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Magical Creatures Question

What is your dominant magical ability?

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I am not satisfied lol
What is your dominant magical ability?
Never under eastimate the power of flames !
yorkshire_rose posted 7 months ago
Heaven_Drops posted 7 months ago
yorkshire_rose posted 6 months ago
 Heaven_Drops posted 7 months ago
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Magical Creatures Answers

yorkshire_rose said:
I quite like mine...i'm not sure about the Lemur I think my spirit animalis a wolf :)


With Illumination, one can harness the power of light to blind one's enemies and light up dark alleyways. However, a person with this dominant ability will have:

Weaknesses: shadow, telepathy, hypnosis, seduction, psychokinesis
Strengths: incineration, rejuvenation, radiation, deluge, tempest
Spirit animal: lemur

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I quite like mine...i'm not sure about the Lemur I think my spirit animalis a wolf :)


  With Illumination, one can harness the power of light to blind one's enemies and light up dark alleyways. However, a person with this dominant ability will have:

Weaknesses: shadow, telepathy, hypnosis, seduction, psychokinesis
Strengths: incineration, rejuvenation, radiation, deluge, tempest
Spirit animal: lemur
posted 7 months ago 
Why is seduction even there xD
Heaven_Drops posted 7 months ago
IKR that should be a strength though *lol*
yorkshire_rose posted 7 months ago
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