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Delenatimes said about Damon & Elena
Ah screw whatever the hell happened after the kiss in this episode. I am going to watch that makeout again and again. When the writers finally figure out what the hell they want to do with, then I'll be in Delena heaven till then. Posted over a year ago
Delena_Fan commented…
Tell me about it. The only thing I remember from that episode is the hot makeout and the Rose talk. Oh my heart just drops thinking about that makeout. over a year ago
Delenarocs commented…
Did that kiss just happen?! Oh I need that link now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Delenarocs commented…
And why Jeremy? Why? Why is every single time DE happen there has to be a cock-block! Why?????! over a year ago
xoxoGG115 commented…
because .... its too soon to have DEx... and you know they would not be able to control themselves.. if there was no one there... lol over a year ago
Delenatimes said about Damon & Elena
I truly believe that there's going to be a emotional moment between Delena in the finally that is going to blow our socks off and have us gasping for breath. I just hope that in the scene, Damon tells Elena what really happened in the car crash (if Stefan was telling the whole truth) and makes her see that Damon has always been there for her. Because I'm sure there is going to be a big twist in the flashback from what we know.
Do you guys have any suggestions for DE in the finally? Posted over a year ago
Lostie58 commented…
My sisters been saying from season 1 that she thinks it was really Damon who saved elena from the crash and she has a bunch of reasons for it. But Idk, It's just a theory so... over a year ago
overthedges commented…
i don't know. Im just scared i don't know why, over a year ago
iandamonfan commented…
That's a good theory! I like thinking Stefan was confused. But if he really had been watching her before the accident he would have heard her heartbeat, therefore he would have known it wasn't Katherine. But I still like this theory. And about Damon saving her, it could be but I don't think Damon coud have gone SO much time without mentioning it or making a reference to it. over a year ago
Delenatimes said about Damon & Elena
I know a lot of peple are mad that Stefan came back to early, and I am a little, but in some other way I am also happy. I been seeing Stelena fans say that Delena can only get together if Stefan is away (Which is weird because they are going to get together whether they like it or not), but when Stefan is back, Elena will be more drawn to Damon. She will be with Damon in Stefan's face, making the Stelena fans shut up. So I am happy, and I can't wait for the Delena hotness to come. Posted over a year ago
Delenarocs commented…
I would be dying if Elena walked past Stefan then pulled Damon a passionate kiss in front of him. over a year ago
Lostie58 commented…
I 100% agree! :) over a year ago
delenaloverx7 commented…
I agree. Since Delena are still getting closer now that Stefan's back they'll be even more awesome. It wouldn't be cool if they just got together 'cause Stefan wasn't around. & the Stelena fans would have to shut up if that happened lol over a year ago
big smile
TheSamster gave me props for my videos
It's alright :) Thanks for adding me back :-D Posted over a year ago
Delenatimes commented…
Cool over a year ago
Tatty86 said …
Thanks for the add back Posted over a year ago
Delenatimes commented…
Welcome over a year ago
Delenatimes said about Damon & Elena
Man what happen to this spot? This used to be the place you can come and talk about new episodes and stuff like that. But now some DE fans or fan goes to the Bamon or Stelena and insults them, making them coming here and insulting us. This spot is going downhill, we need to stop bashing people on their spot and stay on our spot. Otherwise, the spots are going to start an all out war against each other. Posted over a year ago
lizzie_jo5 commented…
i am really being put off delena and tvd because of this over a year ago
Ianrocks commented…
I know i just log on and there is like a whole bunch of wall post about trolling, and bashing and stuff. over a year ago
DelenaLover24-7 commented…
^ yep I completely agree. Everytime I log on I never have a clue of whats going on. Why is it so hard for everyone to stick to their own spots? Its always a few immature people who start this. over a year ago
I wonder if Nina got a boyfriend would Ian be jealouse. that would be so awesome Posted over a year ago
Ianrocks commented…
Yeah but we will never get to see that, cause i don't think Nina's the jealouse type. over a year ago
Delenarocs commented…
I know it would be a miracle over a year ago
SaraSomerhalder commented…
they r dating they revealed it ♥ over a year ago
jozlyn201648306 said …
hey what up Posted over a year ago
Delenatimes commented…
Nothing bored about to go to sleep over a year ago
Delenatimes said about Damon & Elena
I just want to know one thing, i know it's kinda late to ask but if Stefan really loved Katherine then why did he go and get the sherrif making them capture her in "children of the damned". At least Damon fought for her but Stefan didn't even try to help her. I wonder if Katherine heard Damon say that to his father or Stefan getting the sheriff would she still love him. I mean if i was in love with a guy who treated me like shit i would forget him and kick his ass if i was stronger than him. Posted over a year ago
Anna_JH commented…
I think in the heat of the moment, Stefan ran because he simply didn't know what to do. What options did he have? And do we actually know if Stefan went and got the Sheriff? He could have just run away. over a year ago
Miiss_Universee commented…
agree with you..buh it doesnt matter..stefan will always be the saint one blah blah over a year ago
Delenatimes commented…
Then how did the sherrif know cause his father stood there. over a year ago
Delenatimes said …
I think i'm in love with my icon it's so hot Posted over a year ago
Ianrocks commented…
I feel the same way he is so hot over a year ago