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Naruto shippuden rpg



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leonides said:
Naruto was asleep under a shady tree but it was a flash back from when Naruto and sasuke where fighting in the ultimate forms.
"grr chedore "growled sasuke as he leps form the rock of the first hokage

"rasangan"said Naruto and did the same thing form the second hokage

"NARUTO SASUKE yalled both Sasuke and Naruto as both the rasangan and chedore clashed with a enormous amout of power filled the air but after that horrible clashe naruto was woken up by two strange figers.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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sweet keep going this is going to be good I know it is.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
wall l have done my part but u or the othe person whos in this go's on with it so why dont u
posted over a year ago.
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big smile
djtim1000 said:
an unknown voice yells

hey could i join in?

just then 2 puppets jump out of the grass and spray poison darts out there mouths
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
"RASANDARK"yalled Nick as he dojed the darts and hit the puppets

"dont mess with me or your dead"said Nick

"your good"said the unknown man

naruto had just left as soon has the unknown mad attaked
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Raijin said:
Another person watches from the cliff, then jumps down as soon as Naruto leaves the area.

"Yo, this party got room for one more?", he asks, before throwing ten shuriken at the two.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
"OK THATS IT CHARANDARK"said Nick as he smashes the charandark to the ground and nokes out everyone

"lm done now what do you want... hey where's my partner oh wall l'll find him later"said Nick

the new guy who just came looked at Nick's headband and sore the uin and yan sinble

"your from the legendary dark eco clan"said the new guy in shoke to see one of the most powerful person the that clan here

"look l dont now why your all here but let me tall u this try to kill me agein and l wont hold back to let out my demon and make it kill you all"said Nick

the guy's were scerd to here that

the new guy thort"just to kill right after that who is this guy"

Nick had disapeared looking for his friend but frst he had to get to his old clan meting place were the clan had war metings,but thanks to that fatful day,he is the last remaning person from the dark eco clan.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Raijin said:
The new guy, as he was just called, recovers from shock and thinks to himself, "Man, does that guy think he can take me? If he were to let his demon, as he calls it, out, I could easily take him out, after all, I'm able to summon the God of Death. And even if i didn't, he's a Bijiu holder. All he's got is a fuzzy, oversized animal stuck in him. That's not a demon, although, it also could be one, and I have an outdated demon classifacation book."

He then looks over at the other guy and thinks, "And this guy fared a bit less than I would have thought, although it's not surprising, being a puppet-user. Still, what is he doing here?"

He then returns to the top of the cliff, focuses his chakra, and uses it to track the guy who threatened him, teleports to him and says, "Yeah yeah, your from that dark echo clan, so what? If you ain't noticed, it don't matter to me, your a human, like any other, and you die like one. Threaten me again, and you'll find out it's bad to anger Raijin Fuwatari, the one and only Legendary Black Lightning Ninja, bringer of destruction to all those who think their really all that. Oh and, also, before you could kill me, you'd have to be faster than lightning, and then some, otherwise you'd be the dead man. Friendly warning, alright?" With that, he returns to the Hidden Leaf Village to hear the whole story from Naruto.

Meanwhile, the other guy, Nick as Raijin would later find out as, stands there pondering what he said, and why he was there. "He said he was a Black Lightning Ninja? Aren't they that group of shinobi who hit all the strongest villages, and sometimes the strongest clans, and either wipe them out or just beat them into their place? Why was he here, wait, Raijin Fuwatari, he's the ninja who defeated the two demons that could both seperately challenge the Shinigami and hold their own, but fused equally match him? Or was that a rumor? Whatever, next time I see him, I'll find out, then I'll decide what to do about him." Then he continued on to where he was heading.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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leonides said:
Nick teleported to the leaf village and found Raijin "hm you dont know what lm capable of so shut your mouth "said Nick then suddenly in 1 sec he just when to the tallest point in the area

"and l am faster then lighting so shut up and the god of derth wall no mach for me or my demon"said Nick then a cloak of black chakra formed around him in the form of the eleven talled fox

"AND IT'S THE DARK ECO NOT ECHO AND YOU BETTER RUN OR DIE"grould Nick as the cloak became more and more formed of the eleven talled fox then when the fith tall came out he trensformed more like the fox
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Raijin said:
But in the one sec that Nick climbed to the tallest point, Raijin was there a half second, with his signiture enemy obliteration technique prepared, in case of any danger. "Ha ha, you grew tails, big f'ing whoop. It don't help you any, I can obliterate you the first moment you try and hurt me. But be warned, attack me at your own risk, cause if you do, cancel all plans for the future, you don't have one after this."

After he says that, he waits for Nicks next move.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Raijin said:
After a while of waiting for an attack, but just watching his opponent grow tails, Raijin grow bored, jumps down, and starts to walk to a comic store.

"I wonder if they have that new issue of Shonen Jump?", he asks himself, while throwing on his Black Life Force technique. "Now, if he tries to hit me with a killing blow, if i angered him that much anyways, i'll easily survive. Unlike other life protecting techniques, this one is a serious lifesaver. Deep Space, bring it on, same to an uber powerful attack.", Raijin arrogantly says out loud, then adds, "Hmm, maybe I'll get some dumplings first."
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
Then the sixth tall come out and Nick said"HAHAHAHAHA YOU CAN NOLONGER TUCH ME"said Nick as Raijin attacks Nick but he just went throw and misst

"L TOLLED YOU THAT YOU CANT TUCH ME CHARANDARK"said Nick as he did l fue hand sines for the jutsu then as soon as he went at the speed of lite he called of the jutsu and gave him a big scach that led closs to his death but he did not die

"why did you not kill me u had the shot"said Raijin hert badly
"BECAUSE YOUR NOT WORth killing"said Nick as the chakra wore off Nick
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
and yet Raijin looks at him, and says, "hey wait, was that charandark containing chidori? I thought I felt the familiar tingle of lightning." He gets up and says, "One day, if we become real enemies, you'll regret not killing me." he says.

"What will you do then? You couldn't hurt me before, what makes you think then will be different?", Nick asks him.

