear on counter top. Samantha walks in and picks them up.
(dabs at eyes with a handkerchief and inadvertently blinks)
Samantha heads for kitchen door, napkins disappear in her hand.
Mother? Quit kidding around, will you? Uncle Arthur? Okay, who\'s fooling around?
(she sighs, twitches her nose, set of napkins appear)
These are the best dates I\'ve ever tasted. Sam, have you tried these?
Not yet, sweetheart, I\'m enjoying the sandwiches too much. Jeannie, these are out of this world. I mean, really heavenly.
Oh, thank you both so much. I am pleased you are enjoying it. But I do not want you to be misled, this food did not come from Heaven.
. . . a little shop in Baghdad that I get my lamb and goat meats from. Everything in Omar\'s One Stop Shop is as fresh as this.
Say, Darrin, don\'t forget we have that conference tomorrow with General Peterson, Doctor Bellows, and Larry Tate.
Well, I thought you might want to see some of Cocoa Beach\'s points of interest.
No, some of our larger department stores. There are so many buildings that allow you to buy things. When I first came here I thought perhaps some of these stores were neighboring towns. They are so big.
Oh, Samantha, it shall be so much fun. I do not know if I can wait until tomorrow.
Well, you\'ll just have to, won\'t you?
That\'s right. Isn\'t it about time you started dinner?
(her eyes go wide, Major Nelson looks panic-stricken)
You know, Jeannie, until now I would have said you were the one person I know who doesn\'t have a sarcastic bone in her body.
Now Darrin, don\'t put Jeannie on a pedestal quite yet.
Oh, no, Darrin. Let me make dinner first. Although I shall not know what to do on a pedestal.
You must laugh all of the time, Tony. She never stops.
It\'s like living with a blond Groucho Marx, without the moustache.
Oh, it is not necessary. Would you rather not rest here with the gentlemen?
No, I wouldn\'t think of it. Besides this will give us a chance to get better acquainted.
More work for myself, it would seem. I better blink some food in the refrigerator.
I am preparing an ancient dish my mother used to make for company. It is called Divine Surprise, and it is one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten.
Both couples finish their after dinner coffee. Darrin and Major Nelson get up and walk toward the couch as Jeannie begins clearing the table with a tray.
While they talk shop? No, thank you.
Samantha picks up a few plates and follows Jeannie with her tray into the kitchen.
That dinner was so delicious. I can\'t remember the last time I\'ve eaten such exotic foods. Darrin and I are more the pot roast and meatloaf type.
I do not cook this way all of the time, although I never have tried to roast a pot.
You never stop, do you? I\'ll help you wash the dishes, Jeannie. Just let me run upstairs and change first, ok?
Samantha exits up the back staircase and Jeannie begins to wash the dishes.
Samantha and I will spend hours in this kitchen if we do all of this by hand.
She blinks and the kitchen is spotless. Samantha walks back downstairs dressed in more comfortable clothes.
Jeannie exits through the door and Samantha looks around.
Samantha smiles, takes a last glance around and exits the kitchen.
Samantha and Darrin are in their pajamas. Samantha sits at the bed brushing her hair, lost in thought. Darrin is in bed.
It\'s going well so far, isn\'t it? Samantha?
Yes, I guess that exotic dinner was a shock to my system. Delicious, though.
I know. I never thought I\'d consider goat and lamb every day food.
Especially after some of Mother\'s homezapped meals of elephant pate, raven eggs and hummingbird wings?
You forgot the broiled eye of newt and frog fritters. And Tony\'s going to make a great profile subject, don\'t you think?
Unusual? Why? I mean, I\'ll admit her sense of humor unique, but-
It\'s not just that, Darrin. She almost seems like she\'s from another period in time, you know what I mean?
Well, did you notice she didn\'t use one contraction since we met her?
You know, Darrin, it\'s been "I am," not "I\'m," and "I shall," never "I will" or "I\'ll."
Sam, I think you\'re reaching. Besides, you and Tony and I are older than Jeannie. Maybe she thinks she sounds mature that way.
Okay, Sam. But even with you as the exception, compared to Tony and me she definitely looks younger.
Still, it\'s not just that either. I just can\'t put my finger on it.
Sure, what better time than when I\'m falling asleep.
Oh, honey, I\'m sure they are. They seem content.
And you do not think they have noticed anything unusual about me?
Darling, every person who ever meets you can tell how unique and special you are. People can\'t help but like you, and not in spite of it, but because of it.
They share a long kiss and Jeannie blinks off the light.
Major Nelson and Darrin walk toward conference room.
What a day out there! Perfect golf weather. Do you play?
I was just thinking it would be great if we could get to the moon. No interruptions, no noise. Just us and our clubs putting golfballs into lunar craters.
Those mile-high dustdrifts would give a whole new meaning to the phrase sandtrap. Too bad I didn\'t have my clubs with me the last time I went to the moon.
Oh, nothing. I guess your wife\'s sense of humor is rubbing off on me.
GENERAL PETERSON, a gray-haired man of sixty, in uniform, and DOCTOR BELLOWS, the base psychiatrist, a man of fifty, in uniform, and Larry Tate are seated. Major Nelson and Darrin enter. They all exchange greetings and sit down.
      All right, gentlemen, as you all know NASA is anxious to see this campaign for our space program reach the masses as soon as it can. So let\'s get right to it. Tate, Stephens, why don\'t you fill us on in on the progress your agency has made so far.
We\'re expecting a top-notch campaign from you, Tate.
Of course, General. Let me begin by saying that we at McMann and Tate know you\'re making history here and intend to give you a history-making campaign. But since Darrin has been here a few days longer than I have I\'ll let him take it from here. Darrin?
Thanks, Larry. But instead of talking about what we\'re doing, why don\'t Major Nelson and I show you the work in progress. Tony?
Major Nelson and Darrin set up a film screen and projector, start the projector, turn off the lights and sit down. The film shows a series of images like space, the moon and NASA.
      We don\'t have the soundtrack and narration added in yet, but this should give you an idea of the approach we\'re taking.
The film then shows Major Nelson progressing through his day-kissing Jeannie good bye at the front door, car pooling with other NASA employees, attending a meeting with coworkers and dressed in his astronaut suit walking toward the launch pad. The film ends and Darrin puts the lights back on.
That\'s some mighty fine work there, Darrin. And I think you captured the essence of your subject.
I\'m not happy with it. It looks too much like a commercial.
I agree with the general. Darrin, we\'re not selling soup here, you know.
But you just said that it was mighty fine work.
Yes. But I was thinking, it looks too much like a commercial. And nothing is set in stone yet, General Peterson. Right, Darrin?
