Pokémon Twisted Utopia RP

DragonAura15 posted on Jul 06, 2014 at 05:43PM
I know some people already know the storyline behind Twisted Utopia, but for those who don't, I'll give a brief summary.
There is a land beyond the Regions, that no Trainers have ever set foot. Ever wonder why certain Pokemon are rare in the wild? This is where they go. This is where families and communities of Pokemon live in refuge from Trainers. It is made up of 17 different lands, and each is protected by the charms casted by a certain Relic hidden in each land. However, there are conflicts and wars, and Pokemon have suffered fates more final than just fainting in battle.
1. Your character can be any Pokemon, but ask me for permission if you want to be a legendary or a Shiny. And you can have multiple characters if you want.
2. Try not to swear, please.
3. No killing other people's characters (unless they say it's okay XP)
4. No overpowered characters (even legends have to have their weaknesses.)
5. Feel free to contribute all kinds of ideas for the RP. In fact, I encourage you to. :)
6. You can have your Pokemon characters learn moves that they wouldn't normally learn in the games, but keep it logical.
7. Have fun! ^_^

Character sheet:
I know some people already know the storyline behind Twisted Utopia, but for those who don't, I'll gi
last edited on Jul 06, 2014 at 06:26PM

Pokémon 180 replies

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over a year ago Nojida said…
"Well, sometimes, there doesn't have to be an evidence until it actually happens.." Flaa says remembering what a friend of hers had told her.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Time to do something random! >;3)
"So, what's going to happen? Some random enemy comes charging into the forest?" Chalize scoffed, but no sooner had she said this than a pack of Mightyenas came tearing through, destroying everything in their path, including Gligar's tree. It went crashing down with a Dark Pulse, and Gligar flew away from it, annoyed.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Since it's you, then I'm not sure about the level of randomness of this... XP)
"Whoa whoa whoa, what was that about?!" Flaa asks watching the Mightyenas crashing everything.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Eh, whatever you'd call it then XD)
"Hey!" Chalize yelled at them. "Slow down, ya maniacs!" One of the Mightyenas heard her, and turned toward her and Flaa, ready to attack.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Yeah XD)
"Ruuuun!" Flaa screams, floating away. She wasn't bad at battling, but she didn't feel very confident without her trainer around.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
The Mightyena sent a Shadow Ball flying toward Chalize, while another broke from the pack and chased after Flaa.
Chalize just barely avoided the Shadow Ball. "Whoa! That was a close one." She slithered around the Mightyena pack and into the trees on the other side, taunting, "Come and get me!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
Flla notices that she was being chased by one of the Mightyenas, and starts freaking out even more, "Eeek! Can't we solve this with a more peaceful way?!"
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
"The time for peace is over," growled the Mightyena, still pursuing Flaa. "Now it's time for destruction!"

Chalize sped up, hoping to draw the rest of the pack away from Flaa. "Call that running, you big furry airbags?" The Mightyenas shot relentless attacks her way, almost all of which she avoided, until one Dark Pulse caught her in the back.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"What the hey are you talking about..?" Flaa asks, and then remembers that she could float, so she quickly flew up and headed back to where Chalize was, not really knowing how to help her.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Chalize got back up quickly. "You're crazy! What are you trying to do anyway?" She didn't notice that the trees above her had gotten considerably thicker, blocking out most of the sunlight. Suddenly, a voice came from behind her, "They're not here for you." Then, the Pokemon behind her used Foul Play to blast away most of the Mightyenas.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Oh-uh... I can't see anything now..." Flaa says looking down at the trees, which were blocking her vision, "Where's Chalize now? I thought I had floated from..." she stops, and facepalms, "Oh great, what if she ran away?" she asks herself.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
Name: Kashi

Pokemon: Shiny Espeon (yes I have permission)

Gender: Female

Personality: She's the know-it-all in every group.