Raijin looks at him and says, "I showed mercy this time. The next time, you won't have time to transform." Then he continues to the comic store.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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leonides said:
But befor he enters "but the other reason l did not kill you is because l thort we could put this behind us and be friends but l dont think that is going to run by you"said Nick as he fallet some formiller chakra comeing

"it's about bloody time you came here"said Nick as he sore his partner coming "sorry but l had some things t...said Nick's partner as he was intrupted by Nick"you had more thing's to do wall you could have stoped me from nelly killing him

Nick's partner look at raijin"you sasuke your Nick's partner nice to met you"said raijin"not noce to met you if Nick tryed to kill you"said sasuke"dont wory l let him live now lets go"said Nick as both hi and sasuke teleported to the dark eco clan
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Raijin said:
Raijin watches Nick leave with Sasuke, then says in a telepathic link to him, "You could't have killed me, not if i fought you for real. I was letting you see that I would rather not be enemies. I noticed you were pretty fast up there, but as you saw, I'm faster."

He then does another chakra tracking technique, and sends a gift-wrapped scroll, with a card that says, "If you want to get faster, use these, but be warned, it's more harsh than it appears."
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
Nick lookes at the card and read's it over and over agein the he dous a gift back

Raijin get's them gift the card said"ok l will but if you want to get stonger met me at the dark eco village gate"and in there was some thing's to help in traning
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Raijin said:
Raijin looks at the gift package, then replies telepathically, "While I apprieciate the help, apparently I know the village, just not where it's located. Oh well, maybe I'll find it on one of my different Shinobi Nation weekly runs. I didn't tell you about that did I? Meet me at the Valley of the End, and I'll show you some of my routes."

After he says that, he teleports to the valley of the end, and waits upon one of the ruined Hokage heads.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
Nick could feal Raijin's chakra so he teeported to when he is"if you read my leter l said the dark eco clan gate"said Nick

"wall l dont know where it is"said Raijin

sasuke looked around and notest a odd chakra flow he was sapecting that Raijin would try to kill both him and Nick

"so you want to be as stong as me or what"said Nick

"ya"said Raijin as soon as he grabed somthing from his back

sasuke qwikle grabed his hand and said"l notest the chakra flow here and it's one l have not falt what are u planing"

"leve him sasuke l know this chakra flow it's for very very powerful traning"said Nick as sasuke let go of Raijin
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Raijin said:
Raijin looks at Sasuke and says to him, "You know, maybe I'd let him grab me like that, mainly because we have ourselves an understanding of each other right now, but you are a completely different story. If you touch me again, partner of his or not, I WILL destroy you."

After that, he reaches into his weapon pouch, and pulls out an issue of Bleach manga. He also reaches into the same weapon pouch and pulls out a candy bar.

He then looks to Nick and says, "You want one? I don't just have one flavor. Pick your choosing." He then pulls out many different kinds of candy bars.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
"no thanks and dont kill him just hit him"said Nick
Raijin looked at Nick friendly but Nick was still having truble trusting him

"ok whats this speed traning you want to tech me"said Nick
"wall lm the fastest man in the world so l thort l'd tech it to you"said Raijin

Nick agred to the traning and Raijin agred to Nick's traning to
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
"Ok, the first thing. You see that dune all the way in the desert? No, don't worry, I can't either. Anyways, your going to make ten trips from here to that dune, wearing those weights, in 15 seconds.", Raijin instructs Nick.

"Alright, that shouldn't be so hard. I'll have it down in no time flat.", Nick replies, only to find himself pinned to the ground for ten seconds after putting on the weights.

Raijin then says, "I might have forgotten to tell you, time started once you put on the weights. Hmm, maybe I should soften the training regimen for you, if you fell down and were held down that long."

"Hey, that's not right, you shouldn't be doing that, and besides, how did you hold yourself up that long.?", Nick asks, after getting back to his feet. "And besides that, why are you the only one not training right now?"

"Because, you never said we were training both at the same time.", Raijin simply says. "Now, if your going to learn from me, your going to do training me way. Which means, get running, now!", he adds. "And to answer your question, I didn't. Not in the beginning anyway."
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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leonides said:
After a full day of doing what Raijin said Nick had doon what he's was tolled

"huff huff what huff huff the fuck huff are in this"said Nick berly standing

"dont ask me l dont now thats it for the day"said Raijin
"fine but tomorow your doing my traning and trust me it's a lot harder then this"said Nick as he regans strangth

Nick was having truble sleeping for his bodie was sore all over he then got up and went for a wark sasuke had got up to and fallod Nick

Nick pick up the weights on and trand all night he was faster the befor but still needed work
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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leonides said:
The next day Nick had just fineshed 6 laps to the hiddan sand village and back and raijin could see he was realldy to have a rest

"huff huff l must huff say this things are geting lighter but there still fucking hevey now for your traning"said Nick

Raijin pulled out the weight's then Nick did a speshle jutsu on then


"l want you to lift them 1000 time"said Nick


"hey l did what you said you do what l say"said Nick
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Raijin starts lifting them after Nick's little comment, and after getting used to them, as he soon realised that they were only twice as heavy as the weights he was wearing, he got to lifting them, of course, with at first great difficulty.

"Hey wait, you can't be serious. You couldn't run with six of my weights I gave you, but you can lift something like this with ease?
I run with six of weights two times lighter than these, and I could start running with these while lifting them as well!", he said, a little annoyed at the fact that he was being slightly underestimated.

"There's no way you can be wearing weights that heavy, not to mention that many. You have to be cheating!" Nick shouted at Raijin.

"Hey, I'm not cheating. It's called wearing training weights to increase speed, and my strenghth while I'm at it. You want to yell at me for cheating, try training how I have for twelve years. And don't try to tell me I couldn't have started training then.", Raijin replied.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
"wall whatever but if you are going to tark like that the here's more weight"said Nick as the waights became more and more hevey


"pass them here"said Nick as he grabed the waights and lifted them up and down like they where nothing

Raijin's mouth droped

"hhhooow ccccaaaannn yyyyoooouuuuu dddddoooo ttttthhhhhhaaaatttt"said Raijin with his mouth droped

"this is why they call me the stongest man in the world"said Nick

sasuke looked up and said"you will need to show of later orochemaru is here"Raijin looked up

"wall l can fight right now bucause of the FUCKING WAIGHTS"said Raijin as they left the traning fraled
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Raijin looks at Orochimaru when they arrive at his location, then says to Nick and Sasuke, after having recovered from the effects of using those weights, "Can I give his missing doses of shock therapy? It's been a while, and I missed him when he was in Konoha."

Nick looks at him and says, "Are you sure you can fight him, even after all that training? And besides, shock therapy, the hell, whats that supposed to mean?"

Raijin looks at him and says, "I ain't known as the fastest man in the world for just my speed. My recovery time is also pretty quick. By shock therapy, well, you know I use lightning jutsu, right?"

