The Hunger Games Hunger Games RP!!!!

Grrrrr posted on Mar 19, 2013 at 02:19AM
Hey everybody! Its time to start a new RP! Lets make this scene start right at the chariot rides! Please describe your characters:
HAVE FUN! and please write your posts in third person point of view! LETS DO THIS THING!

The Hunger Games 289 replies

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over a year ago sam7b said…
Lethe was surprised when he kissed her, but she blushed and smiled, turning to watch him go. She was so happy. She finally found someone that she could trust.

May looked away, rolling her eyes. The kiss seemed genuine (at least that was something) but it was still pretty horrible that he was cheating on the other District 5 girl. Were either of them even considering her feelings? May stood up quickly, grabbed her bag, and left the table, stealthily following behind Danny. She stuck to the shadows, just watching where she walked as to make no noise. Eventually she stepped out and walked behind him full view. Then, as he neared his room, May stopped and very pointedly said, "So. What's your plan, Danny? Play these two girls against each other? Kill them in their sleep?" She paused and tilted her head, a thinking expression on her face. "Well either way, you're going to destroy them. You're going to kill them emotionally first, and that's worse than death. So I guess it doesn't really matter how you end their lives..." She stared at him with piercing brown eyes. "But I guess I'm just curious."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Maddie had just walked in to see this happen and watched him walk away, eyes narrowed. She ignored the sharp burst of pain. She had learned to forget the pain.She didn't let her thoughts show on her face. After there whole talk last night, this happens? Maddie walks in more, and sits at Lethes table.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny clomped loudly up the stairs. He just wanted some quiet time to think.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Hey you guys. Sorry I wasn't on earlier.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(I'm lost...)
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
grasshoper I STILL <3 YOOUUUU!~ me

Danny stared at the small girl with the piercing brown eyes. He knew that there was no way to sweet talk her, a girl who could see past his gimmick surely wouldn't fall for it herself.

"And who are you?" His eyes narrowed.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
<3<3<3 SENSEI!!!

Did Danny not even notice Maddie seeing the event just now?

over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Sam and I have a different plan but do you want him to have?
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
I dunno. It's fine either way I guess.
over a year ago sam7b said…
May stared at Danny, glaring just slightly. "District 6. That's all anyone here is to you huh? A District? Although, I guess it's easier to brutally tear apart someone's life, and then their body, if you don't get their names. Like mine. May Davis, the little girl from District 6." May took slow steps towards him, staring at him the whole time as she talked. "I have a mother. And a father. They'll probably cry when I die...mommy might even fall apart. See, I'm her little miracle. She can't have any more babies, and I'm her gift from God. Maybe Dad'll start drinking...maybe they'll both kill themselves." May's eyes were filling with tears as she talked, mainly because she knew all the things she was saying were true. "But at least no one's trying to break me before I die, at least no one's trying to hurt me more than I'll already have to hurt." When she stopped she was standing right in front of him. She was so small that she had to look way up to see into his eyes, but she did it anyway. "Someone would have to be a real jerk to do that, just to get ahead in these twisted Games." May stared at him, not at all afraid.

Lethe quickly averted her eyes from Maddie, hoping that she hadn't seen anything. "Um, hi Maddie.." she said, uncomfortably. "Danny and I were just talking, if you were wondering...I mean, nothing was going on..." She played with her food.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny smiled, his eyes no longer narrowed.
"You are as manipulative as I am. Almost makes me feel better." he smiled at May. "Come to my room, let's talk."
over a year ago sam7b said…
May kept staring without smiling. "Well, that's debatable. It's one thing to manipulate girls, who are going to die in a few days anyway, so that you can win some twisted game, even though you know they're going to get hurt because of it. It's another to manipulate someone in order to help people though." But although May was disapproving, she wanted to hear what he had to say, so she followed him into his room slowly.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Maddie narrowed her eyes. She had seen it all. She wasn't that innocent girl she was yesterday. "Just talking huh?"
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny smiled an amused smile.
"Take a seat, wherever you want. came hear to tell me off? To make me feel bad?" Danny looked straight at May. He had to respect her straight-forwardness.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
May sat down and crossed her legs. "I came to tell you that what you're doing is WRONG, mainly because no one else is. And maybe, just maybe, if I DO make you feel bad enough then it'll help those girls have BETTER lives before they get slaughtered like pigs." May stared at him, thankful that he wasn't playing games with her, but just as angry as she was when she first came up. She felt like he expected her to be intimidated by him, which she obviously wasn't and wasn't going to be.

