My Wall

Alphafan said about Alpha and Omega
first time on fanpop in 5 years Dx its nice to see everyone again! I'm curious if anyone can remember me owo Posted over a year ago
SWAGER21 commented…
UwU n-nothign much over a year ago
ravissa gave me props for my images
Hey there ^u^
How are u, I missed u... Posted over a year ago
ravissa gave me props for my videos
╔═══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ═══════════════╗
∯ If you have wonderful friends, put this on their Wall ☺ ∯
∯ Thank you, for Being YOU!! Peace☮ Love♥ & Happiness∯
╚═══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ═══════════════╝ Posted over a year ago
big smile
Ryou-Bakura gave me props for my comments
Hello ^0^/

how are you?


I do not remember if we had already talked before D:

but hey whatever here talk ;) Posted over a year ago
stella2015 gave me props for my videos
Hey buddy!
How are you??
Miss you so much!!! Posted over a year ago
ravissa gave me props for my articles
╔═══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ═══════════════╗
∯ If you have wonderful friends, put this on their Wall ☺ ∯
∯ Thank you, for Being YOU!! Peace☮ Love♥ & Happiness∯
╚═══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ═══════════════╝ Posted over a year ago
ravissa commented…
Hey I remember this, xD over a year ago
Alphafan said about Alpha and Omega
I wanted to know if any of u have kik on your phone be great to talk to some of you especially since I hardly come on fanpop Posted over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
well hi! i do XD over a year ago
Alphafan commented…
on my profile moto it says my kik username just add me from there and awesome lol over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
ok lol over a year ago
sherenzpango16 gave me props for my videos
thanks for the add back Posted over a year ago
Alphafan commented…
Yup Np talk to me anytime over a year ago
Alphafan said about Alpha and Omega
Hmm Havnt been to this club in a while what's up everyone(>^ω^<) Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Everything's good. I think the release of Legend of the Saw-Toothed Cave helped repair the fanbase. over a year ago
Alphafan commented…
I have no idea but at least this club still runs but there aren't as many as there use to be over a year ago
big smile
stella2015 gave me props for my polls
Hey buddy!!!!
How are you???
Missed you soooo much!!!! Posted over a year ago
Alphafan commented…
hi = ̄ω ̄= over a year ago
stella2015 commented…
How are you? over a year ago
Alphafan commented…
okay just doing some work and such how about you over a year ago
stella2015 commented…
Good, and kay over a year ago