Of course. A little judicious editing and a script rewrite should help weed out that commercial tone.
I hope so. Remember, Stephens, we\'re trying to communicate more than just Tony\'s face and NASA\'s current efforts, we\'re trying to subtly infuse pride in the public and a greater sense of nationalism.
Gentlemen, I can assure you that this film will be handled with the same dignity and professional tone that NASA has always maintained. By the time we\'re done everyone in America will have more respect and pride in their country\'s space program than ever before, and without having to beat the public over the head with the point.
Very well spoken, Mr. Stephens. I think we can relax now, General.
Excellent. Stephens, I\'ll leave you to it, while Major Nelson and I double check the plans for the test launch.
Oh, General, don\'t forget we\'re having that reception for our new associates this afternoon. I trust you\'ll all be there.
Wouldn\'t miss it. I\'ve got another meeting with your internal PR department, so I\'ll be going, too.
I\'ll be right back. But before the reception I\'ll need to stop home and change.
General Peterson, Major Nelson and Larry Tate exit.
I trust you and your wife are enjoying your stay with the Nelsons?
Yes. Tony and Jeannie have been excellent hosts.
Glad to hear it. Let\'s hope he\'ll be as excellent a model for the campaign.
I\'m sure he\'ll do fine. After all, he\'s what the agency needs to give this campaign public appeal, the typical American astronaut, exploring space for all humanity. You know, that sort of thing.
Typical? Mr. Stephens, that might not be the most accurate description of the major, if you know what I mean.
No, of course you don\'t. You\'ve only known Major Nelson a short time. Let me put it this way. Would you consider a man who can levitate at will typical?
Doctor Bellows\' excitement increases as he continues. He leans into Darrin until he is forced to push chair away from doctor.
Do you think it\'s normal that an ordinary man can control the weather? Or turn his best friend into a poodle dog?
A poodle, Doctor Bellows? How fascinating. Gee, I wonder when Tony will be back?
Mr. Stephens, things like that have been happening on an almost weekly basis for the past two years and I can\'t get anyone here at NASA to believe me.
I can see where that would be a problem. But things aren\'t always as they seem. Take my wife, Samantha, and myself, why, you would swear that-
No, Mr. Stephens, take it from me, things are exactly as they seem. I just happen to be the only witness to these events. Major Nelson is much too clever to let anyone else see him in action.
Yes, as soon as it looks like someone else might get wise to him-Presto! The oddities stop and I\'m left begging General Peterson\'s pardon and giving the lab boys a urine sample.
I don\'t want your sympathy, I just want your attention.
Doctor, if you\'ll stop scaring me, I\'ll pay attention.
Of course. I apologize. As a psychiatrist I can only tell you that even the most rational people are known to act irrationally on one occasion or another.
That\'s correct. Which is why I would like to enlist your help in this matter.
The problem is that I\'m never in Major Nelson\'s company long enough to get the answers I need regarding these odd occurrences. But you\'re staying with him, so perhaps you can watch for anything out of the ordinary?
That\'s right. But it doesn\'t have to be a poodle. A tiger, maybe. One time I saw a tiger in a cage at Major Nelson\'s house.
Surely he could explain such a thing, couldn\'t he?
Oh, yes, he could and did. But when one has no proof to the contrary, what else can one believe?
Fine. I appreciate that. With your assistance I may get to the bottom of Major Nelson once and for all. It would be the pinnacle of my career.
I\'d prefer that you not mention any of this to Major Nelson, or anyone else, for that matter. You see, Major Nelson is extremely clever . . .
. . . and if he knew that I was watching him he might not make it easy for me to catch him, is that it?
That\'s it exactly. His ability to appear normal-to everyone but me, that is-has always been his greatest defense. To the naked eye he looks as ordinary as apple pie.
Sorry to keep you waiting, Darrin. I hope Doctor Bellows was able to keep you entertained.
To say the least. Quite a colorful guy, that one is. Very amusing.
How else should I describe a guy who sees tigers in living rooms and best friends turn into poodles?
Yeah! Now there\'s a psychiatrist who needs a psychiatrist. Has he always been like that?
No, he hasn\'t. One of our astronauts recently left the space program and Doctor Bellows took it very hard.
Major Roger Healey. He had a few sessions with Doctor Bellows and the next thing we knew Roger left to become a navigator for a commercial airliner in Chicago. I think the doctor feels he failed the poor guy.
That\'s quite a leap. And he\'s okay now?
I hope so. Last I heard he was living next door to a psychiatrist and his wife.
Samantha and Jeannie sit at a table for four. Shopping bags are on vacant seats. WAITER clears dishes.
No, but my mother lived there for a few years and I would pop in to visit.
Not really. I have other things that make up for it, like Darrin, and our daughter, Tabitha.
Ladies, will there be anything else today? Coffee? Dessert?
I think I\'ll just have coffee, please.
The food of a devil? Certainly not! What else?
Samantha and waiter look at each other, shrug.
There\'s ice cream, blueberry pie, cherry pie-
Yes, that is the one. The blueberry pie shall be fine. I love the color blue. Thank you.
What were we saying? Oh, yes! You were speaking of your little one. What is her age?
Yes. My mother, Endora, is staying with Tabitha. I know she\'s fine, but I guess a mother never completely gets used to leaving her baby behind.
I would imagine it is hard to see the little ones grow up and fly from the nest.
It wasn\'t important. Do you and Tony plan to have children?
Oh, yes! I am hoping for a large family. Three djinns and three genies.
Naturally, I meant three boys and three girls.
As waiter walks over with a tray, a small BOY, playing with toy missile runs in front of him. Boy pushes missile into tray. Tray flies up and over to Samantha. Waiter falls toward table. Jeannie blinks. Samantha twitches. Tray stops in mid-air, as does waiter. He and tray reverse positions. Waiter looks surprised. Samantha and Jeannie feign innocence.
That was fun. It is so much nicer shopping with company.
JEANNIE II, Jeannie\'s twin sister, blinks in near the staircase. She is dark-haired, with a ponytail and wearing blue harem costume. She stands behind Samantha, who does not notice her, and waves to Jeannie.
I\'m glad you had fun, but I\'m exhausted. I think I\'ll go upstairs and lie down for a little while before the fellows come home to pick us up for the reception.
(stops Samantha and guides her toward the living room)
No! Do not. I mean, why not rest here instead. The couch is most comfortable. I will be right back. I have to go to the kitchen, the kitchen.
Jeannie enters. Jeannie II is already there, sitting cross-legged in mid-air.
Jeannie, darling! Well, aren\'t you even going to say hello?
My day is bright enough. Anyway we have guests staying with us. I am sorry, but you are going to have to go.