Bio: Even with her twin sister, Yōsei (she prefers it pronounced a normal o) the Sylveon, she was always a loner. Even with her rare green fur. She loves reading and learns whatever she can. But before that Kashi got along like two peas in a pod with Yōsei. That changed one day when they were playing near a cliff area. Kashi kept telling Yōsei to not go to close to the edge of the cliff, but Yōsei countered that Kashi was just too scared. Yōsei went to close she toppled over. She was able to heave herself back up, but ever since then Kashi always considered Yōsei a reckless fool who has too much fun to realize she might die.

Other: Yōsei is her twin sister and Kurai is her younger brother, an Umbreon, whom's personality is like a mix between Kashi and Yōsei.

Name: Yōsei

Pokemon: Sylveon

Gender: Female

Personality: Playful with a bit of fashionable spirit at times

Bio: She loved playing with Kashi when she was little. But when Kashi stopped playing with her, she was sad and lonely. But two years after, her little brother was born and she had someone to play with. She noted the similarities between the personalities of Kurai, the name of her brother, and Kashi. And to this day she's as playful as ever.

Other: Kashi is her twin sister and Kirai is her younger brother.

Name: Kurai

Pokemon: Umbreon

Gender: Male

Personality: Smart yet playful.

Bio: He doesn't have much of a biography.

Other: Kashi and Yōsei are his older twin sisters.

