The Right To Bear Arms Wall

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ROTJ said …
"I'm French, I can add another situation which clearly shows how gun control is pathetically useless, just outside of my house, about a year ago around midnight two drug dealers got in a shootout with each other. I wonder where such individuals could obtain any sort of firearms... surely more gun laws could adress this issue, right, right ?" link Posted 14 days ago
ROTJ said …
"In Denmark we got strict gun laws and control. Yet criminals have machine guns, hand grenades and even used a rocket launcher once. But we can’t legally have a baseball bat for self defence at home. Don’t stop the fight and defend for 2.A!
Stay safe, stay 2. Amendment" link Posted 14 days ago
ROTJ said …
"Ohio just released a study that shows that since concealed carry was made legal with no permit, gun crimes have gone DOWN in most large cities...." "Yup 6 out 8 cities in Ohio saw significant decreases in violent crime" Posted 4 months ago
ROTJ said …
"A common theme was that gun control works and that's why the US needs more like Brazil, then our gun violence would decline like Brazil. Everyone including my wife were shocked that Brazil is actually the world leader in gun violence despite being a place with heavy restrictions on guns AND despite having fewer people than in the US." Posted 5 months ago
ROTJ said …
Youtube user:
"I lived in Australia from 89-93 and there was a high profile case where a armed burglar broke into a house and proceeded to assault a child, the father shot and killed the offender and the justice system in Australia wanted him to go to prison for 20 years for defending himself and his family. Their system is extremely broken there. Thankfully we have the second Amendment here in the USA, for now…" Posted over a year ago
ROTJ commented…
Youtube user: "from an Australian, please don’t stop fighting for your right, the violent crime here especially the sexual crimes have skyrocketed" over a year ago
ROTJ commented…
Youtube user: Jess Marks Nope... as an Australian nothing can surpass the Constitution and the mechanisms for its amendment are exceptional. Australians confuse themselves as citizens rather than the Subjects of the Crown.... and the Civil Servants become the aristocratic class. We don't enjoy Rights.... we are "gifted" privilege by a ruling class... who despise the people and profit from their Exceptionalism... privilege is bought via compliance, participation or advocacy of the powers of repression. over a year ago
ROTJ commented…
Youtube user damienthomas6655: "you are not allowed to defend yourself or your family in Australia ,,and if you do you can end up getting sued by the criminal or by the government and you will loose everything ,,and you have to be careful what you say about the government now days as they can and will destroy your life at the drop of a hat ,,i really dont like or even recognise Australia any more and it all changed when they disarmed 99 percent of us and it gets worse as time goes on." over a year ago
ROTJ commented…
Youtube user davidhandyman7571: "Greetings from an Aussie in Australia. Criminals still have guns. We still have murders using guns. The only difference is that the law abiding are penalized. Taking guns from those that did not/do not commit crimes has not changed anything it was supposed to change. If a criminal cannot get a gun because he/she is too lazy to get it, he/she uses knives, bats, or some other implement. We do not/did not have the number of deaths as the result of gunshot because we have far fewer people. The whole country has only 26 million people." over a year ago
ROTJ said …
Youtube user:
"In Britain we have restrictive guns laws, we can't have normal handguns, we can't have semi-auto full-bore rifles, we can't have semi-auto .17hmr's. We can, with a license have semi-auto .22's, and bolt action or straight pull full bores, and we can have double barrel shotguns. On the 2nd of June 2010, Derrick Bird killed 12 people, then himself with a few of those guns. Gun laws stop nothing, but freedom, they are there to protect the government, they want your power." Posted over a year ago
ROTJ commented…
Youtube user: "In the year ending March 2022, there were around 45,000 (selected) offences involving a knife or sharp instrument in England and Wales (excluding Greater Manchester Police Force). This was 9% higher than in 2020/21 and 34% higher than in 2010/11. That's copy pasted from the parliament sight it seems you guys aren't as well off as you thought huh?" over a year ago
ROTJ commented…
"They never talk about the MANY machete killings in the UK, but it happens all the time. doesn't matter what the tool is, people kill, not guns." 4 months ago
ROTJ commented…
2 Years ago I saw a UK 'cops' video where they arrested a young man who was moving his belongings to a new apartment, in his car. They did a random search of his belongings and found a 24" souvenir baseball bat he bought at a baseball game. He was arrested for 'possession of a defense weapon'! This is what life as a SUBJECT is like. NO rights, only privileges extended by courtesy of the Crown, and self defense is NOT one of those privileges. Same goes for what we call 'illegal search and seizure'. There are many reasons our ancestors fought for independence 250 years ago, and it took modern firearms of their day to succeed. link 2 months ago