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Sara92 gave me props for my videos
you're welcome!!! Posted over a year ago
Joline said about The Vampire Diaries
I don't know why but I keep wondering if the cure will have anything to do with Elena's personal confession in 4.06 Posted over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
just keep watching the show over a year ago
Joline commented…
Well I was planning on doing that :) over a year ago
Joline commented…
@MsZ_nono, according to the synopsis for episode 6, Elena will make a painful and personal confession to Stefan. Migle and delena-elemon I have to agree with you guys ... over a year ago
Joline said about Damon & Elena
can't wait for TONIGHT well in my case tomorrow but still it's going to be AMAZING !!!! Posted over a year ago
Joline said about Damon & Elena
So I finally watched the episode and I have to say I'm not mad or anything, I mean I expected the SE scenes, they prepared us for this weeks, months ago. And I really liked the DE scene, it was good and solid in my opinion.
But what does annoy me are some people who decided to come back to this spot after a long absent, only to spread negativity. It can be really frustrating. Posted over a year ago
Joline commented…
I respect the fact that everyone is entitle to have their opinion but please there is no need to crush the hope of every single DE fan. What I just want to say, is that we are a DE family, we are strong and we are survivors. So don't give up on our ship just because this episode wasn't what you wanted . Just think about all the Delena spoilers for the upcoming episodes, hold on to that ! DE is destiny = keep faith ! over a year ago
bussykussi commented…
Couldn't say it better, Just because of one episode which didn't give us the DE Action we wanted and who was full of SE scenes does it means Delena is over? It was the first episode we still have 21 to go. Let's see what happen and to be honest,maybe SE got sweet moments but it's nothing to the Sexy DE moments. Stay strong,I bet next week our view of the story is different or maybe not ... over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
exactly!! remember season three's first episode, EVERYONE was ready to give up hope just because of one worthless SE scene. then look what happend in the episode that followed?? WE CAME RISING FROM THE ASHES!!! and i guarentee you, that it will be exactly the same this time around too!! only MUCH BETTER!!! over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
i liked the episode. over a year ago
I can't believe I'll have to wait until wednesday to see the final :( Posted over a year ago
LaiaMaria commented…
Me too :'( over a year ago
WolfMaster5 said …
Thank you for the add! =) Posted over a year ago
Joline commented…
no problem :) over a year ago
Joline said about Dramione
Just got my Die-hard !!!!!!!!!!!!! WHIIIEEEEEEEEE Posted over a year ago
WolfMaster5 commented…
Congratulations to you! =D over a year ago
xXxDracoxXx commented…
Yes!!! Congrats!!! Woo-Hoo! :]<33 over a year ago
Joline commented…
thank you so much :D ! still doing a happy dance :p over a year ago
big smile
HPCouples gave me props for my comments
Again, congrats, Joline!! :D Posted over a year ago
Joline commented…
thank you very much ! over a year ago
HPCouples gave me props for my articles
HPCouples gave me props for my links