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What Nine Inch Nails song are you?



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Vixie79 said:
I hope you know this is my FAVORITE nine inch nails song. Many people have left your life.. and it seems that every time you are hurt even more. Sometimes you consider killing everyone that's ever hurt you, but deep down you know that you care too much to do that. You are always there waiting for them to come back into your life, and would give them everything you have if they did.. but you know you're just going to disappoint them.

posted over a year ago.
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ilovekud said:
The Perfect Drug-
You are madly in love with someone right now, or at least you want to be. You feel like you are out of control with your emotions. It's not such a bad feeling, is it? ;)
posted over a year ago.
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Me I'm not. That's it.
posted over a year ago.