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Dark-Blood gave me props for my videos
hey girl long time no chat how the hell r u? Posted over a year ago
Carly888 commented…
Hi! Let me just say, a lot has changed and so much has happened but overall I'm good. Hope you're doing well. over a year ago
cherl12345 said …
Hi, Chloe Posted over a year ago
Carly888 commented…
HI :) over a year ago
Hey, yeah I remember you :)
Oh well, I've been so out of the Victorious world lately, I really don't know so much about the Ariana & Victoria fight but I think both are really talented girls and the idea of them fighting is just stupid for me, I mean the worked together on the same show. I read your post above and here's my oppinion: Posted over a year ago
Clara_Valentina commented…
I love Ariana Grande and Victoria Justice soo much, they are (as I said before) pretty, talented and amazing person as long as I know. I don't think Ariana is being fake, a lot of celebrities says 'I love you' as much or even more than her and mabe she says that because is part of her personality, I have a friend who says that every 5 minutes and I know she really mean it, but of course she loves her friends and family more than her fans because she doesn't even know us. I've heard something about she saying Victorious final was because of Victoria and I'm not happy with that either, you're right on that point it wasn't because of the Victoria's Tour and either Sam & Cat show, so I don't see why Ariana said that, that was a total lie, but once again I'm not sure of that. Though Ariana hasn't the blame of her fans are hating Victoria, is a stupid but a true thing that Arianators hates Victorians and Victorians hates Arianators. over a year ago
Clara_Valentina commented…
In that case, I'd be so proud of Victoria because she has to support all the fandom hating her and not telling anything just to things not get worse. If Ariana said sorry it was nice for her but the fact everyone is still hating Victoria makes me be more sure that the fight is just between fandoms. Maybe she didn't think on the consequences (as a lot of us) and posted it but then when she saw Victoria was being hated she deleted it and apologized with everyone so that means she's really sorry and that wasn't her intention. About the 'who's betther' thing, I know Victoria acts sice she was 8 but Ariana also has her trayectory and is not about who have been longer on the stuff, is about how much the enjoy, how well they do and how people admires them. over a year ago
Clara_Valentina commented…
Of course they can't be compared and not because one is better than the other, just because they both are amazing on different was. Me, personality love Ariana's voice she sounds so neat and soft when she sings and I prefer Victoria acting than singing because she seems so truefull when she does, she really makes me believe her character, like in Victorious, sometimes I really hate Tori when I love Victoria, not everybody can do that; that's just my oppinion. Sure Victoria had a role supporting or main in a lot of movies and tv shows, but don't forget Ariana was on Broadway all that time, and obviously she was good because same with Elizabeth, not everybody gets be on there. over a year ago
Clara_Valentina commented…
And about her hit, maybe it was wrong that some stars told fans they would follow them if they bought the single, that's not the way but they wouldn't buy if anyway if it weren't good, the fact here is that Ariana is a lovely person as much as Victoria is and that's why everybody loves them. I'm kinda agree with you about that the Fandom hate, and ot just on the Victorious cast, it happens anwhere, when fans starts to hate someone just because they don't like his/her character on 'x' show or because she said 'whatever' about their idol, that really piss me off too, is pretty annoying seeing how that people can call themselves 'fans' when all they do is hating people who doesn't even know them. That's pretty annoing, once again. over a year ago
Kim230 said …
Hi there Chloe or is it Carly???
