The Hunger Games Restricted 33rd Hunger Games Role Play (see info)

flabaloobalah posted on Oct 05, 2012 at 10:57PM
I know the title makes it sound explicit or something, but this role play is ONLY for the following people:

1999jacko (a.k.a. hippy-hoppy)

That probably sounds unfair, but on a previous Hunger Games RP, we were the only ones out of 24 that ever actually contributed. So we have gotten rid of that one and now, we eight are starting over. ONLY us eight. Sorry.
You can take your tribute from the old RP and use it here, and you can take two other tribute spots, since there are 8 of us role playing 24 tributes. You don't have to, however. You can just as easily trash your old one and make three originals. Whatever floats your goat.
Oh and by the way, the arena is a giant maze/labryinth that's enormous and tall.

The Tributes in the 33rd Annual Hunger Games are:

District One Male: Elias Hemmingway (flabaloobalah)
District One Female: Lianna Amoran (Lady-Rebel)
District Two Male: Alec Riven (kwogan-nicole)
District Two Female: Whit Loith (missracoon)
District Three Male: Corey Ames (Phoenix_Tears)
District Three Female: Neera Lowe (kwogan-nicole)
District Four Male: Jacob Hutchingson (A-347)
District Four Female: Rain Maude (Phoenix_Tears)
District Five Male: Jenks Ghast (missracoon)
District Five Female: Araceli Halloway (flabaloobalah)
District Six Male: Martha Pinber (Lady_Rebel)
District Six Female: Shyla Gruesen (flabaloobalah)
District Seven Male: Orion Nain (1999jacko)
District Seven Female: Tula Jayne (kwogan_nicole)
District Eight Male: Keats (1999jacko)
District Eight Female: Gena Teffy (Lady_Rebel)
District Nine Male: John Anan (1999jacko)
District Nine Female: Lia Wilkes (kwogan-nicole)
District Ten Male: Jamie Sauldry (A-347)
District Ten Female: Millie Willsberg (missracoon)
District Eleven Male: Ryan Heper (Lady_Rebel)
District Eleven Female: Misty Darleen (missracoon)
District Twelve Male: Alan Hawtrey (Phoenix_Tears)
District Twelve Female: Karrae Hawkene (A-347)

Happy Hunger Games to us, and may the odds be ever in our favor!
last edited on Dec 23, 2012 at 06:03PM

The Hunger Games 334 replies

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over a year ago kwogan_nicole said…
((we're going in a specific order right? 1-12? and will boys or girls go first?))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
I was thinking we'd just do interviews and training in order. That's all I wanna do, anyways. It would be too hard to do all the other things in order like that.))
Elias tumbled out of bed, tangled in his boxers and the covers. It was the day of the Reaping.

Ara sat up in bed, not tired in the least. She just was not looking forward to the Reaping, taking place in the common square of District Five.

Shyla woke with a start. She had just awoken from a horrid nightmare that she was in the Hunger Games. She hoped she wouldn't be chosen as the District Seven female for the 33rd Annual Hunger Games...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kwogan_nicole said…
((ok, so just do the reapings whenever, all of our characters, and then we will go more in order? cool))

"Alec, STOP!" a shrill voice reached Alec's head.
His hand rushed forward once more, smashing into James' nose. Wiping the blood off his fist, he stepped away from James as his cousin Whit rushed towards him. ((Whit is missracoon....if you don't want me to write you at all, miss, just let me know and I will change this!))

Neera sipped slowly from her cup. At her breakfast table, all was silent as her parents ate their meek meal. She could only stomch some weak tea, herself. Today was the day of the Reapings, and it always caused a feeling of despair over the District.

