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Collin5436 said about Stampylongnose
what is stampys seed !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Collin5436 said about Stampylongnose
Hello stampy I couldn't Finnish what Iwas saying in the last message I promise I won't destroy anything plzzzzzzz it will make my day if I got to go in your world Posted over a year ago
Collin5436 said about Stampylongnose
Hello Stampy this is awesome I get to talk to you and I have to say your videos are AWESOME!!! I almost watched all of them. I have a xbox 1 and I know you have an xbox 360 and I have the xbox 360 but I need to buy the game and I want to play with you so bad because you are the BEST ! Im only 10 years old and helping you out is like having a birthday party and your present is to be with stampy and help him out and I don't care if I live in a dirt house. And can I have the seed to your world Posted over a year ago