"Umm, yeah, what about it? Oh, wait, lightning jutsu, shock therapy, and it's black lightning, which means even more powerful shocks, you are one cruel bastard. But the recovery time, how did you manage to speed that up?", Nick asks.

"After the fight, I'll tell you, then we'll talk about your unsupervised training that you did. For now, I'm out for some payback after being stuck in his asylum.", Raijin says, then leaps into the air and seemingly vanishing.

"Damn it, where did he go?", asked Orochimaru before feeling a few quick jolts from all sides, though the source wasn't seen. "Wait, where are his waits?" Orochimaru asks, terrified, then more afraid when he sees that they are lying next to Nick.

"Hey, don't hog all the fun!", Nick yells, before he and Sasuke jump into the fray.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
Nick went right in front of orochemaru and gave him the worlds stongest punch

"they dont call me the world's strongest man for nothing"said Nick acting like a smartass

"nice strangth you are as stong as they say"said raijin

"cut the chater we still have work to do"said Nick as he notest that it was a clone

"behind you mwaaaaaa"said orochemaru as he punches him in the back

"ummm no look behind you NOW RAIJIN"said Nick
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Raijin pokes, or what appears to be a poke, Orochimaru in the back, but then electrocutes him while he was at it and says, "Too late to set up a Clone or even a Replacement Jutsu now, cause until this fight's over, you have a limited number of jutsu you can use. Thats right, I fried you Chakra Circulatory System a bit."

Orochimaru, thinking he isn't capable of such a stunt, yet, tries to do a Summoning Jutsu, but realizes that he doesn't have enough chakra yet. "If thats how things are gonna be, fine." He then coughs up the sword that he swallowed, that can cut through everything, so far anyways, and charges Raijin. He swings when he approaches him, but misses, and is kicked, while hearing, "Here you go Nick, he's comin' your way."
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
Nick looked and tryed to movie but it was to late Orochemaru had bit him and gave a cuers mark

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"yalle­d Nick as the pain became bad

sasuke remembered what happend to him when he got his so he remembers the pain then Nick fall to the ground but befor that sasuke cachet him

"AHHHHHHHHHhhhhooo...."said Nick as he was noked out

"we must get him to a safe place

"l know where to go follow me"said Raijin
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Raijin said:
When they arrive at the safety place, Raijin looks at the curse mark, then thinks to himself, 'I could easily remove it, if I had paid more attention to seal workings in the Sky Village Academy. Oh well, no time to complain, guess I'll have to jump into the seal and see what kinda beasty lives there.' He then turns to Sasuke and says, "Hey Uchiha, watch my body will you? I'm gonna go dumpster diving, in a sense."

"What do you mean, dumpster diving?" Sasuke asks.

"Oh, you'll find out, someday." Raijin replies, then starts meditating.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
when Raijin went in the mark he could see Nick but this was no saprise because this is Nick's bodie

"so this is the cures mark inside hu weard"said Raijin

"shhhhhhhhhhhh you may be able to use jutsu in life but this is my bodie so shhh or the monster will kill you"said Nick

posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
"Hey Nick, so this is what it's like in your body, pretty cool. By the way, I'm not worried about monsters, I deal with enough of one. Let me tell you, Flame and mine partner Trickster, she's terrifying enough."Raijin says, then adds, "Now ssshhhhh, be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting curse mark monsters." And he walks off.

"Hey, I told you to be quiet, otherwise the monster will get you." Nick says, but realizes that Raijin wasn't listening at that point.

"My weights are still in the outside world, they don't carry over here with me, so I don't have much to worry about." Raijin shouts back at him.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
then Nick and Raijin vaneshed for Nick's bodie woke up

"ohhhh where the fuck am l"said Nick

"wall thats l nice thin to say when you wake up"said Sasuke

then marks started to form around Nick and the cures mark took control of Nick
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
"Holy fuck, how'd I get back out here. Holy crap where'd you come from, what the hell is going on with him." Raijin asks, having a moment of temporary amnesia.

"You got forced out of his head, then he started to be taken over by the curse seal. And what another nice thing to say when you wake up." Sasuke replies, then jumps back once some of the chakra from the curse seal lashes outwards.

"Oh, rigth, thanks, I remember now, and I remember something else. Something I learned from Cain. Something about Biiju and curse seals not supposed to be on or in the same body, without dangerous results for those around. Gotta pay better attention next time." Raijin ponders aloud, then falling into a defensive stance.
posted over a year ago.
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Miazu said:
A new arrival appears to the village hidden in the leaves. He glances around, sensing the demon energy that is so prominent, and follows his senses, moving to where Saucegay Uchemo, Raijin, and the one with the odd american name are, quietly, as if trained not to make a sound, though he wears no definitive gear of a ninja.

posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
Nick was to out of control and needed help Raijin grabed him but Nick just punched him away

"he's out of control sasuke help"said Raijin

"sasuke jump's over to Nick and grabs the skin of the cures and doues a forbidan jutsu to control him then Nick fall to the ground and was noked out

(sorry l can think of alot to add)
posted over a year ago.
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Miazu said:
Endigo blinks as he looses the trail of the demonic energy, glancing around. He then continues to walk in the direction that he sensed it, trying to locate the source. A house maybe? Is it possibly around a hospital? Humm..
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Raijin looks over the now knocked out Nick, then begins to feel another presence in the area. "Hey Sauske, watch him, and when he wakes up, punch him and tell him it was from me."

"Why?", Sasuke asks.

"Because he punched me, and all I was trying to do was help him. Tell him I said just for that, he's getting the big guns in speed training." Raijin replies, then adds, "I'm gonna go figure out where this other presence is." He then does a chakra sensing technique, but can't determine if the presence uses chakra or not, so he goes to the general area of that presence.

"Now then, what do we have here?", he asks himself, before scouting the area.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Raijin said:
Another person looks outside of his sleeping bag, and heres all the racket happening around the area, then shrugs it off as nothing when all the commotion ends. He then turns to face the other sleeping bag, just to see it's empty. "Damn it brother, where did you go now?", the person shouts, then runs to find him.

Meanwhile, another person looms over the Uchiha, then looks at Nick, and thinks, 'Well now, this is interesting. A Dark Eco ninja? I must know.' He then knocks out Sasuke, and tries to do a Shadow Merger, but is interrupted by somebody else bursting into the cabin. "There you are, where the hell have you been?" The guy yells at him, then sees Nick lying out cold. "Hey, whos the kid?" He asks, quietly.

"All I know is, he's a Dark Eco Ninja, or the last of them anyways." the other person replies.

Meanwhile, Nick starts to wake up, hearing the two talking amongst each other.

