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modernfan gave me props for my links
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link Posted over a year ago
ratava123 gave me props for my comments
Yeah. Have you seen the new promo for Glee? Usually when I see the next promo I'm always super excited... now I'm just sad. It sucks. Yes!! I heard! I can't believe they are gonna make Finn die of the same exact thing. It just isn't right. Finn would never do that. I mean I understand why they want to do it but it's just so upsetting. Now Finn and Rachel will never get their happy ending and it just sucks sooooooo much. I don't even wanna think about it. :( Posted over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
That does actually sounds pretty good. I just finished reading the whole Percy Jackson series. And I LOVED IT. I couldn't put it down. I finished all five books in a little over a week. I highly suggest them if you haven't read them. over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Teen Wolf. Have you seen the summer finale yet???? And if so what did you think? I won't say anything about it just in case you haven't seen it yet. over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
I actually do have a Tumblr I just don't use it very regularly. I just found other website that I like better than that one. I am starting to use it a little bit more than I used to. Haha. The internet in general is a great procrastination tool. ;) over a year ago
ratava123 gave me props for my comments
Well I know this is still depressing and all but now that the autopsy results are in I feel like we can discuss this one more time. At least for now. It just saddens me so much that he died of an overdose on heroin and alcohol. I just can't believe that he did that. He seemed so happy and I could never have imagined that he would be that dense and make a bonehead mistake. But I am going to try not to dwell on that anymore and just try to remember the great and nice guy that he was. Posted over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
And I can't even imagine what's going to happen with Glee. I don't even think I will be able to watch the show anymore. I can't even imagine how awful the writers must feel. They were supposed to start filming next week and now they're gonna have to go back and re write the show... plus no more Finchel. Ugh. I still can't think about that one. And even worse is Monchele is gone. I feel so bad for Lea. It just hurts to think about it. over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Okay, enough of the depressing Cory stuff. It's just still so fresh and sad. Blergh. over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Ooohhh. I love Taylor Swift. Especially her new album. That's really cool though! I always thought she wouldn't be that good live. But if she ever plays near me I will definitely try to get tickets. I am actually going to see Fall out Boy again in September since Panic! at the Disco is opening for FOB and I just loooove them. Plus Fall out Boy is also really good live. Have you seen any other concerts? over a year ago
ratava123 gave me props for my answers
Here. I'll just make two posts. :)
Well let's go back to less depressing topics.
Vacation was so much fun. I went to Wisconsin with my roommate and her family since her Mom let her bring a friend. It was pretty cool. I'd never been there before. We went hiking, camping, and ran in a Color Run which was super awesome. Overall great trip. :)
Yess! Please do! I need someone to discuss Divergent with and none of my friends have read it yet!!
Moulin Rouge is really good. It's a bit weird though. Posted over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Was't a big fan of Romeo and Juliet though. Thought the whole updated take on it with the old English was too weird. I couldn't get into it. But Leo was great in it. Like he's great in everything. Haha. over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Now onto Teen Wolf!! Haha. Oh Gerard. I don't think I am liking that he is still alive. He drove me crazy all of season 2. I hope he ends up either dying soon or just not showing up again. But yes! I love Allison's Dad now. He is awesome. The Argents, well what's left of them anyways, are much better now then what they were back in season 1 and 2. over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Well I guess that's it now. I was at least able to forget about Cory for a little bit. I just still can't believe that he died. :( over a year ago
ratava123 said …
I know exactly what you mean. It took me awhile to even read the rest of your messages cause I just can't wrap my brain around this whole thing. It just seems too ridiculous to be true. But I totally agree with you about not being able to watch Glee anymore. I was mostly still watching for him and Lea. But now. I just don't know. Plus like you said I'm gonna be so sad just watching old episodes because Cory's dead now. It's just too heartbreaking. I just don't get what happened to him. Posted over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
I mean one minute he was happily dating and ENGAGED (which I didn't even know about. It just makes this whole thing that more depressing.) to Lea and working on this great and successful show then the next he's going to rehab and then found dead in a hotel. I just don't get it. It makes me so upset. I just hope that Lea will be okay. I can't even imagine what she's going through. Plus I can't even see how they're going to address this in Glee. It's going to be so depressing. over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Oh. Sorry. that I didn't give you a prop. I was just so flustered I forgot. over a year ago
HHR08 said about Glee
I cannot express in words how heartbroken I am over the death of Cory. I will admit that Glee doesn't have the same appeal now as it did in earlier years but I was always, always a Cory fan. He was one of the main reasons I was still watching. His ability to inspire and love and brighten... he was one special soul. It's a shame the world, his family, Lea, and us Gleeks had to lose him so soon. He will be greatly missed and no one will ever forget that tall, awkward Canadian <3 Posted over a year ago
Moonlightrose16 commented…
We will never forget Cory! He will be missed! He taught us so much! Cory has left a huge hole that can never be filled! He can never be replaced! His legacy will live on! Love always and forever! R.I.P. over a year ago
ratava123 gave me props for my comments
Hahaha. I get it. I just got back from vacation a few days ago. So I completely understand.