Really, darling, I just got here. So how is that gorgeous master of yours?
Darling, don\'t you realize it\'s the same thing. You\'re still bound to him, aren\'t you? The obedient little servant.
Oh, nothing, darling. You enjoy yourself and get back to your company. I\'ll see you around.
Samantha gets up from couch, opens shopping bag, and takes out white silk blouse. Holds it up to her front, looks in living room mirror. Leaves blouse on couch, glances at paintings on walls, inspects knick-knacks on shelves. Walks passed Jeannie\'s bottle on mantelpiece, glances at it. Then stops, turns back to bottle with greater interest. Picks it up, examines outer design. Uncorks it, peers through top. She puts the bottle back in place. Jeannie II blinks in in miniature and hides behind a knick-knack on the mantel.
So, sister dear, you\'re bound to that human. Let\'s see for how long.
(she laughs, pushes Jeannie\'s bottle off mantel, blinks, disappears)
Samantha turns when she hears the bottle shatter. Front door opens, Major Nelson and Darrin walk in. Neither of them notice Samantha.
You know, maybe I\'d better change, too. Larry would never forgive me if I failed to make a good impression on the NASA bigwigs. I won\'t be long.
(heads to bedroom as Major Nelson closes his bedroom door)
Are you sure you do not want some refreshment before we change for the reception? I have some fresh tomato juice.
All right. Thanks. But take your time. Don\'t rush on my account.
Oh, my stars. Darrin, please forgive me, but I\'m sure you wouldn\'t want the Nelsons to see this.
Major Nelson steps out of bedroom. Notices Samantha, whose back is to him, begins to walk over to her. Samantha twitches her nose, bottle puts itself back together, levitates onto its pedestal. Major Nelson sees this, stops in his tracks.
Samantha turns around, walks toward couch as Jeannie comes back into living room with tall glass of tomato juice.
Here you are, Samantha. I tried to phone Anthony at the base to find out when he and Darrin will be home, but he was not there. I wonder where he is?
As he says this, Jeannie hands Samantha the glass. They are startled and tomato juice spills all over Samantha\'s white blouse on the couch.
Anthony, darling, there you are! I did not know when you would be home for us.
Oh, no! By Allah! I am sorry. I thought that you had taken that glass from me.
I thought I had it, too. Then we were both surprised.
I\'m sorry, ladies. I didn\'t mean to startle you.
Jeannie picks up blouse, starts upstairs, Samantha heads for kitchen.
I will rinse the stains out before they set.
Jeannie pours water over blouse, which falls apart in her hands. Darrin walks down hallway, sees Jeannie in bathroom.
Oh, dear! This is of no use. And Samantha and I were getting along so well. I hope she is not angered. She will not be angered.
(blinks, shirt is clean again, also dry and pressed)
Yes, Jeannie, I am. Right after I have a few words with my wife. Where is Samantha?
She was downstairs getting a damp cloth from the kitchen.
What could possibly be wrong? Here we are in beautiful Cocoa Beach, Florida-sun, sand, water, and witchcraft.
I\'ve made it my life\'s work to try and understand you. But mortal logic only goes so far. I\'m not as lucky as you are, Sam. I\'m only human.
Well, I didn\'t want the Nelsons upset, so I just . . .
. . . you just twitched that nosey nose of yours and made everything better.
I\'m sorry, darling, but I didn\'t think anybody saw me. Besides, I didn\'t give anything away.
What about Jeannie? She was in another room at the time. She couldn\'t possibly have seen me.
Sam, with that remote control beak on you no one has to see you.
Darrin! I\'ve already said I\'m sorry, but that\'s never enough for you, is it?
And you think a quick I\'m sorry is enough? Not today, I\'m too upset.
Well, that makes two of us. For four years now I\'ve been as mortal as I know how to be, and all for your benefit. But you don\'t care about that, do you?
Right now I care more about a wife who won\'t live up to her promises.
All right. But just once it would be nice not to be reminded of your witchy ways. Why can\'t we ever do things like every other mortal couple does? Just answer me that.
Because we\'re not a mortal couple, are we? I\'m a witch who\'s married to an insensitive mortal. And I\'ll tell you something else, Darrin Stephens, if you truly want a wife who has no talents and no identity of her own then you can always find yourself one. Maybe they\'ll be a nice mortal woman for you at that reception. Happy hunting, because I\'m staying right here..
You\'re only saying that because you\'re angry. But if that\'s the way you want it, I\'ll make your excuses to Larry. Good bye!
Major Nelson enters, corners Jeannie near sink.
I\'ll tell you what the matter is, as if you didn\'t already know.
That\'s part of it. Yes, I was your master, and you were my genie. But we\'re man and wife now.
Of course we are. How could I forget I married the most attractive human being this side of Baghdad.
Don\'t sidestep me, young lady. In the last few years I\'ve learned how to avoid your getting around me.
Why am I angry? Because I thought by now you would have learned that you don\'t need to use your bottle of magic tricks to please me.
No, you don\'t. Otherwise you wouldn\'t have broken your promise.
Oh, no?! So in the natural order of things I suppose objects now fix themselves?
Oh, that. Well, Anthony, no one will know that I blinked it back to normal. Our secret is still safe.
Yes, but for how long? Jeannie, when you blink the house clean and no one is watching, well, that\'s one thing. But when you use that blink in front of our live-in company, well that\'s something else entirely. Doctor Bellows already told Darrin what he thinks of me and I don\'t need you proving him right. Sometimes I almost believe you want us to get caught.
You\'d have a lot more time with me if I got booted out of the space program, wouldn\'t you?
Well! I thought when two people love each other they wish to be together.
But not every man has a wife that can make any wish come true. At times like this I really envy the average married man, like Darrin.
Then so be it. I will not have it said that in two thousand years of service I have ever failed to make my masters\' wishes come true.
There you are, Anthony. I hope you two will be very happy together.
This is your new wife, Master. She has no magical powers and should not get in the way of your career. I hope that you two will be very happy. You can take her to your reception with Darrin because I am not going.
Don\'t you dare blink out now. This fight isn\'t over.
Oh, yes it is. I have granted the last wish for you ever. I shall take my bottle and leave now. This Jeannie can entertain your company from now on.
I have to get going. General Peterson and the others are waiting for me and Darrin at the base.
Well, don\'t tell me. I no longer care. Tell her.
We can\'t clear all of this up now, but you know that I love you. What man would go through all of this if he didn\'t?
Well, you do not have to go through anything else from now on, Major Nelson. This Jeannie shall serve you as any other human wife would.
I don\'t want a human wife. I want you. But if you\'re serious about not coming then I\'ll be going now.