"Hey Cougrana, he's waking up." the first guy states.

The other person, still in the doorway, says, "I see that Michael, now get away in case he attacks."

"Fine, fine, you worry too much, after all, it would only be a little pain.", Michael, as he was introduced says, then jumps back to the doorway. "By the way kid, what's your name?" Michael addresses Nick.

When Nick fully wakes up, he looks around, sees Sasuke knocked out, then looks at the two of them, and says, " I don't think I want to tell you."

Cougrana looks at Nick and says, "Hey, when you get my brother curious, you answer, otherwise he gets forceful. And also, when my brother gets curious about somebody, that means your somebody I should know about."
posted over a year ago.
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Miazu said:
The chakra from the stranger is odd, but recognizable, and coats his body like skin, apparently, making his chakra points unseeable, though making him easily detectable. The stranger pulls his mask over his face, and pulls out to face the lightning ninja, possibly looking like an Anbu, though of which country is definately not easy to see
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Raijin looks at the guy when he pulls out, looks over him to make sure he's not a possible threat, then says, "Identify yourself."

Meanwhile, at the cabin, Cougrana and Micheal continue to question NIck, hoping to get a name from him.

"Kid, you had better tell me soon, otherwise I'm gonna get angry." Michael says, while reaching down at his side where a ordinary enough looking katana is held.

"I say we should start really pushing him for info, as in, really start questioning him." Cougrana says, after seeing where Michael's hand went.

"Hmmph, you always want to do things the boring way. Why don't you see it's fun to get people talking by means of pain and terror?" Michael asks, dissapointed by the fact that he isn't allowed to cut up Nick until he talks.

Cougrana starts looking annoyed and says, "Thats because I don't like killing people unreasonably, and also your methods or interrogation."

Sasuke starts to wake up, and quickly teleports behind Michael, holding a kunai to his neck. "Keep your distance, else I might have to take you out.", he tells Michael, who seems to laugh about the current situation.

"Ha ha, this guy seems to think I'm worried about this blade. Doesn't he have anything better?" Michael asks Cougrana, who is currently standing by Sasuke, the side of his hand pointed at Sasuke's neck.

"Step away from my brother, otherwise you'll meet an unhappy end." Cougrana threatens, then pulls his hand far enough away, then reveals the blade inside the glove that was apparently hidden by chakra.

Sasuke steps away, then takes a defensive stance by Nick and thinks, 'Raijin had better hurry up and finish up what he's doing. These guys don't look easy to handle if we have to fight.'
posted over a year ago.
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dezune said:
*posting for dezune, as he gave me his account name and password, because he can't access a computer at home, yes leonides, this is Raijin*

Another person walks to appears nearby Raijin, after spending time checking for his chakra signiture. "Yo man, how've you been? I've been searching for you for a while now."

"Not now Flame. I'm sorta busy at the moment. But if you wouldn't mind, track Sasuke's chakra signiture, and go to him. I felt two others arriving at his location, but I'm held up here right now." Raijin replies.

"Ok, got it. What should I do after that though?" Flame asks.

"I don't know, but if those two are hostile, help Sasuke hold them off of Nick." Raijin answers, then returns his attention to the other guy.

"Ok, I'm off." Flame says, then he teleports away a few minutes later. He then arrives at the cabin seeing Cougrana and Michael standing there. 'Ahh, don't worry about those two, it's only Cougrana and Michael there.' Flame tells Raijin through a mental link.

"Hey you two, how you guys been?" Flame asks Cougrana and Michael, currently not noticing Michaels hand near his katana. He then walks over beside Sasuke.

'Flame, check where Michael's hands are, if their beside his body, or if their anywhere else.' Raijin instructs.

Flame looks over at Michael, sees the katana, sees Michaels hand near it, and say to Michael, "Hey, chill man, Raijin nows him, and if he ain't killed him yet, that means he's cool with Raijin."

With that, Michaels hand returns to a resting stance, as if Raijin knowing and being cool with the guy meant he has Raijin's protection from anyone who would attack him.

'He did, but after I told him you were cool with the kid, he relaxed, and Cougrana was holding his outstrecthed blade at Sasuke.' Flame responds, after defusing the situation.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
Nick was felling weak and the cures mark was herting him

"do you mind geting these guys away from Nick he's to weak"said sasuke to flame

posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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dezune said:
Flame leaps back, then pushes Michael, who was the closest to him, back to the doorway, where Cougrana had taken to standing in again, and says, "Is this good enough? This is the biggest cabin I've seen so far, and it's got a lot more rooms than one too."

Cougrana says, "That's because it's the Mental Asylum Raijin went to one year. There haven't been any other patients here, and since Orochimaru had been caught with his forbidden research, the patients and guards were taken back to Konoha. It's now used as a cabin though, so you can see why it's called one to the villagers."

Michael adds, "And it's connected to each of the Great Shinobi Nations, and then the other Shinobi Nations as well, so any ninja have access to it. We're currently in here, so as per the rules, no other ninja can use it."

Flame says, "Oh yeah, doesn't Raijin have a room here?"

Sasuke looks at the group and says, "You three know more about this place than anything, what gives?"

Michael looks at Sasuke and says, "Because for me, this is where I first met and befriended Raijin. This is also where he had a change in attitude."

Flame asks, "Huh, what do you mean? How is his attitude different?"

Cougrana answers, "Because according to my brother, when Raijin first arrived, there was a sudden spike in undertrained guards, and even Orochimaru tried to avoid contact with him as much as possible. In other words, Raijin killed a lot of guards in the place, just to prove how badass he was."

Flame stands there for a while, then says, "Ok, so how's the state of his room?"

Michael replies, "It's locked, and all you'd see there is his collection of dead guard heads. Be glad for the attitude change, otherwise, he'd be stuck to his Black Lightning ways."

Flame looks over at Nick, who is still feeling weak, and says, "Here, you want something to eat? Thats probably one of the reasons your not feeling well right now."

Nick answers weakly, "Something light for now, nothing I really have to chew."

Flame says, "Sure", and gives him a well moist fod bar. "Better than them damn nasty rations, or I'll eat a ton of those rations."
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
Nick gets up and askes"where is raijin"

"he's out looking for someone proble a bad guy or someone"said sasuke

Nick then teleports to raijin

(sorry l did not have much of a lder)
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Raijin said:
"Hey, you should really be resting still. After that battle with Orochimaru, and getting a little bite on the neck like that, you are in bad shape. Then again, seeing as I have some friends that helped me with things other than speed and strength training, I'm more prepared for such things." Raijin replies, before looking back at the other guy.

