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Dionny said about Detective Conan
do you know,that in the 71st comic book,when Conan in the London,every characters in London named with Gods of Olympus names...
well,that's was thrilling me... Posted over a year ago
Yagami003 commented…
Eh? Do you mind give me some samples? I've never ever noticed that one. But for 'Apollo' Glass, yeah, I did noticed that. But, does 'Minerva' Glass counts? over a year ago
Yagami003 commented…
The God of Death and the Goddess of Beauty are even there! (Hades Sabara and Venus the white cat)) over a year ago
Yagami003 commented…
Hey!...I think it's already noted that the characters were named after Roman and Greek gods and goddesses. over a year ago
Dionny commented…
told ya!! over a year ago
big smile
Alchemistlover gave me props for my comments
Hey you rock! Posted over a year ago
Dionny commented…
thanks so much Alchemistlover!! over a year ago
masahiro18 commented…
YEAH U ROCK...:) over a year ago
Dionny commented…
thanks to you to masahiro18.. :) over a year ago
love this club!
but I love EdWin the most... Posted over a year ago
Saku15 commented…
I agree with you! Edwin's the best! over a year ago
masahiro18 commented…
me too edwin the best!!!:) over a year ago
Alchemistlover commented…
EDWIN!!! over a year ago
masahiro18 commented…
edward rocks!!!!!>< over a year ago
Dionny said about Team Edward Elric
my friend said Edward Elric is ugly, jerk, and she don't like him...
everybody won't like him... what shuould I do?
Posted over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill commented…
Your friend is quacking WRONG! Ed is AWESOME! If she thinks he's a jerk, she should go tell that to his face! over a year ago
Pauline_15 commented…
You need to convince her that she needs to watch it! She hasn't watching it yet but she hates it!! over a year ago
masahiro18 commented…
she is CRAAZZYYY!!!!! over a year ago
Dionny said about Edward Elric
my friend said Edward Elric is ugly, jerk, and she don't like him...
every body won't like him... what should I do? Posted over a year ago
ixAthena commented…
How can she not like him? Its just her opinion about 90% of all people who watched FMA or seen a preview like Ed a few handful of people who don't like him doesnt make a difference. In every anime char theres at least gonna be some who hate him or her and some that like him or her. Everyones opinion is different :P over a year ago
DarkWillow666 commented…
Has she even watched FMA? over a year ago
Simmeh commented…
Does she even like anime? Probably not. If your friend doesn't like anime and shows no signs of improving, then stop trying. Don't waste your time with your "friend". If she were truly your friend, she wouldn't be so harsh. over a year ago
they are so romantic! they so cute!! Posted over a year ago
UzumakiNaruko6 commented…
So very true~ That is why I trully support this couple and all the people who do as well...hee hee~ I really agree with you! over a year ago