Please don\'t say things you don\'t mean, Jeannie. Get rid of this dead weight, will you?
Jeannie fumes, paces back and forth, bumps into her duplicate.
Here you are. I was fortunate to have gotten to the stain before it was too late.
Amazing. It\'s like new. You didn\'t have to go to all that trouble.
Oh, it was no trouble at all. It is the least I can do. Samantha, I hope you do not mind, but I need to leave the house for awhile.
Anywhere but here. Anthony and I just had a quarrel. No, that is wrong. It was a fight.
Oh, good! I mean, at least we can console each other, can we not?
Yes, we can. I\'m sure that\'s what the men are doing. Do you mind if I join you?
No, I do not. But let us go, please. I do not want to be here if Anthony decides to come back and apologize.
Oh, yes! I do not know. I would imagine so. But I cannot be sure. And I do not care. Let him come back if he so chooses.
You\'re right. If they come back and we\'re not here it\'ll teach them a lesson. They\'ll miss us so much by the time we return they\'ll beg for forgiveness.
Darrin just realized the woman he married is the woman I am.
Well, it\'s kind of involved. Let\'s just say in the war between husbands and wives, Lieutenant Stephens has just been demoted to private. Now, if I may ask, what did you and Tony quarrel about?
After two years of faithful service, Anthony told me the servant he fell in love with is no longer the wife he wants. He wishes for me to change.
Men! They\'re all the same. Once they get what they want they don\'t want it anymore. And then they spend their time pining for things they don\'t have.
Like the ideal wife. Is there such a thing?
Because they\'re mortals, I mean, they\'re only men. We just need to be patient with them.
You are probably right. After all, I have always granted all of Anthony\'s wishes, and this is just another one.
Oh, yes. That is what I was made for, to serve and to please.
Don\'t listen to everything your mother told you about being the dutiful wife, especially when the men take us for granted like they do. Besides, if I had listened to my mother, I never would have married Darrin. And even though I\'m furious with him, I know he\'s the only one for me.
I feel that way about my Anthony. Then why am I so angry that he asked me to change?
Probably because you haven\'t asked him to change at all.
Well, I would not say that. Oh, I did not ask him to change for me, but when I first came into Anthony\'s life he did have to adjust to a few things.
I suppose every married man has to make some adjustments. But I sometimes wonder if Darrin feels it\'s worth it. Our home life can be a bit strained at times.
So can mine. But is that reason enough to make a man run away?
Maybe not. What a shame! I like this dress, but Darrin would kill me if I spent that much money.
Are you sure? It is the one dress you have seen that you like. Does that not count?
(Samantha looks away for a moment, Jeannie blinks)
Samantha, I think that you have misread the tag. Surely this is not that expensive.
You\'re right. Then what was I looking at? I\'m sure that wasn\'t the price.
Oh, well, as my Anthony says, do not look a horse with a present in the face.
Don\'t you mean don\'t look a gift horse in the mouth?
Do I? All right, then. Consider this a gift from a horse.
Yes. Maybe I should look around for hoofprints.
Samantha enters, closes curtain. She puts dress on hook. Calls out in a stern, but hushed voice.
Mother? I know that you\'re around here somewhere. You materialize this second.
Oh, really, Samantha! What now? You know I\'m sitting with Tabitha.
I got your Aunt Clara to take over for a few minutes, and I\'m afraid she\'s a bit put out. I just zapped her from her latest doorknob collecting outing in Tibet.
I know that you\'ve been up to your usual mischief and I want you to knock it off!
Really, Samantha! I\'ve been busy with the baby ever since you left.
So you didn\'t zap the napkins out of my hands the other night? Or change the price on this dress a moment ago?
It is quite an attractive outfit, but why should I care how much of Durbin\'s money you spend? Have I ever cared about that sort of thing before?
Witch\'s Honor. Believe me, dear, if I was starved for entertainment I could certainly come up with something more creative than that.
I\'m sorry, Mother. But the strangest things have been happening. I\'m just trying to get to the bottom of it.
Apology accepted, dear. But just remember, a witch is innocent until proven guilty.
You\'re right. But that still doesn\'t solve this mystery. Cousin Serena! Maybe it was her?
Serena! Now why should she want to do a thing like that?
Because she knows from experience how much trouble witchcraft always causes for Darrin. All of our relatives do.
I hadn\'t thought of that. Good for you, Serena.
Oh, Samantha, don\'t worry. The culprit will reveal themselves when they\'re good and ready and not until. In the meantime, just relax and enjoy your vacation. Speaking of which, how is it going?
Oh, just fine, Mother. I\'m having a wonderful time. Tomorrow we\'re all going to see a test launch to the moon. Major Nelson says he\'ll even show us the inside of the spacecraft they\'re sending up.
How fascinating. I\'d love to stay, but Clara must be ready to blast off herself by now.
Oh, Mother, wait a minute, won\'t you? It\'s not that I don\'t trust you, but I\'d like to pop out just see if dear cousin Serena is as innocent as you say.
I never said she was innocent. I just said I doubt she was behind it.
Well, we\'ll see. I\'ll be back in a minute.
With tracking spells I\'m a bit of a whiz, so take me to where Serena is.
Jeannie holds dress up to mirror near Samantha\'s fitting room.
Samantha, what do you think of this one? It would look perfect with your eye color. Samantha?
(walks toward dressing room, Endora, dressed normally, steps out)
Oh, I am sorry. But I thought that my friend, Samantha, was in there.
Stepped out? Oh, very well. I was going to ask her if she would like this one.
Well, she might. She\'s become so conservative. Not like when she used to visit me in Paris.
It is a great pleasure to meet you. I am Jeannie Nelson.
How do you do, Mrs. Nelson, is it? Yes, well, I must be going.
SERENA, Samantha\'s dark-haired identical twin cousin dances with a few young handsome WARLOCKS on the smoky dance floor at the Cosmos Club. Although plainly indoors, the club has a view of the earth and many other planets, stars and satellites. Samantha appears beside the dancers as a one of the warlocks dips Serena. The warlock bends down to Serena and they begin to kiss. Samantha clears her throat to announce herself. Serena stands up and pushes the warlock away.
Hi, Serena. Well, until now I never had a reason to be here.
Don\'t tell me you finally left Ding Dong and are celebrating.
Why is that always everyone\'s first guess? No, I came here to see if you\'re the one who\'s been horsing around with my vacation.
Cocoa Beach, Florida, as if you didn\'t know. Darrin\'s working with a NASA astronaut, and-
Nope I\'ve been here for the past few days catching up with old friends.
That\'s what I call them when their wives pop in.
Well, then, I\'m sorry to have interrupted. As you were, Cousin.