"Who's that?", Nick asks, still in bad condition, but able to stand a bit more.

"I'm not sure. He hasn't identified himself to me, and I am seriously getting about ready to leave him here and head back to the cabin." Raijin answers, and shakes his head.

He then looks over into the woods around them, reaches his hand into his pouch, and pulls out a strange pill. He puts it in his mouth, and before he loses self-control, he says, "Oh crap, wrong pill."

He then starts to get real strange acting, before his hands fall to his sides, and he starts walking like a penguin.

"Yay, who do I get to hug now?" asks Raijin, in a kind of craze, and when he lightly grabs the nearest tree, it starts to crush inwards, and soon it is completely crushed from the sides to where it falls towards them. He then goes over to a rock, and gives it a bear hug, and it is crushed into pieces beyond any possible identification, and his body discharges a lot of Black Lightning.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
"haha funny but l really should get them"said Nick sends a leter to the guys back there and they hurry over and see whats going on

"ok this is fucked up what the hell is he doing"asked sasuke

"l dont know but it a bit funny"said Nick as he keeped on laghing

(agien l did not have much of an lder)
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Cougrana looks at Nick and Sasuke, then says, "Damn it, don't just stand there, move it. He's not sane right now."

Michael looks at Cougrana, and says, "When is he ever?"

Flame says, "This ain't a laughing matter. Raijin must have consumed a caffine pill. He's in the penguin state."

Michael looks back over, blinks a few times, then says, "Holy fuck? How did I miss that? That state is definetly dangerous."

Sasuke says, "What do you mean? How is that dangerous?"

Flame looks over to Sasuke and says, "Well, lets not stand in this area precisely. It's, not really safe if you know what I mean."

Then Raijin looks at the group eyeing them all and says, "Oooooh, look at all the cute little dolls. I just want to hug them all."

Cougrana says,"Oh crap, he's talking about us. Run!!"

Raijin then teleports in front of Michael, and says, "You first. I wanna play with you first."

Meanwhile, in the shadows, a figure that Raijin had sensed when he went for a chakra pill steps out of the shadows and says, "Come back now, my little project expirement. I require your power now."

He then runs right up to Raijin, knocks him out, and says, "If you all want him back, you'll have to come to my base. And Sasuke, I'll be waiting." Then he teleports off.

Flame, having been shaken up by that persons sudden apperance, then dissaperance, looks around after that and sees that he did indeed take off with Raijin.

"Madara? Was that him?" Flame asks himself aloud.

"Huh? What did he want with Raijin?" Michael asks, more confused by that situation than anything.

Cougrana just stays quiet, and walks back to the cabin, then stops part way and starts punching a tree.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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leonides said:
(u will have to add agien l dont now what to add)
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
oh wait l now what to add
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
"MADARA GRRRRAAAAAAAAAA"growled Nick as his the 11 talled fox charkra formed around him

"woo man calm down"said sasuke

but Nick dident lison he just went destroying thing but thats not all the cures mark went over Nick to bost his power and the pain went bad but Nick dident care

posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Michael watches this, laughs a little, and says, "Oh hell, why not. Come on kid, I'll go along with you. And before you try anything, keep this in mind. My katana here, it is enchanted to cut through even the most powerful of chakra coating. I've heard about you and the eleven tailed fox, and I don't care. You try and hurt me while I'm taking you there, and I'll make you regret it."

Nick was't listening to Michael, So Michael says, "Alright that's it. Let's go a round." He says, then throws a rock at the coat of chakra. When it goes right through Nick he says, "Ok, rocks won't do anything, but I believe I got your attention. So listen here. I'm gonna lead you to Madara's base, where our plan will be to rescue Raijin. We go in for that and not to fight, because your in no shape to fight, even with that demon's power. Add in the fact that Madara is stronger beyond all of our years, and we'll be outmatched by just one man."

Sasuke says, "Why are you worried about Nick in this? He'll manage fine, unlike you."

"You want to come along and find out, fine. Come along, see how powerful Madara is compared to us. See why he lived even though the First Hokage of your village killed him." Michael says.

"Huh? He was already killed by the First Hokage? Why is he alive then?" Sasuke asks.

"Come along, he'll explain." Michael says, then leads them to the Akatsuki base.

When they arrive, the base is closed with one of those barriers that can't be removed except by either a certain jutsu, or removing the different sealing tags. Michael does the handseals, and the barrier an rock move, and they easily enter.

"So, you kids arrived. How nice, and Michael, how did you know the jutsu to get in?" Madara asks, and eyes Nick while yawning.

"One, don't take the kid lightly. Two, I don't need the Sharingan to copy jutsu I see. My eyes can keep up with even Raijin running off at top speed, so I can see the hand signs of a jutsu, and copy them like that." Michael says, quite bored by Madara and his pack of rouge ninja.

"Well, I'll not worry about Nick now, because my first success of my experiments has returned to my side, and he is very obedient." Madara says, and calls forward someone by the name of Skeith.

Raijin walks in from the other room, dressed differently, and his powers have changed in the short time he was taken, and Madara says, "How do you like it? This is the result of my first Super Ninja project. This is Skeith, a soul of a powerful alien entity tht came to our planet, and captured by me. I turned Raijin from an ordinary villager with a serious attitude problem, into the first Ninja to ever stand on par with even my fully powered Sharingan. And Nick, even if you kill me, my soul will leave my body, and find another dead body to inhabit. That is how I am alive to stand before you after dying to the First Hokage. However, you'll have to fight my experiment first, and don't die just yet. I want to see if it will be worth turning you into another one of my projects. Skeith, attack!"

Raijin, or Skeith as he is now, summons a kind of sword that has some kind of zeron for the handle, and charges at Nick, Sasuke and Michael. Michael jumps in the way, having drawn his katana and blocks part of the hit and says, "Damn it, we have to retreat. Raijin isn't himself, and if Madara is right, the right now, this Skeith thing is the most powerful thing in here."

Sasuke asks, "How powerful was his Sharingan?"

Madara says, "If the Eleven Tailed Fox hadn't been sealed away, and I hadn't been killed, then my power then, would've put even it under my control. That's how powerful it will be once I get your Sharingan, Sasuke."
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:

"ok this is bad be need to go now what he gets to the last tall not even madara can stop him if he says hes that powerful"said sasude

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MADARA HAVE FUN WITH THE CURES MARK OVER ME"yalled Nick as the cures mark came over him and he became a full on monster the cures mark beast looked like sasukes but two more hands

posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Raijin, or Skeith, yawns and says, "Feh, you aren't worth my time. I wouldn't try anything funny. I will turn you back to normal now."

