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This is a really short chapter because I thought the place I ended it was a really good place to end it, so yeah. This is before Akira got the name "Akira"
Akira was sitting on a chair by the window in a dark room. the window was the only source of light. She listened as people outside screamed in pain from the torture of hell.

She stood and began walking out of the room. She left the manor like house she called home and walked along a path which would lead to the gate of hell.

"Meikori!" She heard someone call. Akira looked to where the voice came...
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posted by narlyvamp1234
Dolly (Cassie) before she went on the Titanic
Dolly (Cassie) before she went on the Titanic
Maiden Dolls come in a variety of different looks, personalities, abilities, and ages. The youngest Maiden Doll is one by the name of Dolly, though her human name was Cassie. Cassie was born in London in the early 1900s, and she didn’t come from a wealthy family. Even though her family wasn’t wealthy, they were happy. When Cassie turned six in 1912, her family decided to give her a big birthday present: they were going to go on the Titanic and go to America. This was a horrible birthday present though, and I’m sure you know why… when her family boarded the Titanic, they were given 2nd...
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posted by narlyvamp1234
Hidden as a Maiden Doll
Hidden as a Maiden Doll
*sighs* let’s see now… ah yes, I promised you the story of the twin sister didn’t I? Then you shall get it… but leave what you read behind… this Hidden’s story, and what her story tells may surprise you…

Hidden was born on the same day as Hiddan. She was born with the name Anna. As Hidden grew up, she always despised this name… it was a name that reminded her of weakness… she always wanted a tough name. Hidden also wanted to seem tough. So she kept her hair short while her sister kept it long… she also wore short dresses that were easier to move around in so that if she...
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posted by narlyvamp1234
left to right: Kaito, Miku, Rin, Len, Meiko
left to right: Kaito, Miku, Rin, Len, Meiko
Len narrating: I am Len Kagamine. I and my sister lived in the Yellow Country. Evil people lived there too. They killed my sister because they were angry with her. They cut off her head while I stood there crying and shouting for her to come back. She is dead. I am alive. Or so they think…

Len: come on Rin! I’ll race you to the ocean!
Rin: okay, you’re on!
Gakupo: princess!
Rin: uh-oh.
Gakupo: Princess, what are you doing?! *grabs her arm and pulls her back* let’s go! He is a servant! You can’t be with him!
Rin: no, he’s my brother! Stop it! Let go of me! *reaches out toward Len*...
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posted by narlyvamp1234
Princess Rin and Servant Len
Princess Rin and Servant Len
New characters:
Gakupo – Minister
Meiko – mercenary

Rin narrating: I had everything and I let it slip right through my fingers. I even had a caring brother who would do anything for me…and yet, I was so selfish…and troublesome to him.

In a castle named Josephine…
Rin: Minister, is he really coming back?!
Gakupo: yes, milady. He is.
Rin: open the gates! We must await his arrival!
The gates to the castle slowly open and Princess Rin came running out. A boy who looks exactly like her walks up to her and bows. His name is Len.
Len: your majesty.
Rin: Len…
Rin then hugs him
Rin: I missed...
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Incase you we're wondering exactly what everclear is... Well, here ya go! Just please... Remember alcohol is dangerous, and can really hurt ya, no matter what age you are... *well if you're under the legal age, you shouldn't drink at all* But yeah... Just don't want everyone thinking, "Cluth13, what a alchie!" 4 real cause I ain't. XD

Everclear alcohol...

Everclear is a pure grain alcohol. The brand, produced by David Sherman Corporation, comes in two strength bands, both 95% (190 proof), and 75.5% (151 proof) bottles. Although, the 95% is undeniably the most popular and most available type.

Many of the US states have made it illegal to buy Everclear and it's very uncommon to see the most potent of the Everclear products sold outside of America.

And it's for good reason too. Everclear is incredibly potent and should be used strictly and responsibly. Don't drink it straight.
posted by narlyvamp1234
Shiki Seung
Shiki Seung
Shiki narrating: you would have never guessed…by my cute and innocent looking face…that I indeed killed…*laughs* and I enjoyed it…for I am related to Sonny.

