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Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Once, Glee, Grey's, Vampire Diaries and More

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Season 11: Transgender Storyline with Travis — Spoilers | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Got a scoop request? An anonymous tip you’re dying to share? Send any/all of the above to 
Ausiello: Shonda Rhimes & Co. are launching a major trans storyline in 2015 focusing on a character named Travis, an attractive, good-humored thirtysomething man who will make the “believable transition” to a woman over time. Rumor has it the newbie will form a strong bond with a Grey Sloan staffer whose identity will remain unknown for now mostly because I’m not sure who it is. That’s right, there’s something I don’t know —
?! Also the plot is in the nascent stages and, therefore, subject to change, so don’t quote me on any of this. Eh, screw it. Quote me.
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Question: Damon found Bonnie’s bear, anything else you can tease that’s ahead for “Bamon” fans on
Ausiello: Let’s just say you’re not crazy for seeing a strong connection between Bonnie and Damon, Renee. Despite Elena expressing a “glimmer” of hope for a romantic reunion, Damon is still focused on the mission at hand: Bring back Bonnie. And Ian Somerhalder, for one, wouldn’t be surprised if things turn spicy once the Bennett witch returns. “There’s an extraordinarily thin line between love and hate,” Somerhalder notes. “Due to the fact that these two hated each other, and had so many connections … it only seemed appropriate that they would be given a chance, due to the dynamics of their relationship.”
Ausiello:  What a coincidence, Jeanette, Tyler is one of Andy Swift’s favorite
characters, too! (Definitely in the Top 20, at least.) Anyway, Michael Trevino says Liv’s current dilemma will take up most of Tyler’s time. “He’s there for Liv and wants to protect her and make sure she’s not getting into trouble,” Trevino says. “She’s being so tough and a little bitchy at times towards him. He’s not used to that, so I like that Tyler’s having to deal with that this season. But we will see their relationship become stronger. He’s really smitten with that girl.”
Ausiello: I’ll take what’s behind Door No. 3! Here are five  random/juicy tidbits on The CW’s super-powered pair:
: Barry will come clean to Iris about something in the very near future.
: Grant Gustin will break out into song in an upcoming episode (my guess: it’ll be this one).
: Episodes 10-12 will play like a trilogy.
VIDEOSThe Flash Recap: Future Shock — Plus, Watch the Arrow Crossover Promo
Question: I am currently baking cookies and one of them will have your name on it if you can give me some 
 scoop — preferably something related to Josh and/or Aiden, because those two are adorable. Oh, and just FYI the cookies are gingersnaps. —Katie
Ausiello: I won’t lie to you, Katie, I’ve got some good news and some bad news: Executive producer Julie Plec says she does have big plans for Jaiden in 2015. The bad news? Those plans might involve one (or both) of them on Death’s door. She explains, “I get into fights with the writers because I’ll be pitching a story and I’ll say, ‘And this is where Josh dies,’ and they’ll be like, ‘No!’ And then I’ll say, ‘Well, this is probably the moment where Aiden should die,’ and everyone goes, ‘No!’ It’s juggling the beauty of this budding romance against the story of a vampire and a werewolf finding love with each other. I love that storyline so much, [but] one day, I might have to kill one of them. That’s just the way we roll.” Now gimme my
Ausiello: As you might imagine, finally meeting Gibbs’ second ex-wife (played by Jeri Ryan) will be quite a thing, for those on both ends of the television tubes. “The fans are in store for some goodies,” Emily Wickersham, who plays Bishop, told Matt Mitovich. “We just finished shooting that episode, and it’s a big deal for the team. And it’ll be the same for the fans, a huge deal. It’ll be an exciting one, for sure.” (Titled “Check,” the episode is tentatively scheduled to air Jan. 6.)