He lifts his hands, and uses a skill he calls Time Reversal. The skill seems to go through Nick's body as normal, but, the chakra thats surrounding him is quickly withdrawn, and the Curse Seal recedes, then Skeith slams his fist into Nick's gut, that knocks him far out of that base and says, "Come back in a hundred years. You see, Madara saw me as a threat in my old body for a reason. But you know, this one is getting up there, that I might as well make it my own from this day on."

Michael watching Skeith's movements, says, "Fuck, that wasn't Lightning or Light Speed. That was Cosmic Speed. From what I read in those little books, Skeith never had anything like that."

Madara grins and says, "I know, I gave him it. And I also made Raijin's body able to handle that kind of speed too, so, my perfect warrior will be able to handle you."

Skeith runs to where he is standing across from Nick, and says, "Kid, don't bother trying to release those powers. I placed a special skin mergeing time seal, that will turn you back to this state. And, even if you try and remove it, it's like the Curse Seal. You'll have to tear off your own flesh to get rid of it. Plus, if you do so, I can easily reverse time all I want."

Raijin, watching the fight from inside the seal he's in, creates a telepathic link with Nick and says, "Nick, get me one of my caffine pills. They are in that left bag pocket, next to my kunai. When you do, feed it to me."

Nick hearing that, nods his head, rushes Skeith, and reaches into the bag, and pulls out the caffine pill. He tries to feed it to Raijin's body, but Skeith grabs his arm and says, "Kid, give it up. I'm not gonna lose my new body to you at all, and if you want to get to Madara, your gonna have to kill your friend here. But, I don't think you have the guts."

Raijin fights from the inside until he gets control long enough to say, "Don't worry. Madara want's me alive for different experiments. He won't have let me get killed, so, it will only be a little pain."

Nick says, "Are you sure? I don't wanna hurt you."

Raijin just nods before Skeith takes over again.

"Your crappy reunion is over. Now I'm gonna kill you. And you know what, I'll tell you this. You may make a blow like that, but you'll ruin his ninja life, as in, kill it, once and for all. He wasn't lying about Madara's extra work on him to keep him alive even with your level of power. He knows it, it's full power, and Raijin will only have a huge hole in him." Skeith says, before bekoning him to come attack him.

Inside the Akatsuki Base, Michael was fending off Madara from leaving until Nick was finished with whatever he would do to Skeith, and grew bored of Madara's lame attacks.

"Wow, you really have grown weak." Michael says, which seems to piss of Madara.

Michael then makes a false-swipe a Madara' left side, then makes a real slash at his right, and connects, and says, "I don't know who's gonna kill you first, Raijin, or Nick. My money is on Raijin though, because of the fact that he can keep you from wandering around the planet. But if Nick can't save him, then, I guess I just have to go with him."
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
Nick trys to let the 11 talled fox charkra come ove and the cures mark but all he could do is let out a bit of the demons charkra and l small bit of cures mark

"huf huf huf dude l dont think l can last this skeith has this much power l cant even tuch him if my demon could brake what ever he did to me l could have both my demon at full power and my cures mark"said Nick as he was nelly noked out but wasent going to give up

sasuke jumps to help Nick and says"hmmm your stronger then me Nick and if you cant bet him then mabe"said sasuke with out finishing

"then mabe we can do that little trick by us both in one body and with unbeatabul powerwe mit have a shot at stoping this ass"said Nick

both Nick and sasuke combin in to the one man body with a flash of light
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
(the hiccups i mentioned to you in my reply to your reply to my letter are driving me nuts and distracting me from typing out what I want to type, so I'm gonna have to take a rain check on my post for now. when they are gone, or when I next wake up, whichever happens first, you know, if I fall asleep before they leave, I'll post then.)
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Skeith looks at the two combined and says, "Oh whatever. If you think that will help, then fine by me. I suppose I'll quit playing now, and let you know just what I'm capable of. So, here I come!"

With that, he charges at Nick/Sasuke, and with another punch, sends them flying again, though, as he notices, not as far as before.

"Well well, seems I have a worthy opponent. It's a shame, because I'd rather let you two live. But, I value my existance out here more, and I'd rather not lose it, so, like I said before, I'm gonna have to kill you. It's nothing personal now, aside from the fact that you two want me gone." Skeith says, before shedding some of the outfit he was wearing, and where the outfit lands, craters appear, which sink further and further into the ground.

"Huh, I thought I was the World's Strongest Man. Damn, where did you get those?" the Nick part of the Nick/Sasuke fusion asks.

"It doesn't matter. But, you see, that title, it was mine before my death, and I'll reclaim it soon. Now, lets see how you handle this!" Skeith answers, then rushes in with another punch.

"Not this time! Chidori!" Both Nick and Sasuke yell at the same time, and it appears to Skeith that both hands are full of lightning. Then they also rush, to meet Skeith in the center, and Skeith takes both hits, then laughs, and says, "Are you kidding me? That tickles. That's an attack? Ha, Ive seen better in my years."

He then punches the two, and with that punch, they still fly back as far as the last time, but it allows Skeith to see just what the two Chidori did to him.

"Ahh, so it did do something. I just must not feel pain or something. Oh, wait, I used to. Now it's my host body who does!" with that, Skeith starts laughing more, and then says, "Ok kiddies, let me show you something cool."

Then he raises his hands to the sky, and when he lowers his eyes to them, his eyes have lighting bolts in them, and he asks, "So, which village do you kids want to be destroyed?"

"How about none!" Cougrana shout as he jumps into the fight, then shoves his palm into Skeith's stomach and says, "By the way, that was my Cougar Palm Strike you just got hit by. Even if you didn't feel the inital blow, you'll feel the after effects."

He then jumps to Nick/Sasuke's side and asks, "So, you want me to distract him? Or you want me to take this fight so ya'll can go get ahold of Madara before Michael gets bored of playing with him and decides to actually kill him."

Skeith yells after getting back up from the attack, "You all are not going anywhere! I'm going to kill you all here and now. I will not allow even one person to slip by me."

