X-men couples Wall

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ElfQuest101 said …
I'm a lancitty fan so, why doesn't the banner have them on it? I vote lanctty over kiotr any day! We should get a new banner! Posted over a year ago
x-menobsessed26 commented…
I have made another banner, but it's on my school computer. I still have to upload it and that could be a while. Also, I do run other clubs (26 others) and participate in many more so keep that in mind. Finally, Lancitty isn't a couple that's on the banner. I know that's upsetting to many people, but it's what I chose to do. over a year ago
ElfQuest101 commented…
So? Your a kiotr fan, I understand that but i do believe you should have a broader scope. over a year ago
ElfQuest101 commented…
YAY! new banner XD over a year ago
x-menobsessed26 said …
Fanpop says I've posted this link too much, so here it is on the wall.

link Posted over a year ago