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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called One Direction ask fans to stop throwing iPhones at them on stage please
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
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These \'sexy\' slogan Christmas jumpers are pretty...
Monica was ALSO replaced with a fake in Friends
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One Direction have a bit of history with rogue flying objects. Harry\'s been hit in the balls by more shoes than he actually has in his wardrobe, Nialler wasn\'t impressed that time he got an unexpected shower, and don\'t start chucking stuff at Liam\'s head, or you\'ll have Louis to deal with.
But apparently some members of the 1D fandom are still yet to learn that throwing things at people is really quite mean, and the boys have issued a plea to make sure that fans at least stop lobbing iPhones at them.
Chatting to This Morning on ITV, Louis spilled: "It does baffle me because there\'s a lot of things that get thrown.
"Actually more often than not there are iPhones thrown on and you can just imagine these kids\' parents when they get home, \'Where\'s your iPhone?\' \'Oh I threw it on stage at the people I\'m there to support\'."
After confirming that it\'s not okay to throw phones at them, the boys also said that, while they don\'t mind a Terry\'s Chocolate Orange landing at their feet, it really bloody hurts when coins get chucked on stage too.
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Harry thinks that one\'s alright though. "That\'s not that bad," he said. "I made £1.70 at the last concert."
So basically, let\'s all just stop launching random objects at bands when they\'re on stage, shall we? Or if you REALLY insist on having something to lob at your idols, we\'d suggest one of the following:
1. Some super super soft marshmallow sweets for when Liam gets a bit hungry.
2. Any extra fluffy kittens that may be lying around (oh jesus please don\'t actually do this).
3. Inflatable rubber rings for Nialler\'s bath later.
4. Particularly squishy velvet pillows for Louis to rest his sweet behind upon.
6. Your nan\'s floofiest bedtime slippers for Harry to slip into later.
General reminder and public service announcement - errr, please don\'t actually throw any of these things at One Direction. Apart from the zitties, chuck them around without a care in the world.
What do you reckon to 1D\'s request for no more flying iPhones? Let us know with a tweet to @Sugarscape.
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