Question: “Klaine” scoop, please! They’re my favorite
Ausiello: This may or may not support the theory that Kurt and Blaine will be joining confirmed plunge-takers Brittany and Santana down the aisle in Season 6, but the show is finally introducing Blaine’s MIA mom in Episode 8. Little is known about the matriarch, save for the fact that she makes her living shilling Mary Kat cosmetics and her name is — LOL — Pam Anderson. Casting is underway, which makes me think the
PHOTOSGlee Season 6 First Look: Dramatic New Poster Bids Farewell to McKinley
Ausiello: When we pick up with Ron in 2017, “his stubbornness” has landed him in a bit of a pickle, reveals Nick Offerman, adding, “He finds himself embroiled in a white slavery ring in a very funny way. It has a wonderfully sweet resolution.” BONUS SPOILER: We’ll meet Ben and Leslie’s nanny in Season 7. Who’s playing her? Hints Amy Poehler: “It rhymes with Bennifer Topez.”
Question: Do you know if the rumors are true that Rossif Sutherland will appear in
) will join the Syfy drama in a recurring role, kicking off in 2015. Not sure about the Sandman part, but it’s a holiday week and I’ve got stuff to do so, sure, he’s playing The Sandman.
, will we find out why Will Scarlett/the Knave left Wonderland? —JJ
Ausiello: “Yes, we should be learning more about his post-Wonderland life as the season progresses,”
cocreator Adam Horowitz answers. “We will also be exploring more of his past with Robin Hood.”
Ausiello: Remember how Jane was suing Rafael’s sister? That hasn’t been tossed aside just because she’s now maybe-dating the hotel owner. “That’s going to be coming up,” leading lady Gina Rodriguez assures us, adding that Jane’s not in it for the money. “It actually has to do with something greater, and it’s a social issue…. So it’s going to be a really cool take on immigration.” Meanwhile, the actress notes that her alter ego still doesn’t know that her new beau could lose his business because of the suit. “Jane sees how beautiful Rafael’s heart is when she finds out he put that on the line,” Rodriguez previews. “He never told her. And it has to do with a few other characters, and things that have happened in their lives reflect the reason why Rafael keeps it from me. It’s so interconnected.”
Scandal or How to Get Away With Murder scoop for us? Thanks! —Colleen
Ausiello: Eenie, meenie, miney… Murder! OK, so you know how Annalise un-pink-slipped Bonnie in the immediate aftermath of Sam’s death/disappearance (and all its related shenanigans)? That left us wondering if Viola Davis’ enigmatic defense attorney told the whole truth and nothing but the truth to Liza Weil’s mousy right-hand woman. Showrunner Peter Nowalk kept it pretty vague when we pressed him for an answer, but he did let slip that that particular question won’t linger for too long. “You’ll know pretty early on what Bonnie knows and what she doesn’t know,” he teased of the show’s final half-dozen Season 1 episodes. Um, how many shopping days ’til the Jan. 29 return of #TGIT? 
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? Thanks a lot! —Beth Ausiello: Hey, Beth, sure do! EP Carter Covington tells us he’s looking forward to exploring “our characters’ families” in the next 10 episodes. “I’m curious about Shane’s mom and dad,” says the showrunner, “and I’m curious what Amy’s dad’s story is. We’re going to start expanding the world in these 10.”
Question: Michael, if I promise to send you one of my many Smurf figurines, will you give me some post-hiatus
Ausiello: Are we talking silver CB operator- or purple baseball catcher-level Smurfs here, Alyssa? Please note: Your answer will directly affect the level of scoop. Actually, nevermind. Anything for a fellow Smurf enthusiast — unless we’re locked in a heated eBay war, in which case,
.  Anyway, the Fox series is casting Calvin, a Navy SEAL-turned-photojournalist who’ll be another possible love interest for Abbie. (Hawley haters, commence celebration.) Calvin’s a hometown boy who believes he has a moral obligation to report the truth, no matter what. BONUS SCOOP: The show also will soon bring on founding father Thomas Jefferson, who is described as charismatic and intelligent.
Ausiello: At least through the Dec. 9 Christmas special, during which you’ll witness a big bonding moment between him and fellow cancer patient April. (It’s one of the hour’s most touching scenes.) We also find out what’s on
Question: Please tell us there’s hope for Brandon and Callie on
Ausiello: The holiday episode, airing Dec.8, will actually pick up right at their finale kiss and then immediately flash back to reveal “what happened in the time between Season 1 and Season 2, and what happened for them to get where they are,” Maia Mitchell previews. “Obviously, Callie and Brandon just kissed at this crazy rich-people party, so they have to figure out how to make amends and go forward from that.”