Lethe turned and stared Maddie in the eyes, feeling a little guilty. "Yeah...just talking." She said quietly.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
"Oh. You think I'm doing this, just to make their lives worse, huh?" he raised an eyebrow. He felt somewhat protective over this little girl. He had known her two minutes and felt like he had known her his entire life. He also felt like he could trust her.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"Right.. but you know whats funny, because just talking doesn't usually involve kissing the boy I'm currently dating ..was this new form of "just talking" last night too?" Maddie was still mad, but she had put aside her soft innocent personality.
over a year ago sam7b said…
"No." May said. "I think that you're ignoring the fact that because you want to win so badly, you're hurting two people way more than is necessary." She paused and her face turned a little softer, more caring. She leaned forward and said quietly, "Danny, there are ways to live without destroying others."
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
" I'm not trying to win. I could care less, about these stupid games. I'm doing it" he lowered his gaze. He shook his head softly. "Nevermind." his voice hardened. He stared out the window.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lethe was taken back. She hadn't even done anything, DANNY had kissed her both times. "Maddie, I don't understand why you're acting like this is my fault! Whether you want to hear it or not, Danny was the one who kissed me BOTH of the times! I don't know what your messed up problems with him are, but I'm not to blame for any of them." Lethe stared at her angrily.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
May stared at him. "Danny, if you don't tell me why you're ruining Maddie and Lethe's lives, then I'm going to think you're a monster with no motive for hurting them at all. You can tell me why you're doing this to them Danny, I won't repeat a word of it...I will judge your reasoning though." May wasn't going to lie to get him to tell her the truth. She wanted him to know that even though she wasn't going to repeat any of this, she wasn't going to keep her opinions about this subject to herself either.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Maddie kept coming, " Well maybe if you hadn't be so jealous of him with me and hadn't made a face in front of all of Panem, he wouldn't have even cheated in the first place when he came to talk to you!It is your fault! You were the one who made him ' just talk 'to you! "
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
He stared back at May. She was no little girl. His faced turned stony.
"Her name is Macy. And I love her. And only she knows it. She's...."he swallowed "not going to live much longer. And I have to make it home." His voice was quiet, he looked out the window.
over a year ago sam7b said…
"It's not my fault I feel something for Danny, he was the one who decided to cheat on me! I couldn't make him do that!" Lethe was starting to get really frustrated and angry, especially at what Maddie had said about the Chariots. "And that comment, "making faces in front of all of Panem", I can't believe THAT came from the same girl who watched a boy DROP HIS TOWEL in the middle of the hall!" Lethe leaned in and quietly said, "Some people would say that makes you the whore."

