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ELockley72Garoo said …
OMG I am so so bad. How long has it been since I was on here last. Anyway Ihope everyone is well? I recently watched the Merlin series again. Posted over a year ago
Hi everyone. I love the new banner. It's good! Hope you are all well? Posted over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
how long have you been away, cause that banner has been there for a quite some time! LoL... How are you? over a year ago
ELockley72Garoo commented…
Hi Joppa. I'm very well .Thankyou! It must of been around october when I was last on here. That what happens when you move house and have no internet connection for a while.LOL! over a year ago
ELockley72Garoo commented…
Thanks for the welcome backs you guys! over a year ago
Hi everyone. Wow! not been one this for a really long time. Been busy moving house and getting settled. Hope you are all well? Posted over a year ago
merlinforever commented…
Welcome back :)))))))))))))))) over a year ago
Tizzy_Amy1 commented…
Welcome back sweetie..not a really good a little bit.. But will get better as soon as possible.. Lots of love for Merlin over a year ago
IcLufeMinBytt commented…
Welcome back! :D I hope this place will become a little more active, especially the fora! ;B <3 over a year ago
MorGaNa_P12 gave me props for my images
hey there ;) wanna be friends? amazing Icon by the way :D add back if you want ;) Posted over a year ago
Articuno224 gave me props for my comments
I'm movie mad too Posted over a year ago
vick2075 gave me props for my comments
to friendship Posted over a year ago
LadyMorganafan gave me props for my images
☆.❀✿❀☆*’HAPPY HALLOWEEN*☆.❀✿❀☆ Posted over a year ago
amanda105 gave me props for my articles
hi there!!!! Posted over a year ago
I felt so sorry for Merlin! Fancy trying to help but for it all to be blown up in your face. R.I.P. Uther. Although he wasn't my favourite character I will still miss having him around. YEAH! finally Arther is king. All we need now is some more ArWen scene's. OH! How I love Merlin. Posted over a year ago
babe9305 commented…
I love old man Merlin! Much needed laughs at the beginning of this ep! over a year ago
ELockley72Garoo commented…
I loved the bits with old Merlin.I don't think I have laughed so much. XD over a year ago
blah92 commented…
I couldn't stand watching Merlin blaming himself for killing Uther. And I think that's the reason I didn't like the episode. He's supposed to save the world and people but because Morgana he did the opposite over a year ago
tmko commented…
Yes, I thought it was odd and disappointing that Gwen did not do more to comfort Arthur! (Perhaps if Julian Jones had written the episode things would have been different.. better) over a year ago
My internet is sooooo slow today. The next episode looks so exciting. Can't wait!!!! :D Posted over a year ago
KnightOfaTable commented…
aww poor girl, hope it will work till the next epi :( over a year ago
Kate481216 commented…
me either :P over a year ago