Ausiello: Busy Philipps’ Laurie will give birth early into Season 6, and — much as the pregnancy itself did — art will imitate life. “I have this reaction — on the show
in real life — where if I hold a newborn child, I start to cry and I can’t stop,” Philipps tells us. “[I felt like] it actually happened [again].”
That’s a wrap! Happy Thanksgiving! (Give the turkeys a break this year and just binge on the sides, whydontyou?) Please send questions, comments, and anonymous tips to (
Additional reporting by Andy Swift, Vlada Gelman, Kim Roots, Rebecca Iannucci and Michael Slezak
Wonder if that’ll get Oliver pondering the women in his midst?
Diggle and Lyla are getting married this season. They confirmed it at the fan screening at the weekend.
LOL And he kidnaps Felicity to be his bride! Nyssa interrupts the festivities because she has a thing for her, too. Or any lady from the Arrow universe. Oh! he kidnaps Mama Smoak by mistake when she visits again! *snorts* This is so silly…
I wouldn’t shock to learn that Raz Al Ghul was behind to Sara’s death and he will used the same method that bring him back to life on Sara from the death. I hope that Ted Grant will become the WIldcat and help Oliver in a battle.
I feel like Will Scarletts appearance in Storybook might precede his adventures in Wonderland. In OUATIW he came to storybook and had an apartment and seemed to be an established part of the community already. It seems odd to me that he’d return to Storybook and live in a tent in the woods away from everyone, when he had a place with furniture an all that before. Why else would he show up without Anastasia? They had their happy ending.
I’m sure Blaine’s mom will be just as insufferable as she is. What tragedy to another character will be ignored so Blaine can whine about how his mom told him to get a haircut once or some other spoiled-brat nonsense?
It’s so nice to know there are still sane Glee fans beyond the shrieking Klaine fangirls.
Klaine fans the crew and producer constant need to coddle them is pissing me off. I want to hear about what these kids careers . I am so tired of ships and this whole season seems to be be about weddings. Most people do not marry their high school sweethearts at the age of 20. It is lazy.
Glad I didn’t listen to your marriage advice!
Actually, marrying one’s high school sweetheart happens a little more often than you’d think, and doing so can turn out well for a lot of them. Just ask my parents, who got married at 20 after knowing each other since middle school and dating in high school, and managed to make it work for 32 years until my dad’s passing.
I’m getting a bad feeling that Leo is going to die on the Christmas episode.
On Flash, I am assuming the wedding will be between Diggle and the mother of his baby? I hadn’t even thought about the fact that they are not already married. Lol
I am sorry to hear that Abbie is getting a new love interest on NCIS. i really like the one she currently has. Lol
Sleepy Hollow Abbie, not NCIS Abby. My impression was he had more of a connection with her sister in any case… and that can get complicated.
Even though the idea of any weddings happening is ridiculous, which they’d use it as an excuse to bring Matt Bomer back to Glee. Cooper Anderson was hilarious and one of the most memorable guest stars on the show for me.. I’ll be tuning in to see how it all ends, however, none of the spoilers revealed over the past few months have been interesting whatsoever nor have they given any hope of a decent season. If they were to bring his character back, at least there’d be something to look forward to. Also wish they’d find a way to bring Shelby back one more time.
Whoops! Reread article and saw scoop about Blaine’s mom, Pam Anderson.
