Pokémon Twisted Utopia RP

DragonAura15 posted on Jul 06, 2014 at 05:43PM
I know some people already know the storyline behind Twisted Utopia, but for those who don't, I'll give a brief summary.
There is a land beyond the Regions, that no Trainers have ever set foot. Ever wonder why certain Pokemon are rare in the wild? This is where they go. This is where families and communities of Pokemon live in refuge from Trainers. It is made up of 17 different lands, and each is protected by the charms casted by a certain Relic hidden in each land. However, there are conflicts and wars, and Pokemon have suffered fates more final than just fainting in battle.
1. Your character can be any Pokemon, but ask me for permission if you want to be a legendary or a Shiny. And you can have multiple characters if you want.
2. Try not to swear, please.
3. No killing other people's characters (unless they say it's okay XP)
4. No overpowered characters (even legends have to have their weaknesses.)
5. Feel free to contribute all kinds of ideas for the RP. In fact, I encourage you to. :)
6. You can have your Pokemon characters learn moves that they wouldn't normally learn in the games, but keep it logical.
7. Have fun! ^_^

Character sheet:
I know some people already know the storyline behind Twisted Utopia, but for those who don't, I'll gi
last edited on Jul 06, 2014 at 06:26PM

Pokémon 180 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 180

over a year ago Nojida said…
"You did it indeedily!" Flaa says laughing as she''s being pulled.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"indeedily?What doe sthat mean?"Bunny says stopping for a moment with a confused look....
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Oh it's just a fun word a friend of mine used to say" Flaa explains. snickering.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"Your friend sure is fun!"Bunny says cooing.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"He is indeedily!" Flaa says, "Or he used to be, sort of.. Yeah.." she adds, not loud enough to be heard.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
Bunny gives a wide smile, as she trots off to Examine the frozen Virizion,"pretty unusual colour for a virizion......."She says,"Aren't Virizions supposed to be....red?" looking genuinely confused.....It was hard to say if she really meant it or it was just a joke.....

(it's funny how u have to type color for colour in our computer....XD)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Is it?" Flaa asks, floating next to her, "Wait, what type is Virizion in the first place?" she asks, and starts thinking, "...Dark?"

(Yup XD)
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"if it was actually red, then I think it would be....fire....but wait, a scissor is red...so that means....it's Bug/steel type!" Bunny says with and intelligent look on her face....
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Wooow!" Flaa gasps, fascinated, "You're really smart! But wait, how do we know if it's a Fire-type or a Bug/Steel-type if both types are red?" she asks, getting confused again.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"let's see.........Fire types usually have flames on their body....like Magmar or Chimchar......but, Virizion don't have flames....So, it's a bug /steel type,after all!"Bunny says with triumph!
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Bug-types usually have wings, though..." Flaa says, scratching her head.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"why that's a very thoughtful point!"Bunny says nodding,"Then, what type is it?"
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hmm....." Flaa hums, going into deep thinking mode, "I have thought of something, but I'm not sure if it's correct, and it might even sound crazy..."
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"Go ahead! Everyone sounds crazy at times!"Bunny urges with a wink.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Maybe, just maybe, the type of Virizion is...." Flaa pauses, and then says dramatically, "Fire/Bug-type!!"
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
(G2g!see ya!)

Bunny's eyes widened as if she just saw fire being invented for the first time,"Your a genius!"She says hugging Flaa.....
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Bye Pippy!)

"You got that right!" Flaa says proudly, "I am mostly known for my intelligence, after all!"
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
"Guys, are you sure Virizion is red?" Chalize asked. After a few moments, she joked, "I thought it was pink!"
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Hold on, if it's pink, then is it a Fairy-type, like me?" Flaa asks, actually believing it.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
"Possibly." Chalize grinned; meanwhile Nagi was trying to keep from laughing behind them.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
Kashi sighed. "No, it's normally a Grass-Fighting, but the evil power gave it Dark energy, too. And, not to disappoint you, but we were supposed to question it to see where the real Virizion is. Hold on a sec," she said. She used Psychic and the ice covering the face broke off. Kurai walking over to it, Kashi following. "Where's the real Virizion?" Kurai asked. Kashi used Psychic to make it answer correctly. "Under my skin," it answered. So Kashi used Psychic to peel off the skin, and sure enough, underneath was Virizion. "Thank you!" Virizion said, bounding away. "There's nothing better than climbing out of shadow-controlled skin!"
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"wow!'Bunny cooed,"That was awesome Kashi!"She said.

