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Harry Potter

So,J. K. Rowling is going to appear on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" next Friday October 1st!

3 fans have answered this question

Which is your fav music band?

38 fans have answered this question

What do u do when you are bored??? have nothing to boreddddddddddddddddd

6 fans have answered this question
Harry Potter

Plz help me guys..i wanna download the MOM Harry Potter songs..n im not able to get dem anywhere..i dont want videos only songs..n no itunes..really need dem..

4 fans have answered this question

Isn't it ironic? We ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones that ignore us, love the ones who hurt us & hurt the ones who love us...

14 fans have answered this question

What do u think of these movies? Salt,Inception,Knight n day,shutter in a confusion which one to see n not to see.

13 fans have answered this question
Harry Potter

If James Potter was not in the story,would you want lily and Snape together? And Harry as their son?

8 fans have answered this question

Waht would you do if today was your last day on everyone is already saying dat in 2012 the world will

5 fans have answered this question

What are your thoughts on the world cup final? ur thoughts on Spain-the world champions.

10 fans have answered this question

Who do you prefer damon salvatore or edward cullen? [vampire diaries-twilight guys]?

5 fans have answered this question