Wow first time in like forever I don’t watch any of these shows:(
*Arrow: Inventions from S.T.A.R. Labs? Well, I have heard rumors that Oliver’s suit is going to receive an upgrade…
*Flash: Which secret would be easier for him to unload? That he loves her as more than a sister, or that he’s the vigilante she’s been crushing on? And will the revelation be voluntary? It appears so, but you never know…
*Arrow: I’m thinking it’s Diggle and Lyla. Nobody else really makes sense. T’would be wild if they did the deed in Vegas. :) Okay, so I want Mama Smoak to come back, sue me…
*Flash: Ooo, I’ve been wondering if they would do that. We know that Grant is a good singer, but is Barry? I only mention this because, when Angel had to sing on the show of the same name, David Boreanez (sp?) talked about how much fun it was to sing badly…
*Arrow: Episodes 10-12 just got more interesting for me. Is it a search for Oliver (again)? Is it Oliver getting taken down and the rest of the team having to cover? Does it have to do with Merlyn? His long-lost son? Or is it something else entirely? The beauty of Arrow is we probably won’t know until the eps air. Stephen has ruled out him being kidnapped, though…
Oliver goes missing for 3 episodes in Jan. those 3 are supposed to be Laurel centric
Do you have a source for this, aside from the pics we’ve seen so far? They seem indicative of a Laurel-centric arc, but it could just be a tease…
Not sure if we can link to other sites in the comments, but it’s from a Hollywood Reporter article that came out on 11/23 about the crossover. ” “Laurel appears in the Arrow episode,” Kreisberg said. “She’s not as present in these episodes, but that is because we’ve been building up to her appearance as the Black Canary. We sort of said that Sara was the Canary, but Laurel is the Black Canary. Episodes 10, 11 and 12 are a three-part trilogy that are about her. And episode 13 I think I can spoil, is called ‘Canaries.’ For fans of Laurel and for fans of Katie, they’re going to get more than their fill after the winter break.” I’m super excited for it, especially since they’ve also been hinting at her getting the Canary Cry.
I still have reservations over this storyline, but I’m willing to give it a shot and see where they go with it. I admit it makes sense, because Oliver has made it absolutely clear he doesn’t want Laurel in the field, so having her step out while he’s gone does make perfect sense. How well it gets executed remains to be seen.Though the new tech from S.T.A.R. Labs would explain her getting the Canary Cry.
Laurel’s my fave but her writing isn’t always the best. I have my reservations too, but I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt here since they’ve been using her really wisely this season imo. I thinking Oliver will either leave with or get taken by the League (since we know Nyssa and her dad will be back for the MSF) and Laurel/Felicity/Diggle/Roy are going to have to step up to protect the city in his absence. Que upgraded Team Arrow bonding montage.
Well, Stephen’s already said that Oliver isn’t being kidnapped. Now, his going after the League if they are indeed involved in Sara’s death, maybe. My theory is that he’s either taken down by something, knocked out, or he disappears of his own volition. However they choose to play it out, it ought to be interesting.
Check YouTube for Flash/Arrow crossover fan screening. I think Marc Guggeheim is the one that confirmed it along with any of the printed articles from interviews on Sat
Thanks for the tip, I believe I have the right clip in my Watch Later list,now.
I hope that Stephanie is the doctor who will be friends with the trans patient on Grey’s, it’s about time for her to have some interesting things that doesn’t involve her ex-boyfriend. And, please, can you give us something about Alex? He’s been reduced to support Meredith and Arizona this season and there isn’t one single spoiler that says something promising about him, either as a doctor or his relationship with Jo.
It’s going to be Jackson Avery, for Travis will need his plastic surgery services for sure.
I got a feeling that Bonnie will get her job back next year because her boss’s dirty secret coming out.
So glad to hear we will be getting more of Will Scarlet and Robin Hood’s friendship and past on OUAT. It’s one of my fav new dynamics this season and this show seriously needs more Robin Hood backstory.
As long as he stays with Regina, I’m all for it. Male characters – Charming, Hook, Prince Eric, Bae, Rumpel and so on – hardly get any friendships on Once Upon a Time, Robin Hood being the only exeption of a male character involved with someone who actually has male friends.
I’m totally down for Bamon!!!! With Bonnie he seemed more like himself than the neutered dog he had become. Their banter and honesty was so refreshing!!! I know it won’t last but I’ll enjoy it anyway lol
I hope Barry tells Iris that he’s The Flash. She needs to know. I’d actually prefer her to figure out that Barry is in love with her by herself.
About Bonnie/Damon, I really hope that the writers don’t ruin their dynamic. I’m a little nervous now.
I’m afraid it’s a case of too little too late for Bonnie & Damon on The Vampire Diaries: they’ve already made her rescue all about Elena. And Damon hasn’t pointed out any personal investment on Bonnie aside what she can tell Elena about Damon’s quest for her. Seriously, Rick Grimes seemed more invested on Daryl’s girl (Carol?) on The Walking Dead than Damon Salvatore on Bonnie Bennet
ANOTHER love interest for Abbie? Newsflash writers: Why don’t you focus on the characters you already have rather than shoehorn in people we don’t care about? (For the record I hate Hawley because he’s boring and useless, not because “he’s in the way.” Especially since he hasn’t done anything yet.)
