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Anyone wanna do an rp over private chat, or maybe deviantart? Posted over a year ago
EmoDragon said about Regular Show
Not be obvious, but... there's probably a reason HFG is shown much. * giddily bounces for his epic episode, that will probably contain epic secrets about his epic past * Posted over a year ago
EmoDragon commented…
*isn't over a year ago
RegularShowLuvr commented…
even though we know just as much about HFG as we do about thomas, HFG over a year ago
RegularShowLuvr commented… still awesome, high fives for everyone. im looking forward for the ep, but who knows when there gonna put it on over a year ago
EmoDragon said about Regular Show
Woah... " A Bunch of Full Grown Geese " had to be one of the best episodes, with callbacks galore ! Posted over a year ago
MCHopnPop commented…
Agreed! and it was nice seeing the Baby Ducks again too,it was a really good episode,it had Benson,Skips with usual feel,it was a really good episode! over a year ago
EmoDragon said about Regular Show
C'mon guys, make MOAR questions ! o-o Posted over a year ago
EmoDragon said about Regular Show
So, who saw " That's My Television " ? MAN, was the ending unexpected ! Posted over a year ago
RegularShowLuvr commented…
It was good to see that RS can still surprise me, I was expecting to see a little monster or something, but it was even creepier. It was a good episode, but it really sucks that we have to wait another 1 and a half weeks for the next ep over a year ago
MCHopnPop commented…
It was intense,especially the middle part with Mordecai,Rigby and RGB2..I wasn't really expecting the end ..I don't think I was expecting anything to be IN RGB2...but the end was kind of creepy..yet heartwarming at the same time!..and I can't believe we have to that long for the next episode.. over a year ago
EmoDragon said about Regular Show
Hey, just wondering... why does the motto still say " The hilarious NEW show on Cartoon Network " ? Posted over a year ago
missdada15 commented…
i don't like it either but i don't know who made this spot to tell them to change it. over a year ago
EmoDragon said …
QUIPS ! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU !!! Posted over a year ago
EmoDragon said about Regular Show
Augh ! Why can't the quiz give you a second chance at questions ?c Posted over a year ago
MadManMordo commented…
IKR! over a year ago
EmoDragon said about Regular Show
Sensei is returning ?! * balls fists and looks up at the sky * YYYYYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
MadManMordo commented…
Lol! XD YES!! over a year ago
missdada15 commented…
Oooooohhhhhhh! The episode's gonna be awesome with him in it! Ooooohhhhh! over a year ago
MadManMordo said …
Yea that's my sonic character Miah it's not really mine it was more like a base i found and I just made it pretty XD Posted over a year ago
EmoDragon commented…
Oh, well you did a good job on that.;) over a year ago