someone_save_me Club
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You know what I hate? When you hold the door open for some random fucker you've never even met in your life and they just walk on by without saying thank you or even acknowledging your god damn presence. Why this irks me so much I dunno. But it just does.

It's kinda like, well, this is what I always wanna say to them but don't:

Um, excuse me, who the hell do you think you are? Do you not see me opening this door for you, wasting seconds of my life for some random dude I've never ever met? It's not gonna kill you to say thanks, it's not gonna shorten your life by even a jiffy and yes that's an...
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posted by someone_save_me
Yes, I know what desu actually means. I just am too much of an internet person.

Here's a desu, there's a desu, and another little desu. Fuzzy desu, funny desu, desu desu duck.

Desu desu cheesecake desu, desu desu desu potato. Desu desu desu mushroom desu desu desu duck.

I was once a desu, I desu'd in a desu. But I never desu the way the desu desu'd the desu. I was only desu years desu, but it desu a desu. And now desu little desu to the desu desu.

Did you ever see a desu, kiss a desu on the desu, desu's desu, taste of desu, desu desu duck.

Half a desu, twice the desu, not a desu, desu, desu. Desu...
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posted by someone_save_me
These are just some, more will probably be added later.

I hate:
-Animal abusers
-Child abusers
-Butthurt moralfags (If you get mad at me saying moralfags, well then, you must be new here. I'm not homophobic.)
-3/4 the mainstream crap on the radio
-Jersey Shore
-People who don't thank you when you open a door for them
-Toddlers and Tiaras
-People who are always snooPING AS usual I see. /shot so fuckin' hard
-Fuckers who judge people by their appearance
-When my computer breaks down
-Fangirls who get mad at if you aren't borderline insanely obsessed with the same thing they are (Go on the Michael...
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Hellr. (I purposely spelled it that way.) So. I saw Pokemon_Melody posted an article with random things about herself on her club so I decided to that to, because fuck it.

I am EXTREMELY strong and tough for a 13 year old girl. I can and will fuck your face up if you try to tell me what to do and aren't even related to me. I have beat someone to near unconsciousness before because of that and am not afraid to do it again.

If it isn't super fucking obvious from that last paragraph, I am a TROUBLE. MAKER. I loooove to prank people and mess shit up, I always have. My pranks are EXTREME, I have...
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posted by someone_save_me
There once was a green dinosaur named Bernard. He always wore a top hat and had a really big bushy brown beard like Hagrid's. One day Bernard was just licking the window on his floor when all the sudden a stoned bulldog popped out Bernard's cabinet eating Spaghetti. Bernard then jumped into his fire place and started to climb up his chimney. But instead of being on the roof, he was in a place that just looked like a clear blue sky and puffy white clouds, north east south and west for miles and miles. Floating in this sky thing were these black, working escalators with wings. 20 identical climbing...
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posted by someone_save_me
My name is Sophia. I'm 12 years old but I'll turn 13 on September 27th. The thing is, even getting years older, I will never grow up. You'll have to learn I have a few... mental issues which I really don't feel like discussing. One of which causes me to be very immature, resulting in my obsession with little kids shows. ANYWAYS. I'm EXTREMELY FUCKING RANDOM. I don't think it's possible you'll find someone weirder than me.... MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC IS MY LIFEEEE<3<3<3 That show is 20% cooler than anything else in the world. I have really dark brown/black-ish hair and light...
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