Jet Set Radio Future Club
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
Corn sat up and rubbed his jaw. "Nice shot, Beat." he grumbled. I helped him to his feet and Yang glared at Beat. Beat blinked twice. "What?" he asked. Yang scoffed. "If it weren't for Corn, your sister would've been dead in the sewers."

Beat looked at me. "Is this true?" I nodded. "Yeah...Hayashi attacked us...and I think I can control wind." Corn, still rubbing his jaw, got a weird look in his eye. Then, out of the blue, clocked Beat in the jaw. "STOP IT!" I yelled, and threw them both against the wall, wind pressure holding the two of them against the wall.

Yang, Clutch, Yoyo and Rhyth all...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
Yang looked over at me and grinned. “Look at that. We’re now with four members!” he laughed. I was too busy smiling and thinking, not noticing Yang. I was muttering something to myself and Beat frowned. “Hey...Viola...Viola..VIOLA!” he screamed. Yoyo woke up and then fell back asleep, falling to the floor. Beat quickly dove and caught him. I blinked and turned back to them.

“Sorry...I was thinking...what were you saying?” I smiled and they both sighed. Yang shook his head. “We got four members now, counting you and I. Do you have any idea on how to get more?” he asked. Beat...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
That night was very horrible. Ale ket away from me, Corn wouldn't leave me alone...Beat was always peeking at me from whatever he was doing...Clutch, Rhyth and Folster kept trying to talk to me...I just couldn't take it. I got up and left the Garage.

I kicked a can that was laying in the middle of the streets on Hikage Street. I sighed then grabbed a spray can and started tagging the wall, leaving nothing but what looked like a big splat on the wall. "..." I sighed and sat on a flight of stairs and lowered my head. "Long time no see, Yoyo." came a voice from above me. I looked up to see Soda...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
I started to drift to sleep and Corn screamed in shock. "KEEP HER UP!!" he yelled. Aleasha grabbed my hand. "Wake up!! Stay with me!!" I looked at her weakly. "What if...I..." "You won't!" she hissed, tears coming down her cheeks. "If you die, Aleasha won't ever forgive me. She'll think it's my fault. I saw her yesterday. She was okay. Alive. She was still carrying that bloody sword Yoyo gave her. Just focus on keeping awake!" I nodded and moaned again.

Corn looked up as Clutch came running in. "Here's the cloths!!" he yelled breathlessly. Corn took them and, placed one in Aleasha's hand, who...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
I rubbed the bridge of my nose. " you mean...we're fucked?" I growled. Ale looked up at me. "Yohan; Dad told me that the only way we'd ever get away from him is if Violet was there to protect us. And since she died..." I shook my head and smiled. "He's such a liar." I laughed.

Beat and Corn blinked at me. "So you think we're not fucked?" Beat asked. I leaned against the wall. "Of course, yo! Think about it. Even if Rose joins up with Gouji, do you even think for a second that we'd be screwed over just because Viola..." I trailed off for a second and shook my head. "He's a big pest,...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
She looked at Beat and Yoyo and frowned. "Devon? Yohan?? You're both GG's??? What about Alicia? Aleasha. R.??" Yoyo glared at her. "Aleasha isn't eighteen yet. She hasn't chosen. And yes, we're GG's, yo." Aleasha nodded. "Confusing, isn't it, Corn?" Corn blinked. "Huh?" Aleasha laughed. "There's two Aleasha's. Me; Folster...and her; Rokkaku. know they're Rokkaku, right?"

Yang swung at her and she ducked gracefully, then elbowed him in the gut. He fell over and cursed a long mile. Rhyth rushed to him and Clutch stood behind me, then grabbed my arms.

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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
I looked at the ceiling and Clutch blinked. "Yoyo just screamed." he commented. "I wonder Core-er...Corn...with him?" I asked, remembering that they all had nicknames. Clutch nodded. "He said he wanted to talk to him and make sure he was okay. And I don't think Corn just ch-" He cut himself off and started chuckling, looking towards the stairs. I turned and saw Yoyo walking down the stairs, face completely red. With Corn beside him.

Holding hands.