Oh! I've heard that book was really good. And I finished Insurgent (the second book) SO GOOD. You should definitely put that on your summer reading list. Between watching all the TV, haha.
Yup. We'll see about Glee. But! I saw Darren Criss in concert last night! He was soo amazing. And I got to meet him afterwards. He's really nice. It was a blast. :) Posted over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Yes! I love "Young and Beautiful" the rest I didn't really think fit the movie that well. But yes. I love Baz Lurhman films. They're always very over the top and glittery feeling. Have you seen any other films of his? over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
As far as I know Gerard is gone. But they haven't talked about it yet this season. Sooo. I don't know. Oh Teen Wolf. Haha. But happy Moonday! :D over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
I keep waiting for Stydia to happen but I'm starting to lose faith in it ever happening. Now that one of the twins seems to has his eye on Lydia. Oh! How do you feel about the twins? I don't really like them all that much. Nor find them attractive. Isaac has really grown on me this season. Second season he wasn't my favorite but I like him a lot more now. He's getting more depth to his character now as well as more scenes which is good. over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
I've heard that Arrested Development is fantastic. My cousin tried to get me into it a few years ago but I didn't really have a great interest. Nor a Netflix account. But now that I do I'll try to watch it. But first I need to watch How I Met Your Mother. Haha. over a year ago
ratava123 gave me props for my pop quiz questions
I know exactly what you mean about the schoolwork. I keep waking up thinking I'm still at school.
Yeah. It definitely looks like Hemo has a baby bump. I don't remember how far along she is though. It was probably more noticeable since I knew she's expecting.
Yes! Without my Finchel I don't know if I can keep watching. Which makes me so sad. Glee used to be so good. And it just isn't as good anymore. Hopefully it will get better. They've been renewed for two more seasons. But I guess we'll see Posted over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
I loved The Great Gatsby. I thought Leo did a fantastic job as Jay Gatsby. The only part I had the most problems with was the music. I just didn't like it very much. Did you like the music they had? over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
You definitely should. I just finished the book. It is very gruesome though. Just a warning. And yes! They are making it into a movie. I just heard about it the other day actually. I'm very excited. over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
And I also really like Lydia. I think Holland (the actress the portrays her) plays her very well. Her scenes are always some of my favorite. So far season three has been good too. In case you were wondering. :) over a year ago
sarabeara gave me props for my articles
Aww thanks <3 Your Stiles icon makes my heart flutter. He's so adorable. Posted over a year ago
ratava123 gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Haha that's good. It's been rainy and gloomy here too. Not so fun. But at least I don't have any school work to do!
Yup! If you watch the season finale again you'll notice that she's showing a bit. Haha. I found it kinda amusing. And yeah. I guess that's why she's going to college early. I don't know about Cory! But yeah. He better come back. One of the main reasons why I still watch Glee is for the Finchel! It's the best part. Well and Blaine. I love Darren Criss. :D Posted over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
I love seeing movies at midnight. It's a lot more fun. No little kids and plus you get the hardcore fans. It's the best. I've been to way too many midnight premiers of movies. But I just love them too much not to go. :P over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Oh! Speaking of Hunger Games, have you heard of the Divergent series? It's a little like Hunger Games but it's another good series. I am still reading the first book. I'm loving it. I highly suggest it in case you want some good summer books. over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Yes!!! Hahaha. I was smiling when I saw that you are watching Teen Wolf now. I just love that show so much. Stiles is my favorite too actually. He's just so funny. Actually me and some friends of mine are having a Teen Wolf party this weekend. We're gonna watch the seasons and play games inspired by the show. I'm looking forward to it. Haha. over a year ago
ratava123 commented…
Let me know when you catch up!! Another show we can discuss. Haha. Oh. And love your new icon. I've been thinking about changing mine to another Teen Wolf picture. Just haven't found the right one yet. :) over a year ago