The Hunger Games Hunger Games RP!!!!

Grrrrr posted on Mar 19, 2013 at 02:19AM
Hey everybody! Its time to start a new RP! Lets make this scene start right at the chariot rides! Please describe your characters:
HAVE FUN! and please write your posts in third person point of view! LETS DO THIS THING!

The Hunger Games 289 replies

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over a year ago Dovemoon said…
She gave him a quick glance of gratefulness for something to work off of. "Well, I dance actually and I'm the only child.I grew up by the woods and I've learned a lot about living out there. "
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
"ooooh. We haven't seen a nature child in so long!" The crowd yelled in agreement. Ceaser glanced at his watch. Maddie only had one minute left.
"Now, Maddie. I hope my friends here can keep a secret but I was informed that you have a scrumptious boy from your distict. I was told that you guys are a "thing"" Ceaser flashed a wild smile and the crowd cheered loudly.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Maddie's face flushed red. "Well, Danny? Um, it kinda ended.. Sadly. But due to the situation, we decided that splitting up would be better for both of us." Maddie says, embarrassed some. She stretched the truth. Good thing she could lie believably.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Ceaser made an overly sad face. The crowd all sighed one big sigh. "Well that's sad. Any your time is up. It was such a pleasure to meet you, Maddie from District 5!" Ceaser shook Maddie's hand and crowd cheered her off stage,
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
Maddie smlled and shook his hand, "Thank you for having me. " Walks of stage waving and such.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Hey guys, I just wanted to inform you that I may not be on chat as much anymore because my computer's all shot to hell so I'll have to use my iPod to post for awhile. (And my iPod doesn't have the chat function.) :'( But I'll still try to use my parents computer as much as possible (at least once a day) so I can chat sometimes, and I'll be posting as regularly as possible. :) ~Sam

When May walked into her prep room, she was instantly squeezed in a huge hug by her whole prep team. "Oh May, we're so sad that you have to leave!" Squealed the youngest member of her group, Donny. Don had long blonde hair with blue streaks- she was very punk-rockish. "We're so sad that you have to leave tomorrow!" Chimed Rosalia. Rosie was Don's twin sister. She was older by ten minutes.
After May was finally released from their iron grip, the last member of her prep team, Patrick, said calmly, "May, I just want to wish you luck in these Games. Be brave, girl." May smiled and nodded. "Thanks, Pat." After her team got her perfect and pretty, her stylist came out and gave her a beautiful dress. It was fluffy and pink, with only one shoulder, and very gorgeous but not overdone. May smiled and slipped it on along with black flats and black tights. The whole thing complimented her dark skin, and it was nearly perfect. Then, as a last touch, they put her hair up in a beautiful pattern, full of tiny curls, and let it cascade down around her shoulders. She looked in the mirror and gasped. It was all so beautiful! She grinned, thanked her team and stylist, and headed out to the interview rooms.

(Kk, Lethe and Maddie are both ready for interviews.) ~Sam
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Ceaser continued to chat with the crowd.
"And now, we'd like to intoduce District 2's very own Lethe Armington!" The crowd cheered loudly.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lethe, careful not to stumble or limp once, seemingly glided onto the stage, waving confidently as she walked. Her legs screamed to fall and give up, but she kept herself under control and she finally got over to Caesar and sat down in the chair next to him, sighing slightly in relief. She smiled politely, eyeing the crowd overhead. Jeez, how many people were there?! It looked like millions...which, she admitted, was slightly intimidating, but nothing that she couldn't handle.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
"So Lethe, your from District 2, a very stong district, how do you plan on winning the games?"
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lethe flashed a smile and let out one of her flawless, ringing laughs. "Well I don't want to ruin the surprise! Especially not for my fellow tributes." She winked. "But I will tell you this, it involves lots of ruthless twists and turns." The crowd "oooooohh"ed and leaned forward, obviously wanting to here more. But of course, they would just have to wait and see.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Ceaser chuckled. "Mysterious indeed. Now Lethe," Ceaser scooted closer to Lethe. "We heard you were in a love triangle with some fellow tributes, Maddie and Danny from District 5. What is going on with that, will you please clarify with me and my firends?" Ceaser's eyes twinkled mysteriously.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lethe smiled. "I'd be happy to. Basically, Maddie and Danny had been dating when I first came into the Arena and, stupidly, I fell in love with Danny." Sighs echoed from all around the crowd and Lethe smiled and waited for them to settle down, before continuing. "But sadly, after recent events, things started to break down. Maddie was jealous of me and Danny, and when he tried to patch things up with her, she refused to try again. I guess she's just a delicate girl." Lethe was trying to cast Maddie in a bad light here, and she felt kind of bitchy for doing it, but it would lose Maddie sponsors, so she didn't feel that bad. "Anyway, after Maddie and Danny ended, I was just so happy. He was finally single, and I was all too ready to date him- to reach a new level of love with him- but...." She paused here for effect. "He decided that he didn't want me anymore." Gasps erupted from the crowd. "I guess he must have been using me, to make Maddie jealous." Lethe knew that this was an all out lie, but it would get her the sponsors that she so desperately needed. They would dash away from Danny, since now he was nothing more than "that mean boy who played two girls at once", hurry past Maddie, since now she was "just a delicate girl", and that made her seem like she had no chance of winning at all, and they would crowd around Lethe and adore her. They would be drawn to Lethe because out of this whole love triangle, Lethe was now the most innocent factor. She was now "that poor girl that had been head-over-heels for Danny the whole time", and once he was finally free from that "Maddie girl", the one who was standing in the way of Lethe and Danny's relationship, Danny cruelly rejected Lethe, breaking her heart.
The crowd was buzzing with noise. Lethe made herself cry just a little, sniffling, and the crowd instantly quieted down, all attention back on her. "Oh Caesar...I'm so sorry, it's's so overwhelming." Lethe wiped away the tears slowly. "I loved Danny so much, more than anything, but apparently he just thought of me as a tissue. He used me and then threw me away, crumpled and broken." The crowd was staring at her, full of pity and despair, as if they could feel her pain.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Ceaser made an over-dramatic pouty face,
"Oh Lethe, that is just so sad. And I'm sure me." Ceaser gestured over to the audience "and my friends would love to talk to Danny and get his say. Good thing he'll be on later. Well thank you Lethe, for your amazing honesty and that's all the time we have." Ceaser nodded to her and the crowd went wild screaming and cheering.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Lethe smiled and nodded. "I'm looking forward to seeing the situation from his point of view as well. And no, thank you Caesar." Lethe stood up and walked off the stage, back into the lobby where the tributes were all gathered together, waiting for their turns and watching the interviews on the huge TV in the room. Lethe took a seat, and avoided Maddie and Danny's stares.

