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Sleepy Hollow Season 4 Premiere: 10 Things You Need to Know

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Sleepy Hollow’ Season 4 Premiere Spoilers: 10 Things to Know About ‘Columbia’ | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
look like in the absence of Abbie? Settle in with a nice mug of rum, because we’re about to give you a few hints. 
Fox on Friday released the Season 4 premiere, “Columbia,” to the press. While we’re not allowed to give away major plot points, there’s nothing stopping us from passing along some (intentionally vague) intel to trusted compatriots, right?
Sleepy Hollow: Get Your First Look at Ichabod and His New Partner in Action
Here are a few tidbits to help you keep your head until the supernatural drama’s Jan. 6 return (9/8c):
* The dearly departed “leftenant” Abbie Mills is both mentioned and seen within the episode’s first few moments.
* There’s a visual callback to the pilot in the first few minutes, as well.
* Ichabod and Diana’s first meeting goes just about exactly how you’d expect it. (For what it’s worth, I like the new character and Janina Gavankar in the role.)
RELATEDSleepy Hollow Season 4: Tom Mison on That Porch Scene, Crane’s New Partner and Life After Abbie
* The method by which one character tracks down another character is a bit of a stretch… even for a show that traffics in centuries-old leading men sporting linen drawers.
* Jeremy Davies’ Malcolm Dreyfuss is one of the richest men in the world, yet he doesn’t appear to own a comb.
* I missed the Archives. That said, the set for the Vault is rather impressive.
* We get evidence that Ichabod’s TV-viewing habits have expanded in recent times.
RELATEDFox Sets Sleepy Hollow Season 4 Premiere, New Girl Move and More
* We are repeatedly hit over the head with the notion that one new character is a skeptic.
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No Abbie no Sleepy Hollow. Free Tom Mison from what I am sure is a nightmare.
Have you seen this season? When you do let me know.
Thank you–I’ll watch something before denouncing it–guess there are many psychics here. SMDH
Exactly. In the first season I could see why people shipped them, but it was painfully obvious that over the course of the show Beharie didn’t want to be there.
dman, bobs, & others who say beharie’s performances were mediocre, “if” there was ‘any’ truth in the tearing down of an actress NONE of us knows anything about, do any of you who think the studios who have been that crazy or dumb to keep her on even for that length of time (contract or no)? Once again, just goes to show how much ‘some’ of us really DON’T known. Truly sad all the way around. 😳
Sorry for the grammatical errors, typing too fast. If you are going forward then so be it, but once again tearing down “people” you don’t even know IS very sad and kinda twisted. I know, freedom of speech. 😳
the rest of us needed to know? If you’re not adding to the discussion, why post at all?
Some people actually are naïve enough to think people care about their negative opinions,
You were looking for the word ‘opinions’ rather than ‘negative opinions’.
I’m intrigued. Looking forward to seeing what is coming up.
The show has become a joke as much as those who continue to watch & write about the it. So many write-ups & stories to tell…
Usually, once I invest a full season to season and a half into any show, I’m in for the long haul–no matter how bad the show may get, no matter who may die, no matter what. I may watch disparagingly, but I’m gonna watch. I’m ride-or-die like that with TV shows. Sleepy Hollow has fallen into a very, VERY small group of TV shows I just give up on even after investing a lot of time. I’ve devoted 3 full season of my time to Sleepy Hollow. Through their truly wonderful first season, their truly awful second season, and their better-than-season-two somewhat-return-to-original but-still-not-great season three. But Abbie’s death was it for me. Yes, like I said, I usually don’t give up on shows after a death–be it a death of a major character and/or of a character I really like. But this death was different. Nicole/Abbie was way too much of this show–way too much of what made it good–for me to stick around after her death. Don’t get me wrong, I love Tom/Crane, but I can’t return to a show where he’s total equal, someone with whom he had amazing chemistry that made the show, just isn’t there anymore. I will follow both of them to other projects. I’m sadly just done with SH. If I hear overwhelmingly that season 4 is amazing, I’ll be shocked, but I’ll return unbiased and give it a chance. But I really don’t think I have the TV viewing time to devote myself to finding out if it’s good or not.
