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Brandon Semenuk's One-Shot as Seen by Sterling Lorence

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Photo Epic: Brandon Semenuk's One-Shot as Seen by Sterling Lorence - Pinkbike
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Photo Epic: Brandon Semenuk\'s One-Shot as Seen by Sterling Lorence
Last week, Teton Gravity Research (TGR) and Anthill Films released one of the most acclaimed segments from unReal, Brandon Semenuk’s “
One Shot” segment. It’s the first full segment in a mountain bike film shot in a single, continuous shot. The beautiful simplicity of the segment hides the extraordinary amount of work and coordination it took from the entire team to create. In this episode of Mind the Gap and this exclusive photo epic from Sterling Lorence, we go behind the scenes in Cambria, California to show you how the crew pulled off this cinematic achievement.
Double rainbows are a sign of good things to come!
It all seems so intimidating at this stage. We\'re all in now!
Kyle J discusses road crossing options. This was one of the crux\'s of the build, the GSS can only pan so fast so the flow between vehicle and rider had to match.
This skidsteer doesn\'t weigh nearly as much as the weight Brandon carries on his shoulders at this stage in game. Brandon has been through many film shoots and knows all too well how much time and effort everyone has put in to get this point. We all want this shot badly, but only this young man knows what it\'s like to have all eyes on you.
Kyle J down and out. The boys put weeks of early mornings and long days to get the course built.
Another rain delay, too wet to build or ride. The dirt here turns into sticky clumps when touched in the rain, the waiting game is all part of the process.
Brandon preps his body for another day of battle on the slope. He came into the shoot with an injured wrist which limited how hard he could push the practice sessions. As a result he only hit the caveman drop and the final air once.
The track is complete and it\'s time to finish the road. With only one perspective to choose from it was critical to get the road at just the right height. This wasn\'t the path of least resistance but it\'s the only line that was neither too high or too low to capture the lower stunts just right.
The view from the flat drop, still a long way to the bottom with most of the slope course above us.
The big drone coming in for a landing, those blades will cut ya!
Anthill cinematographer Darren McCullough looks on as TGR\'s Brian Wulf changes out a capacitor on the GSS. After the few practice runs down the rough dirt road the GSS kept losing power which would be devastating mid-run. With some troubleshooting Brian was able tweak the system so it could handle the big hits on the vehicle mounted set up.
Frustration sets in as the days go by and the wind continues to plague our efforts.
Kyle J offers a little moral support on the shuttle up between practice laps.
Darren operates the pan and tilt while Dr Drones pilots the bird.
unReal is for those of us who escape. A film that celebrates breaking free from the confines of reality and venturing into a boundless world. This place isn’t remote or hard to find, and yet many never see it. Here, glacial walls transform into mountain bike trails, rain and snow aren’t the only elements to fall from the sky and thousand pound mammals become riding partners. Breathtaking visuals conjure feelings of awe and pure joy; feelings that only those of us who venture outside can truly understand. This film is dedicated to you — the dreamers, the rule-breakers, the ones who never grow up, the ones who know the secret — the ones who know the way into the unReal world.
Riders: Brandon Semenuk, Brett Rheeder, Cam McCaul, Graham Agassiz, Steve Smith, Tom van Steenbergen and Thomas Vanderham, with Brook Macdonald Finn Iles, Ian Morrison, James Doerfling, Matty Miles and friends
Sony presents unReal with Shimano & Trek, a new film produced by Teton Gravity Research & Anthill Films starring Brandon Semenuk, Brett Rheeder, Cam McCaul, Graham Agassiz, Steve Smith, Tom van Steenbergen & Thomas Vanderham, with Brook Macdonald, Finn Iles, Ian Morrison, James Doerfling & Matty Miles. Written, directed and edited by Anthill Films. Art direction and additional writing by Good Fortune Collective. Additional support from Bike Magazine, Evoc, Knolly, Pinkbike, Rocky Mountain, Western Digital & Whistler Mountain Bike Park.
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 im so stoked that i dont know what to write....
 That\'s the most amazing 4 minutes of filming I have ever seen...
 Yo man, I\'m Kyle J. I love this shit!
 This segment is just awesome. I\'m not even sure what exactly it is that makes it so awesome. It\'s not the gnarliest line, and the tricks aren\'t anything amazing (not for Brandon anyway). It\'s just everything. The smoothness of the one shot, the smooth casual style that Brandon puts down on the run, the music scenery.... It all just works. I\'ve watched it about a dozen times and it doesn\'t get old.
 As riders we all know how hard it is to do a run like that in 1 shot. That is the one thing that blew my mind was knowing that he probably attempted this line quite a few times to get that super clean final edit. And it looks so easy and effortless
 Apparently the one shot is the only time Brandon rode the entire line - not to say there wasn\'t a huge amount of practicing each section...
 Is it okay to like the behind the scenes footage more than the original? I love seeing what goes into something like this. I\'m surprised they weren\'t freaking out more when they bagged the shot.
 I loved all of the extra footage that came with the film
 That BTS edit with the three camera angles capturing the riding, the filmers and the driver is amazing. Even though I\'ve watched the One Shot segment probably a dozen times, you can feel the stress build the further Brandon gets down the trail and the relief and adrenalin is almost tangible when both the rider and camera crew nail the take. Hats off to you gents, and also to Sterling Lorence on some banger stills!
 OUTSTANDING!!!! The audience at the premiere, were mesmerized during this segment, nice edit with the music too. Great work crew, this will be watched over and over again for years to come.
 Probably one of the greatest scenes of all time, but it does make me feel bad for Brandon because the hype has been about the shot rather than the riding. It was progressive from both fronts, and everyone who was involved should be proud.
 This is my favorite shot of the year so far. The scenery, the rider, the music, and of course the shot all came to gather so nicely it is truly amazing to watch.
 I\'m so happy, Awesome photos big enough and good enough quality for desktop background!
 Epic shots as always from Sterling Lorence. That was one hell of a seggy to pull off in one shot, let alone the first full run of the trail. Props to filmers, rider, and build crew, you guys done good!
 Probably one of the most fluid, transcendental bike films I\'ve ever seen.....simply beautiful. I think it\'s safe to say this was a perfect mountain biking film....
 That segment impressed me so much, when seeing these pictures I immediately hear the song and feel the flow vibe, even after seeing unReal only once.
 It\'s not connected with biking but I am stoked that Semenuk has old Praktica camera from Eastern Germany made in 80\'s. I have also one piece. It made me happy.
 I think it\'s an olympus. You can see it in the photo where he\'s sat down. They have very similar styling though
 Oh, the shape is quite similar then. Thanks for enlightenment.
 Great photos. This fullscreen article format is kind of overwhelming though
 I know it might not be the right place to ask this, BUT, does anyone know how much to powder coat a bike to get a trek anywhere near as cool as the ones that their pros ride?
 I could just keep on watching it over and over again forever and a day. What a masterful piece of art.
 The weather gets progressively better in each photo until it gets to the day of the shoot.
 wow, very nice trail build, very good flow and obstacles, yet the rider BS is so good and matches him right on.
 I love seeing the behind the scenes stuff. One thing you dont get with the itunes purchase.
 Your photographs are truly stunning. You really know how to capture the essence of each moment. Respect.
 $750k video camera and no catering. Thats whats up.
 thats so good!!! He should ride more his big bike!
 am i the only one that saves the amazing photos to look at them later
 Will this line be destroyed now? because it looks too perfect.
 Sterl as always providing the best that a still image can give you.
 Feels so good to see some such important work shot on film !!
 I love it. Semenuk has the best case of RBF I\'ve ever seen.
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