The Heroes of Olympus Make Your Own Hero

parras2 posted on Jan 31, 2012 at 11:00PM
this is where you can make a demigod go on quests make friends/enemies and other demigodly stuff all you have to do is put your demigods



Immortal Parent-





and other things you want us to know about your demigod

(ok now it's time for the rules)1.don't make your character to strong 2. you cant control another persons character without their permission 3. please keep cussing down to a minimum 4. if you go on a quest go to this link:link

so far we have

Dante- son of Thanatos (me)
Keira- daughter of Hermes (Zelda4Efas)
Jesse- daughter of Poseidon (venus143)
Kaylee- daughter of Demeter (universalpowa)
Josiphia- daughter of Apollo (pink-bookworm)
Annie- daughter of Artemis (me-demigod4life)
Maya- daughter of Morpheus (ninjagirl77)
Skia- daughter of Styx (Nemisis)
Aidan- son of Apollo (sonofapollo27)
Mike- son of Zeus (Jasonfan44)
Ema- daughter of Nyx (emafluff)
Vanessa- daughter of Hades (Icrs50)
Noah- Immortal parent unknown (icuSTALKER)
Alex- son of Hades (killer24)
Charlie- son of Hectate (lolking)
Roberto- son of Kratos (darkling_menace)
Jake- son of Hephaestus (crash14)
Hannah- daughter of Athena (percy4forever)
Alvin- son of Poseidon (Alvin2442)
Blaze- son of Ares (Blaze_of_Ares)
Mark- son of Hemera (leond143)
Ariana- daughter of Aphrodite (NotSoPerfecme)
Eragona- daughter of Poseidon (BitemeIVampire)
Bella- daughter of Hades (BellaAndBubba)
Zane- son of Poseidon (1999jacko1)
Cara- daughter of Thanatos (Nicoliclous)
Kiara- daughter of Greg (DaugtherOfAll)
Kyle- son of Poseidon (sorenGuardian1)
Skylar- daughter of Aphrodite (anyone can control her)
Colin- son of Hephaestus (Ares2002)

and if anyone would like to be one of the original characters from the PJO or the HoO series you can(gods are included)

if you still want to be apart of the make your own hero please go to this link
last edited on Apr 20, 2012 at 03:24PM

The Heroes of Olympus 5223 replies

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Showing Replies 651-700 of 5223

over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"im gonna go to my cabin, work out for a bit"
over a year ago venus143 said…
"Don't use fire on him it will just make it worse,And umm i kinda forgot your name what is it again.
over a year ago crash14 said…
The names jake and when will he be better
over a year ago venus143 said…
"Well it depends what happened to him in the first place."
over a year ago killer24 said…
urg what going on guys why are you all looking at me
over a year ago crash14 said…
He fainted from overuse of his powers and his dad possessed him. And he got flung about a mile and crash landed
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
walks to infirmary "what happend was he dad blessed him then he stabbed the giant in the head and fainted then i ran up the giant's body can caught hi thats what happen but yeah too much power over use"
over a year ago killer24 said…
all in a days work see you next time folks
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
frowns"we never did discenergrate that giant"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago crash14 said…
You would have been in worse shape if I hadn't dropped a tree on that cyclops
over a year ago killer24 said…
yeah how can a tree kill a monster or it was a magic tree muster hert
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"i wonder what happen to it we'll never know of course"
over a year ago venus143 said…
"Oh if thats what happened then i'll just give him some nectar and ambrosia and he will be better than ever". i tell them.
"Here alex drink this and eat this."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago killer24 said…
its nice thank you guys are the first people nice to me
over a year ago crash14 said…
hey alvin can't your water heal
over a year ago venus143 said…
"your welcome alex what are friends for".
over a year ago venus143 said…
"oh yeah i totally forgot sons and daughters of poseidon have water healing powers thanks for the reminder jake".
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago killer24 said…
meat shields jkjk so iv got to go dad needs help in hell haha bye guy see ya when i do but dont cume and visit the hard way
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"well i think Clarrise recovered hopefully so i have some to sword fight"walks to arena where clarrise is working her moves Clarrise"what newbie punk what u want from me""a sword battle"turns amulet into pureoceanwater"lets go no need to waste time"Clarrise"ok and go"i slashed at her face she dodges and conter attacks i block that with a spiral move and she charges me i flips over her cutting a snip of her hair off then kicks her in her shoulder loses balance while she tumbles to ground backflips to catch balance then lands frontflips over Clarrise then puts sword to thorat"I win"Clarrise"thats what u think"she smiles evil then attacks me her eye sockets now emtey with fire in thm"Ares the god of War slashes at her but she moves the swod and pushs me back
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
keeps slashing at her she keeps blocking show i jump back and point sword at her ocean water blasts at her go two sides theyhits her from the sides and i stick my sword to her tholrat"I win"Clarrise"no u-"kicks her in the gut hen turns pureoceanwater back into a amulet and punches her onto the ground and walks to where m friends are
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"punk ασσ clarrise not even a good fighther"keeps cussing in greek runs to find friends"where are yall"
over a year ago killer24 said…
bye poof
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"ima go to sleep"yawnss so walks t csbin
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
right before i was about to cabin door and look in the coacho horn blows so i walks to Dinner Plaevionn
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
drops some in fire then eats my BBQ chicken and fries wih a Hot Dog and Tatter Tots and some BigBlue as my Drink finshes that and goes to my cabin opens it and drops on bed"ima exhausted"
over a year ago crash14 said…
I'm going to eat then sleep finally we took down an army a giant and a titan. I hot wired a car. Roberto took down a cyclops . Alex unleashed black fire. Skia killed hyperion.
over a year ago venus143 said…
"bye alex". i say to him.
I walk out of the infirmary and say good night to mike and jake and head towards the poseidon cabin so i go to my side of the cabin put on my PJ's and go to sleep.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
sleeps as head hits pillow i was in a cave i didn't no where but then i saw the giant walking to camp with an army of hellhounds,emposiei,drakons,Hyreioh,and demigods so then i heard this
The team that went to defeat the giant must go to Denver
One shall go to ahead at night

