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Serenate Spoiler from Twitter



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Teasel said:
@the_xfile Cant u finally give us something on serenate? > S & N will not be a couple anymore, by the end of this season.

@the_xfile We don't know how bad the S & N breakup will be: episodes from season 4 will be ready for the gossipyfication this summer.

What do you think? From his other tweets, he does look like he knows what he's talking about ;\
posted over a year ago.
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lailalove said:
& not that only lisa No couples will have an happy ending, this season.
posted over a year ago.
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Teasel said:
Well, it is Josh Schwartz we're talking about here ;P
posted over a year ago.
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lailalove said:
yaaaaaaa he say that like nothing going to the fans
posted over a year ago.
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jadebkk said:
That's sux but we saw that coming ..
Let's see .. start from

Season 1 : Serena break up with Dan (Bad Break up)
Season 2 : Serena break up with Dan Again (Not So Bad Break up)
Season 3 : Serena break up with Nate

Its' predictable ..

But i just hope that is not the end for Serenate or if they break up because of Nate want to get together with Jenny then I have to say good bye to Gossip Girl during their hook up coz i really can't stand watching them kissing again

posted over a year ago.
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Teasel said:
I have a feeling it won't be the last we'll see of Serenate.
posted over a year ago.
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I agree Lisa. I think this whole thing will lead to the 'getting back together' in season 4 for the trifecta.
posted over a year ago.
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I totally don't like Jenny and Nate together.. ugh
I hope season 4 isn't GG's last season :S
posted over a year ago.
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lailalove said:
god want did we do to get these like we waited 4 chair 4 2 s we have to wait 4 sereate
posted over a year ago.
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well this is what i though all along! becouse he wants everyone to accually come back to watch season 4! hopefully (and i don't think so becouse of all the good response NS has gotten from fans) it won't be the end of them overall :D
posted over a year ago.
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I was going cru-aaa-zy with all the negative spoilers I've been reading on twitter so I had to ask blabz. And I find it completely absurd. It's not right to tease us like the producers are doing to screw up Serenate after 5 or 6 episodes. That's why I think we need to get together and find a way to show them how strong the Serenate fan base became. I think the fan base will expand for the next weeks and I hope the writers and producers will figure out how much we like Serenate and how much we want them to be end game.
posted over a year ago.
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totally david! i mean serenate has SUCH a big fanbase already and they havn't even gotten together yet!
posted over a year ago.
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so nate and serena are gonna break up?
just so the fans will watch season 4?
posted over a year ago.
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BBbrune20 said:
I don't know if you know this but there're some crazy NJer and DSer who twitted Josh every seconds of every minutes of every days...I hope Josh wil not think that they're the majority, maybe Nser needs to do somthing about that?
I'm really scared for my ship now...
sorry for my very bad english!
posted over a year ago.
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serenater said:
hey guys dont listen to this guy, everything he says has been wrong.
i actually have a strong feeeling they wont break up
posted over a year ago.
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lailalove said:
agree david
posted over a year ago.
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Teasel said:
there're some crazy NJer and DSer who twitted Josh every seconds of every minutes of every days

AHAHA, Maria and I saw that ;P
posted over a year ago.
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Lol yeah i know lisa. But it doesnt bother me really and thank goodness no NSer has done that cos i dont want our fanbase to look like the annoying type of fans.

Even if this spoiler is true or not, im confident that it wont be the last of serenate.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Teasel said:
i dont want our fanbase to look like the annoying type of fans.

Omg, this is exactly what I was thinking ;O
posted over a year ago.
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I'm really bothered by the DSers spamming his Twitter. I bet they're like only 3 guys with different twitter accounts (the famous "fakes") trying to steal his attention. Maybe we should tweet when Josh start tweeting about GG again, because I don't think he likes NS or DS that much anyway, but I really believe Stephanie likes NS and sometimes when he tweets about GG he's with her. I also hope the ratings will get better, that would be very positive for Serenate.
posted over a year ago.
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Yeahh if the ratings go up, i think it will be great on serenate's part. Hopefully a lot more then usual. Then there must be a reason why a lot more people are tuning in...
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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itsnaddia said:
I don't know whether I believe that actually.
posted over a year ago.