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Hollybird01 said about Writing
Any ideas for writing a book.? I've always been very interested in writing books i'm only 13 i really believe i have a strong gift. I do like writing upseting and moving stories although i am willing to write any other topic these stories can range from ages up to 13-whatever age but i would like to be more writing towards teen ages and young adults. I have already worked on 1 story but, i thought this time i would ask the media... Thank you very much for your ideas.... Posted over a year ago
kpaw05 commented…
I think that you should write about what you like. I like dogs, so I write lots of stories where the main character is a dog. Good luck! over a year ago
Hollybird01 said …
Any ideas for writing a book.? I've always been very interested in writing books i'm only 13 i really believe i have a strong gift. I do like writing upseting and moving stories although i am willing to write any other topic these stories can range from ages up to 13-whatever age but i would like to be more writing towards teen ages and young adults. I have already worked on 1 story but, i thought this time i would ask the media... Thank you very much for your ideas.... Posted over a year ago