WINX CLUB OCS Glamix Roleplay: Future!

CyD12 posted on Apr 03, 2011 at 12:48AM you should know Nadia, Farids and Gwens daughter, came from the future to the past...but, when she got back to the future Mina went too! trapping her in the future!!

Our mission is to find Mina! we are many years later! everyones daughters and sons are about 16,17,18,19...=) oh and all Glamix are dead except Juliet ;)


WINX CLUB OCS 322 replies

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over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: good thing my powers work with my mind! (a hand made of rock grabs the real Berry) ROCK FORCE! (the hand squeezes Berry a little making her loose concentration making Terra be free) ROCK PUNCH! (the hand throws Berry against a wall)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Berry;apciu!!*sneezes on terra and her body hurta*
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: you just sneezed on me? eeeewwww! (her body hurts) ooow!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Herry;*makes it disapear*sorry!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Herry;*makes it disapear*sorry!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: Its fine dont worry...(turns to the rest) so...who goes next?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Izzy:I can!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: good! who will you fight against?
Izzy: Juliet... ROCK BOMB!
over a year ago TDWC_lover said…
Juliet: POISON BARRIER! (protect herself) game is on...POISON STING!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Izzy: (the attack hits her) ooow! EARTHQUAKE! (makes Juliet fall) ROCK BOMB! (hits Juliet) ha!
over a year ago TDWC_lover said…
Juliet: you are giving a good fight girl...but its not enough! POISON CLOUD!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Izzy: ROCK WALL! (block the attack making it go back to Juliet)
over a year ago TDWC_lover said…
Juliet: (the attack hits her bak) I shouldnt use an attack so hard like that one...
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: great job Izzy! (smiles) who wants to fight next?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Moon;I can...*her eyes glow blue and mina starts to choke*I chose mina!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Mina: Bring it on! (starts to throw fire balls at Moon)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Moon;*goes thro the attack*bu!*some spirita grabs and star sucking her strink away*
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Mina: time to stop being nice! (transforms into a night-mare, gets free from Moons attack and makes Moon sees her worst fears)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Moon:1 prblemo!I don't have fears!*attacks agen* my Oldests trick!*makes a grayXwhite Arrow and the shoter of arows and shots Mina to her heart*that wud kill you if it was a reall Arrow!*makes the goust arrow disapear*
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Mina: impressive...
Terra: cool!...whos next?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Berry:not my!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Berry:not my!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: Berry you are up!
Berry: oh come on!!
Terra: (smiles) choose who you will fight against
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Mint:no way!
Moon:Berry don't!
Berry:Relax!I can handle it!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: alrigh then...start!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Moon;*lets go the sheild of Cindy*
Berry:lets Batlle aunt Cindy!*does a spin in the air then jumps towar and hits Cindy whit her mana*
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: this will be a hard fight...
Mina: yeah...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Cindy:hell shake!*makes Berry Fall*Heaven Knife!*makes Knifes apear and trys to Hit Berry*
Berry:shi....*makes the Snake sound and meny sleeping dusts apear*
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: oh God..(everyone in there falls asleep except Berry and Cindy)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Berry: why didin't you faint?!
cindy:light ball!
Berryy:*gets eletroashoked and faints*
Cindy:I win!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: (wakes up) ough...what happened? (looks at Berry) oh, Cindy won? good...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Cindy:who's next?!
Moon:*makes a new bubble around her*BErry!*runs over her*
Mint:Cindy was to Hush on her!
Ginta:will she Live?!
Mint:yes!But she is Weak!Remember your Weaknes is EletroShok!
Ginta:oh yeah right...
Hula:it is?!I didin't know!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Izzy: Berry is very weak!! she needs energy and fast!!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Ginta:I don't have eny left!
moon:my energy is not good to her!
Mint:mines too!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Izzy: who can borrow her some energy?!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:um...You!*points to Minas dother*
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Monique: me?
Lauren: or me?
Mina: both of you are my daughters! so anyone of you do it!!
Lauren: ok, I will do it! (gives some energy to Berry)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Berry:*wakes up but still weak*wh what heppend?
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: the fight with Cindy didnt went well...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Berry:I see...
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: you fainted with Cindys last attack...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
berry:I should of taken a bit Not so Crazy Apoment!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: yeah...anyways, should we continue or stop the fights?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Berry:continue!Minas Dothers go!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Lauren: I go first...I choose Meggie!
Meggie: (smiles) lets start then!
Lauren: (starts to whisper fire-words and a ring of fire appears around Meggie)
Meggie: FALSE WATER! (imagines water and the fire turns off) FANTASY PUNCH! (hits Lauren)
Lauren: ough! (starts to throw fire-balls)
Meggie: (they hit her) ouch!
Lauren: (transforms into a white-woman and starts to say Megs name)
Meggie: stop it! Lauren stop it! (covers her ears) I give up!
Lauren: (transforms back) you alright?
Meggie: yes, Im fine...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula: Lauren NEver Use your White-Women powers When fighting whit some one you don't want to Kill!!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Lauren: sorry...cant control myself
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:it's okey!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: so...whos next?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:you!*points to Another Minas dother*