Shiki and her mother, Lilium, are walking down the street of Zarlamoy. They are taking Shiki to school.
Lilium: I hope you enjoy your first day of school, Shiki. It was a magical experience for me.
Shiki: uh-huh.
Shiki’s mind was side tracked. Everyone hated her in Zarlamoy. Her mother was shunned because of her. She hated seeing her mother in such pain.
Lilium: what’s wrong Shiki? You seem side tracked.
Shiki: I just hate seeing...
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By Star Light
I’m Lucy and I’m just your average 20 year old girl until today. Me and, my husband Mike Barnden, and my mom Frances Miller, was on a road trip. My man was playing his 3DS, and my mom was driving, and I had fallen asleep. Then mike woke me up with a gentile nudge when we had come to are destination. The place we had come to had every restrant know like goldencroal and olive garden, and every store ever know like game stop and Kmart, boiling, a pool, a basketball court, a workout center, a move theater, hair stylist, makeup artist, everything you can think of was there. At first I thought that this was going to be a normal day when went in but no as soon as the doors opened I felt something was not right and I was leery
posted by narlyvamp1234
Alara (right) and Nina (Left)
Alara (right) and Nina (Left)
They have amazing stories that call out to you… making you want to help… but most of all, you desire to be lonely just to meet one… they are all very strange creatures, sometimes we can’t understand the way they think… especially the Maiden Doll named Alara. Alara is not special in any way, she is just an ordinary Maiden Doll, but she is unique none the less. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, and usually wears a long red dress… actually, she usually wears what all of the other Maiden Dolls tell her to. You see, she is actually one of the weaker Maiden Dolls and she can’t fight...
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brock:So Star have you ever thought about what Pokémon you want
star:Yes I have I always wanted a Charmander *eyes widen* We’re here *The doors automatically opened which her and got a hold of Brock's arm*
brock:You ok Star?
star:j-just a little s-scared that's all
brock:Well let’s go in and there’s no need to be scared *They went in*
star:*still terrified cos parts of the hole place was dark cos there was no windows* are you sher we'r in the right place
brock:hello Prophesier you home
star:oh please don't do that
brock:it's ok there's nothing to be afrade of hello Prophesier
oak:Oh hello *cames...
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I still haven't finished Jemuzu's tattoo XD
I still haven't finished Jemuzu's tattoo XD
Boy: There's rules in this town motha f*cka! (puts the gun to Jemuzu's forehead) Numba 1, Don't stash yo heat in the open... Numba 2, Don't ever f*ck with me... And Numba 3! You betta' find yo faith quick!


The boy's attention quickly turns to a cook in a messy apron lighting a cigarette. He points the gun at the man who raises his hands into the sky, dropping the lighter and his cigarettes. Quickly, Jemuzu makes a move and gets a hand on the gun. A few rounds are fired and they riccochette off the ground. One zips by the cook's ear and he quickly gets back in the restaurant. The gun gets...
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Jemuzu ran through a field of fresh cut grass, his mother and father calling him with open arms. Then the strangest sound echoed over the plains.
Jemuzu stops running wondering why his parents don't seem to hear it. Suddenly...
Jemuzu quickly opens his eyes as the full sound hits him. A train passing by makes a roar above him seemingly shaking the viadock where he slept for the night. Jemuzu pushed his blankets off him and pulled them back over himself right away.
Jemuzu: Cold! Damn it's cold.
The morning sun was just starting it's rise, the streets were quiet and the air still cold from the night....
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New Characters-
Derek Neils- Jemuzu's father
Ashuri Kuratchi- Jemuzu's Mother

Derek held Ashuri close and they watched a red sun sink into the California horizon.

Ashuri: Promise me that whatever happens... You'll always be with me...

Derek: I give you my word... I will always be with you (Kisses Ashuri) No matter what. We face the world together.

Ashuri narrating: I believed him... Every word he said... That was one of the happiest momments of my life. But... It would all soon end... Jemuzu... If you could only hear me... *sigh* My son.