(Is it ok if they all already live in the Utopia?)
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Yes, that's fine. And welcome!)
Chalize stares open-mouthed as a Zoroark emerges from behind her, leering at the Mightyena pack, who are glowering back just as fiercely. "Nagi," they snarled.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(They all travel together)
Kashi sniffed around. She smelled the Mightyena pack and Nagi. "Mightyena pack ahead! But there's also a Floette and a Dratini. Maybe they're new here," she said to what appeared to be a bush. Then came out Yōsei and Kurai. They all dashed toward the little fight. Yōshi tackled one Mightyena and used Moonblast, doing a lot of damage. Kashi used Dazzling Gleam on another, also causing much damage. Kurai used Toxic on one, then started attacking. Kashi turned to the Floette and the Dratini. "You OK?" Then she saw Nagi. "Oh, hello Nagi," she said, then continued her battle.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(Wouldn't this make a good movie?)
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(*gets sparkly-eyed* Ah, I'd love to see this made into a movie... :D)
"Hey, nice moves!" Chalize shouted, seeing three new Pokemon join the battle. Then, she lept at the Mightyenas, using Dragon Rage on one, then Slam on another, while Nagi used Night Daze, causing a few of the weakened Mightyenas to faint.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(You know what, when we get much, much further into this I'll writing a script and send it to the TPCi, or maybe even the actual Pokemon company! But will we ever be done? I actually hope not...)
"Thanks!" Kurai shouted back, still battling the poisoned Mightyena. Eventually the Mightyena fainted, and he leaped over to help Kashi, whom was struggling on her Mightyena. Yōsei defeated a few with Dazzling Gleam, then defeated another with Draining Kiss. She wiped a bit of sweat off her forehead. "Pretty simple," she remarked. Kashi glared over at her a bit. "Easy for you to say, you have a type advantage!" she shouted, finally finishing off the Mightyena and leaping into a bush so she could use Rest and heal for a moment. Kurai used Sand Attack on one, causing it to topple into the path of another Mightyena about to use Bite on the sleeping Kashi. The Mightyena accidentally bit the other, but still thinking it was Yōsei, started wrestling and made the other one faint. Kashi woke up and saw what happened. "Stupid Mightyena, he should've noticed he was wrestling black and not green," she muttered, jumping aside to avoid another and to blend into the bushes, making the Mightyena confused. Then she leaped and clawed at its face. It bit her, but with fangs accidentally not powered up so it didn't damage any HP. Kashi wacked her tail against it like a whip, then used Dazzling Gleam again, causing it to faint. "Am I too fast or are they too slow?" Kashi muttered, again dodging an attack.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(:O Really? That'd be amazing! But I don't know, I might prefer to see the original comic made into a movie, and yeah, I hope we won't be done too soon XD)
(Anyhoo, I won't be on for very long today XP)
After Kashi, Yosei, and Kurai's attacks, only one Mightyena was left. Nagi finally finished off the last of the Mightyenas with a super-effective Low Sweep.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
All three were panting now. "You OK?" Kurai asked the other two Pokemon. "Don't worry about us, we do that every day." Yōsei looked up toward Nagi. "Hello, Nagi," she said. "How are you doing?" Meanwhile Kashi was planning where the three would go next. "Should we go to base or go south toward the watery areas? Maybe we should go north and through the mountains so we can reach the polar areas..." (Sorry I do a lot of OCC (other character control), is that ok?) Kashi realized the Dratini overheard her. "We work for the Utopia Peace Association, or the UPA, so we have to travel a lot. Like my brother said, we fave challenges like that every day. We even had to battle a Giratina one time with some other Pokemon in the UPA. And..." Kashi's made a frown and looked down, "We're not glad to say we've seen many deaths along the way."
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(Wait, what original comic?)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I can explain that. Twisted Utopia is originally a comic made by DragonAura (well, she's still working on it, but you got my point XP), and you can find it on DevianART.)