Well you are awsome at answering people's questions and you're good:)
HI^_^ Posted over a year ago
Carly888 commented…
HI! Chloe, :) AW thank you love. over a year ago
VicJusticeLove4 said …
You are my idol!! My fanpop idol. I mean I agree wth everything u say. Ariana grande is way too overrated.i swear too you. 77% of ppl only like her becuz of her red hair and her character in Victorious. Without her red hair and her role in victorious she will be like Liz. I mean...not sounding rudebut Liz has the same type of talent and it didn't make her that popular did it?!!. Only like 23% like her for who she is.just watch..after victorious. She won't be that known anymore. Too overrated!!!! Posted over a year ago
cherl12345 said …
Hi, Chloe Posted over a year ago
Carly888 commented…
Heyy cherl!!;) over a year ago
Carly888 said about Ariana Grande
Ok..I like Ariana and I don't mean to offend arianators but I kinda don't like arianators..well some .. They always make a big deal when someone hates ari. I've seen YouTube vids on pol who hate ari and then arianators would get so pissed they would report them and say bad thing/threaten them. If I'm correct Ariana/cat is now way more overrated. Not saying I don't like her. I'm just saying..4m twitter follower? Should be like 2. Instagram 2.2 Wth nvr have I seen a supporting have more then lead! Posted over a year ago
Carly888 commented…
Like..she's wayyyyyyyyyyyy to overrated. Liz has like the same type of talent they both sing awesome. Act awesome. But Liz only has 500k??? Wth!!! And Victoria.. She's lead.. And still has less followers then ari. Not saying anything bad..but totally overrated. She's an awesome singer/actor..and she's kinds pretty..but I would've settled for at least 2m ONLY. over a year ago
loquesea commented…
why you're insulting here on her own club? that's so mean over a year ago
Carly888 commented…
And kids think she's sweet and cute but its something called ACTING. She's dating the janoskians no duh she ain't sweet . Janoskians I like them but there kind mean and weird . Meaning swearing Etc over a year ago
Carly888 said …
My opinion of...if tori and beck will end up together! Look at the comment ;) Posted over a year ago
Carly888 commented…
To be completely honest. I bet tori and beck would be together..Dan decided to make a kiss for Carly and Freddie in the end..which surprised millions of ppl. Dan is sort of like a surpriser. He try's to make the show interesting. I know bade is a great couple but I mean...they got together. And it won't be interesting for them to be together for ever. So towards the end of the show they will split. I mean. Dan posted jade and Andre about to kiss. So I bet jade and Andre will start to date. I kinda do ship jandre. Cuz they do make a great couple. Andre did fall in love with jade. So I bet it be...tandre Bori and cabbie. Then Trina could go with sinjin. But on the other hand I don't think she'll end up with anyone, I heard that a lot of ppl were threatening to get bade back witch just made me really sad over a year ago
Carly888 commented…'s a show for god sakes, if your fan don't end up together doesn't mean it's the end of your life. Its kinda hard to explain exactly what's goin through my mind,.. But I'm pretty maybe the last episode..bori will either be together..have feelings for each other..or kiss. Maybe a ill different then my theory. But on the same plot. Usually all the leads get the guy. And since bade used to date they won't later on. I could be wrong but I watched dans video. And it looks like either jade and Andre were about to kiss. Or gonna kiss. Either way...beck and jade don't completely have full feelings for each other..they might've used too. But I mean everyone changes. I don't really care who ends up together. I'm just enjoying the show. But I'm just saying what I think will happen. Anyways..I really hate that fans COMMAND over a year ago
Carly888 commented…
twhat they want to happen most fans say "if bade don't end up together I'm not watching the show..or if BORI doesn't end up together I'm not watching the show..or if you don't let others sing more I ain't watching the show" well to those ppl. They need to get a life .. It's a god damn show, and you guys ain't the directors..and ppl need to stop hating on ppl just cuz there acting bad...I mean don't hate liz cuz she's mean on the SHOW. don't hate tori cuz she's a Mary sue on the SHOW. don't hate cat cuz she's dumb on the SHOW. ppl need to stop hating characters..related to there real life selfs. Anyways this is MY opinion. over a year ago
quinn_santana gave me props for my answers
Hey, I'm running a Victorious icon contest, if you wanna join the rules are here:
link Posted over a year ago
Carly888 commented…
sure;) no prob i love victorious!!! xD over a year ago
Carly888 said …
Trentgwenfan1 Is one of the best person In The world !! Plzz follow. Helped stick up for me, when many have said bad things trentgwenfan1 has made me think tht I have someone by my side. I'll also like to thnk. Kendrekkk, VicJusticeLove, maxTHEgreat, TheUltimateSwagg, Themegaking and many more. But Espicially Trentgwenfan1 best people plzz follow. U won't regret it. There the best. BELIVE me. Posted over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 commented…
Thank you you're a good fiend too over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 commented…
friend over a year ago