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Clovergirl said about Flame Of Recca
Fuuko is an awsome character yet you no nothing about her family. you only see Fuuko mom once in the first manga and you don't even know if she has a father or brother the only family you see of her is her adopted sister Ganko
i know it is nothing big but it just make me curse
i love flame of recca , i would love to have a poster or key chain but sadly i can't any :(
Posted over a year ago
Clovergirl said about Flame Of Recca
I love!!!! flame of recca i was surprise how little their was in this fan club. well we got to work on that Posted over a year ago
recawarrior commented…
yeah.. I will support you... over a year ago
ElafTalebHEJ gave me props for my images
Whould u like to join my club? : Only Shun Kazami! If u are a fan of him of course! :) Posted over a year ago