(a different warlock begins dancing with her but she pushes him away)
No, I\'m just not in the mood anymore. I\'ve been dancing for days. There must be something else to do.
(warlock whispers in her ear, her eyes go wide, and laughs)
Well, that certainly would get me off of my feet. But I\'m even too tired for that. No, thanks.
Perhaps little cousin could use a hand with her investigation.
The answer to my cousin\'s mystery is still out of her reach, so send me to where I can find clues in a place called Cocoa Beach.
Hello, again. It wasn\'t Serena. She\'s been at the Cosmos Club dancing for days.
Ha-ha. The whole world loves a funny witch.
Possibly. I know I only spoke with her for a moment, but my witch\'s intuition tells me there\'s something peculiar about that woman.
You know, Mother, I told Darrin the same thing the other night, but he didn\'t see it.
Of course not, dear. Mortals-especially yours-aren\'t as perceptive as we are.
I was ready to dismiss my suspicions, but maybe I\'ll keep an eye on her just the same.
It might be wise. Either way, I\'m sure you\'ll find your answers soon enough. Good luck, dear.
Endora reappears. AUNT CLARA, a short, plump, older woman is seated with Tabitha.
Okay, Clara, I\'ll take over from here.
Confusion isn\'t so bad once you get used to it. Well, I\'m off.
Abba dabba dee, abba dabba doo, give this witch a different view.
I thought Samantha said her mother was home watching the little one?
(enters dressing room, surprised to see Aunt Clara)
I don\'t know. Back where she came from?
Jeannie turns to illustrate, Aunt Clara mouths an incantation, disappears and Samantha appears in her place. Jeannie turns back, surprised)
Of course it\'s me. Is anything wrong, Jeannie? You look a little pale.
I must be tired. I think it is time we returned home. I miss Anthony so much.
I think the gentlemen have suffered long enough. Shall we go?
Major Nelson pours two martinis at bar, gives one to Darrin, who sits on couch. They are drunk.
Thanks, Tony, my friend. But I probably don\'t need this. I\'ve already had tee martoonies at that reception.
Would have been nicer if Jeannie had been there.
Hey, you said that just like a sober person. You\'re not, are you?
I hope not. If I am this room is spinning on its own.
Well, that\'s not fair. Here, you sit and spin for awhile.
This side of the couch isn\'t spinning either.
You sound like my mother-in-law. My name is Durwood, D-A-R-R-I-N, Durweed, and I\'ll thank you to remember it.
Aye, aye, Captain Durweed. Request permission to sit on the spinning sofa.
Sure, why not? This seat\'s got your name on it.
There\'s your name! Better sit down before another Tony Nelson does.
Good thinking. I guess that\'s why McTate and Mann believe in you. You\'re good in a crisis.
I\'ll let you in on a little secret. Around my house I need a degree in emergencies. A fresh supply of martininnies doesn\'t hurt either.
They sip drinks. Camera pans to mantelpiece. Jeannie II appears in miniature, hides near bottle. She eavesdrops on Major Nelson and Darrin. Serena appears near kitchen door and hides behind it when she sees the men.
This place must be the source of Sam\'s troubles...unless it\'s Durwood.
Gee, your home life sounds like mine. One minute you\'re an average American astronaut, just doing your job . . .
. . . and the next minute you\'re in love with a beautiful blond who can give you anything in the world, especially chaos and confusion.
Right, Jeannie can-hey, Darrin, how did you know what I was going to say?
Because for the past four years I\'ve been living with a beautiful, blond witch.
All right. Samantha\'s a witch. But I can top that. For the first two years of our relationship Jeannie slept alone in a bottle.
Major Nelson opens his mouth to say something, but sips martini instead. Jeannie II looks up at cork on bottle, blinks. Cork comes out, rests on mantel.
I\'ll tell you one thing, though. I love her.
Of course I do. I told her that myself earlier. I said, "what man would go through all of this if he didn\'t."
Of course I love her! What man could resist her?
No man could. And to think, she could have any man in the world and she wants me. She wants to have a family with me. That should tell me something, shouldn\'t it?
Yes, it should. We shouldn\'t fight with our wives. In spite of all the craziness I couldn\'t picture life without Samantha.
Easy now. But when you\'re right, you\'re right. Sure Jeannie causes me more headaches than any other woman I\'ve ever known, but she\'s pure magic.
That\'s how I feel about Samantha. Pure magic!
A toast! On your feet, Tony. To our wives, and all of the trouble they cause us. May we never be without them again.
Tony? I think I\'ve had enough to drink. I\'m going to splash some cold water on my face.
He turns, walks toward stairs. Front door opens, he turns toward it.
True. He\'s in the kitchen making coffee. It\'s me, Darrin. Stephens? Ring a bell?
Oh, yes, of course. Excuse me, Darrin, but I need to speak to my husband.
She turns, Darrin puts a hand on her shoulder. She pushes hand away, backs up.
Yes, Jeannie. Samantha, my wife? She was with you, wasn\'t she?
Oh, well, yes, I guess you could say that. But I\'m alone now.
I can see that. Weren\'t you wearing a different outfit earlier? I could have sworn you were.
Well, darling, when you\'re right, you\'re right. Too bad. You\'re kind of cute for a human being.
She\'s a witch, too? Oh, this is too funny. At least Derwood is out of the way at long last.
Darrin reappears inside bottle, falls back on cushions. He stands, looks around and above. Now he is sobering up and alarmed.
Where am I? I was just speaking with Jeannie and-Jeannie? Was that Jeannie? Or was that Samantha playing games? No, it couldn\'t be. She wouldn\'t do that, would she? Help!! Sam!? Let me out of here!
He pounds on inside of bottle, looks out of one of glass windows at base of bottle. Darrin\'s P.O.V. Sees Major Nelson exit kitchen holding a cup of coffee. Darrin shouts for help, pounds on bottle. Major Nelson seems to hear him faintly as he sets coffee down. Jeannie II, still disguised as Jeannie, runs up to him, throws arms around his neck, kisses him. Darrin realizes Major Nelson can\'t hear him, sits down.
(looks around, sees picture of Tony and Jeannie on wall)
Jeannie! Jeannie did this to me! She blinked her eyes and put me in this bottle. Sam was right! There is something odd about her. She\'s a witch, too! But why wouldn\'t Sam pick up on that? I thought she\'d have some kind of witch-radar. Sam, this is Darrin! Can you hear me, wherever you are?! I\'m trapped in the bottle! Please twitch me out!
Sweetheart, I\'m sorry. I don\'t want you any different than you are right now, magic and all. Promise me you\'ll never change. Are you all right? Do you forgive me?
And you promise you won\'t change a hair on that beautiful head of yours?
