The Hunger Games Restricted 33rd Hunger Games Role Play (see info)

flabaloobalah posted on Oct 05, 2012 at 10:57PM
I know the title makes it sound explicit or something, but this role play is ONLY for the following people:

1999jacko (a.k.a. hippy-hoppy)

That probably sounds unfair, but on a previous Hunger Games RP, we were the only ones out of 24 that ever actually contributed. So we have gotten rid of that one and now, we eight are starting over. ONLY us eight. Sorry.
You can take your tribute from the old RP and use it here, and you can take two other tribute spots, since there are 8 of us role playing 24 tributes. You don't have to, however. You can just as easily trash your old one and make three originals. Whatever floats your goat.
Oh and by the way, the arena is a giant maze/labryinth that's enormous and tall.

The Tributes in the 33rd Annual Hunger Games are:

District One Male: Elias Hemmingway (flabaloobalah)
District One Female: Lianna Amoran (Lady-Rebel)
District Two Male: Alec Riven (kwogan-nicole)
District Two Female: Whit Loith (missracoon)
District Three Male: Corey Ames (Phoenix_Tears)
District Three Female: Neera Lowe (kwogan-nicole)
District Four Male: Jacob Hutchingson (A-347)
District Four Female: Rain Maude (Phoenix_Tears)
District Five Male: Jenks Ghast (missracoon)
District Five Female: Araceli Halloway (flabaloobalah)
District Six Male: Martha Pinber (Lady_Rebel)
District Six Female: Shyla Gruesen (flabaloobalah)
District Seven Male: Orion Nain (1999jacko)
District Seven Female: Tula Jayne (kwogan_nicole)
District Eight Male: Keats (1999jacko)
District Eight Female: Gena Teffy (Lady_Rebel)
District Nine Male: John Anan (1999jacko)
District Nine Female: Lia Wilkes (kwogan-nicole)
District Ten Male: Jamie Sauldry (A-347)
District Ten Female: Millie Willsberg (missracoon)
District Eleven Male: Ryan Heper (Lady_Rebel)
District Eleven Female: Misty Darleen (missracoon)
District Twelve Male: Alan Hawtrey (Phoenix_Tears)
District Twelve Female: Karrae Hawkene (A-347)

Happy Hunger Games to us, and may the odds be ever in our favor!
last edited on Dec 23, 2012 at 06:03PM

The Hunger Games 334 replies

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Showing Replies 251-300 of 334

over a year ago missracoon said…
big smile
((Uwah~ He's cute!))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((Yush he is~))
Name: Shyla Gruesen
Age: 13
District: 6
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100 lbs
Appearance: You can see her below in the pic.
Personality: Quiet, a little odd, honest, can multi-task, gets bored quickly.
Skills: Good aim with small weapons, strong arms, wicked hearing, but can get lost easily.
((Yush he is~))
Name: Shyla Gruesen
Age: 13
District: 6
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100 lbs
over a year ago missracoon said…
((She seems intresting.))
over a year ago Lady_Rebel said…
(YAY!!! He is HOT!!!)
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((Dude, I know! Soooooo sexy!))
over a year ago missracoon said…
((So all we need now are three more OCs...)
over a year ago kwogan_nicole said…
big smile
((guess what, MEG IS BACK!!!!!!))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
big smile
((Jacko needs one more, and mah waifu will post her three ASAP.
yay! meg's back! i have to hug her and ask how HP World was!!!))
over a year ago hippy-hoppy said…
((hi its me 1999jacko i cant get on my account my password isnt workins so i thought it wwas time for a new one so ill post my last on now))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((Alright. I'll have to remember thats you now.
over a year ago hippy-hoppy said…
john anan
district 9 male
short black hair, pale skin, calm mood, skinny and no muscle quite weak
uses thin long blades and sometimes a spear

