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New-look Scarlet Witch costume from Captain America: Civil War on display

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Hollywood Movie Costumes and Props: Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlet Witch costume from Captain America: Civil War on display... Original film costumes and props on display
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlet Witch costume from Capta...
Anthony Mackie's Falcon costume from Captain Ameri...
Paul Rudd's Ant-Man costume from Captain America: ...
Captain America: Civil War movie costumes on displ...
Far From the Madding Crowd film costumes worn by C...
Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard Macbeth mo...
Elizabeth Olsen\'s Scarlet Witch costume from Captain America: Civil War on display...
Avengers: Age of Ultron was when the new team of Avengers assembles at the end of the movie, with the \'Scarlet Witch\', \'Vision\', \'Falcon\' and \'War Machine\' joining \'Captain America\' and \'Black Widow\'. In Captain America: Civil War these friends and allies are having to choose sides in a new conflict which has pitted the Star Spangled Avenger against the Invincible \'Iron Man\', and Elizabeth Olsen\'s powerful and unpredictable \'Scarlet Witch\' chooses \'Team Cap\'.
This new-look outfit for the female Avenger, designed by Judianna Makovsky, was photographed on display alongside
Chadwick Boseman\'s \'Black Panther\' costume (more on that soon) at ArcLight Pasadena cinema on April 11, 2016.
If you\'re a fan of the spellbinding character, make sure you also check out these
Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver costumes from Avengers: Age of Ultron on display, designed by Alexandra Byrne.
Scarlet Witch costume worn by Elizabeth Olsen
Now that\'s she\'s part of the team officially I like her sleek new look, with the red corset, long leather coat and those cool finger-less gloves. She looks like she means business.
I can\'t wait to see her and all the superheroes in action (against each other), and if you like this updated costume design you can also enjoy a closer look at these other original film costumes from
Captain America: Civil War on display around L.A. at the moment.
Plus for more traditional witchcraft ensembles, be sure to also check out all these cool Witch movie costumes from films like Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, Into the Woods, Oz The Great and Powerful, 47 Ronin, Narnia\'s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Hocus Pocus.
Labels: Action, ArcLight Pasadena, Captain America Civil War, Comic Book, Movie Costumes
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