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Hina18 gave me props for my polls
HI ! Pokemon Manga fannn! Posted over a year ago
I'm dissatisfied of Ruby and Sapphire's relationship as of now. Posted over a year ago
Hina18 commented…
Heh me too!So Ruby claims he forgot and Sapphire gets bothered when the subject is brought up eeehhh , but i think that if we see them in the future chapters there might be a development over a year ago
AlyzaAnne0225 said about Natsu x Lucy
Lucy and Natsu are my most favorite couple of all times! Never had I been so addicted to one shipping. More than May x Drew or Contestshipping! I seriously love NaLu! Posted over a year ago
AlyzaAnne0225 said about Lucy and Natsu
No offense to NaLi shippers but I think that Lucy and Natsu becoming a couple would be much MORE predictable than him and Lisanna. Besides, Lisanna isn't getting much screen time despite the fact that HIro even bothered himself to bring her back from the dead. I think that that was only a filler. Natsu and Lisanna has a brother and sister relationship, not romantic. Natsu and Lucy are much much more better! I think I would punch the hell out of Hiro if he decided to pair up NAtsu and Lisanna. Posted over a year ago