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jared padalecki and jensen ackles Question

Okay, so who's hotter, and why?

I can't decide. Jared's got that mix of masculinity and boyishness that I purely love, but I always thought Jensen was hot, from when I first saw him. I still say Jensen's hotter... but I'm not as sure about that as I was a week ago, before I fell in love with Jared. *sigh* Decisions, decisions....
Okay, so who's hotter, and why?
haha, those of you who know me on the spn spot should be able to tell just how old this question is by the fact I said "Jensen's hotter". I've grown older and wiser...
shomill posted over a year ago
jensen is hotter seriously jensen was a model and jared was not and jensen has a bad boy look i am smart yet 13 come on a 13 year old knows who is hotter by the way who ever calls jensen short hes not he is like 3 inches shorter if u call him short u r going to have to deal with me
crabcake posted over a year ago
 shomill posted over a year ago
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jared padalecki and jensen ackles Answers

tinzn92 said:
Jared, ofc. He's just soo sexy, adorable, sweet, funny. And his Texas accent is swoon worthy.
He's also a great actor. You know, I can go on and on, but then we'll be here for a while. The guy is simply amazing.

And he can pose like no other can! Totally!
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Jared, ofc. He's just soo sexy, adorable, sweet, funny. And his Texas accent is swoon worthy. 
He's also a great actor. You know, I can go on and on, but then we'll be here for a while. The guy is simply amazing.

And he can pose like no other can! Totally!
posted over a year ago 
MorenaAckles said:
Jensen is hotter of course. Why? Because he is PERFECT!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
samgirl07 said:
Jared!! Jared!! Jared!! Those beautiful, soulful eyes that just make me melt(and has anyone ever noticed how perfectly his eyebrows frame his eyes?). That gorgeous smile that lights up the screen, the frame, the room! The dimples that charm no matter whether he's playing sweet Sam, soulless Sam or Satan. And,of course, there's that absolutely GORGEOUS, DELICIOUS, HOT, SEXY!!! BODY(OMG!!!!)!! What makes him even hotter is that he doesn't seem to realize how completely hot he is really is which just makes him completely irresistible! Oh, and then there's his gorgeous hair... and his laugh..and...
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posted over a year ago 
" What makes him even hotter is that he doesn't seem to realize how completely hot he" BRAVO:)
Soussanah posted over a year ago
Angel_W said:
Jared is sometimes SO hot but Jensen is always hot! and i think Jensen is way better!
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posted over a year ago 
Diane1 said:
I have to say Jensen for me he just got those sexy eyes the body and that smile well lets face it he has everything. Don't get me wrong I love Jared to especially his smile with them dimples but Jensen has always been my favorite
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I have to say Jensen for me he just got those sexy eyes the body and that smile well lets face it he has everything. Don't get me wrong I love Jared to especially his smile with them dimples but Jensen has always been my favorite
posted over a year ago 
sstanni said:
For me, Jensen. I feel that Jensen has everything what one man should have. He is handsome, smart along with sweet and cute. His strong personality and his awesome voice, talking style, hair cut everything is perfect to be the hottest. Above all his eyes and looks just kill me. He is the hottest and there is no comparison for it.
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For me, Jensen. I feel that Jensen has everything what one man should have. He is handsome, smart along with sweet and cute. His strong personality and his awesome voice, talking style, hair cut everything is perfect to be the hottest. Above all his eyes and looks just kill me. He is the hottest and there is no comparison for it.
posted over a year ago 
Mcc1 said:
definately jensen in my opinion he is so hot
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posted over a year ago 
imissnormal said:
No! Sam is so much hotter than Dean! He is smart, sensitive, (way sexy when he's angry) and he's not a player or one nighter like Dean! That makes him sooo much better than Dean. I can see Dean as a friend-a really annoying one though....
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posted over a year ago 
Friendly_Girl said:
I have to say Jared. I mean look at THAT body *sighs*
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posted over a year ago 
Laya9 said:
jensen because he is the hottest baby!!!!!
damn right he is
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posted over a year ago 
Emily_Padalecki said:
Jared is way hotter because hes just perfect and so hot
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Jared is way hotter because hes just perfect and so hot
posted over a year ago 
terrydeb said:
jensen no contest :) he is a all rounder who is so charming and humble. dont get me wrong love jared as well but jensen comes out on top every his eyes when he laughs corrrrr yummm he has a body u jus wana cuddle n snuggle :)
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jensen no contest :) he is a all rounder who is so charming and humble. dont get me wrong love jared as well but jensen comes out on top every his eyes when he laughs corrrrr yummm he has a  body u jus wana cuddle n snuggle :)
posted over a year ago 
hawaiiangirl17 said:
i have to say jared because he is hot and sexy,he shows his body most of the times in the show,jensen has too but probably once or twice so i gotta say jared
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posted over a year ago 
Spn7 said:
Since I began watching SPN it has always and always will be Dean period!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Soussanah said:
As shomill said - I've grown older and wiser...:) My boy Jared too - hotter than ever:P
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As shomill said - I've grown older and wiser...:) My boy Jared too - hotter than ever:P
posted over a year ago 
Ada-Holloway said:
jared is hot
this is only reason i watch SPN
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jared is hot 
this is only reason i watch SPN
posted over a year ago 
Kackahaluzova said:
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posted over a year ago 
Flickerflame said:
It's a matter of opinion/taste? You can already see from the existing answers that people don't agree.

For me personally though, Jared is miles hotter. I've thought so from when I first started watching SPN.
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posted over a year ago 
crazyrandom2 said:
Oh my god Jared is the most amazing person alive!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Walle638 said:
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posted over a year ago 
saraktfkh said:
It's Jared ofcource!! His body is hot af and his eyes are just compelling <3
Jared's life <3
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posted over a year ago 
jjjkalani said:
Jared's way hotter!!!
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posted over a year ago 
millipilli said:
Jared! He's kind, amazing and funnier in real life and his body's just .. SO HOT!!
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posted over a year ago 
arianacatfish said:
Jensen Ackles look at those ears there amazing and the hair and he's just plain fabulous and kick-ass

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posted over a year ago 
Maheen22 said:
Jared is good looking but Jensen is perfection. No one can beat him in looks or acting
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posted over a year ago 
Bluerose2 said:
Jared is by far the hottest. He has the most unique features, he is a gorgeous mix of soft boyish looks and hard masculine features that just divine. He has these exotic eastern European eyes and upper cheekbones, combined with that chiselled Germanic jawline, that gives him such an exotic appearance. And that smile, MY god, it brightens up an entire room, with those dimples? It should be a sin. He is just a 6ft 4 godly gorgeous man. Yes Jensen is attractive but he just looks like your typical Hollywood western attractive white boy. JARED is something else.
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Jared is by far the hottest. He has the most unique features, he is a gorgeous mix of soft boyish looks and hard masculine features that just divine. He has these exotic eastern European eyes and upper cheekbones, combined with that chiselled Germanic jawline, that gives him such an exotic appearance. And that smile, MY god, it brightens up an entire room, with those dimples? It should be a sin. He is just a 6ft 4 godly gorgeous man. Yes Jensen is attractive but he just looks like your typical Hollywood western attractive white boy. JARED is something else.
posted 11 months ago 
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