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5FDP said about Alpha and Omega
Just to ask, did Hutch come out at all in A&O 2? Posted over a year ago
redwolf279 commented…
Yes, he made one brief appereance when Garth was inspecting the contingency. over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Unfortunatelly the only time we get to see him is when Garth inspects the contingency, as Redwolf said...We don't even hear his voice :( over a year ago
5FDP said about Hutch
My articles!! They're deleted somehow aww I worked really hard on them Posted over a year ago
pinkmare commented…
I'm on your side i made this bakugan/spongebob crossover article once and it got deleted for no reason! man I was so mad because I worked so hard on that story and it was the best one , so I feel you. over a year ago