Ron, believe it or not I feel the exact same way, and that’s NO slight against ANY of the actors, crew, Creators, viewers, etc. I just will NOT invest any more time in that which IS ALREADY dead for me.
I feel the same way although my curiosity may get the better of me to watch the first episode. Can’t remember where I read this but there was speculation back in the late spring that mid-season Sleepy Hollow is a filler and the show will be cancelled during the summer to make way for a new show this fall. This show had such promise and has denigrated into a disappointing mess. The location was awesome and cast stellar. Such a shame.
No surprise about a rich man not owning a comb. A lot of them apparently don’t own a razor or, if they do, don’t know how to use it.
Actually, no surprise about a Jeremy Davies character not owning a comb!
I’m not sure I would even recognize him if he were a well-groomed man in a tailored suit.
The show was everything S1 and now it’s just wasted potential. They want syndication money and to arrogantly prove that they can continue despite ruining everything. Besides Tom and Lyndie TPTB have chased out or fired their entire cast. They should have appreciated Nicole or at least had enough respect to give her a good send off. Instead, they baited then gave us a finale that was beyond sexist and insulting. The only way they can partially redeem themselves is if they apologize and pretend like S3 was all a dream. Unlikely. So disappointed.
Anna, that hand kiss was awful and very cryptic to me. She was ‘allowed’ to kiss her ‘former’ boyfriend “on the lips”, but the “man she loved” barely gets to kiss her on the hand?? Really??
I have to admit that I am very skeptical about the show. I don’t know if I will be returning. Because the show was based around Abby And Ichabod. And then all of a sudden Abby was just a guide to push Ichabod onward making it okay for her to die and be replaced. I just don’t know if I’ll be there like I was when the show first started
“* Jeremy Davies’ Malcolm Dreyfuss is one of the richest men in the world, yet he doesn’t appear to own a comb.”
You could make that observation of some of our politicians these days.
Nice trying to use Abbie to gain viewers though.
CW, “Use Abbie to gain viewers”, sadly I thought the exact same thing and they’re very likely hoping the others will return too.
Well lets see how this re boot goes and it is a re boot. First the leading lady is gone( whether she wanted out or was forced out isn’t the point) Those two’s chemistry is what made the show and trying to start over with someone else after the fans invested in this couple is a big risk that most likely wont work( Can you imagine Bones losing one of their leads at the end of their third season and think that show would have survived? I think not) Second the show is called SLEEPY HOLLOW!!!! For some reason that escapes me they decided to change locations and ruin that part of the show that differentiated itself from others. They have also hired a lot of different new characters which may have been necessary but wont win over viewers that Sleepy lost with Beharie’s departure. I really do hope things work out for this show but I just cannot see these changes helping them
I have given up on this show; the way Nicole was treated (as was the case with other actors as well), in addition to the horrible baiting of fans, the disrespectful responses on social media by those associated with the show (if you had criticism; otherwise, they would “like” or retweet anything, even if it was disparaging to cast), and the horrendous ending to S3 – all those things have made it so that I will not even watch Fox. Period. I’m commenting, though, to clear something up: in another review, I read that the only mention of Abbie was two brief mentions, and SHE IS ONLY SEEN IN AN OLD PHOTO. Now, if this other source is lying, it should be easy enough to ascertain, but to intimate that Abbie is more than a minor afterthought, and that Nicole is back, is misleading to the point of being dishonest. This site is pretty pro-Sleepy Hollow, and for that reason, I no longer follow its staff on Twitter, nor do I read their articles. But this, in addition to a false IMDB listing that shows Nicole/Abbie as being in the premiere, prompted me to, in this instance, break my rule on giving ANY social media attention to this awful show, in order to clear the air. They already were showing all these old pics of Ichabod and Abbie in some of their promotions, and in my experience with these people, they totally lack any integrity and will use the image of a woman they couldn’t even bring themselves to THANK for three years of hard work. NO. THANK. YOU. I will be watching Grimm and Emerald City instead (and I’m super excited! EC looks amazing). Catch you on the other side, Tom. I like you, but not enough to pay the salary of those SH clowns.
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