May thought for a second. "I still stand by what I said. There are ways to get back to Macy without hurting other people in irreversible ways."
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny's face contorted. He turned towards May.
"You are right." His voice struggled. She was too right. But it was more than just that. Something in his heart felt "that way" about Maddie....and Lethe. But it was wrong, so so wrong to love three girls. And he knew he didn't love Maddie or Lethe, but how long would it be until he did?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
May sighed. Danny had dug himself quite a hole. " have two options here. If you can, you need to stop putting Macy first. I know that you don't want there to be, but there ARE, some things now that are more important than her." May sighed. "But if you CAN'T convince yourself that she's not the only thing that matters anymore, then you need to break it off with Maddie AND Lethe. Either you put Macy second and choose either Maddie or Lethe to be loyal to, or you put her as your first priority and leave Maddie and Lethe BOTH behind." May stared at him. "I know it's hard...but if you ever want to fix your problem, you need to choose." May stopped for a second and thought, then asked, "Wait...Danny, are in love with Maddie and Lethe, too?"
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over a year ago Grrrrr said…
"Love isn't the word." he sighed deeply. "It doesn't feel real with them. They're just a part of the games." his voice crept back into cruelness. "and so are you. So don't try to act like we've always known each other and you're some sort parent or friend. I suggest you stop acting like you know what you're doing and get the hell out of my room."
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Her faced blushed brightly when Lethe commented on the event in the hallway,"What?! It's not like I pulled the towel off him! I couldn't control him doing that, so don't you call me a whore, you skanky bitch!"
over a year ago sam7b said…
May stood up quickly, angry at his harsh words and refusing to let him bully her. "If everything here is just "a part of the Games" to you, then eventually you're going to morph into one of their checker pieces too!" May stopped talking and turned away, refusing to look at him. "Cold, and heartless." She stopped for a second, letting the words sink in, but eventually she continued to talk. "But fine. If all I am to you is a newly shined piece this personal hell that YOU have created for yourself, then I will happily leave, because I'd rather not get pulled down into your pit of despair and self-loathing." She spat out the last words, giving a sharp edge to them and hoping that they'd cut him deeply.
She turned toward him before he left, letting him see the pain and tears in her eyes. May cared about everyone and everything, and to hear someone that she had been trying to help, that she had been so kind to just moments ago be so cruel, was hard for a girl of her age. She was a strong kid, but she wasn't afraid to admit when she was in pain or when someone had hurt her. "I guess I'm just lucky that you didn't try to make me fall in love with you, before you made me hate you." She glared and spun around, wiping tears of her cheeks and stepping through the door.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lethe, shocked at Maddie, stared at her in anger and then pulled her hand back and slapped her hard, watching in satisfaction as her hand smacked against Maddie's cheeks. "You bitch, don't you EVER say anythig like that to me again!"
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Maddie stumbled a bit as she hit her, her hand touching her cheek. She glared at Lethe, "You did not..."She threw a hard punch to Lethe's jaw. She was standing now.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny looked at the door. He ran after May.
"May!" He got in front of her and pulled her into his strong arms.
"I'm....i'm sorry." her words weren't what hurt him, not her words about Lethe and Maddie, or even about him but it was the fact she had been so clearly hurt.
"I'm wrong, about....everything." he whispered.
over a year ago sam7b said…
May, surprised, listened to his apology and then slowly hugged him back. "I'm wrong, about....everything." He said. May smiled and broke away from his hug. "You bet you are." She said, winking. "But anyway, apology accepted. I know I must have overwhelmed you, and I'm sorry about that. I can tend to be a little too helpful sometimes." She smiled.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny heard a noise downstairs.
"C'mon May." his face was stony again. Something wasn't right.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lethe fell back and landed on her butt, shocked a little by the force and pain of Maddie's blow. Lethe glared at her, overwhelmingly furious, and still on the ground kicked Maddie's legs out from under her and jumped up and stood over Maddie, kicking her hard in the side, once, twice, three times. "Don't ever touch me again, you jealous freak!" She screamed at her.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
May heard it too, and quickly followed after Danny. Whatever it was, it wasn't good.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
MAddie rolled to the side from the impact. "Did you just call me jealous, you b*tch!" She dashed out from under her and threw a fast kick to her side, standing across from her now, punching her right after she kicked her first in the face then to the gut.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny saw it.
"Oh no." he whispered he moved into quick action.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lethe stumbled to the side as Maddie kicked her, groaning slightly, then screamed in pain and spewed swear words as Maddie punched her HARD in the face. The face punch was followed with a quick punch to the stomach and Lethe double over. Stomach pain was the worst there was, so many nerves and major organs resided there. She groaned in pain, tears welling up in her eyes and dripping down her face. God, she hated being hit in the stomach...flashbacks of her father punching her in the gut flashed through her brain and she clutched her stomach tighter, holding in a sob.
over a year ago sam7b said…
May gasped and ran in towards the two girls swiftly, running up behind Lethe, ready to grab her and pull her away but still too far away.
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over a year ago Dovemoon said…
"Oh, big brave Lethe already crying and giving in already ? How sad." She punched her once again to jaw, anger from many years flooding through her.
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over a year ago sam7b said…
Maddie's words brought Lethe back, and anger welled up in her, blotting out the pain. She felt the punch in her jaw but it just made her angrier, and she stood upright, punching Maddie as hard as she could in the nose, eye, and kicking her hard in the back, stomping on her stomach while she was down.
Suddenly Lethe felt a hand on her shoulder and she spun around in a blur and shoved whoever it was back HARD, not even noticing who it was, and then spinning back to Maddie and screaming at her, "Get up, whore! Let's see who's giving up now!"
over a year ago sam7b said…
May fell back hard, her tiny frame actually thrown nearly across the room, and she landed on her back, all the breath simultaneously knocked out of her. She screamed as she hit the floor, grasping her shoulder. She had literally heard it pop, and she was sure it was dislocated. God, it HURT! Like a burning, searing pain. "Ahhh!" She screamed, the pain sharp and burning at the same time. Tears welled up in her eyes.
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over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Maddie flew back slamming back into a table and chairs, all of them breaking a bit/falling in on her. She lay still for a moment, pain so intense but the anger and adrenaline fueled her enough the stumbling out from the table, blood flowing down her face from a deep and painful cut on her forehead, bloody. She stood up, her hands forming fists again. She came at her again, slamming her fist down hard on Lethe's head, forcing her down and she starts kneeing her to the gut with all her strength.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lethe absolutely shrieked in pain, doubling over as the hits came again and again. By now Lethe had a black eye, bloody lip, and she was pretty sure, a broken nose. Her face was a mess, and she wished she could die, her stomach hurt so much. She pushed Maddie away hard, her energy wading.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Maddie stumbled back. She looked awful, her face bloody, her hair sticking to the blood by now, her face with a black eye and broken nose as well, and lots of deep bruises and a possible concussion. She stumbled back, her hand searching for a chair or table to support her some. Everything in her told her to keep coming but her strength was fading too and it was getting harder to see. Everything hurt now.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
"May!" Danny yelled. Shock flooded through him. But he was quick on his feet. He stepped inbetween Maddie and Lethe and seperated them.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" he yelled. He met their eyes quickly and then turned around to pick up May. He picked her up and started to head upstairs, but he turned around quickly.
"Is it worth it! Am I WORTH IT?! NO! I'M NOT! A 12 year old girl is now more at risk for death in the area than ever because YOU have issues to work out!" he stomped up the stairs, May in his arms.
over a year ago sam7b said…
May breathed deeply, wheezing with every breath in, and her sight fading. She wasn't dying, but she got the feeling she might pass out soon. That was a relief. It hurt so much.... She felt Danny pick her up and yell something at the two girls, and then she felt him start to carry her up the stairs. She smiled, knowing that now she could pass out if she needed to. Danny would keep her safe.

Lethe whimpered as he yelled at her, partially form the horrible pain she was in and partially from Danny's angry words, which she couldn't pay much attention to right now. She just knew he was angry with her. She fell to her side on the floor, clutching her stomach, her nose blood dripping down past her lip. She groaned and winced as her black eye started to sting with the pain of a cut...Maddie must have been wearing a ring. Damn. She thought.
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