Agreed! The writers need to clean up the mess with the current characters on the show, not bring on new people. The only “new” characters I want to see back at this point are Big Ash and Joe Corbin.
I can see the doc or docs tending to Travis being Jackson and, to a lesser extent, April. Every trans op patient needs plastics, and Jackson is usually always so judgey. Right up Shonda’s alley to pair him with that storyline, in my opinion.
I dont get it. Rachel coming back to Lima ? Is that some kind of joke? Rachel giving up on Broadway to run the Glee club. Im sorry because of Cory’s death, but does it mean that Rachel needs to fulfill his dreams instead of her own dreams? Rachel Berry is a hero for small town people like me who want to make it in a big city, but her character is ruined by producers who think that this is ok,to put her back in Lima? Finn is dead, Glee club is over, new characters from s4 are so boring that nobody will miss them. Rachel can not be haunted by Finns dream for the rest of her life. That is just not fair. And im sorry to say that, but mr Murphy ruined whole show. The only right decision he made since s4 was inviting Kate Hudson and breaking Finchel up. Rachel so deserves so much more than some that.
Rachel gave up Broadway for a TV show. She goes home to Lima because the TV show fails and she burned bridges in the Broadway scene by leaving in the first place. She’s not home because she’s haunted by Finn, she’s home to regroup before trying again.
She is home becasue the writers are hacks and are trying to squeeze her in to the Finn/gleclub savior role, damn her characterization.
Rachel is not haunted by Finn’s dream but the writers are though. They had Rachel screw up and burn BWay bridges which was totally OOC so that they could get them all back to Lima for the last season and yes revive glee club in part for Finn.
They opted to honor Finn’s dream of 2 months as ND teacher and piss on Rachel’s 5 season long arc/dreams.
The OP mentioned Rachel as being this hero, able to get out of a small town, and I think doesn’t quite realize that Finn had those same dreams. They weren’t as articulated as Rachel’s but from the pilot episode he doesn’t want to be a Lima loser. And because of Cory’s death, that’s the story he gets. He doesn’t make it out of Lima. He dies at age 19, a nobody. They’re not honoring someone’s two month dream to piss on someone else’s so much as honoring a dead kid’s five year dream to be somebody.
Rachel made it out of her small town and became a star on Broadway. She made it out. She fulfilled her dreams. Going home to Lima’s just a stop on her way. Sometimes you need to regroup before you take on your next challenge.
And as for her burning bridges being ooc, I don’t agree. She screwed over the glee club, and the people in it, plenty of times during high school, but they stood by her because they were family. Her blind ambition gets in the way of compromise and thinking about other people, but this time it’s not people who are willing to forgive her.
This whole thing how RM has envisioned the last scene about how she comes back home to Finn is whole lotta BS. Through the years it was evident how RM gave no sh*t about the show anymore. His vision about any of his shows is as far as he can piss. The death of Cory was sad, it was too soon, but it is disgusting that RM took advantage of his death to try to sell the show by going on and on about Finn and what his vision about him was. Which is BS as Cory was put into the background just like every other original cast member except Chris and Lea, to make room for new cast who was taking over the show. And this whole Klaine stuff. It is pathetic how much they want to make the couple relevant and perfect, cause they are 2 pretty boys, even though it is a toxic relationship. So much abuse and manipulation in one relationship and they are portraying that as its a normal thing. Sure every relationship goes through bumps, but it’s wrong that they wrapped a neat little pink bow around cheating, manipulation, lies and abuse and sell it like its a good thing.
I really hope The Originals doesnt kill off Josh or Aiden before they even get a chance to really be together. Theres so much potential story there and those 2 are definitely fan favorites!
Justed saying Bomian would be welcomed with open arms on TVD!!! It would be the dynamic to take us into a strong next season. The build up to the first kiss would be magnificent!!
The thing that puzzles me about Grey’s is how never explore or address the fact that gay people are not always accepted. The show lives in this utopian pseudo reality were gay couples and individuals are highly tolerated and respected. In Murder, I wouldn’t characterize Bonnie as mousy just because of her size. Girl has some real scary fire in her. And as far as The Fosters, if Callie and Brandon do get together, I’m done. For all intended purposes, they are siblings and this coupling is beyond disturbing.