I looked away, chuckling as well. " Corn...asked him out...!" Clutch nodded. "It appears that way, doesn't it?" he asked. I nodded...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
I skated around the former GG hang out; the Garage, and wondered how things got the way it did. All I know is that Beat, my twin brother, got mad at them and they kicked him out. Then, weeks later, something big went down and they broke up. Beat and Yoyo are always hanging out in Dogenzaka Hill. I’m usually hanging out with them, but Beat wanted “alone time” with Yoyo. Yeah right. They wanted to do things they didn’t want me to see. I sighed, and tagged the ground in front of me.

“What’s up?” came this angelic voice from behind me. I turned slowly and was face to face with a blue...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
"Wow," Yoyo was staring at me in shock. I felt nervous and shook it off.

"Come on; back to sleep." I sighed; filling a needle with a drug that I created specially for Yoyo; due to the fact he has weak blood. Yoyo nodded and laid down painfully.

"Corey...I hope Devon doesn't kill you..." he grumbled as I injected him. I looked down at him.

"Don't worry about it. He tries anything and all of the GG's will be fighting."

Yoyo opened his eyes. "You're saying there will be a war...between our gang."

I sighed. "Just relax. Don't think about it too much. Don't want you to be fighting me while I operate..."...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
I was shocked. 'He said what??' Yoyo merely hung his head and played with the blanket. "I'm serious, yo..." he muttered softly as his cheeks went red.

"Wha-bu-" I blinked. "Beat!" I suddenly cried. Yoyo looked hurt.

"Yeah...I's you I care for more." He looked up at me and I kept on stammering. Yoyo gripped my hands tightly.

"Please Corey..." he whispered; his eyes watering. I felt my heart breaking and shook my head; raising to my feet.

"I'll try; but not for you and I. I have to do it for you and Beat. I don't care how much you care for me; Devon needs you more than I do." I let...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
Beat pushed off of me and sniffled.

"Holy shit; you're crying!" I cried. He glared at me.

"You tell anyone and I'll punch your face in, Corey!" he growled. I raised my hands in to let him know I'm not continuing and he sighed.

"Why did Hayashi only target Yohan, anyway?" he grumbled; walking away from me.

"Because of who his father is." I said softly. He glanced back at me.

"Oh. Right. And by getting rid of his heir..." "'s like stabbing him in the heart. He wouldn't be able to run his empire. As great as an idea that is...Yoyo's our friend. We can't let him die." I smiled weakly at Beat and he nodded.

"Go take care of him." Beat waved goodbye and left. I walked back into the room Yoyo was laying in and I held his hand.

"Hey there, little buddy. Keeping strong I hope?" i chuckled weakly. 'Look at this. I'm talking to someone who is in no condition to respond...' I thought to myself.

"Tryin' ta..."

I jumped and looked at him. He was smiling weakly.

"You're awake!"
posted by YoYoLover4Ever
I quickly dove beside Beat; the bullet narrowly missing my head. He grinned at me.

"Nothing like getting shot at to wake you up in the morning, eh?"

Crazy Beat. Enjoy's this kinda danger...I don't know why I put up with him!

"You're insane," I growled. He merely grinned and beckoned for me to follow him. He tore off ahead of me. I sped up and caught up to him.

He turned into the Heights and lead me past the waiting buses.

"Still can't believe the Garage is no longer safe," I commented. He glanced back at me.

"I'm surprised you haven't tried to remove his lodged bullet."

The words stung. "Beat; the...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
I rushed down the streets; the police close behind. I grinned and tagged the walls as I past them; leaving my mark. One cop got risky; and opened fire. I quickly turned away from the peds; refusing to let him injure any of them. I charged at the cop and jumped; kicking him in the face. I landed behind him and smirked; tagging his shirt then tore off before more could reach me.

A game of cat and mouse. With 27 cats...and one mouse.

They can't catch me! Not a chance!