"So, it's Green! wow, even Chalize was wrong" , She said, Seriously believing that Charlize meant it when she said Virizion was pink.............
over a year ago Nojida said…
"I can't believe we were all wrong..." Flaa says, sighing. She was so depressed over the fact that they got it wrong that she didn't even notice what Kashi had done.
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
"Don't worry , Flaa................we'll get it right next time!"Bunny said patting Flaa's shoulder.......
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Yeah but, it's hard to do so without the Pokedex thingy..." Flaa says, remembering the red device her trainer had been carrying around.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
"You just grow and know," said Yōsei to Flaa. Kashi sniffed. "We're going to have to find Shadow Celebi tomorrow," she said. "But for now we should find something to eat." She headed into the bushes. Kurai's tummy growled. "Maybe she'll find some Chople, Tanga, or a Roselia Berry, those things are delicious... but of course I could go with an Oran or Mago Berry, those are good too..." Kurai thought out loud. Yōsei said, "Everyone should love Mago Berries, they're sweet. I could go for a Kebia or Babiri Berry, though..." Kashi finally came out of the bushes. "This place is a stock! I found 5 of every Berry there is!" she said, dropping both the berries in her mouth and the many berries she was carrying by Psychic. "Eat up!" Kashi grabbed a Colbur Berry and gobbled it down.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Chalize munched her berry in silence, somewhat upset at Kashi for spoiling their fun and making her look like an idiot.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(How exactly did Kashi make her look like an idiot?)
DragonAura15 commented…
She believes that Kashi actually thinks she meant what she said about Virizion being pink. Does that make sense? over a year ago
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Ooh, I have eaten an Oran Berry in such a long time!" Flaa happily sings, picking up an Oran Berry and starting to eat it as if she hadn't eaten anything for days.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
"You mean your trainer doesn't feed you with Oran Berries?" Yōsei asked Flaa, confused. "Then how are you fed? Don't you go hungry?" Meanwhile Kashi could feel how Chalize felt right now. "I'm sorry if I spoiled your fun- we have to eat at some point," she said to Chalize.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"He usually finds us with Pokemon treats, and that sweet drink Miltanks produce" Flaa replies with a mouthful, "We rarely ate any berries, which is why I haven't eaten an Oran Berry in a while"
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
"I will never understand humans," Yōsei said with a mouthful of one Kebia and one Babiri Berry. Kashi turned to her. "Don't stuff your mouth, you'll choke!" Kashi said. She turned back to Chalize. "Are you going to speak to me?"
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Oh don't worry Kashi" Flaa says, still with a mouthful, "I've stuffed my mouth plenty of times, but I have never chocke-" and suddenly, she chockes.
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(OCC a tiny bit with Flaa)
Yōsei jumped onto Flaa and presses onto the neck. Flaa stopped chocking. "Better?" she asked. Kurai turned his head over from a Tanga Berry. "OK?" he asked Flaa.
over a year ago Nojida said…
"Phew, that was close!" Flaa says and turns to Yōsei, "Thanks Yōsei!"
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Warning, it's going to take a bit of time for Chalize to bond with the newcomers XP)
(BTdubs, I'm going on a five-day vacation tomorrow, so I won't be back for a while)
After swallowing her berry, Chalize replied, "I'm not supposed to talk with my mouth full." After a pause, she added. "But then, I was warned not to talk to strangers either, and I'm pretty sure jumping out of trees would be frowned on, too."
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
(Enjoy!!! and hope to see you soon!)

"By whom?"Bunny asked......
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(This rp is on the popular content page. YAY!!!)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Yup, it's awesome! X3)
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(Can someone please join my Mixed World RP, the intro explains it all if you bother to read it)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(I'd like to check it out. Could you give me the link to it?)
over a year ago QueenofthePika said…
(Well you can find it by clicking on Forums and looking for it, it's probably in the first 3 you see...)
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Oh, found it. It does seem interesting)
over a year ago Mystrygal said…
(I'd join too!)
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Guess who's back from vacation? ^_^)
(I'd love to join that RP!)
(And wait, whoa. My RP is in Popular Content! Sweet! X3)
"My parents, of course," Chalize replied. "Who else?"
over a year ago Monmonny said…
(I would luv to join!) (Can I get permission for a legendary?)


Pokemon:Not Legendary:Riolu Legendary:Yveltal


Personality:Shy and sweet

Bio: Always knew Riolu/Yveltal. He travels the world trying to be the best there ever was!!!
Monmonny commented…
Wait,skip bio. Did not realize we are Pokemon.... over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Monmonny, if you still want to join as a different character, you can. And you can be a legendary if you want, but it can't be your main character.)
over a year ago Monmonny said…
(Ok got it!!!)



Gender:Male (Yveltal is a Male,right?)

Personality:He is a DareDevil

Bio:IDK I have never done a Bio for a Pokemon before...
over a year ago Nojida said…
(Welcome back! :3)
(Ikr? X3)
"Oooh, wait, hold it! I can answer that!" Flaa exclaims, perking up, "Is it Xerneas? Or maybe Zapdos? No! I can find it!" she starts thinking again.
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(That's okay, you can make the bio up as you go along)
"No, none of them." Chalize giggled. "But I would love to meet a legendary!"