May felt the awkwardness in the room, and stared at the ground. She couldn't really feel bad for Danny- I mean even though Maddie hadn't known it, he HAD been playing both of them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam7b said…
NEW CHARACTERS cuz I'm bored. lol. I'm doing twins here...I'm thinking it would interesting if the second twin allied with Maddie and the first with Danny, since then they would be on different sides, but they would be twins, so the situation is just like WOAH. And I think it would also be interesting if Danny fell in love with Rayne, so it would be all amazing and just riddled with conflicts, lol.

Name: Rayne (Pronounced "Rain") Tahls
Age: 15
District: 4
District Token: iPod and headphones.

Personality: Rayne
Story: Rayne's had a tough life. She's smart and cynical, and is angry about a lot of things. She doesn't talk much but she's very physically and emotionally strong.
Appearance: (The picture at the top of this post.)
Skills: She's very skilled with swords and the boy and arrow. She's also very strong and an extremely good hand-to-hand fighter. She's also a very good runner, and she's extremely fast. She's an amazing swimmer.
Siblings: Her twin brother, Julian.


Name: Julian Tahls
Age: 15
District: 4
District Token: A woven bracelet from his girlfriend back home.

Personality: Julian is almost the polar opposite of his sister. He's sweet and caring, very outgoing and happy. He loves to laugh and he's super nice.
Story: He's had a hard life too, but he can't be tough and cold like his sister. He just can't be like that, so he always looks at the glass as half full.
Appearance: (I'll post it right after this.)
Skills: He's skilled with making things. He's also skilled with throwing knives and climbing. Like his siter, he's amazing at swimming.
Siblings: His sister, Rayne.
last edited over a year ago
NEW CHARACTERS cuz I'm bored. lol. I'm doing twins here...I'm thinking it would interesting if the se
over a year ago sam7b said…
This is what Julian looks like.
This is what Julian looks like.
over a year ago Dovemoon said…
over a year ago sam7b said…
Ok, so I want Rayne and Julian to have interviews so both you guys and I can get to know them better. So therefore, imma post their outfits. here's Rayne's, and I'll follow up with Julian.