Well, now, darling, I can\'t promise you that.
(laughs as she blinks, looks, sounds like herself again)
Because I much prefer my natural hair color.
You! It\'s been you all the time! I should have known my Jeannie would never fight like you did this afternoon!
Well, Tony, darling, I suppose you don\'t know your wife as well as you think.
Now listen to me, young lady, you\'re not going to get away with this. There\'s only one Jeannie for me. I would think you\'d realize that by now.
That\'s right, darling. There is only one Jeannie for you
and I\'m it. Now come here and give your wife a kiss.
She throws her arms around him, kisses him hard on lips. He looks trapped, but breaks her hold, backs off a few steps. She begins to walk toward him as front door opens.
Anthony, darling, where are you? I am sorry. Please let us make up.
Well, so much for your tricks. Jeannie should be able to handle you.
She blinks, Major Nelson looks and is dressed exactly like Darrin. She blinks again, Major Nelson, disguised as Darrin, is frozen in place.
I wish I had a program guide for this little play. These cast substitutions are making my head spin.
Oh! That is what is wrong! What have you done to Darrin? His wife will be here any second. She needed a few minutes to herself.
Time alone sounds like a good idea. Care to try it?
I know why you came back. The same reason as always, to get your hands on my master.
Sister, if it is a showdown you want, do not think I will not blink as hard as I can to keep my husband.
Very well, darling. I was just looking for a few laughs. No harm done.
Oh, him. Darling, he was acting very suspicious, you know, asking a lot of questions. Being a devoted sister, and fellow genie, I was sure you wouldn\'t want him to find out our little secret, so I took care of it. Aren\'t you even going to thank me?
Well, that\'s gratitude for you! I do believe life with that human astro-nut has made you completely forget your manners.
I have not forgotten my manners. If they were not this good you would be at the bottom of the Nile right now! And it is astronaut, not nut.
If you had not shown up he would never have asked anything. Where is my master?
He\'s around here somewhere. Now, let me think of where I put him.
Jeannie! Help me! She\'s going to take me away with her, back to Baghdad!
(rushes over to bottle, stops, composes herself)
Oh, sister, I am surprised that you think I would fall for that again. You cannot fool me anymore.
But darling, you can see for yourself that he\'s in there. Look through the glass.
(she sees a nondescript man and thinks it\'s Major Nelson)
Well, you can\'t blame a genie for trying to grant her own wishes.
A genie? Jeannie\'s a genie? And her sister, Jeannie, is a genie as well? What creative genius named these two?
Jeannie puts arms at sides, blinks, turns into pink smoke and disappears into bottle. Jeannie II rushes over to mantel, puts cork in place.
Finally, you\'re out of the way. I can always count on your gullibility, can\'t I?
Jeannie appears out of pink smoke. Darrin looks frightened at seeing Jeannie. She fails to notice Darrin as she looks up at top of bottle, realizes she\'s been duped.
Don\'t worry about your Major Nelson, darling. He\'s safe here with me.
Jeannie turns around in surprise, sees Darrin.
But you were outside just a moment ago, were you not?
Yes, I was. But then I saw you and when I asked where Samantha was you blinked. The next thing I knew I was in here.
Jeannie stares at him. As she walks closer, he backs away. She puts a finger under his eye, peers inside. She backs away, alarmed.
It is you, Darrin! Then that was Anthony in the living room. My sister must have changed his form. How could I listen to her? We are trapped, and so is my poor Anthony.
Then Samantha was right all along. There is something different about you. You\'re a witch! That\'s what you are!
A what? Oh, no. There are no such things as witches. I am a genie.
Yes, I know your name is Jeannie. My name is Darrin. How do you do?
No, Darrin. You do not understand. I am a real genie. I grant wishes for my master, Major Nelson. I was trapped inside this bottle when it was corked over two thousand years ago. Anthony released me.
And we\'re both trapped in here because the bottle is corked?
This is incredible. I can\'t believe this is happening. Did I pass out from the booze? Am I dreaming or what?
Darrin, are you well? I have explained as best as I can. I am Jeannie, Major Nelson\'s genie. That is not too difficult to understand, is it?
(she takes a step toward him, he backs away)
Oh, please do not be frightened. I am not a wicked genie. I am your friend. Or I thought I was. But now I suppose you and Samantha wish you had never come here.
She begins to cry. Darrin inches over slowly, puts hand on her shoulder.
Hey, now, don\'t cry. Everything will be okay. Take it from me, I\'ve been in scrapes as bad as this once or twice before.
Really? You are not just saying that to make me feel better?
Do you feel better? Then what does it matter? Just have a little faith, Jeannie.
I am sorry that this has happened. And I am sorry I cannot release us.
Why don\'t I try rubbing the side of the bottle. Maybe that will work.
But Aladdin found his genie in a lamp, not a bottle. Lamps need to be rubbed. Bottles need to be uncorked and mine is not.
Terrific! You don\'t happen to have a phone in here, do you? I should cancel a few appointments.
Samantha! Sam will be back soon, won\'t she?
Then there\'s nothing to worry about. She\'ll let us out.
Oh, but when she walks in my sister will surely blink her out of the way. Oh, poor Samantha!
I wouldn\'t worry about Sam. She knows a few magic tricks of her own.
No, Darrin. My sister is a very powerful genie. It is hopeless.
Hopeless is not in the Stephens\' vocabulary. Just wait and see if you don\'t believe me. Everything will turn out fine.
Finally, Major, baby, you\'re mine! Nothing can stop me now.
(blinks, Major Nelson, still disguised as Darrin, is reanimated)
Of course, darling. I\'ll help you. What\'s a genie for?
She blinks, transforms into Jeannie, lunges at Major Nelson and kisses him hard on lips. Samantha walks in, sees Jeannie II as Jeannie, and Major Nelson as Darrin, kissing. She is surprised, then furious.
Don\'t worry about that blond. She\'s not your concern anymore.
Samantha, please, I\'m not Darrin! I\'m Tony! You\'ve got to get out of here! You\'re in danger!
With an excuse like that I\'d say you two are the ones in danger.
What is it with you men, anyway? Aren\'t brunettes in fashion anymore?
And I thought you were my friend! I can\'t believe it. Mother was right! Mortals can\'t be trusted. But they can be punished.
Not for much longer. And I thought you could be taken at your word. I guess not with her around.
Now, Samantha, why don\'t you be a good little girl and calm down? This tantrum doesn\'t reflect well on you. Reflection, eh?
She glances at living room mirror, begins to blink. Serena zaps a protective field around Samantha.
Now? Speaking of reflections, I think I\'ll put you where you belong.