With that, he charges at them again, this time, with the full intent to kill in his eyes.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
"l thing we will let you take him l want revenge nowëxplaned Nicks side of Nick/sasuke

they jump on the side of michael and say"let me take him l want revenge now"said Nicks side of Nick/sasuke and both Nicks hell cures mark and sasukes heven cures mark come over them and becom the cratest monster and Nicks demon went ove them
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Skeith watches Nick/Sasuke somehow jump from the Valley of the End to the Akatsuki Base in Fire Country, shakes his head, and says, "Whatever methods he used to do that, I don't care. He's still my fight. You on the other hand, you might have surprised me with that move, but if that's all you have to give you an edge, you've already lost. Now, to deal with my choice of opponent." With that, he teleports over to where Nick/Sasuke are, and says, "I don't think you understood what I said. I said you aren't getting past me. Until either someone else kills him, or someone else I find a worthy foe, I'm still all your dealing with."

"Then you'll fight me. I am Michael, the son of the Great Demon, and creator of the Dark powers in use, Michross. My brother is also his son, but, that is something I'll never reveal to him, for good reason." Michael says.

"As impressive as that sounds, I'm not interested. This kid somehow got around my seal. It shouldn't have happen, considering it merges into the skin, becoming impossible to remove, and stays in effect. You on the other hand, you are no threat." Skeith says, and once again, performs the time reversal spell on Nick/Sasuke.

However, before his spell is completely cast, Skeith is blasted by Michael's favorite jutsu, Shadow Beam.

"I said I'm the one your fighting. Now, fight me." Michael says.

"Pointless. No matter what you do, I don't care to fight you. Only one opponent is who matters to me, and he has, as I already said, interested me. Coming into this form when he shouldn't have been able to. Now, move out of my way." Skeith says, completely uninterested in Michael.

"I told you, no, never mind. I'll just have to make you get interested in fighting me." Michael says, and then Cougrana also comes behind Skeith, and hits him with a fire palm strike.

"You two together won't make a difference. I'm only interested in one person as my opponent." Skeith says.

"Forget it. Shadow Eruption!" Michael says, and his finger is touching the ground.

Underneath Skeith, a pillar of darkness rises, and he is engulfed by it, and sent flying into the sky. Michael then jumps into the air, and he then throws his hands into a strange set of seals.

"Now, since you obviously don't understand anything about me, I'm gonna make sure you don't forget. Shadow Merger!" Michael says, and after grabbing a hold of Skeith, merges himself until he is inside of the body of Skeith and Raijin, which seems to be covered in shadows.

"Now then, time to give this fool a bath. Where is he in here anyway?" Michael wonders, while roaming around.

"Who's there? Hello?" asks a voice that Michael recognizes.

"Hold on Raijin. I'm coming." Michael says.

When he arrives at where Raijin is, he sees that another Skeith is there as well. "So, maybe you are impressive after all. Being able to come here like this, you might just have a power of your own to interest me. Time Shower."

However, it didn't work, because before the spell was cast, Michael had suddenly vanished.

"You know, it's sad. You think just because we're in Raijin's body/mind, means you have the upper hand? It's filled with darkness, and shadows. I can merge into those things, and be wherever I want because of that fact. Now, bath time." Michael says, and when Skeith looks around him to try to find him, all he sees are five gems.

"Five Gem Sealing!" Michael says, and when he rises from the ground, he's holding some kind of vial.

He drops it on one gem, and the entire area Skeith is in suddenly gets real wet. When all of the torrent that happens after the sudden wetness ends, Skeith finds himself behind the seal he was placed in again.

"Well now, that was only supposed to work on demons, so if it worked on you, you must be some kind of demon. Or I'm just lucky, and it worked this way for once." Michael says.

Then Michael finds himself outside of Raijin's body, and Raijin is back to normal.

"Huh, that's done with, so I guess I get to help Nick show Madara who not to piss off. Guess I'll show him why I'm sometimes called Lightning." Raijin says, and he appears to be completely unharmed.

"You know what, I'll never know how you stay uninjured after things like that, but, who cares. Now then, kick his ass." Michael says, and Cougrana adds, "Yeah, and we'll deal with the Akatsuki half-wits that dared to stand near here."

"You got it guys. Hey Nick/Sasuke, make room. You might have your reasons for revenge against Madara, but, you're gonna have to take a number. Only one of us will end up getting what they want." Raijin says, before his entire body is covered in Black Lightning.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Raijin said:
"Ha ha ha, so now even my experimental ninja is going against me. What do you know? I guess it's true what they say, what goes around comes around. But wait, here's something interesting. It seems you both actually think you two could bring me down. Only one of you is a threat, because I can just keep searching for any dead bodies to inhabit, and what do you know? There are plenty of dead Uchihas. That means that no matter what you do Nick, I'll keep coming, being the elusive one. Now Raijin, your the one I fear, with the Shinigami summon. Only he could ever keep me out of this realm. However, I'll give you both a free chance to kill me, if you two can bring yourselves out of this nightmare. Tsukiyomi!" Madara says, and considering Raijin hadn't looked down, he was caught in the jutsu, or, as far as Madara knew.

"You know. I don't really have eyes in this form. It just looks like I do. Really, it's all different than you know." Raijin says.

Madara curses, considering he knows Nick/Sasuke know better than to lock eyes with an Uchiha, and his trick won't work on Raijin, so he does the next thing he can think of. "Amatseru!"

That, compared to Tsukiyomi, had more of an effect on Raijin than other jutsu would have, and why can easily be told. However, these flames are more painful, as the flames burn as hot as the sun, which, only an idiot would think any other jutsu used against it in use would counter it. And contrary to the beliefs to somebody else who had these ice creating weapons, that somehow froze the flames of Amatseru, this fire can only be stopped by a special sealing jutsu.

Unfortunately, the only one with the sealing jutsu to put it out isn't present, so the flames keep getting stronger. It soon consumes most of the base, which also gives Madara time to TRY to escape, but, that was the key word. Try. Behind him, is one seriously strange looking Nick/Sasuke combination, that punches him back into the area.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
"sasuke lets separat you have nothing to do here"said Nick's side of Nick/sasuke

they separat and there just Nick and sasuke agien
"ok lets see how you like this your not the only one with the amatseru....AMATSERU"yalled Nick at the last minit and a difrent tipe of flame came from his eyesthe coler was green flames doing more damgig them madara's
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
ok l am really runing out of lders here l donno if its because were working on other rpgs but ya l donno what to add
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
dude lm nick in the rpg not leonides
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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leonides said:
umm dude l cant die in here ever ask raijin and one more thing u cant attack me when lm useing my form of the amatseru so ur gonna have to find a nother lder for this
posted over a year ago.
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djtim1000 said:
dang i didnt read the whole thing so im kinda confused
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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djtim1000 said:
im back!*yelled poppet as he poped out of the ground*sand style sand sheild jutsu!!! *sheilds both poppet and raijin from the amatseru*
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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leonides said:
hey not that ur not doing a good job but try and make it long like my and raijin sometimes we do small ones cuz we dont ghave much of an lder so ya
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
Nick stoped the amatseru and looked at the guy they found at the start of all this"hmm you agen the one with the puppets what you gonna try and kill my agen good luck"said Nick not as angry as befor
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
like that cuz l dident have much of an lder so l did a small one but when u have a big lder u make big parts get it now
posted over a year ago.
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djtim1000 said:
red ant bull dog release!