That hasn’t been the case with GA. Yes they do show a “world” where LGBTQ people are more accepted than others (surprisingly there are places in the world where that happens) but there have been episodes where the opposite is true.
One, Callie’s dad was not happy about her being gay. Another one which was so sad was in S3 that involved a storyline with two gay soldiers. Obviously it was before DADT was repealed. It did not have a happy ending to say the least. There was an episode with a trans teen who wanted reassignment surgery that wasn’t all puppies and rainbows. There are probably more but the show’s been on so long I can’t recall everything.
Let’s not forget the behind the scenes drama. There was the whole Isaiah Washington thing. ABC brass, not Shonda Rhimes, firing Brooke Smith when her character came out. Though Rhimes backtracked on that though I think it was to appease the network. They literally forced her out the door. She ever got to film a “last episode”. It was so abrupt that the writers couldn’t even write her off properly. Then there was the mess with Melissa George’s character. She was supposed to be bisexual, she had one flirting scene Callie, but they changed the scripts and made her straight. I believe this was around the same time Brooke Smith was fired.
So yeah the show proudly has LGBTQ characters that aren’t always being discriminated against or depressed cause of their sexuality or gender identity and that’s pretty awesome. But as I said it’s not always puppies and rainbows for everyone.
I was glad that the GA didn’t make a big deal about being gay in the show. I just wish that it was the same way in the real world.
The two gay soldiers were in season 4 – part of Meredith’s and Derek’s clinical trial.
Callie’s mother still hasn’t accepted her daughter’s choices and they haven’t spoken since the Season 7 wedding to Arizona.
As for the REAL LIFE stuff: Erica left when her story played out (Season 5)… Richard refused to fire Izzie and there was no way Erica would’ve stayed at the hospital. Erica finding out Izzie’s involvement with Denny’s heart and how it affected Erica’s patient. It was the final piece of the Denny/heart story. I loved Erica’s final scene as she walked away from Callie and the hospital – no need for anything else.
As for Sadie (also Season 5) the story with her seemed to be dropped… this was the time when Meredith was reading her mother’s journals, so I have to wonder if it was when they were first planning the Richard/Ellis baby story and decided to halt it (not that Sadie would’ve been said child). It just seemed like a dropped story.
Also, Callie and Arizona met and shared their first kiss in Season 5 (Sadie was still on the show).
Biggest question what the hell is wrong with Roxy? Klaine sucks.
awww, I’m really disappointed. I was hoping there wouldn’t be anymore Blaine story lines, he’s already had so many
If we see Blaine’s mom before we see Tina or Mercedes parents I’m going to be pissed. They are originals, he is not.
Same. They need to show both of their parents before the show ends.
No one cares about Tina’s parents or Mercedes parents. They are not regulars this season, only guest stars. They won’t get a storyline with their parents.
By that logic Blaine should have never been given any of his Season 2 storylines or solos. I mean, he was just a guest star…..
Ummm…they showed Tina’s dad back in season one I think. It was during the whole Asian vampire/both storyline.
I wonder why Laurie is giving birth early on. They should be mining the pregnancy for laughs.
Can’t wait for Barry to sing and next weeks crossover episode! And I think its pretty obvious by now Klaine is the other couple getting married.
Yes, Bamon! I’m totally down for them to have hot sex! It will be actually hot instead of gross Delena lol!
Yeah I wouldn’t dance around the fire just yet, I’m sure Julie and Dries are not ready to let go of Delena just yet.
I hope they don’t get rid of Delena. I don’t want to quit watching the show! I have only been a fan for a few months and I watch seasons 1 – 5 over & over again. It is exciting to watch Delena play the cat and mouse game again in season 6 as long as they get back together. If one of them gets a new relationship on the show, it will probably be because of their “outside” work” relationship. I really would like to see Delena put their “BIG BOY & BIG GIRL PANTS ON” and get back in the game!
Your ship is dull, boring and tired. Get over it and move on. People are sick of Delena now and their stupid games.
