Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 Wall

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Mapware3640 said …
link Posted over a year ago
Zekrom676 said …
Wouldnt it just be easier 2 call this Club: Pokemon Black and White 2 ? (i know it kinda sounds like it would the anime name)

It sounds better and possibly makes more sense

This one is just/just sounds.................I cant say it without saying Pokemon Black and White 2, it completely caught me off guard.

(This club's name does make sense though and I would only say it if I was asking someone which game they have) Posted over a year ago
sharingan_soul commented…
The "2's" kinda make it look confusing( I read the name) over a year ago
Zekrom676 commented…
Yea thats what im talking about, thats y I say put 2 in the back since both Black and White are 2s over a year ago
Zekrom676 commented…
When u go 2 tpye this in in google or youtube, it'll say Pokemon Black and White 2 (just saying) over a year ago
Zekrom676 commented…
*type over a year ago