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new episodes best laid plantains and skipper makes perfect watch/download



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THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D :D You made my day! :D
posted over a year ago.
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Thank you!!!
You're my hero! (well, you already was my hero, but now you are a bigger hero to me XD)

I can't wait to watch them when they are downloaded.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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You´re very welcome^^ anything for the POM fandom!
posted over a year ago.
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cattoy10 said:
Sorry guys, I'm not a big fan of PoM anymore. I'ts hard to admit that i've grown up and driften away, but when i watched these videos, i felt a spark wich i haven't felt for anything else. This sort of a spark was kinda a reminder of my childhood, of bright days and good memories, of friends here that were always holding together and ready to help when a fellow fanguin really needed it. It's a good place ya'll got here and lets try to keep it that way :)
And Ladywhiplasher, Thank you! I've always looked up to you, i loved your drawings, articles and everything you do. You are awesome :) Big thanks from a fellow Skipper fan
posted over a year ago.
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^ Hey, you may be growing up, but don't lose that child in your heart. <3 I don't know you very well, but I'm happy to hear PoM can bring you good memories. =]
posted over a year ago.
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I think I love you ♥ *Q*

You don't have P.E.L.T and Private and Winky Factory by any chance, do ya?
posted over a year ago.
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@bloody alexy: pelt and private and the winky factory already have been posted by maxthecat at the pom wall^^
posted over a year ago.
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I am seriosly fangirling right now. Long time no TPoM and now I get four damn episodes!
posted over a year ago.
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Thank you so much! You have no idea how many spoilers I've searched out for those... XD
posted over a year ago.
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posted over a year ago.
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CCCP2976 said:
posted over a year ago.
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Thanks so much!
posted over a year ago.
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@cattoy10--Honestly, I, too, have drifted from the show. I dreaded doing so, feeling like it would be emotional, but it just came to me. It just happens as we grow up; no matter what, we lose interest in one thing and grow some for another. It's just life. However, I still come here for the sake of you guys, because really, I've been here a good two years, discovered the awesome Fanpop because of the Penguins. It's been an awesome site, though altogether, I've drifted from it. Though even as many fans have arrived and left, I still feel like we're a sort of family (with me being the crazy aunt xD). A Penguin family! :D So even if we have lost interest, I plan on staying for quite a while longer.

Fanguins forever! <3

EDIT: Finally got to see the episode, and I felt that spark, too; I guess it's for watching a show you really like. Cool, isn't it?
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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cattoy10 said:
@xDark_Angelx-- And i'm the crazy cat lady from down the street who likes to draw x3

And yeah we all are like family. Even if we sometimes drift away and forget one-another, but like in real life, there are family-reunions and birthdays and other anniversaries that always brings us together again and we have a good time. So Fanpop is and always will be like a family reuinon with good memories :D (my weird logic again) x3
Anyway, good to know im not the only one who feels that way :) Yea, it is cool :D
posted over a year ago.