"What are you thinking?" Lia asked herself as she stood in front of her cracked mirror. "White will look better than brown." She ran to her small armoire to retrieve her white dress. Today was the day of the Reapings. While she hoped she would not be picked, she knew there would still be cameras. And, where there's cameras, she has to look her best.
over a year ago Phoenix_Tears said…
((HI! So, Molly, I was wondering if we wanted to make one universal character for the Interviewer. Cesar Flickerman wouldn't have been alive back then))

An excited nervousness washed over Corey as he woke. Today was reaping day. Not that he wanted to be in the games, but he definitely thought he was able. He made his way down the stairs. His home was larger than most in the district. His father nodded to him as he walked down, "Good luck, son." he wished him. Corey smiled, "Thank you." Though, he felt that he didn't need much of it. He had never took out a tesserae in his life.

Rain looked out across the water. The early morning air caused small white waves to appear in the deep blue ocean. She seemed to be transfixed by these small waves, though in truth she wasn’t seeing them. All she saw was her name being drawn, over and over again. Rain gently shook her head, that wouldn’t happen. Not to her. She let her feet hang over the edge of the pier, her toes rippling the water. Maybe she would go for a swim today, it might help her to clear her mind.

Alan glanced over at his parents as they sat down for breakfast. They had saved something special, a fresh loaf of bread, real bakery bread. You could see the lines on his father’s face as he wheeled himself over to the table. Ever since he had been hurt in the mining accident it had been harder at home. Though, they were lucky his life was spared, the chair initially cost more than a half of a year’s salary. And Alan’s mother had now work in the mines so they could have money. Only a month ago, he had turned twelve. This caused grave shadows to form on his parent’s faces, he had already taken out three tesserae. Alan's little sister let out a high pitched laugh, his eight year-old brother was making faces at her. This brought a small smile to everyone's faces, even his father's.
over a year ago missracoon said…
(Whitney) I rushed towards Alec, as usaul he had been bashing some poor guys nose in, but this was looking a bit more out of hand than usaul "Stop t-this please!" I yelped, doing my best not to stammer.

(Jenks) I woke will a start, today it was reapings, and the fact that i've woken with a growling stomach that demanded to be fed did not help. I guess I'll eat some of my stash today, after all I'm going to need it if I really think I can stomach what will be going on soon...

(Millie) July grinned from ear to ear, she had won our game of cards as usaul, I would say I've let her won but I would be a liar. "What's wrong? You upset baby?" she would tease as usaul, I'm fine with that though after all, anything to keep my mind of what will be happerning soon, I am a live in the moment type of girl but this is just beyond that.

(Misty) My eyelids fluttered for a number of minutes before I came to myself, mother was sleeping next to me, holding that rag doll as usaul. Today was reaping, I don't care though, in fact some days I'd rather just die out there and be with Daisy than stay here and bear the presence of mother any more. But in the unlikely event that I am reaped, then I will murder as many tributes as I can...and each undeaserving death will belong to you, Daisy.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago missracoon said…
((Great stuff guys ^^))
over a year ago kwogan_nicole said…
(Alec) After glancing at Whitney, alec turned back to James. "Don't you even THINK about volunteering today." He growled. "This is my last year, and I am going to do it."

(Neera) After her parents had finished their breakfast, Neera helped her mother clear the table. None of them spoke, and Neera left to change into some better clothes, as was mandatory.

(Lia, she's still doing her hair O.o)

(Tula) Tula woke under a pile of warmth. She laughed to herself, and brushed her two little sister's hair from her face. She stretched and closed her eyes, but they snapped back open as she realized, it was Reaping day.
over a year ago missracoon said…
(Whitney) "A-alec! I think he gets it!" I spluttered, I detest violence, I really do...but if Alec really thinks he stands a chance then that is his choice I guess...

(Jenks) I yawned and placed "Shylo" (his beanie which he considers his friend :3) on my head and set of to the square, nibbling on the scraps in my left hand as I went.

(Millie) Marigold came and fed the four of us some bread she had saved up for, giving us all a slice but herself. "Come on now eat poppet!" Mum said while smiling weakly, Marigold may be too old and July too young for being part of the Hunger games but I'm at the right age...