if he not to return to end in flames

The childs of Poseidon wil come thourgh greatly in this battle

Kronos Child will fight ahead

Child of Poseidon to not return with u

wakes up in cold sweat
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago parras2 said…
this is not story related but this vid is so sad link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago killer24 said…
*what duse it mean
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
looks around finds self in Oracle cave she says my prphacey but in differntly

The team that fought the giant before shall face him in denver

Ocean's son will walk alone

If he not to return to end in flames

Kranos child shall save the day

To fly home without the childs of Poseidon

For they shall take a boat to go home

The utimate battle of Ocean's childern
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I could tell u what it means but itsquite simple
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
*makes way to the Apollo cabin*
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
okay i will tell u The team which was me,Jess,Robeto,Skia,Jake,and Alex The ocean's son is me the third part gives it self away Jake will burn everything up cause of me lol will try to but Rebeto will stop him easy Poseidon's Childern don't fly easy they'll ttake a boat during that there going to stop and Poseidon will come so it will him me,and jess vs the Bane Of Poseidon lol i guess gave away a prophacey DARN It if u don't like don't critizize me its m first one ok
over a year ago venus143 said…
so that means the children of poseidon die? and could we take mike and josie i don't go anywere without them.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I layed on my bed looking at the photo of my mother who died when I was six,
over a year ago crash14 said…
what!! I'm not that destructive depends on what I'm burning though but I was taught that fire was life
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*comes back from my cabin*
"hey guys whats going on?"
over a year ago crash14 said…
Looks like we have another quest and I'm supoosed to destroy stuff and you stop me you know those good times
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I walked out of the infirmary, and thrust my hand upward. The winds or something lifted me off the ground. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I scream. I had no idea what was going on. My hand drops down and I am free falling to the ground. "HELP!" I scream but it was too late. I had landed on the ground. I did a face plant.
over a year ago crash14 said…
See mike hit the ground dude are you ok
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
*helps Mike up*
"you kinda flew for a second"

over a year ago lolking said…
After we got back I walked away quickly on the beach and and flaoted on thte water.I thought I wasnt moving at all when I looked up and saw no land at all and yelled "WHERE AM I WHERE AM I."
over a year ago crash14 said…
went to lake. And saw travis decide to prank him for revenge of when he pranked me he was talking to some girl so I threw a huge fireball into the lake to make it look like a monster a screamed liked a girl and ran away
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Yeah thanks," I said, rubbing my head. "Wait I flew !??!?!" Oh dude that is just awesome. Now I know why when I was 6 and jumped off a tree branch, I didn't fall. The winds carried me down, like a parachute."
over a year ago crash14 said…
I mean this in the nicest way but it was kinda funny
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
*comes out of cabin*
"Hey guys you do all realise it's like night time".
over a year ago darkling_menace said…
"i remember when i was 6 and my favorite ball rolled under an 18-wheeler, so i pushed the truck out of the way to get it"
*carries Mike back to the infirmary*
over a year ago crash14 said…
Goes to infirmary with roberto " is anything broken"
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"I don't want to go there!" I whined, trying to get out of Roberto's grip. I let him set me down, and then I made a run for it. I ran all the way to Cabin One and went to sleep. Unfortunately, I had a nightmare. I dreamt of a black hole. Welcome son of Zeus A voice said. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Join me and my partners. If you do not, well your friends will betray you and I will kill you all. Then a vision appeared. I saw Jesse, Josie and Alex being burned alive. Dante being strangled by an invisible force and worse of all, I was watching them, with a smug look on my face. Like I wanted them to die. "STOP IT!" I cried out in my dream. "STOP SHOWING ME THIS! LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!" The image stopped and the voice laughed. This time the voice was deep. "Son of Zeus," The voice bellowed. "You can watch your 'so-called' friends die, while you have the power. Join us." Then a million voices chanted. "Join us!" They all chanted. The chanting grew louder and louder. "I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU PEOPLE! YOU GUYS ARE EVIL!" Then it was silence. "Then you'll suffer too." A voice said. It was soft and almost sweet. Like a grandmother's voice, but I had to remind myself that the person was evil. The hole vanished, and I woke up in a cold sweat.