The Heroes of Olympus Make Your Own Hero

parras2 posted on Jan 31, 2012 at 11:00PM
this is where you can make a demigod go on quests make friends/enemies and other demigodly stuff all you have to do is put your demigods



Immortal Parent-





and other things you want us to know about your demigod

(ok now it's time for the rules)1.don't make your character to strong 2. you cant control another persons character without their permission 3. please keep cussing down to a minimum 4. if you go on a quest go to this link:link

so far we have

Dante- son of Thanatos (me)
Keira- daughter of Hermes (Zelda4Efas)
Jesse- daughter of Poseidon (venus143)
Kaylee- daughter of Demeter (universalpowa)
Josiphia- daughter of Apollo (pink-bookworm)
Annie- daughter of Artemis (me-demigod4life)
Maya- daughter of Morpheus (ninjagirl77)
Skia- daughter of Styx (Nemisis)
Aidan- son of Apollo (sonofapollo27)
Mike- son of Zeus (Jasonfan44)
Ema- daughter of Nyx (emafluff)
Vanessa- daughter of Hades (Icrs50)
Noah- Immortal parent unknown (icuSTALKER)
Alex- son of Hades (killer24)
Charlie- son of Hectate (lolking)
Roberto- son of Kratos (darkling_menace)
Jake- son of Hephaestus (crash14)
Hannah- daughter of Athena (percy4forever)
Alvin- son of Poseidon (Alvin2442)
Blaze- son of Ares (Blaze_of_Ares)
Mark- son of Hemera (leond143)
Ariana- daughter of Aphrodite (NotSoPerfecme)
Eragona- daughter of Poseidon (BitemeIVampire)
Bella- daughter of Hades (BellaAndBubba)
Zane- son of Poseidon (1999jacko1)
Cara- daughter of Thanatos (Nicoliclous)
Kiara- daughter of Greg (DaugtherOfAll)
Kyle- son of Poseidon (sorenGuardian1)
Skylar- daughter of Aphrodite (anyone can control her)
Colin- son of Hephaestus (Ares2002)

and if anyone would like to be one of the original characters from the PJO or the HoO series you can(gods are included)

if you still want to be apart of the make your own hero please go to this link
last edited on Apr 20, 2012 at 03:24PM

The Heroes of Olympus 5223 replies

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Showing Replies 1301-1350 of 5223

over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"do you mean the god/mortal separator thing?"
over a year ago ChuckTaylor254 said…
"lets all go pratice at the stadium"
over a year ago crash14 said…
Walks off to bunker 9 with fire footprints
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"No u see we have more use with are mortal side them are godly side so if u can get them in perfect balanced and have more godly take control u can do that without Jake's arrows and u don't pass out from exhastusing unless u forced it to happen"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago crash14 said…
You mean like how I turn into a dragon
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"and if u get good at it u can just make it happen"closes eyes and grows 15ft tall with eyes glowing and regular clothes i was juust wearing then goes back to my 5.6ft tal self
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"and yes jake like how u turn into a dragon kinda"
over a year ago crash14 said…
Turns into dragon and breaths fire then turns back
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"but with my power was too much, my mortal body was more than a shell rather than who i really was, kinda reminds me of Hercules"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
flips coin it lands on Minerva's side grows 15ft tall and looks like Minerva in armor then sword turns back into a coin and gows back to normal and puts coin in pocket
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"Yeah roberto u seperated the body completely of course that happen"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
glows and when stops is wearing
White tee with white hoddie over
Black jeans
red,white,and blue vans
and is holding a trident but it disapperes shortly
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"and it gets me thinking, what if i can become a god permanently"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"I don't know but that could happen if u get completely use to it u could start to glow and more godly would flow into u then boom all mortal is gone and its just godly but i wouldn't want that"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"ive had superhuman strength since i was born, i dont know if i get it from my dad, or if im just one in a million, but this strength, this power, its godlike"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"Yeah i really shouldn't care about that but ok"
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Why on earth would you want to be a god".
over a year ago crash14 said…
In a way it sucks
over a year ago crash14 said…
in fact its a curse if you ask me I wouldn't blame percy for saying no to it
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Me neither".
over a year ago crash14 said…
Goash I hoe alex comes back
over a year ago crash14 said…
Hey joshpia do you think you can help me with my aim
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Well there are perks to being a god. Like immorality, POWERS, being around gods, POWERS, fighting with other gods, POWERS! Oh and your own throne."
over a year ago crash14 said…
Yeah I'm still fine with being dragon boy oh yeah on my next quest I can just fly where I want AWESOME!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"And i'm fine being able to turn into a god then demigod again"
over a year ago crash14 said…
No I'm fine staying a demigod
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"well it would be cool to be a god, but being immortal is just as good, my only weakness would be when i become withered and frail in my old age, and even then i'll be the strongest senior citizen the world has ever seen"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago crash14 said…
Well dragons grow at 1/10 the rate of humans so that would be cool but everytime I see a demigod I don't want them shooting arrows at my butt
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Wait, I can become a freaking god if I wanted to????"
over a year ago crash14 said…
Tecnically but you'll just grow big with lightning powers
over a year ago crash14 said…
Hey guys my dad just told me that we need to go to australia and clean out one of his forges who's coming
over a year ago crash14 said…
And when I say clean out I mean kill all the monsters
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"I'll come! Time to test out my AWESOME wind powers!"
over a year ago crash14 said…
good well leave now turns into dragon you ready
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"I wana go"
over a year ago crash14 said…
Ok then let's fly
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
drowns out Devil gallopes up to me and turns into Pegasus form"Okay lets fly"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
gets on Devil and he flaps upward
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"I can fly with you guys." I fly up and follows Jake and Alvin.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Devil gallops/flys forward and rides to australia
over a year ago crash14 said…
Jumps off ground and shoots up in air and flys towards australia
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
We start to fly over water stares down at it and Devil goes into Hippicamos form and dives down into the water and keeps going as fast as whe was in air when we get back to land Devil turns back into Pegasus land and is up there with yall
over a year ago crash14 said…
Keeps flying and sees another dragon starts talking to it
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
looks at nods and Devil starts to fly down and back up"We're near I think or thats what Devil says"
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Jake! Are we there yet?"
over a year ago crash14 said…
Looks up if we need to rest we can camp for the night in madagascar
over a year ago crash14 said…
When we land I knock down a tree and chew it into firewood then set it on fire and went to sleep" goodnight guys
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"night," I said. I fell asleep on top of a tree.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Insteaf of landing flys around where we camped seeing if any monsters could get in after 5 mins is sure so lands and cahriot apperes out of nowhere so sleeps in there