Rayne's hair is curled and up in a loose bun, and she wearing the dress in the pic with light brown eye shadow and dark eyeliner and mascara. It really highlights her eyes and her body.
Ok, so I want Rayne and Julian to have interviews so both you guys and I can get to know them better.
over a year ago sam7b said…
And Julian is wearing this:
And Julian is wearing this:
over a year ago sam7b said…
I think the twins should come up one after the other for interviews. Like it should either go first Julian, then Rayne or first Rayne, then Julian.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Caesar smiled to the crowd, as his perfectly smooth voice echoed into the mic. Caesar loved this job- he had always been socially talented, and this was his calling. "And now, the boy we've all been hearing about from District 5, Danny Morgan!" The majority of the crowd roared with excitement, the sound blasting through Caesar ears- he could never get tired of that noise- but there were a few that "boo"ed. It was only to be expected though- that girl Lethe had done a bit of a number on his reputation. However, now was Danny's chance to make up for it. He watched as the boy walked on stage, relishing the sound of the crowd and the excitement that sizzled through the air.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny gave an air of confidence. However, he smiled to the crowd in a reasurring way, promising that he would tell the whole story. He sat down next to Ceaser, and when he smiled all the women in the crowd melted.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Inside his head, Caesar nodded approvingly. Danny's confidence gave him a feel of honesty, and that would help him to build up his social status. He was lucky, too- he had the gift of natural good looks, and that always helped with the rather flighty women of Panem. Caesar grinned at Danny, looking the boy up and down. "My Danny, it is good to see you! Finally, we get to meet the source of all this drama." Caesar smiled kindly. "So, Danny, how are you liking the Capitol?" Like most good show-hosts, Caesar knew that in order to get the most viewers, it was best to give it some time before you jump into the main topic of the interviewee. It created a sense of suspense.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny smiled widely.
"I love the capitol." he looked directly at the audience. "Everything is so.....sophisticated." he winked at the audince and realized it was good, they were beleiving all this mumbo-jumbo.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Caesar smiled. Smart boy. People in the Capitol loved feeling like they were smart, it gave them a sort of reassurance. "Oh Danny, don't make us blush." The crowd laughed loudly, loving the back and forth. "So, Danny, there's been a lot going on with you in the Capitol so far! This whole love triangle has been very confusing and hard, for both us, and, I'm sure, you. Would you like to talk to us about that at all?"
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny's face purposley grew dark.
"Its....its really hard. They're both amazing people, but I can't seem to do right." Danny looked stumped. "Lethe made me sound like some sort of monster, but I never did anything, to either of them. My only crime was being nice." Danny chuckled akwardly and rubbed his head.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Caesar put on a caring face. "Well, it all sounds very hard to me. I'm sure Lethe and Maddie are both very confused, and I'm sure that you're very torn." Caesar paused and glanced out at the crowd, before turning back to Danny. "Now, this is hard a question, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but we're all wondering....what girl would you say you're most in love with, Danny?"
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny's face turned sad and he looked down. "That's the problem, I'm.....i'm not sure. What do you guys think?" Danny looked up to the audjence.
over a year ago sam7b said…
The audience began to shout out names. "Maddie! Lethe! Lethe! Maddie! Maddie! Maddie! Lethe! Lethe! Lethe!" They were all screaming out who they wanted Danny to be with. Caesar smiled and let it go on for awhile, smiling the whole time. However, eventually he yelled out, "Alright, ok, settle down folks." The crowd quickly quieted down, and listened intently. Caesar turned to Danny. "Thank you for talking about this for us, really, it's very strong of you. But we sadly, we have to go soon, so I just have one more there anything that you'd like to say to the people back in your District?" He listened intently.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Danny's face turned straight towards the audience. This time he wasn't going to act, he really had an opportunity to say something to his family.
"For my little brother Ben, I'd like to say I love you and be a strong man of the house, and my older sister Jenny I want to say I'm so proud of her and I want her to know i love her too. My mother, I give you all my love as well." he turned back to Ceaser. "Ceaser I really want to thank you for lettting me talk to such fine folks and get a chance to clear my story." Danny nodded, shook Ceaser's hand, smiled widely at the crowd, and walked off stage.
over a year ago sam7b said…
Caesar turned to the crowd and grinned. "Ladies and gentleman, that was Danny Morgan, from District 5!" They cheered as Danny walked off stage.
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over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Ceaser smiled to himself. Adda boy Danny he thought. He knew he couldn't dwell on talking to Danny.
"Ok, ok, I know that was exciting, but now we have to give it up for May Davis from Distict 6." The crowd cheered and screemed.
over a year ago sam7b said…
May, in her cute pink dress, walked on stage, a little taken aback by the roar of the crowd. She stumbled a little and accidentally fell backwards, catching herself with her hands and blushing brightly. The crowd rang with laughter, immensely pleased with her huge adorableness, and May smiled bashfully, standing back up and brushing a piece of hair out of her eyes. Trying to regain her dignity after falling in front of all Panem, May walked up to Caesar and sat down next to him.
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over a year ago Grrrrr said…
"Well that was quite an entrance! Are they all this adorable in your district?" Ceaser chuchkled and the crowd roared.
over a year ago sam7b said…
May raised an eyebrow. "Adorable?" She laughed. "I think you might mean clutzy." She rolled her eyes at herself and giggled, her whole face lighting up.
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over a year ago Grrrrr said…
The crowd loved the seemingly perfect little girl. Ceaser smiled widely at her, she was playing her cards right.
"We could all use a little clutz in out lives, huh?" he raised an eyebrow to the crowd.
"Now May, as much as we love to see you as a tribute, we want to see more of you as a person. So, I'll start with some easy question, like, what do you do in your spare time in District 6."
over a year ago sam7b said…
May sat for a second, thinking. "Well, I really enjoy being in the woods. I've always loved plants, so I keep a little notebook with me all the time, it's full of thousands of plants and in depth descriptions. I even have it here." May smiled. "I also love climbing, so I like to go in the woods, climb a tree, and read a book for hours on end." May grinned and laughed a little. "I'm sorry, I know, I'm so boring."
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Ceaser grinned widely. "We don't meet many people who like the woods. Don't you get scared?"
over a year ago sam7b said…
May smiled peacefully. "You'd think it would be, but I don't know...I love the calm air all around me, the sun shining through the leaves, all the animals around me." May grinned. "It's just...the most peaceful place in the world for me. I'm really looking forward to finding out if the Arena will have a forest in it."