The whole time Flaa was watching everyone battle, while hiding behind a bush. She felt bad for not helping at all, but she wasn't confident when battling. She was used to being told what to do during the battle by her trainer, so, if something went wrong, it wouldn't be her fault, but the trainer's. Snapping out of her thoughts, she realized that the battle was already over. She stayed hidden, though, as she couldn't get the nerve to approach anyone.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
Yōsei saw Flaa in the bush and bounded over to her. "Not a battler, eh?" she asked. She thought for a moment. "You were owned by those... those... men I think they're called, weren't you? I bet you're used to taking commands, but you better get used to not taking them. No m... m... men out here! And if you're thinking that of you make a mistake it's your fault, who cares? Practice makes better! And all the easy foes are the ones who let their guard down." Kurai came over. "She's right, you know. If you want to survive you're going to have to learn to command yourself," he said. Kashi, nearby, added, "I have to admit, my sister's right. You don't stand a chance if you can't battle. There are five key needs in the Utopia- strength, defense, speed, courage, and knowledge. If you can't fulfill those needs than you don't stand a chance." Yōsei stood still for a moment. Then she said, "To survive here you need to have CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" She expected Flaa to flinch.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
All the time, just like Flaa, Bunny stood there,frozen stiff,maybe she had battled once or twice, only to mess it up, by laughing and smiling and being hyper, but she never had really faced fierce pokemons like Mighteyena who meant business.The shock was so much for her, and hearing the advice Yosei ,Kashi and Kurai , she actually began to cry!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
Yōsei saw Bunny crying and bounded over with her swift moves. "You need training, too?" she asked. "What's wrong? Not a battler?" Meanwhile Kashi was talking with Kurai about where to go now. "We could go south through the beach area- Shadow Manaphy, Phione, and Keldeo haven't been defeated yet- and then go to the volcanic area to mean Heatran and Shadow Volcanion..." "No, no, we have Pokemon deployed there already, we should go through the lightning area-Zapdos and Shadow Raikou-, then the caves-Shadow Diancie and Shadow Regirock, not to mention Diancie has been captured-, then the mountains-at the peak we will meet Groudon and up top we will meet Shadow Rayquaza-, then go down to the polar area where we will meet Shadow Articuno and Kyurem." "Maybe on the way we should go down toward the metallic area to defeat Shadow Registeel, and it's on the way so that's a good idea..." "Yōsei, in a couple of mornings we're going to the lightning area!" Yōsei turned around. "Okay!" She turned back toward Bunny. "Maybe some adventure is what you need. Do you want to come with us?"
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(A little OCC is fine as long as it never goes too far XP)
"Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Chalize yelled. "What are you talking about? What is going on? First, we're attacked by a pack of crazy Mightyenas, then some Zoroark who claims to be Nagi appears, (At this, Nagi looked somewhat offended) and then you guys show up and start rambling about shadow legends and battle rules, and trying to take over our group? What?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
Bunny sniffs,"Whash are you shaying ,Sharlishe?" asks in a muffled tone,because she couldn't speak properly after all the crying,"But, your right! it's rather shrange!"
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
"Your doubts are perfectly understandable, Bunny and Chalize. But I promise you, I am the real Nagi." the Zoroark assured them. "Now, you can choose to believe me or not, but don't you think that I would know my own name?"
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hold on, are you that Nagi, or is your name just Nagi?" Flaa asks, "Wait, is it possible for Pokemon to have the same names? I guess there would be a coincidence"
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
Kashi glared. "Think we're trying to take over? We're here to make sure everyone can defend themselves. And the shadow legends were made by the evil side of the Utopia. They're here to destroy the meaning of peace. In fact we're also here to find a shadow Pokemon right now, Shadow Virizion and Shadow Celebi, to be exact," she said to them. Kurai looked angry, too. "We dare you to come with us to see what our everyday lives are like," he dared. However, Yōsei looked somewhat offended at Bunny's reaction. "I was just asking," she muttered, turning away.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"Yosei,I'm shorry!I din't mean to offend you....Charlishe sounded really convincing..........about the taking over part"