Jeannie II blinks again. Serena zaps Samantha with a shield again. Jeannie II sees nothing happen, turns to run away. Samantha twitches her nose. As Jeannie II is running she disappears, reappears inside mirror. She tries to blink out, can\'t and starts banging on glass.
Let me out of here! You can\'t hold me behind this glass!
If I were you, Jeannie, I\'d quiet down unless you want that mirror you\'re encased in to fall and shatter. I couldn\'t guarantee your safety.
I am someone whom you can no longer get around, Darrin Stephens. To think of all the time I spent catering to you, raising your daughter, and for what? A quick trip to the moon with the astronaut\'s wife?
Well, no one can say you keep your anger all bottled up. Eh, Samantha?
That\'s right. But keeping you bottled up might be a good idea for now, just so I don\'t do anything else I may later regret. I\'m furious, but as a witch I\'m supposed to be above mortal fits of emotion.
Yes, Darrin, you know that. And after four years this little gesture should be familiar.
Darrin sits on cushions, watches Jeannie pace back and forth. Major Nelson, still disguised as Darrin, appears, Jeannie walks into him. Darrin stands, too shocked to speak.
(looks behind her, sees real Darrin, looks back at Major Nelson)
But? What? Sister, is this more of your mischief?
Really! Jeannie, I don\'t understand any of this! Who is that? I know who he looks like, but he can\'t be. Sam? Is that you?
Please, listen to me, won\'t you? Jeannie, it\'s me, Anthony, your husband.
Yes, Jeannie. I am your master. Remember the island where we met? And this. We\'re inside your bottle. The bottle I freed you from when the Blue Djinn imprisoned you for not marrying him? Come on, Jeannie, how else could I know all of that if I wasn\'t your Major Nelson?
Oh, Master, I am so sorry about the fight we had this afternoon. You were right. I should have stuck to the human way of doing things. Then maybe we would not be stuck in here.
I\'m sorry, too. But I\'ve said that to you before.
Well, not you. It was your sister. She did this to me. Jeannie. I wish you could change me back. Darrin must be terribly confused.
(she folds her arms, blinks, Major Nelson looks like himself again)
But, Anthony, if my sister was going to take you away with her, why are you here?
Because apparently we\'re not the only couple in this house with a secret. Eh, Darrin?
What was that? All right. It\'s only fair, I suppose, since I know about you, Jeannie. The truth is that Samantha is a witch, just like I told you before, Tony. She casts spells and flies and, well, I guess does all of the same stuff you can, Jeannie.
Boy, I\'ll say! And she can do even more than Jeannie.
Because she put your sister inside our living room mirror. And when she tried to blink at Samantha it didn\'t work.
Wait a minute. Then Samantha is still out there?
Sam!! Samantha, please let us out! It\'s me, Darrin, the real Darrin! That\'s Jeannie\'s sister in the mirror, not Jeannie! Can you hear me? Sam!!
Yes, Darrin, I hear you, and if you think I\'m going to let you out I think you\'ve cracked your cauldron.
Sammy, would you stop sniveling. You\'re spoiling the entire play.
No, Sam. Please open the bottle. Major Nelson and Jeannie are in here with me. Jeannie, you\'ve got to do something! Can\'t you blink me outside at least?
No, Darrin, I cannot. When the cork is in my bottle there is very little I can do, except . . .
Jeannie\'s bottle lifts itself off of mantelpiece, levitates over to Samantha, who paces with her back to it. It follows her. As she turns, it hovers directly under her nose.
(grabs bottle by neck, peers through glass)
Don\'t touch that bottle! You\'ll ruin everything!
Serena appears in front of Samantha. Jeannie II looks surprised.
I\'ll tell you, little cousin. Apparently this Jeannie Nelson is a genie-a wish-granting, carpet-flying genie. And this is really her sister.
Serena, you\'re kidding? Is this another one of your tricks? What are you doing here anyway?
I got bored after you left and wanted to help you out. What\'s a cousin for?
Usually to make mischief. You\'re never this helpful.
Well, don\'t get use to it, but I just couldn\'t stand by and watch a genie get the best of a witch, especially my own blood.
They\'re gone, back to Baghdad. Let my master deal with the lot of them. And there\'s nothing you can do about it.
You don\'t know a thing about us witches, do you?
Spirits on high, and spirits down low, take me where that bottle did go.
Don\'t worry about the mankiller in the mirror, Sammy, if she tries to move I\'ll give her seven years bad luck.
Jeannie II stamps her feet, the mirror shakes, she stops. Serena laughs.
Jeannie II\'s MASTER, an older, gray-bearded man in flowing robes, holds the bottle in his hand and is about to uncork it. Samantha appears and sees the bottle. She grabs it.
Samantha reappears with the bottle in hand. Jeannie II shakes her head in disbelief. Samantha pulls cork out of bottle. She is about to peer over its top when Jeannie blinks out in a puff of pink smoke. Samantha turns from Jeannie, who stands in front of her, to mirror where Jeannie II is still imprisoned. Samantha puts bottle back on mantelpiece, backs away from it. Jeannie notices Serena and looks from her to Samantha, confused.
Jeannie, this is my cousin Serena. And whether I can explain all of this or not, we owe her a debt of thanks.
Don\'t mention it. This was more entertaining than the Cosmos Club. See you around, cuz.
Jeannie is broken from her confusion when she hears Major Nelson and Darrin calling for help.
Jeannie blinks, Major Nelson and Darrin appear in living room. Major Nelson rushes over to Jeannie, hugs her tightly. Darrin checks himself to make sure he is all there, walks toward Samantha, who backs away from him.
Wow! What a crazy trip that was! But we\'re out. Thanks to you, darling.
Not another step, Darrin Stephens, until I know what all this is about.
Sweetheart, you were right about Jeannie. There is something different about her.
That\'s what Serena said, but I\'m still on the fence about it.
Sam, honest, she\'s a genie and when her bottle is corked she can\'t get out.
Gee, Sam, I don\'t know. When we were inside that bottle it seemed like the perfect time to play I confess.
Samantha, it\'s okay. We\'re all in the same boat here. I mean, if we tell on you then you could tell on us, couldn\'t you?
That\'s right, Sam. And none of us want that to happen. So our eight lips will stay sealed. Agreed?
Each couple hugs, kisses. Jeannie II\'s voice is heard from behind them.
Don\'t let her out, Sam. She\'ll put me back in that bottle.
Don\'t worry, sweetheart. She can\'t do you any harm now that I\'m here. Right, Jeannie?
That is right, Samantha. Are you thinking what I am thinking?
(folds her arms, blinks, Jeannie II\'s bottle appears suspended in mid-air, Jeannie takes bottle, hands it to Samantha)
Now, Samantha, remove your spell. Please.