(Misty) I ate the bread from the box at the corner of the small room I could almost consider "home". I even ate mother's share, she wouldn't mind though, I am her favourte after all.
over a year ago hippy-hoppy said…
((im back again, are we on the interviews now))
over a year ago hippy-hoppy said…
((oh and if anyone was wondering keats last name is lays))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((Hey Jacko! No we aren't, we just started reapings yesterday! Wanna put yours in?))
over a year ago Lady_Rebel said…
(I was wondering what his last name is. I will post my reapings later. Gah, I have so many!!!)
over a year ago Phoenix_Tears said…
((I'm so excited now that we're starting!!!))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
big smile
((Eek! Me too!))
over a year ago Phoenix_Tears said…
big smile
((I KNOW :D Also. Alec scares me just a bit.....And you do want to do one interviewer for everyone correct?))
over a year ago A-347 said…
((Heya! Im BAAACCCKKK!! Here's mine:))

((Jacob)) I woke up in my bed and it took a while to realise that today was that fateful day again. The day that changed my family forever. The day that made me an only child...

My father called me from downstairs, I sigh and force myself up. I tell him that I'll be down in a while. He knew how upset I got on reaping day so he usually made a special effort to be kind. I took a nice, long wash in cold water as if to delay the inevitable then changed into my best jeans and t-shirt before trudging down the stairs and making my way to the town square with my father. When I finally arrived, the mayor was there between the two reaping bowls and welcomed us. He gave his usual boring, winded introduction and reminded us why we were there; showing us the video of our ancestors who revolted against the Capitol.

“Now then, who will lead us, the proud fishing district to victory?” He said with such confidence and I couldn't help but glare it him. It didn't go so well last time when my sister was hit with a spear. Still, as long as things were okay for him, he didn't care what happened to us children. Society is often like that. After what had happened the year before, I hated the Capitol and wished that if not now, somebody in the near future would bring them down! Snapping back to reality, I saw a young female step up to the stage but had no idea who it was. When he walked over to the male bowl, I could see my father sweating a lot. It must have been hard for him. I lost mother when I was very young, then, last year, my sister was murdered (there's no other way to put it, no matter what the Capitol say) and what if I were to leave him too? So you could imagine his dispair when my name was called. I was in denial, I barely believed it! I slowly made my way through the crowd to the stage and for a moment I felt terrified.

Then a smirk broke out on my face, which left the crowd confused. It dawned on me that I was lucky to be chosen. Now I'm more than just Jacob Hutchingson, more than a disposable face in the crowd. If I win this, I could get revenge on the Capitol somehow. Even if it cost me my life, I would be showing the world just what happens when you cross me. I'd die, knowing that my sister had been avenged and, knowing that many would follow my example. So, if the Capitol wanted to play like that then bring it on.

I reminded myself to calm down before I lost myself on stage and slipped up, revealing my true feelings and purpose in the Hunger Games. If I did, the Capitol would make sure it would be the last thing I ever did.

((Jamie)) I strolled up to the stage without a care in the world. Yes, I was picked but I would sure find a way to beat everyone in this damn arena and everyone would love me!! I knew that I had this in the bag. I knew everything there was to know, I could make friends so easily with the careers, or anyone for that matter because they'd be DYING to have me on their team (pun intended) also, I was so handsome that the sponsors would HAVE to want to keep me alive if things ended badly with them. As I got up there, I held my head up, looked the mayor straight in the eye and loudly proclaimed "I'm your victor! Yes, I'll be the most awesome tribute and get a 23 person kill streak! Remember this loveable face, district 10, because this is one that WON'T be shown in the sky at night!" The mayor laughed in delight to actually have a willing participant.

"Well... aren't we confident? And that's good! Confidence is key." He said. "Yes, yes, confidence is key..."