Then hearing Flaa,she adds "So, she isn't Nagi?Her name's just Nagi...."Bunny says tilting her head a little,"Wait....this is too confusing...."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
"Why would we be taking over? We have marks of the UPA, we would never do that," said Kurai, turning his leg around to show a white circle. Kashi and Yōsei did the same, Kashi's in the space between her tail and her left hind leg and Yōsei's on the bottom of a ribbon. "We have top marks in the UPA," Kashi explained. "We're not evil. The evil side has black marks. I saw one on each of the Mightyena. Now it's time for what I do after every battle." Kashi showed her mark and muttered something. "Korera Guraena nomi heiwanotameni hakai o hikikokoshi, karera ga hikari ni zokushite kurai baaideatte mo jitsugen shite mimashou," she muttered in a language not understood, and all but one of the Mightyena got up (a bit more OCC, I know most of the time DragonAura controls the Mightyena). Wherever their dark marks were, they turned white. Kashi head over to the one who did not get up and muttered another thing in the foreign language, "Kono Guraena wa heiwade yasumu koto ga arimasu." She got up and left it. "It's dead," she announced with another look at it. She faced the other Mightyena. "You know which side you're on now," she said with a stern voice. They nodded and headed into the trees. "The spells of the UPA make dark Pokemon got I the light side, letting them know where they really belong," she explained. "Those Mightyena have realized they belong to the light, even if they are dark." Kurai nodded. "The goal of the UPA is to eventually get every dark Pokemon to realize peace," he said.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(WARNING! OCC ft. Nagi! I can delete this post of it's not OK)
"And yes, that's Nagi. Nagi's also part of the UPA," Kashi said, nodding at Nagi. "She has the one mark higher than us- the many stars."
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(What gender is Nagi, anyway?)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I she's female, maybe..)
"Wow!" Flaa gasps, fascinated, "I've only been here for a few minutes and I already love this place! I wonder if that's how it feels like to be free? Or, maybe not.." she realizes she's been thinking outloud again, and quickly stops, and looks at Kashi, "So there are two shadow Pokemon around here? Where exactly? Can I see them, too?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(It's no problem. Though the rest of the area guardians would have to be part of this UPA as well, when they are introduced. And yes, Nagi is female, and it's okay to control the Mightyenas, though I want to stay in control of the main villain when he appears)
"If things continue to get more dangerous, you will see them," Nagi answered grimly.
"Does your group... the UPA... have anything to do with the rumors of the prophecy?" Chalize asked, her tone slightly warmer.
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Hmm, interesting XP)
"I'd like to know that, too!" Flaa announces.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
"That's what the UPA is trying to find out right now," Kurai answered. "Some at the base even say some of the Pokemon are already in the UPA. The only thing even close to confirmed is that the prophecy's true." Kashi sniffed suspiciously. Then she sniffed again. And again. "I smell Shadow!" she announced, just as a dark and dead-looking Virizion bounded into the clearing.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Kyaah!" Flaa screams, immediately hiding behind a bush. It wasn't just because of the Pokemon looked, but it was also because she was scared of legendary Pokemon in general.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(Let me create what it would look like, I'll try to make it creepy but not too creepy)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Oh i don't mind if it's too creepy or not)
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(I can't really do much with Color Editor (an app I have), but just this with some chipped off parts, some large some small but for sure a large part on the sacred sword thing, and completely black eyeballs, and sorry if I couldn't get a white background, my iPad does that when I get a checkered background picture for some reason, but at least the black makes it look creepy)
(I can't really do much with Color Editor (an app I have), but just this with some chipped off parts,
over a year ago Nojida said…
(It's okay, at least you can see the picture)
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
Kashi lowered and growled. "Shadow Virizion," she said through gritted teeth. Yōsei turned toward Nagi, Chalize, Flaa, and Bunny. "We need as much help as we can!" she remarked, avoiding a Sacred Sword. Kurai a dodged the same attack. We need to interrogate it when it's weak! We have to know where the real Virizion is!" he remarked, tripping it over along with Kashi. Kashi looked up. "The missing chunk up there is one of its weak spots!" She lunged for it and used Bite. Yōsei launched up too and used her ribbons like a whip to hurt it. Meanwhile Kurai had found a weak spot on its leg and had used multiple Shadow Claws. "We need help, it's too strong for three!" he shouted over the noise of the battle.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"I'm sorry, everyone, but I think that all I'd do is get in your way!" Flaa says, meaning every word. Even with what they had told her earlier, she hadn't gathered her confidence yet.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
"Pssh. Don't worry about that, just go for it!" With that, Chalize lunged at the shadowy Pokemon, using Thunder Wave to paralyze it; meanwhile Nagi used a series of rapid Shadow Balls to block its attacks.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
"Chalize is right!" Kashi shouted. "We won't care if you make a mistake, you can't change what's already happened unless you're Dialga!" Yōsei muttered, "Says the guy who yelled at me for almost stepping on a twig when near a pack of Poochyena out playing," but not loud enough for anyone to hear. She used Moonblast, than a Draining Kiss. Kashi used Dazzling Gleam, and Kurai bit at its face. "Remember not to make it faint!" Kashi reminded everyone, shouting over the noise.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Mind if I do a little OCC with Shadow Virizion?)
Chalize slithered around Shadow Virizion, using Double Team to create duplicates of herself and dodging its moves, and occasionally hitting it with Slam.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
Bunny whooped in excitement as she saw all the wonderful battlers fight,"Okay, this seems fun!I wanna try too......"She says and tries using icebeam, but ofcource it missed barely missing Charlize. Bunny looked disappointed , but she tried again, and it also missed freezing a tree behind them, and several pokemon flew and jumped out of the tree, glared at her, but din't do anything. Bunny was too busy to look at them and looked close to tears again, as she muttered,"I'll make it this time..........". and let's just say that maybe because of some beginners luck, She managed to hit the Virizion and it stood there frozen.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Awesome, Bunny!" Flaa cheers, coming out of her hideout, "You did it! And it even froze, that's a rare effect of Ice Beam!" she says. Her trainer was very interested in Pokemon moves, so he tried learning as much about them as he could, Flaa and his other Pokemon often doing the same.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
Bunny was already jumping around in excitement giving smug looks, as she inspected the frozen Viridion,"I did it, Flaa!I did it!"She sys and starts spinning again pulling Flaa along with her..........