My eyes darkened as I remembered why I was fighting them. I was trying to make sure the GG's got to the new location safely. Risking...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
I leaned against the wall in Kibagoaka Hill, trying to keep Soda out of my head. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I screamed. A man walking his dog looked at me like I was crazy and the dog whined, as if he could sense my pain. The dog barked at me, telling me his name was Brute. I took off, away from the dog and the man and sat down on a ledge, and held my head. "This...this is too much...Viola died...Rose is dead...Gouji's trying to apologize for everything...Soda's my brother...Corn asked me out...I can't deal with all of this!!" I started crying and I could hear skates approaching me. "Yoyo." came...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
Yang put his arm around me. “So...cutie...have any idea on how we’re gonna get newbies in here?” I blinked, having completely forgotten about starting up the GG’s again. He laughed at me and leaned in close to me. “Between you and me...we could always get the old members back...” he whispered, his face incredibly close to mine.

“You’re...very close...” I muttered, trying to back up. I backed into a wall and looked up into his eyes. He smiled at me. “Yes. I know. That’s because you’re too cute to resist.” He leaned forward and kissed me. For a second, I was trying to...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
I walked into the room, after watching Beat walk in. He had his arms around my sister, who was finally able to sit. " she okay, yo?" I asked. Beat jumped. "Yoyo!" he cried. Ale looked up. "Brother!!" she giggled. I ran to her and held her.

"You're okay. You were near death when I found you...was it...was it...?" I stammered. She nodded and sobbed into my chest. I looked at Beat, who looked away. "It...couldn't have been..." he whispered. Corn looked at me.

"You mean your dad? 'Fraid so. And also...Aleasha need to lay down for's been put off for a's about...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
He started coughing and I held his hand. "Yoyo...Yohan; just relax. Please." I whispered.

" memory is...kinda sketchy..." he grumbled. I smiled and chuckled softly.

"Well...I guess it should be..." I smiled and patted his head. He yawned and went to stretch; then gasped in pain; gripping his chest. "Ow!"

"Careful! Don't open your stitches!!" I hissed. He sighed heavily.

"I remember now...he broke into the Garage...he shot me!" Yoyo breathed as he struggled to sit up. I held him sit up and he coughed; wincing in pain.

He pulled his hand off his chest and sighed heavily. "How bad was it...?"...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
Gum and Rhyth left the room silently as I pulled out the shattered bullet. I tried to not think about the fact that this was someone I cared greatly about dying in front of me; but it was nearly impossible. I soon left the room sighing; rubbing my face after removing the gloves.

"So? Is he...?"

I turned to Beat; who looked whiter than snow.

"He's stable. I have to keep an eye on him...just to be sure he'll wake up." I smiled tiredly at him.

"You've been in there for four hours, Corn."

"Operating isn't a fast process, Devon." I patted his shoulder. He sighed and hung his head.

"I know it isn't, Corey...but still...don't you think you were taking too long...?"

"To make sure that I got rid of everything that is a potential threat? No. Maybe. I don't know!" I rubbed my face again and he hugged me. I blinked.

"Thanks. I know I don't act like I care sometimes; but thanks." Beat whispered; hugging me tightly.
posted by YoYoLover4Ever

I opened my eyes slowly and Corn was looking down at me. "Oh...thank god..." he sighed, and slumped into a chair. "Thank god...? Wh-what...happened...?" I grumbled. "Yoyo found you and Beat in the Heights. He told me that Beat struck you and you may've broke your spine." "D-did I...?" He shook his head. "No...but you did fracture it. I built a minor stabilizer for your back; it's holding everything together. Listen...Yoyo...Yoyo took off." I nodded. "He.." Corn looked at his hands, and took a deep breath. "He said he's quitting the GG's." I blinked and sat up, one hand on my back, supporting...
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posted by YoYoLover4Ever
I saw looking down at Beat and my sister, arms crossed. "You just smacked her and nearly killed her." Beat glared at me. "Well; if you hadn't been all lovey-dovey with Corn, I probably wouldn't have struck her!!" "LOVEY-DOVEY?!" I screamed. "He grabbed my hand as I came down the stairs! I got embarrassed!! Does that mean I was all lovey towards him; even though it was all him?!" I yelled. Beat scoffed. "And what about this; Corn's been trying to get you to go out with him for about five days now! Ever since you broke up with me; he's been trying to get to you!!" I bent dow and lifted my sister....
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