*two puppets jump out of poppets bag*

sand style puppet fusion jutsu!

*fuses both puppets togther to make a puppet dragon*

ive goten a whole lot stronger since we meet.Ive also masterd the puppet fusion ability and ive mastered my swordfighting and i think im gonna test both ofem on you.FIRE FLARE STRIKE!!!

*the puppet dragon spews fire from its mouth and starts spiriling towards nick.Nick doesent jump out of the way fast enough and gets his left arm wounded*

now taste my blades!*the two tails chakra coats poppet and his sword splits in two.then poppet starts swinging both swords at nick repeatidly*

i also have a qeastion whos side should i be on?and was this a good lder
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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leonides said:
wall my and raijins guys are in the good said aka Nick raijin sasuke Michael l forgot the other guy raijin has ask him thats most of it so far

the bad guys as u now madara orochimaru and thats it so far u can have a say in what siad u want to be in
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
and yes it was a good lder
posted over a year ago.
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djtim1000 said:
if you can defeat me i will join you but if you cant ill use my seal disrupion jutsu and let your beast free to wreak the land.

poison style poison dart bomb!*thousands of darts start shooting out of the puppet dragon mouth.nick dodges them exept 1*

you only have three days till you die from poison and im the only one with an antidoute defeat me and ill give it to you.

*nick starts to notice that his speed is going down slowly*
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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leonides said:
umm dude l have the speed obe light and sound it's in possable for anything to his my unless it's as big and 25 deamons
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
not trying to be a dick or anything but ya best to ask raijin about my guy and his
posted over a year ago.
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djtim1000 said:
i should just stop mroleplaying now :(
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
soz these alot more to my guy l should of tolled u l thort u read the story
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Raijin, looks over at the puppet master and says, "Sorry about him. He can be a bit of a dick at times. All in all, he's cool. As for you, I have an idea. You help us fight Madara for now, and I'll fight you. I want someone to spar against, that I don't know anything about."

He then turns his attention to Madara again, and says, "Now, if we're fortunate, we'll have just one more person to stomp you flat. And since I'm such a nice guy, I'm gonna fight you after a caffeine pill."

He then reaches into his pouch, grabs a pill out, checks it to make sure, and, dodging the attack aimed at him, consumes the pill.

"One thing before I go nuts again. You have this annoying habit of flaring your chakra when you attack. That's what makes it easy to dodge. Now then, I'm gonna go back to looneyville."

And with that, Raijin once again falls back into the penguin state, and starts waddling over to Madara.

"Does somebody need a hug?" asks the now seriously insane and electrifying Raijin.

"NO! I do NOT need a hug! Keep away from me you, you freak! I'm warning you!" Madara says, backing away, as quickly as he can.

"Awww. I only want to break your bones while delivering a huge jolt of lightning through your system. I promise it'll hurt alot. Come on, please?" Penguin Raijin asks.

"NO! KEEP AWAY FROM ME!! Somebody help me!! This dude is nuts!!" Madara shouts, now running from Penguin Raijin, while heading into the direction of Nick and the unknown(to Raijin) puppet master.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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leonides said:
"hey what are you doing neer me fuck off"said Nick as he kicks madara in the back and neer penguin raijin

"come on l know someone wants a huge and it's you"said penguin raijin

ya lm out of lders
posted over a year ago.
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djtim1000 said:
WTF DID HE JUST GO PENGUIN ON US!ahem well i think we should start looking for roachimo or whatever his name is.does everyone except raijin agree?
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
Wait. Was that in story, or out? If it was in story, Raijin going Penguin is just another thing he says, and calls it, for going insane. He has this tendency of going insane once he consumes anything caffinated, which is what he uses against enemies.

Otherwise, he fights while sane, and not breaking peoples backs, crushing rocks and trees, and destroying everything else with bear hugs from this state. Also, did I mention, whenever he's in this state, anything is a doll to him? No, well, now you know.
posted over a year ago.
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leonides said:
hey djim1000 did l tall u that u could swere in this u dont have to say wtf just say what the fuck
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
"Orochimaru? Other doll? More bear hugs?" Penguin Raijin asks.

"Yes. Orochimaru. Geez, what is he, an idiot?" Sasuke asks.

"Yay!! More hugs!! Bye lame toy!!" Penguin Raijin says to Madara, and waddles over to the group.

"I suppose it's better than nothing." Sasuke says, before turning to the others. "Now, yes, I believe we should. Kill him, then come back for Madara."
posted over a year ago.
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djtim1000 said:
*yawn*how much longer till the caffene goes out of his system?
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
"Right now. Ahh, I feel better. So, let's go." Raijin says, attempting to lead the group off to Orochimaru's base.
posted over a year ago.
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djtim1000 said:
-finnaly-hey raijin how much longer?my feet hurt and i want sesame seed rice cakes not basil sesame seed!

poppet then keeps complaning and agravating raijin

I WANT RICE CAKES NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
"You want Sesame Rice Cakes? I want you to be quiet. We're ninja. We are supposed to be stealthy when sneaking into places, not loud. But you know what else I want? I want a nice hot cup of coffee. Either that or Expresso. Now then, how much longer? We're in the Sound Village, and we'll stop at any town here so you can get some Rice Cakes. That is, if you live long enough for it." Raijin says, definately aggrivated.

He stops outside one town, when he sees a sign advertising a shop that has different flavors of coffee, and says, "Alright, we're stopping here. Get what you want, as much as you can afford and afford to carry, and then lets go. I don't wanna have to use up the Batcard just to buy a container to hold everything."

He then walks off, searching for the coffee shop.
posted over a year ago.
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djtim1000 said:
poppet then grabs raijin

posted over a year ago.
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Raijin said:
"But I need coffee. If I don't have coffee, I'll explode. It's happened before you know." Raijin says, trying to break free.

He keeps struggling for a bit, until he gives up, and says, "Fine. I won't get coffee. Let go of me no."
posted over a year ago.