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Dear Bro,

here i list 12 anime series which you must watch as soon as possible..........!!!!!!!!

Here is the list:-




Only BADs are our targets! Trick you! Deceive you! Cheat all fortunes of you! You can hear our stories in LA, Singapore, London, Shanghai and Tokyo, Why? Our "CON GAMEs" stage, is the whole WORLD!

Edamura Makoto is supposedly Japan's greatest swindler. Together with his partner Kudo, they try to trick a Frenchman in Asakusa but unexpectedly get tricked instead. The Frenchman, whom they tried to swindle, turns out to be Laurent Thierry—a much...
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会いたいな 会えないな 切ないな この気持ち
言えないの 言いたいの チャンス逃してばかり

だって だって 翼広げ二人で
空をマラソン 夢をユニゾンしたい

ほら Catch You Catch You
Catch Me Catch Me 待って
こっちをむいて スキだといって

そう Nice to Meet You Good to See You きっと
私の想い あなたのハートに

たまにね なくなっちゃう 身体のバッテリー
あなたの笑顔で いつも充電満タン

お願い お願い...
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posted by Kuro_Hyou666
だんご だんご だんご だんご だんご だんご 大家族
だんご だんご だんご だんご だんご 大家族

やんちゃな焼きだんご やさしいあんだんご
すこし夢見がちな 月見だんご
おすましごまだんご 四つ子串だんご
みんなみんなあわせて 100人家族


なかよしだんご 手をつなぎ 大きなまるい輪になるよ
町をつくり だんご星の上 みんなで笑いあうよ
うさぎもそらで手をふってみてる でっかいおつきさま...
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*Spoiler Alert*

Honorable Mentions:

Mashiro-Iro Symphony: Love Is Pure White - one of my favorite couples in anime is from this series and it remains one of my favorite romance anime.

Cardcaptor Sakura - One of the very best shoujo anime of all time. I'm sure I even watched a bit of this when I was a kid. Absolutely adorable anime.

DBZ - Because this was the first anime I liked, even though I didn't know what anime was at the time.

Hibike: Euphonium - The final HM. This, simply because the music was so damn good and it furthered my interest for anime music. Also, Kousaka Reina is bae.

10. Romeo X...
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posted by Kuro_Hyou666
7. Jin. I'm sorry, Jin. I still love you, just the fact that I happen to love everyone else more. The first time I truly appreciated you was during the 'Just One day' MV, where you were shown the way of the BP. And, then, you became the one who killed it during the typical show you were willing to advertise.

6. Suga. I really like Suga and I also really like his raps and vocals, some of them are just ridiculously good. Like in "For You", where Suga raps like a God and kills it, for sure.

5. Hobi is an excellent dancer. Not only that but he manages to give the experienced folk a go, as well as...
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posted by Kuro_Hyou666
15. Danger

14. Dead Leaves

13. Spinebreaker

12. Dope

11. Ma City

10. Run. This was one of the ones I first heard and so it had to keep a spot on my list. It's quite a nice song and the MV was pretty good. I liked that they were screwing around in the tunnel in the middle of the MV... that was quite amusing. XD

9. Converse High. I only listened to this about a week ago, but I remember thinking it was interesting that they were talking Converses. I liked Rapmon in this, as well as Kookie... they both did really well. All-in-all a nice song.

8. Boy In Luv. I remember not paying much attention to this...
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posted by Kuro_Hyou666
10. Danger

9. Dope

8. Spinebreaker

7. War of Hormone

6. Boy In Luv

5. Crow Tit ~ Baepsae

4. Run

3. Beautiful. I never really liked the original with Mariah Carey, but then I listened to this and it sold it to me. It also was funny watching Taehyung in the background derping around while the other three are being serious (ish).

2. I Need U. This was the first song I truly fanboyed over. I even listened to it six times in one night, just because I was enjoying it so much. Worthy of the second highest on my list. XD

1.Butterfly. I really like this song. There's something awesome about it and precious. Also V has plenty of lines in it, too. It's a very precious songs with fluffballs involved. I had to replace I Need U with this, too, which shows how much I like this song. And, damn, are their voices good in this, especially Jimin and Kookie.