WINX CLUB OCS Glamix Roleplay: Future!

CyD12 posted on Apr 03, 2011 at 12:48AM you should know Nadia, Farids and Gwens daughter, came from the future to the past...but, when she got back to the future Mina went too! trapping her in the future!!

Our mission is to find Mina! we are many years later! everyones daughters and sons are about 16,17,18,19...=) oh and all Glamix are dead except Juliet ;)


WINX CLUB OCS 322 replies

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over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:Never Ever!
Ginta:Play whit
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Gia: (rolls eyes) and you tell me that now...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:oh right!well where are another BoyFriends if they are still AliivE!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:oh right!well where are another BoyFriends if they are still AliivE!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Izzy: they must be by the fountain, they are always there...


Raquel: hey guys!
Derek: oh hey girls...
Zeth: uummm...who are your friends?
Izzy: our mothers when they were about our age
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Izzy: Mom...this is Derek, my twin brother
Derek: wait, mom?!
Terra: (smiles) hi Derek

Gia: mom, meet Zeth my older brother. Zeth, meet our mom when she was about out age
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Ginta:this is so Sweet!*photso everyone*
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Zeth: uummm...why is she taking photos of us?
Juliet: she gets excited with our adventures and takes photos to put them at her adventures book...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Ginta:didin't Future my told ya?
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Zeth: not really...we didnt talk much
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Ginta; I see!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: (giggles) OMG, you are just like Dustfinger!
Derek: (raises an eyebrow)
Terra: your father! you are exactly like him when he was your age!
Derek: told me that many times when you still lived...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:*giggles* so What do we do now?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:*giggles* so What do we do now?
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Mina: donnow...any ideas? (looks around)
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
HulA:*FLYS UP and does a flip back*the Air here feels Difirent!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
HulA:*FLYS UP and does a flip back*the Air here feels Difirent!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: explain your different Hula...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:just come here!*ginta makes plateS*
Ginta:yeah it Smells like!*covers Minas Nose*Blood!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Mina: Lauren! cover your nose too!
Lauren: (does so) why did it smelled like blood? whats going on?!
Terra: we dont know, but we will find out...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Ginta:the olny logical idea is that some one is Bloiling blood!But who wud do so??
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Berry:valery!!*makes plates and Runs some where*
Ginta:who's Valery??
Mint:follow us!*they run to a cave*Valery!
Valery:what do you want Mint??*cuting her nails*
Ginta:who's she?
Valery:*runs over Ginta whit Light Speed*I am valery olny Half Bloom Witch and Half Blood Fairy in hall Universe!*goes back to her seat*
Ginta:oh!!Cool!I'm gintare!*smiles and Gives her her hand*
Valery:*looks at the Hand and Toches her*tnx!*absorves Gintas power*ha!
Hula:Ginta!*cathes her*what did you do!?
Mint:Valery has power over Absorving another powers!and She's a Were-Wolf too!
Valery:yep!so what did you want?
Moon:Where's Berry?
Berry;I am here girls!*walks out*I just wannet make sure Lilly is okey!
Valery:now you see she's okey can you leave?!?
Hula:don't oush it bitch!
Mint:oh god!*makes sheild around everybody*here it comes!!
Valery:*thours her Nail Cuter to Hula*
Valery:good!*runs over her whit Light Speed and Absorves her power.Makes Hula faint*
Mint:*cathes Hula*We must leave!*they leave*
ginta:*wakes up*that girl is Crazy!!
Moon:But she's really cool too!she has Lots of Cool Stuffs in the Dark Cave!

Bellow is Valery ^^
Berry:valery!!*makes plates and Runs some where*
Ginta:who's Valery??
Mint:follow us!*they run to a c
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: she is dangerouse...
Izzy: if you think thats dangerouse, you havent seen her in were-wolf form...
Mina: she absorbed Hulas and Gintas powers! we must get them back
Monique: you cant touch her! she would absorbe your powers!!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Moon:and Their powers will go back in Few hours!
Berry:You see Valery had very hard life!Even harder then yours Juliet!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Ginta:it can by harder then Juliets?!?!
Hula:it can!?WOW!!
Berry;yes! Valerys Parents are Alchocholicks and Smoke weed allways! Valery allso HAs a litlle sister named Lilly.Once Valery was kidnapt their Parents Cuted Lillys tounge out!From then I am Lillys best friend!
Hula:and why Valery is so bitchy?
Moon:not bitchy but really protective!Berry had to go hard time to Let Valery near Lilly!!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Mina: so...all she cares about is her little sister
Terra: well, it makes sence...I mean, I would do the same for Eli
Juliet: and Gwen did the same for me many years...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Moon:but yes Valery gets bitchy some times!but she's Kind and Caring inside!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: I think that all she needs is something to talk with...someone to understand her so she can calm down a little
Mina: And...who would do that?
Terra: I think Juliet is the right person for that...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Valery;*runs there*l l l lilly is gone!!!!*crys*
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Izzy: she is what?!
Monique: she said, she is gone...
Izzy: I heard it!!
Terra: (turns to Valery) how did it happened?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Valery:I goed to take her food and when I came back olny this was there!I don't know who is this guy but he looks...I think I have seen him somewhere!*shows them the picture*
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: cant be Dustfinger!
Izzy: (looks at the photo) do looks like him...
Terra: It cant be! I know Dustfinger just too well, he wouldnt kidnap an inofence girl!!
Izzy: I agree! my father is not like that...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Ginta:*Takes the photo*not Dustfinger!Grizelda!I think she left this so we wud think it's dustfinger!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Mina: makes sence...then Grizelda is who has Lilly!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Valery:she's going to get it So harD!!*gets really angry*
Moon:chill!*flys over her and sits in meditasion pose.Valery does too*now relax.You are in your happy world! Lilly can Talk and you are happy togetther!*smiles*
Valery:my happy world!*closes her eyes*
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: wow...that really helped, didnt it?
Mina:, we better find Griz!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Valery:Lets hurry!Lilly Has power over minsd!Whit her Griz can do Enything!!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: Ginta, can you use the photo to locate Griz?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Ginta:*trys but fails*Future pwoers aren't sstrong!
Berry;*takes the photo*I can!*tracks her*got it!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: good, now take us with her...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Berry:ah!!*her head hurts*
Valery:it's lilly!!Griz must by doing something to her!
moon:where is She berry!!!
Berry:Pizza plazza!!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: lets go there!
Izzy: BELIEVIX! ZOOMIX! (they go to pizza plazza) I cant see looks like they are not here
Terra: dont be so sure...
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Griz:Glamix!you just came to the Party!!*shows Lilly in a deaf Chains*
Valery:LILLY!!!*gets angry*Grizelda you are s-*TGGNG stop her*
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Terra: Griz, let go of Lilly
Griz: why should I?
Juliet: Cause I know you wouldnt be able to hurt a little girl like Lilly (Griz turns to her) I know you wouldnt, you are not like that
Griz: people change...just like you did!
Juliet: I did not change!
Griz: you changed us! you changed Jackson, George, Amidala and I for them (points at Glamix) we were your friends and you forgot about us for some stupid fairies!!
Juliet: I did not! you took it that way!! I still wanted to be your friend but you didnt! Now, let go of Lilly!
Griz: and...if I dont?
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:lets see
1.We kill ya
2.we kick your but
3.We kick Daniels but
5.we kick your both butts
6.we kill ya both!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Griz: (laughs) you really think you can do that!? Im powerfuller now! and so is cant touch us!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:oh shut up!!
over a year ago winxlove2 said…
Hula:oh shut up!!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
Mina: we know we can! and we will if you dont let go of Lilly!