One year later...
Ashuri exits the clinic and gets into a blue...
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Okay so I think I'll explain the name before I start the chapter. I put the "pure water" part because Shimizu means pure water and thats part of why I picked the name for her. Lol it's like Kuroshitsuji but instead Kuromeido
Akira was setting a rather large table in a beautiful manor house. The ceiling was high and a silver chandelier hung from it, the floor was a shiny brown wood, it was only the dinning room but was still quite large

She set the table with a stainless white tablecloth and placed a vase filled with red Lilly's and roses and a few...
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posted by narlyvamp1234
Hiddan as a Maiden Doll
Hiddan as a Maiden Doll
We’ll start with the first Maiden Doll… this doesn’t mean she was the first lonely child… in fact, she was far from it… she was born in Russia in the 1500s… her name…? Hiddan Tomoski.

Hiddan, like all Maiden Dolls, was chosen because she was a lonely child. She was not born with the name Hiddan though… her real name was Hannah Tomoski. She seemed to be a normal girl… but her eyes were unusual. She had a birth mark in her eye, so it made half of her left one brown while the rest of her eye was green just like her right one. She was an outcast because of this. Her sister, however,...
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you all should know the story of the tears of prince the three brothers who was dressed in blue, red, and yellow well thay have an older brother who was born the day after the king and queen's (witch was is normal humans) wedding and never told of in the histery books

the day be for the wedding a hypno had attack the queen (witch was princess at the time) then some how after the wedding she had a son and the king said told the queen that no one shall know of the child

when he is was old anuf to be on his own and his powers grew in strangth the king banished the boy to an island witch was seronded...
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Jemuzu cosplay
Jemuzu cosplay
Beth: Jemuzu! (runs to Jemuzu's side) Please Jemuzu... Calm down and come back home.
Jemuzu: I have no home... I never have.
Beth: Why... Must you be so stubborn!?!
Jemuzu: Why must I live the way you want me to!?!... I'm leaving...
Beth: Where will you go?
Jemuzu: I gotta few questions for god... Maybe I'll go to heaven. *smirks*
Beth: Jemuzu, that's not the answer. If anything, suicide will send you straight to hell.
Jemuzu: Who said I was gonna kill myself? Just leave me alone. (starts to run)
Jemuzu gets back to his room in the orphanage and packs all of his clothes, blanket, and pillow in a large...
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A young Jemuzu looks out of his bedroom window at the orphanage he's lived at since the death of his mother and dissapearance of his father. A nun stands outside his door and knocks.

Nun: Jemuzu... are you ready yet?
Jemuzu: I'm not going Sister Beth. They're all phony!
Beth: May I come in?
Jemuzu: I don't care.
Beth enters the room.
Beth: You know Jemuzu... Just because you think you can read someone well, dosen't mean that you can actually read them.
Jemuzu: Why are you so skeptical of me?
Beth: I'm not.
Jemuzu: Yes you are... You always have been. Not only that, you're annoyed... Why won't I...
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posted by narlyvamp1234
Kara before she discovered Hiddan and Hidden tomoski.
Kara before she discovered Hiddan and Hidden tomoski.
Now then… you know the Tomoski twins’ stories… but what about the other Maiden Doll twins? We’ll start with the first one; Kara… kara has white hair, purple eyes with a purple rose covering her left eye, and a purple dress. She is a simple Maiden Doll… but not easy to understand. Like her sister, Kara was never human… this makes her more different from all of the other Maiden Dolls. She never had another name either… she was born with the name Kara. You could also say she is a Princess of the Land of Maiden… for she is Maiden’s daughter. She, like her mother, has calm eyes...
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The unofficial ending for the Random Anime RP. Inspired by an idea by Clutch. Written because goddamn I cannot stop thinking about this lately, and the lack of ending bothered me.
(Italics are actual parts of the end of the RP, just edited and formatted to fit a story.)

Jen laughed.

“And your daughters. Boys have a word for them… ‘Easy.’”

Brock argued, insisting on the idea that while many of his daughters may have been so, neither Ica, Zandra or Molly could be referred to in that way.

    “Dad's right! Those three aren’t those kind of women. Cristil and Clara...
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