((Karrae)) I shuffled to the town square in what had to be the only classy clothes I owned. A grey skirt and a plain, white shirt with a grey waistcoat. My mother and younger brother were there too. He was only twelve, meaning this was his first year and my mother was crying. We came in our thousands and crowded around the stage where a woman in her forties with flamboyant make-up and a silly pink wig stood between the reaping bowls. Everyone, inculding me admittedly, stood there, terrified. Taking a few deep breaths I tried to calm myself and prepare for what was coming but nothing would let me. The mayor preformed his speech, then played the video, reminding us of the rebellion; the reason why we were all here. Suffering for the bravery of our ancestors.

“Hello.” The woman's deep voice bellowed and filled the square. “I am Effie Trinket and welcome to the thirty-third annual Hunger Games. Ohh! Isn't it exciting?” She giggled. “Today, one brave young gentleman and one strong young lady will be chosen to compete for the chance of fame and fortune for district twelve!” She flashed a bright grin, but she was the only one. Stepping over to the female bowl she said “Without further ado, let me pick the lucky female contestant for this year!” She shoved her hand into the bowl and swirled it around, taking unecessarily long. It was an agonizing few seconds; my head pounded and I felt slightly dizzy but soon snapped out of it when she spoke the name “Karrae Hawkene.” barely able to pronounce it correctly. Mother went pale. My brother's face became confused, he didn't yet fully understand what the Hunger Games entailed. My heart skipped a beat and I was literally immobilized with fear. The crowd was muttering away to themselves until she called my name again, this time, louder and she grew more impatient. Slowly and shakily, I made my way through the crowds and to the stage next to Effie, who then went to the male bowl.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hippy-hoppy said…
John sat in his bed thinking about what would happen to day, because of course today was th reaping day. The day when 2 people would be chosen to go to the capitol and televised fighting each other to death. He finally moved swiftly from his bed his thin body blurring as he moved, he stopped at the door of his room and took off the hanging clothes their, his normal reaping day black and grey clothes(a bit different from others but whatever he thought, he was born to be different) he quickly changed into them and, for possibly the last time, looked into his mirror and flicked his hair across his right eye and left his room, again, quickly.
despite the sad day he took the stairs 3 steps at a time and reached the kitchen to see his mother making some eggs and bacon and just dishing his on to his plate. She turns and sees John standing there and says " heres your breakfast, eat it quickly or we'll be late," he sarts to dig in as she gives him a lecture about how she told him not to sleep in because its the reaping day, but by the time she finishes the short lecture he's finished and putting his, slightly rebellious converse, shoes on. They walk out the door just being able to see his dad and older sister turning the corner to the square and they jog to catch up.
10 minutes later(after girls reaping)
John stands their looking up at the girl he vaguely remembers on the podium, she'll be his opponent in the arena he says to himself. He jolts back to attention as the escort strolls over to the boys ball and puts her hand into it and quickly picks his hand out, John knows its not going to be him be cause hes only been put in 1 so theres no need to worry, The escorts voice gets louder and he says," And the boy tribute will be," he un folds the small bit of paper and continues," John Annan, well come on up John Annan." He hears his mum and dad cry out aswell as his sister he steps forward and walks up to the podium as the escort says his last words to the district john isn't listening to shocked about competing in the 33rd Hunger Games
over a year ago hippy-hoppy said…
Orion sits at his porch in his reapping clothes waiting for his family of 8 to come out and go to the square, he was scared about being picked since his names was in almost 70 times but he had to hide it from his 4 brothers and 3 sisters who were 12 and 13 tehy were the ones he had to be scared about he had almost all of their names put down under his name to try and protect them of course. They came out looking glum so he tried to cheer them up by playing tig with them all the way to the square, while his mother hung back looking scared about all of her kids going into the reaping.
When they got their they took their places, orion stood with his friends quietly taking the mickey out of the capitol. As the girls name was called out he vaguely recognised her not quite sure if he'd talked to her or not, he was knocked out of this thought when one of his friends threw rocks at the peacekeepers and the escort. Two peacekeepers ran to him and took him aside and started beating on him so bad he had blood pouring from his forehead he looked as though he was gonna die which seriously shook orion up, he started to think that even if he didnt get chosen he'd probably never one of his best friends again. He mulled over this for about 5 minutes until realising people were pushing forward to the podium and he only then realised his name must of been called out for tribute, and he couldn't handle it not with his mum raising 7 kids over 12 and another 4 kids under 12 they were too poor for him to go to the nhunger games and much to vulnerable to thieves so he fought screamed out kicked against the boys pushing forward and the peace keepers coming to restrain him and punched and kicked with all his might but it wasn't enough and they eventually subdued him with a punch the head and dragged him onto the podium while everyone looked at him, a boy had beaten off 6 boys and 4 peace keepers with just his hands and feet. But he didn't care he just sat drooped over on the podium waiting for it to all be over waiting for him to be alone so he could cry all he wanteed, but the one thing he had to do was win he didn't see how he could even though he was quite strong but he had to win
over a year ago missracoon said…
big smile
((Great stuff guys!))
over a year ago A-347 said…
((Thanks xx))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((Hello peoples
Lol the other day I took a quiz that was like "would you win the hunger games" and it said I would be the 23rd to die! That means I was the last person to be killed before they made someone victor..and I got kinda sad))