(twitches her nose, Jeannie II disappears from mirror, appears in front of group)
I\'ll get even with you for this if it\'s the last thing I do. A witch! I couldn\'t describe you more accurately if I tried.
Thank you. It was nice meeting you, too. And good-bye.
Samantha takes cork out of bottle, twitches her nose. Jeannie II turns into blue smoke, disappears into bottle. Samantha puts cork firmly in place, lets bottle hang in mid-air.
Thank you, Samantha. It is my pleasure. Until we meet again, sister dear. Give my regards to your master.
All is well that ends well, is that not right?
You know, Sam, after seeing how easy it was to lock that genie up I sort of wish that you were born one, too.
Like daughter, like mother. We could cork Endora up for years at a stretch.
Jeannie II\'s bottle appears in his hand. He uncorks it, Jeannie II comes out in a puff of blue smoke.
Where have you been? Never mind, get back in there.
Not yet, darling. I have some unfinished business.
You vixen! That is not what I meant! Come back here!
I still can\'t get over last night. We\'ve met a real genie. Another famous first for the Stephens.
Just when I was sure I\'d seen it all. I can\'t wait to fill Mother in.
Oh, it\'s not bad. After awhile you get a feel for it. But I would imagine it\'s less roomy than a magic carpet.
As they speak Jeannie II blinks in and hides in the spacecraft.
We should join the general and the others now. Ladies?
Samantha and Jeannie exit. Jeannie II blinks, the door closes before Major Nelson and Darrin can exit. Samantha and Jeannie turn in time to see Jeannie II inside.
You two aren\'t going anywhere, except maybe to the moon.
General Peterson, Doctor Bellows and Larry Tate run up to them.
What\'s going on here? They\'re stealing our ship!
Or is this sabotage? Mr. Tate, just what are Nelson and Stephens trying to do?
I-I-I have no idea, b-but my agency had nothing to do with it. I can assure you of that. Wait until I get my hands on Stephens. He\'ll pay for this!
The three men quarrel amongst each other and fail to notice Samantha grab Jeannie\'s hand and pull her behind the launch pad.
(twitches her nose, changes into flying suit with broom in hand)
(blinks, now wears pink harem costume, sits on magic carpet)
The spacecraft flies toward the moon. Samantha, on her broom, and Jeannie, on her carpet, are in pursuit.
Darrin reaches for a lever on the wall. Jeannie II blinks, both men are instantly bound and gagged.
At long last, Major, baby. You\'re mine.
Jeannie II closes in on Major Nelson as Samantha and Jeannie appear in front of her.
Jeannie II, angered, begins to blink. Jeannie folds her arms in defense, Major Nelson floats into Jeannie and knocks her down. Samantha quickly gestures and Jeannie II freezes in place. Jeannie gets up and blinks. The men are freed and land safely on the floor.
I don\'t know how much more of this I can take.
That was a close call. Your sister certainly is persistent.
When it comes to Anthony, you are right. And now she knows you and your cousin Serena are witches. What are we to do?
Oh, my stars! I wish she had never seen Darrin and me. That\'s it!
Though you caused trouble with your wicked blink, this spell will clearly make you think, that you were never here this week at all, and memories of the Stephens you won\'t recall.
(with thunder and lightning Jeannie II disappears, Samantha lowers arms, Jeannie hugs her)
Nope. She\'ll be back in Baghdad right about now with her own master.
That\'s fine with me. But what about everyone on earth? How will we explain all of this?
I don\'t know. But we\'ve got to do something. General Peterson and Larry sounded ready to prosecute.
(she crosses her arms and blinks with great effort)
Do not worry, Master. Magic got us into this. I see no reason why it cannot get us back out.
Major Nelson, Darrin, Samantha and Jeannie, both dressed normally again, exit the ship. General Peterson, Doctor Bellows and Larry Tate walk over to them.
Darrin, I trust you gained some further inspiration for the campaign.
Samantha, Jeannie and Major Nelson look at Darrin knowingly.
As they exit, Major Nelson hugs Jeannie.
I will be so sad to see you both leave tomorrow. I only wish there was something I could do to make your stay more memorable.
More memorable? You\'ve got to be kidding! Well, there is one thing I would love to see, but I\'m embarrassed to ask.
Anything you wish is my command. Please tell me what it is.
Well, everyone has seen the inside of your bottle but me. Would I be a presumptuous houseguest to ask for a tour?
Oh, boy, here we go again. It\'s a good thing I\'m not claustrophobic.
I think it\'s lovely. It really suits you.
She twitches her nose, a small table and tray with four glasses of champagne appears in the middle of Jeannie\'s circular cushions. Everyone takes a glass and sits down.
Major Nelson? Jeannie? I saw Mr. Tate off at the airport and wanted to drop by to say goodbye to the Stephens. They are leaving in the morning, aren\'t they? Major?
He looks around for them and notices the cork off of the bottle on the mantel. He absently puts it back in place.
And when the cork is in the bottle you can\'t blink out?
Relax, Jeannie. You forget that you may be stuck in here, but I\'m not.
Not at all, Sam. You just stay the sweet, loveable witch you are.
Doctor Bellows exits the kitchen and sees Samantha appear. He hides near the kitchen door as she opens the bottle.
Jeannie appears in a puff of pink smoke, stands next to Samantha, folds her arms and blinks. Major Nelson and Darrin appear.
Both couples notice him, look surprised.
I just saw you all come out of that bottle. Don\'t deny it.
Doctor, think of what you\'re saying. Wouldn\'t that be a tight squeeze?
You must excuse him, but this whole project has put the doctor under a lot of pressure.
Yes. I put the cork in place and Mrs. Stephens just took it out. It should still be off.
(Samantha quickly twitches the cork back on the bottle.)
(he shows them the corked bottle. They look at him curiously.)
You know, I was starting to feel homesick until now.
Poor Doctor Bellows. Sometimes I wish someone would believe him, just so he does not think himself insane.
I suppose so. I\'ve got all of the material I need to get our campaign ready for the public in the next few weeks.
Well, if you want to know the truth, I still would like to be around NASA for a ringside seat to the first manned moon landing.
Samantha and Jeannie give each other mischievous, knowing looks.
Samantha twitches and Jeannie blinks simultaneously. The four disappear.
The four appear on the surface of the moon and look around.
(blinks, golf clubs appear near Major Nelson and Darrin)
(she zaps up two lounge chairs, a table and refreshments, to Jeannie)
The ladies sit down and clink their glasses in a silent toast, the men begin to play golf.
Darrin swings his club and makes contact with the ball. The ball fast approaches and fills the camera lens. Quick cut to black. End credits.
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