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ArthurGwen gave me props for my comments
rachel & puck are way better than quinn & puck.!
but you are a taylor ryan fan.i forgive you.:) Posted over a year ago
ArthurGwen commented…
jennifer & Brad? seriously? brangelina ALL THE WAY! :) over a year ago
DaisyHalliwell commented…
first of all rachel is the most annoying person ever and brangelina? you´ve got to be kidding me... over a year ago
ArthurGwen commented…
yeah.:) over a year ago
Is there anyone else who can´t believe that there really are phoebe/coop shippers out there??? Posted over a year ago
makintosh commented…
I'm a Phoebe/Coop shipper myself *lol* over a year ago
DaisyHalliwell commented…
unbelievebal :) over a year ago