The ship is boring TO YOU! Let those who like Delena root for their ship and those for Bamon do so too. Yes there are people sick of Delena just like there are equally as many people who still love DE.
I cant stand Steroline but I respect those who support that ship. Its not my place to tell them to get over their ship just coz thats not my choice
I like the ship I am on but evidently you are not happy with yours. You are sick of Delena, you don’t like Bamon. Whatever happens on the show, you probably won’t like that either.
I’m all for Delena if its not going to be a messy relationship like the past season. Obviously the writers love Delena and here’s hoping they make it a happy healthy r/ship that does not overshadow the whole show. I hope there are no more love triangles or forced romances like they are trying to do with steroline.
Don’t worry, the Bamon-Forwood-Klarolines-Stereolines-Stelenas have already quit the show for you. Judging by the poor ratings, Delenas are all that’s left and pairing Damon & Bonnie without a decent build-up towards it it’s not going to bring back the fans they have already lost.
Really want Bonnie and Damon to get together, their so much better then Elena…That is so boring and I think Nina agrees also! Also please let Bonnie break up with Jeremy when she gets back….There has been no passion there at all and for me seems like she was babysitting him…
I want Bonnie & Damon to get together because they are so much better Damon and Bonnie when they are than when they are not.
Delena needs to go. It’s boring, it’s dull and it has brought this show down. If the show continues with Bamon, me and my friends are considering not watching the show any longer. I already have a few family members who stopped watching when Delena happened.
Sorry, I meant if the show continues with Delena.
Well then you might as well stop watching now, coz Delena seems to be end game. Like it or not
Really? There still are Brallie fans on The Fosters? To me, that ship sank a long time ago, hated that they kissed on the finale…
Im not a big fan of Jaiden, but Plec’s a beyotch if she kills one of them off too early. The one gay couple theyve even tried to take seriously, is doomed, yet all of the characters involved in these tiresomely endless straight love triangles live forever and ever.
By the same token, i dont trust them to let Damon be in love with Bonnie. Theyll continue to treat Bonnie like crap and Damon will always choose Elena.
And the only thing i care to see less of than Blaine’s mother, is Blaine himself getting all this screentime and dating the bully that was in love with Kurt and who Blaine hadnt said more than 2 sentences to in 5 seasons.
Couldn’t stop laughing at the ginger snap cookies to get scope. Very funny
Delena is not going anywhere. I’m sure Ian would love for Damon to have another love interest who is not Elena but that is a very long shot. If Bamon happens then we will def see a Stelena reunion, leaving Caroline out in the cold. Julie and Caroline Dries will never let their golden girl Elena freeze out in the cold by herself.
Thanks for the Bamon scoop. I hope they aren’t teasing us and it’s really going to happen. Also, I’m really liking the Tyler/Liv relationship
I would be surprised and shock if Glee would get Pamela Anderson to play Blaine’s mother. I can’t wait to see what kind of story that Ms. Anderson would get.
Whoever gets to play her, I’m sure Blaine’s mother is bound to be interesting.
Oh, and good luck for Bonnie & Damon, I’m already more into Sleepy Hollow’s Abbie & Ichabod, but B+ for effort to Vampire Diaries.
Lets hope Barry Allen busts out a little Queen on Flash… Been wanting SOME show to do it since Doctor Who busted out Don’t Stop Me Now earlier this year
Glee Season 6 First Look: Dramatic New Poster Bids Farewell to McKinley
2015 Renewal Scorecard: What\'s Coming Back? What\'s Getting Cancelled? What\'s on the Bubble?
Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Once, Glee, Grey\'s, Vampire Diaries, HTGAWM, Jane, Parks, Cougar Town and More
Arrow Scoop: Sin Returns for \'Pivotal\' Role in Sara Murder Mystery
Red Band Society\'s First Season Ending After 13 Episodes; Season 2 Unlikely
1The Voice Top 10 Performance Recap: Truth Detectives244
2The Voice Results Recap: Women on the Verge of a Total Breakdown163
3The Good Wife Recap: Deaf Justice122
4Glee Season 6 First Look: Dramatic New Poster Bids Farewell to…117
Red Band Society\'s First Season Ending After 13…
Late Late Show to Fill 9-Week Gap: 10 Male Guest…
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