(Elias) After a good filling breakfast and a mad dash to see his trainer, Elias was ready to go. He was mentally and physically prepared to volunteer, as a good Career was expected to do. His wavy auburn hair was slicked back, caked in sweat from the sun beating down on him as he whirled knives at bulls-eyes and he practiced punching large heavy bags of sand.
He could do this. His father had won many many years ago, and Elias himself would bring honor to his family once again.
He jogged back home, and the streets looked considerably more congested. People here in District One were waking up and getting ready for another enthralling Reaping.
over a year ago hippy-hoppy said…
(( I would hate that, ur so close to victory and then u lose))
over a year ago missracoon said…
((Whit)) I really wish Alec would take things down a notch...

((Jenks)) I walked slowly, there was no need to get down there in a rush after all.

((Millie)) July gave me a sad look, we both knew that Marigold never ate on reaping days, when she did she would spend hours throwing it all back up later.

((Misty)) I combed my hair with my fingers and got ready to face the reapings.

((Sounds like an intresting quiz Flab, maybe I have a link to it please?))
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((Let me go find it. But maybe I was being selfless and killed myself so the other tribute would win.))

(Araceli) Another quiet morning crept in, the sun peaking out behind the hazy morning clouds as the sky changed from a nightly purple to a glorious hue that was somewhere between some orange and pink. Ara ruffled her fiery red mane and slid out of bed. She had a knot in her stomach that seemed impossible to be untangled, and there was good reason for the knot: today a boy and girl would be selected once again to participate in the Hunger Games. She snuck out of the room and tiptoed downstairs. A porcelain plate was laid out in front of her seat, a full breakfast ready for the next possible hungry tribute from District Five. Ara slumped into her rickety old chair, picked up a fork, and chewed slowly, like a cow chewing on cud.
The sidewalks out front were slightly crowded, a handful of workers, some desperate beggars, and other people for a brisk walk.
over a year ago missracoon said…
((Hello? Anypony home?))
over a year ago missracoon said…
over a year ago missracoon said…
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
sorry sorry sorry I forgot all about this old thing

over a year ago A-347 said…
((Flab! You were gonna quit on us? :( ))
over a year ago missracoon said…
big smile
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
((No I was not gonna leave! This thing is too awesome! I will never quit! We just ned everyone to get back over here and post...))
over a year ago missracoon said…
over a year ago A-347 said…
((Ahhh, okay. I shall try to round up the others.))
over a year ago Phoenix_Tears said…
((This RP makes me so sad....))