finally finished
last edited over a year ago
john anan
district 9 male
short black hair, pale skin, calm mood, skinny and no muscle quite weak
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((Awesome! Ooh, he's cute. Hehe.
Thanks! I'll add it so then I can get kaboomgirl to finally post hers.))
over a year ago A-347 said…
((I am back in the building!))
over a year ago Lady_Rebel said…
(EEEEEEE!!!! I'D TOTALLY DATE HIM!!!!! He might want to work a bit, though.)
over a year ago missracoon said…
((Welcome back A-347! Oh and that guy is fine!))
over a year ago kwogan_nicole said…
((you guys the best thing ever just happened. I have a sister who is 1 year old, and she is sitting on my lap as I am looking at this, and she saw that guy and said "guy hot" I have absolutely NO FREAKING IDEA why she said it, but she did. It was fabulous, because he is. Also, hippy-hoppy/1999jacko, we're district partners! do you want to message me?))
over a year ago A-347 said…
((Guys, could you ask kaboomgirl to post?))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((When she comes on later I will yell at her.))
over a year ago A-347 said…
((Okay. Yay! Lol. JK, I'm not that mean :p))
over a year ago Lady_Rebel said…
(Hey jacko/hippy, what's Keats' last name? I'm kinda curious.)
over a year ago missracoon said…
((Wow Nicole, your little sister has good taste then XD))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((XD damn right @miss
kaboomgirl can't do this RP. *falls into deep depression*
If any of you can find someone interested GET DEM OVAH HEEEERRRRREEEE))
over a year ago kwogan_nicole said…
((I don't know anyone else, but if we can't find anybody I will take one))
over a year ago Lady_Rebel said…
(NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!)
over a year ago A-347 said…
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((Nicole, you don't want to do more than three. It's hard enough to keep track of my three.
I can try to find someone.))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((I asked numnumyellow67 last night, but no reply.
Hope we can FIND someone.))
over a year ago kwogan_nicole said…
((I will do it!!!! I'm DESPERATE!!))
over a year ago Lady_Rebel said…
(If you find no one else, I will do a character. I've had three characters in a RP before. I can do four.)
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((I can try to find someone else. If you absolutely HAVE TO, I might give you and Nicole one.))
over a year ago missracoon said…
((No Kaboomgirl...d'aaaawww, oh and If there really will be nonpony else then I am willing to make another OC))
over a year ago kwogan_nicole said…
((Hooray for volunteering!!!!! (see what I did there? haha...ha...ha)))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((I asked peppergirl30 earlier, no reply yet.
I see-eth what ye did thar Nicole))
over a year ago A-347 said…
((Yeah, I would ask more people but I hardly know anyone on fanpop except you guys.))
over a year ago missracoon said…
((Haha! Good one Nicole!))
over a year ago Lady_Rebel said…
(Doo doo doo. I'LL FREAKING DO IT!!! DON'T LET THE RP DIE!!!!)
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((*Alex Trebek voice* Is that your final answer, Lady_Rebel?))
over a year ago Lady_Rebel said…
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((Alrighty. Pick one. Thanks a lot, by the way!))
over a year ago Lady_Rebel said…
Gender: Female
Name: Gena Teffy
Age: 12
Height: 4 feet
Weight: 80 lbs.
Personality: Shy, hard working, good with her hands
Skills/other things to watch out for: excellent embroiderer,
Back story: She worked hard with her parent form the time she was 6. Getting reaped was a shock, especially after her older brother had been reaped and died the year before. She was always a it small, on account of her family not getting enough to eat.
Appearance: She looks like a twelve year old Sailor Moon.
Gender: Female
Name: Gena Teffy
Age: 12
Height: 4 feet
Weight: 80 lbs.
over a year ago missracoon said…
Count me in as well!

Gender: Female
Name: Millie Willsberg
Age: 13
Personality: Happy and smiley, is the type of person to enjoy the moment and not focus on the past
Background: comes from a decent family background with a mum, dad and her sisters Marigold (19) and July (11). She has many friends and is very close with her family and thinks the world of them.
Appearence: see picture under
last edited over a year ago
Count me in as well!

Gender: Female 
Name: Millie Willsberg
Age: 13
Personality: H
over a year ago kwogan_nicole said…
((I'll do District 7!!))
over a year ago kwogan_nicole said…
big smile
Name: Tula Jayne

District: 7, Lumber

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Height: 5'7

Weight: 150lbs.

Personality: Funny and kind, but not very bright. Very determined though.

Skills: AXES!!! Also, climbing.

Back Story: She has three siblings, one older brother, two younger sisters, who she isn't very close to, but loves none the less. Her Mother and father try to take care of them, and she is relatively happy. That is, until the Reaping.


Name: Tula Jayne

District: 7, Lumber

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Height: 5'7

Weight: 150lbs
over a year ago missracoon said…
((We have enough people! Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *explodes*))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((*sweeps up pieces of missracoon* YAY! We can finally start!!! You guys rock!!))
over a year ago missracoon said…
((*Ghost Missracoon cracks open champaggne*))
((*Ghost Missracoon cracks open champaggne*))
over a year ago missracoon said…
((*Champagne, I can't seem to edit things...))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((PAAAAAARRRRTTTAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!! *carries ghost missracoon around on shoulders like maniac*))
over a year ago kwogan_nicole said…
((YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!! So, where will we start!?!?!?))
over a year ago Lady_Rebel said…