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I love Reid 💞💞💞💕💕💕 . I was 6 watching the show with my grandmother 👏 I'm now 18 . I love how you dress and how you fit your character so well. I wish I was able to remember as much as you can. You are such an awesome person. Ive recently started forgetting things and my mind driffs off, I don't know why but yeah so I could never do what you do but I am aiming to work in a team like yours, and do what y'all do. I hope I can meet you some day Reid Posted over a year ago
😭😭😭 why would they give the Reid a girlfriend and then she gets killed 😈😠😡😡im super not happy about that turn... It's always a criminal minds turn .I guess that's good, but that turn was NOT COOL Posted over a year ago
Decembra commented…
i know, im lile why, thwm they kill hrr off. not that i liked her anyway, but still, why give him one to have his precious heart broken! over a year ago