My Wall

Kaiume said about Giroro+Natsumi
I think we need icon and banner for the club.
Want me to do some surveys with some pictures? =] Posted over a year ago
crazygirl13 commented…
YES PLEASE!!!! over a year ago
crazygirl13 commented…
Thank u deacated gironatsu fan!!! over a year ago
crazygirl13 commented…
Me too, lets make this the most popular Pairing club EVA!!!!! over a year ago
kowalkielol said …
thanks 4 adding me back! :D Posted over a year ago
Kaiume commented…
You're so nice =D Tnx for adding me from the beginning XD over a year ago
Yesterday we bought a box of Coca Cola, and I noticed that, on the box, was a drawing of a penguin.
You can build a penguin from the carton :D
I have already built one D: Posted over a year ago
SJF_Penguin2 commented…
Very nice. I will definitely have to make one of those myself. over a year ago
Private1sCut3 commented…
=D That is so cool! I wish I could get one of those here. over a year ago
carsfan commented…
^Me too... over a year ago
GoTeamSkipper gave me props for my polls
You live in Israel and love penguins? Awesome! I live in America but am trying to learn Hebrew with Rosetta stone :) it's really hard! By the way, what is the show called in Hebrew? Ha Penguins Shal Madagascar? Or something else? Posted over a year ago
kowalkielol gave me props for my polls
hallo!! i added you!! :D Posted over a year ago
Kaiume commented…
Tnx I add you back ;D over a year ago
Private1sCut3 said …
=D Thank you for the add! Posted over a year ago
Kaiume commented…
Thanks for adding me back ^^ over a year ago
I saw the episode "Nighty Night Ninja"
It's funny, Leonard is in it quite a lot =]
And i took some photos :P Posted over a year ago
27Kowalski commented…
Gosh! You are so awesome for have took some photos! Thanks! Just a curiosity: where do you live? over a year ago
27Kowalski commented…
Also, does this photo have something to do with "Nighty Night Ninja"? link over a year ago
sparks_90 commented…
Lucky :D .... Hopefully here in Mexico that episode will premiere on May over a year ago
crazygirl13 said …
AWESOME thx ^_^ Posted over a year ago
big smile
crazygirl13 said …
hi, so if you could could you go to the the giroro+natsumi club and check out on of the pictures u posted...PLEASE!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
11BrokenAngel gave me props for my articles
Than u sooooooooooooooooo much 4 joining my club! <3 Posted over a year ago
11BrokenAngel commented…
* Thank u (oops) over a year ago
Kaiume commented…
You're welcome :} over a year ago