My Wall

I dont know what to choose... Who is your favorite hero? Come to vote pleas :D (Enter to the "links") Posted over a year ago
The best T.V show ever!!!! Love you all from Israel :) Posted over a year ago
DimonIsrael said about Hurrem Sultan
Its the best T.V show!!! Go Hurem from Israel :) Posted over a year ago
DimonIsrael said about Wonder Woman
Gal Gadot :D Posted over a year ago
Contortionist gave me props for my answers
hey;) Posted over a year ago
Happay new year for everyone! Im so waiting for 2014! New satart new begining! Who is your favorite boy? Enter to my website and vote! (Enter to the forum and to the links) Posted over a year ago
godmor commented…
new year? whit calander do you folow? fore as far as i knowe it is stil a month, but then agien there are difrend calnders around. over a year ago
DimonIsrael commented…
So? Its only month not more... over a year ago
godmor commented…
fore as far as i knowe is the calader we folow not rely cristian, it existed before them if i am not mistaken, but thad is the most common one so i geas thad is understandebel. over a year ago
DimonIsrael said about Young Justice
Happay new year to everyone! Im so waiting for 2014, new year new begining! Enter to my website and vote for your favorite boy! (Enter to the forum and to the links) Posted over a year ago
brown-eyed-girl commented…
i hope the new year brings new Young Justice over a year ago
DimonIsrael said about Young Justice
I got the YJ clock! (YAY)
You can see him in the images... Posted over a year ago
CarolineG commented…
OMG WHERE?!?! It's super cool!!! over a year ago
batgirl910 commented…
I saw the watch, its really cool :)! over a year ago
DimonIsrael said about Young Justice
Happay Hallween to everyone!!! Tell me how you gonna celebrate? Posted over a year ago
batgirl910 commented…
Halloween was great :) Halloween is usually a christian celebration I think (with a different meaning to what someone like me would know). People dress up and get free sweets at other peoples doors just by knocking and saying "Trick or Treat!". It's funny because some of the elders find it annoying.Also, by dressing up I mean something scary but people nowadays dress up as all sorts, like batman, robin, batgirl ect... But most people just celebrate it for fun I'm guessing. I'm in it for the sweets and cosplay so I guess that counts. over a year ago
batgirl910 commented…
O yeah and I mean candy by sweets. I'm british so everyone here calls it sweets. over a year ago
DimonIsrael commented…
Cool! in Israel we dont have Hallween he have "Purim", but its not so cool like the Hallween... Only the small kids dresses up in coustums like Policeman and more, we eat good coockies (Ozen Amman) and play games, not more... over a year ago
DimonIsrael said about Young Justice
Young Justice Club R.I.P :(
We must to do somethink to keep this club... Posted over a year ago
Kurls_Basd commented…
like what any ideas over a year ago
DimonIsrael commented…
I dont know, maybe many new photos, polls, quizs... and we need to tell to our friends about this club and they became a fans of him... maybe its will be help. over a year ago
batgirl910 commented…
I think we need members who haven't finished watching the series yet^ over a year ago