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LovingLucy said …
It would mean a lot to me if you could vote on these three sections for
my spot! Thanks sweetie!



link Posted over a year ago
Summer_Leanne gave me props for my comments
Hey there, sweets :) Thank you very much for the sweet comment you wrote on my profile. I'd love to chat with you sometime! I'm on here for about an half and hour or so daily, so I'll send you a message (or vice versa). Can't wait to hear from you! Take care and God bless you <3 Posted over a year ago
AKnetsirk gave me props for my pop quiz questions
I'm in complete denial. :S If I think of never watching a new episode again... argh it's depressing!
You have your stories...? :)

Me too! Even though it's usually too chilly to swim here. lol

Yup yup! The perfect ending. All the writers deserve some kind of great reward for that,

WAAAAAAAAAALT! Sorry, couldn't help it. xD I heard he was coming back but OMG! Hurley bird too?? That'll be funnnn. Maybe Ben and Hurley will discover him in the jungle. Posted over a year ago
AKnetsirk gave me props for my articles
Oh man, same! Lost withdrawls have been so bad for me I had to rent season 3.
I've been pretty good, life as usual. Except it's summer vacation now which is AWESOME!

Mmm, agreed. I'm really happy it ended that way. If you think hard about any of the mysteries they can be solved by what we learned in s6 yet it's very open to interpretation.

It truly was perfect! And the reunions were epic.

I cannot wait for the new dvd to come out so we can see the Hurley and Ben bonus feature. :D Posted over a year ago
AKnetsirk gave me props for my articles
Heya Chibi! :D No prob, I understand. ;) How've ya been?
I'm with you 100%. At first I had no idea what I had just witnessed. But, after a while, it sunk in and now I love it. We got our Suliet reunion! :D And awww, Ben became second in command. Posted over a year ago
LovingLucy gave me props for my images
★ ☆ ✰ I just sent you a star because i think you are one. send this to all the people that you think are stars. if you get more that 10 back your a shining star. if you get less than 10 back your getting there.....★ ☆ ✰ Posted over a year ago
AKnetsirk gave me props for my answers
Thanks Chibi! :D I did have a good trip. Long, but good. Posted over a year ago
crazychlo gave me props for my comments
Lol, I know right? Bad guys are the best to play because youreally have to think about the character and why they are doing what they are doing, plus its just fun :D And in like alll my shows I love the bad guy. Posted over a year ago
dramaqueen13 gave me props for my polls
Yes we doooooo!!
Lesson we learned last night though...stay away from baby smokies!! Posted over a year ago
dramaqueen13 gave me props for my images
I made some more picks! For Jacob and Aldo...*sighs* The little trouble makers they are. Posted over a year ago